BREAKING NEWS: Sources say expectation of NO CHARGES against Hillary

Yall remember all the outrage liberals have when "cops investigate cops"??? They use the meme "We investigated ourselves...and found no wrongdoing."

Yet....when Hillarys indictment is in the hands of other Democrats....libs claim it's all legit.
Yall remember all the outrage liberals have when "cops investigate cops"??? They use the meme "We investigated ourselves...and found no wrongdoing."

Yet....when Hillarys indictment is in the hands of other Democrats....libs claim it's all legit.

FBI is not a Democratic Party organization

If the FBI is controlled by party politics, we have a much bigger crisis than some email server
Yall remember all the outrage liberals have when "cops investigate cops"??? They use the meme "We investigated ourselves...and found no wrongdoing."

Yet....when Hillarys indictment is in the hands of other Democrats....libs claim it's all legit.

How do you feel about witch hunts? How many congressional committees with equal numbers of D's an R's (10?) have found no smoking guns?

What harm has been done?

What secrets have been exposed and why so much print and talk by many of the same people who praised the actions of Edward Snowden?
Both CNN and MSNBC have chimed in and said that there is no expectation of charges against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,

"This, according to CNN’s Senior Producer Edward Mejia Davis, who took to Twitter shortly ago to indicate the likely announcement of “no charges”:

Edward Mejia Davis @TeddyDavisCNN

Sources tell CNN's Evan Perez: expectation is that there will be announcement of no charges in Clinton email probe w/in next two weeks or so

  • During an unexpected interview hit on MSNBC this evening with Chuck Todd, Clinton herself was asked about the reports that she would not face charges. “As we were talking, there are news reporters that indicate no charges may be brought against you and a final decision in a couple weeks,” said Todd in the waning seconds of the hit.

“Chuck I am not going to comment on the process. I have no knowledge of any timeline. This is entirely up to the Department,” said Clinton, who voluntarily sat with the FBI this morning for 3.5 hours as part of their final stage of the investigation into the possible violation of the law and the handling of classified material.

Even the Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump heard the reports, and unsurprisingly got ahead of the story with his immediate response:

Donald J. Trump


It was just announced-by sources-that no charges will be brought against Crooked Hillary Clinton. Like I said, the system is totally rigged!
Both CNN and MSNBC have chimed in and said that there is no expectation of charges against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,

"This, according to CNN’s Senior Producer Edward Mejia Davis, who took to Twitter shortly ago to indicate the likely announcement of “no charges”:

Edward Mejia Davis @TeddyDavisCNN

Sources tell CNN's Evan Perez: expectation is that there will be announcement of no charges in Clinton email probe w/in next two weeks or so

  • During an unexpected interview hit on MSNBC this evening with Chuck Todd, Clinton herself was asked about the reports that she would not face charges. “As we were talking, there are news reporters that indicate no charges may be brought against you and a final decision in a couple weeks,” said Todd in the waning seconds of the hit.

“Chuck I am not going to comment on the process. I have no knowledge of any timeline. This is entirely up to the Department,” said Clinton, who voluntarily sat with the FBI this morning for 3.5 hours as part of their final stage of the investigation into the possible violation of the law and the handling of classified material.

Even the Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump heard the reports, and unsurprisingly got ahead of the story with his immediate response:

Donald J. Trump


It was just announced-by sources-that no charges will be brought against Crooked Hillary Clinton. Like I said, the system is totally rigged!

Trump loves witch hunts, it provides him with something to spew about, nothing of substance, as usual, and no specific plan(s) on how Trump himself will make America Great Again. For those who recall, Richard Nixon ran on a talking point too; during his campaign in 1968 with this talking point, "I have a plan" to end the war in Vietnam honorably. The war end after too many more Americans were killed six years later.

It took him and his administration over a year to decide on which shape of table to begin the Paris Peace Talks to use. During that year my next door neighbor was killed in combat, the center fielder on my baseball team too, and the guy who delivered the SF Examiner on the same blocks I delivered the SF Chronicle on mornings when we were in Jr. Hi.
Both CNN and MSNBC have chimed in and said that there is no expectation of charges against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,

"This, according to CNN’s Senior Producer Edward Mejia Davis, who took to Twitter shortly ago to indicate the likely announcement of “no charges”:

Edward Mejia Davis @TeddyDavisCNN

Sources tell CNN's Evan Perez: expectation is that there will be announcement of no charges in Clinton email probe w/in next two weeks or so

  • During an unexpected interview hit on MSNBC this evening with Chuck Todd, Clinton herself was asked about the reports that she would not face charges. “As we were talking, there are news reporters that indicate no charges may be brought against you and a final decision in a couple weeks,” said Todd in the waning seconds of the hit.

“Chuck I am not going to comment on the process. I have no knowledge of any timeline. This is entirely up to the Department,” said Clinton, who voluntarily sat with the FBI this morning for 3.5 hours as part of their final stage of the investigation into the possible violation of the law and the handling of classified material.

Even the Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump heard the reports, and unsurprisingly got ahead of the story with his immediate response:

Donald J. Trump


It was just announced-by sources-that no charges will be brought against Crooked Hillary Clinton. Like I said, the system is totally rigged!
The agents fell over themselves bringing her earl grey and biscuits, specially flown in from London just for the event, and spent two of the hours asking her about her new grandson.

I weep. LOL
Both CNN and MSNBC have chimed in and said that there is no expectation of charges against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,

"This, according to CNN’s Senior Producer Edward Mejia Davis, who took to Twitter shortly ago to indicate the likely announcement of “no charges”:

Edward Mejia Davis @TeddyDavisCNN

Sources tell CNN's Evan Perez: expectation is that there will be announcement of no charges in Clinton email probe w/in next two weeks or so

  • During an unexpected interview hit on MSNBC this evening with Chuck Todd, Clinton herself was asked about the reports that she would not face charges. “As we were talking, there are news reporters that indicate no charges may be brought against you and a final decision in a couple weeks,” said Todd in the waning seconds of the hit.

“Chuck I am not going to comment on the process. I have no knowledge of any timeline. This is entirely up to the Department,” said Clinton, who voluntarily sat with the FBI this morning for 3.5 hours as part of their final stage of the investigation into the possible violation of the law and the handling of classified material.

Even the Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump heard the reports, and unsurprisingly got ahead of the story with his immediate response:

Donald J. Trump


It was just announced-by sources-that no charges will be brought against Crooked Hillary Clinton. Like I said, the system is totally rigged!
The agents fell over themselves bringing her earl grey and biscuits, specially flown in from London just for the event, and spent two of the hours asking her about her new grandson.

I weep. LOL

I guess they were just thrilled to meet a future President
Typical right wing hysteria and an imagination gone wild. You got any proof of threats to the FBI other than Alex Jones type conspiracy theories? If there was a meeting where Bill was going to threaten Lynch, don't you think it would be done someplace other than a random crossing of paths at an airport?
doesnt matter what they talked about.....those 2 just added a whole bunch of baggage to hillaries already huge pile......this was her pile a few weeks ago...

now after this meeting...

Amazing how RWNLs can make so much out of nothing. If each of those suit cases represent a different right wing claim then I guess they are all empty.
it doesnt matter.....the only people who shrug this off are all the lefty party people....they dont care if hillary is a piece of shit,she is a democrat,thats all they look at......but millions of other people who do not have their head up the democrats asses look at this did not look right after all these accusations against just makes her look guilty.....i know you cant grasp that bulldog,but then,thats your problem....
apparently lakota cant grasp that either....but then he is a democrat party person beyond the norm....he would not care if he heard hillary plotting to subvert the country....he would still vote for her....right lakota?....

Yep, she beats the hell out of Adolf Trump.
thanks for being honest and admitting you would join with a subversive group trying to overthrow the govt...i always knew you would be like that.....
then you dont read what i post.....geezus you are as bad as lakota....
I don't follow your posts, no. But I don't see you offering any solutions here, just bitching.
you cant put 2 and 2 together? about cutting the cord and not supporting the half-assed people these parties throw at long as you party people just keep on shrugging your shoulders and keep on using that lame "lessor of 2 evils" bullshit nothing is ever going to change.....we are getting shittier and shittier people....but yet here we are,2 more people who most of the country dont like,both embroiled in numerous controversies,suspect character,if elected nothing will get done.....the list goes on....
You can go vote for a third party candidate, resulting in a Hillary presidency if you want. Just don't ask me to do something equally as stupid.
so how does that result in a hillary presidency? do realize many lefties here say voting 3rd party will result in a trump explain that to does someone voting for say Johnson help either one of the big 2?...if i vote for Johnson,he is getting the vote....the other 2 get shit....
Boy are you dumb. Us liberals love a conservative 3rd party candidate.

Just like Republicans would love for Bernie to run
im dumb?....and you live in fucking michigan?....and just like the last time you said this,you cant explain how this helps hillary.....AND who said anything about a conservative 3rd party person?...
then you dont read what i post.....geezus you are as bad as lakota....
I don't follow your posts, no. But I don't see you offering any solutions here, just bitching.
you cant put 2 and 2 together? about cutting the cord and not supporting the half-assed people these parties throw at long as you party people just keep on shrugging your shoulders and keep on using that lame "lessor of 2 evils" bullshit nothing is ever going to change.....we are getting shittier and shittier people....but yet here we are,2 more people who most of the country dont like,both embroiled in numerous controversies,suspect character,if elected nothing will get done.....the list goes on....
You can go vote for a third party candidate, resulting in a Hillary presidency if you want. Just don't ask me to do something equally as stupid.
so how does that result in a hillary presidency? do realize many lefties here say voting 3rd party will result in a trump explain that to does someone voting for say Johnson help either one of the big 2?...if i vote for Johnson,he is getting the vote....the other 2 get shit....
Because Democrats will vote for Hillary, not Johnson. This is basic stuff, Harry. Come on, man.
and republicans will vote for trump not Johnson.....that is pretty basic too.....the only people you party people have to worry about is non-party people like me.....and if trump or hillary cant convince us to vote for them,then thats on them,not me or anyone else.....and so far i can give a flying fuck about either one...
Lets be honest...What law did she break to be charged?

The Espionage Act. In particular:

(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
Since nothing that she received was classified secret or top secret until after the fact, that means nothing was on the top secret compartmentalized server at the time she received copies of these emails for her to ''remove from it's proper place'', there is NOTHING in your statute to charge her with.... that's clear as day.
Nothing but nothing is classified "after the fact." Things are classified from the creation of a document. It's been explained a million times that Hillary's puppets removed the markings so it could be E-mailed. That means its a felonious crime.
That is NOT TRUE......
The Stuff that was classified top SECRET after the fact in her emails was not compartmentalized T/S material that came from their top SECRET system in the State dept.... that's a fact. They investigated it and found it was not on their top SECRET in house system when she received copies of these emails from her aids. No one removed the info from its proper place on the T/S system and then forwarded it to her via email.

You are confusing two different things.... the email chains that were forwarded to her which were marked as t/s classified AFTER the fact, and a talking points memo she asked her top aide to send her if the fax was not fixed.

The classification label is irrelevant and a "squirrel" being used by hiLIARy to divert attention from what she did: she removed documents related to national security from their secure government protected locations and put them on her hackable homebrew server. And then she liked about it.

to most her getting off the hook

will only reinforce what sort above the law cheats they are
Of course not. She isnt known as "Crooked Hillary" for nothing.

The FBI has been duly threatened by Obama, Lynch the DNC...who has a good shot at owning the next White House via Hillary or anyone who replaces her.

The FBI knows if they indict....their careers and the careers of other agents....will suffer badly. Budget cuts. Federal directives. All sorts of ways to make life hard.

THEN....of course...slick Willy met with Lynch to let her know the deal.

This is what far left regimes in Cuba, Russia, NKorea, China, etc do.

The FBI has a choice.

Do what's right and moral....and fuck themselves and their agents over for the next decade.


Drop it...stay off the Dems radar of vengeance....and let Crooked Hillary go free.

View attachment 80172

Typical right wing hysteria and an imagination gone wild. You got any proof of threats to the FBI other than Alex Jones type conspiracy theories? If there was a meeting where Bill was going to threaten Lynch, don't you think it would be done someplace other than a random crossing of paths at an airport?
doesnt matter what they talked about.....those 2 just added a whole bunch of baggage to hillaries already huge pile......this was her pile a few weeks ago...

now after this meeting...

Amazing how RWNLs can make so much out of nothing. If each of those suit cases represent a different right wing claim then I guess they are all empty.
it doesnt matter.....the only people who shrug this off are all the lefty party people....they dont care if hillary is a piece of shit,she is a democrat,thats all they look at......but millions of other people who do not have their head up the democrats asses look at this did not look right after all these accusations against just makes her look guilty.....i know you cant grasp that bulldog,but then,thats your problem....

Oh, I grasp that a lot of of accusations are enough to convince someone who already wants to be convinced, but they are still nothing but unfounded and disproven accusations.
you dont get the point i was making.....i believe that 90% of the shit against hillary is just people on the right playing the political dirt game...BUT....this very stupid incident with bill and lynch made it look like something was did not help hillary at all,it made this E-Mail thing look pretty fishy.....she is a very tainted person and the Democratic party is to blame if trump gets elected for not getting a more likable person in there months ago....and i can say the same for the Republicans if hillary gets elected.... low character,not well liked people make for a lot of accusations, whether they are true or not.....
I've never seen the Hillary Derangement Syndrome loons so butthurt before. I mean, butthurt is normal for HDS cranks. It's what gets them out of bed in the morning, the thought that they might be able to proclaim their butthurt in new and exciting ways. But this? Wow.

The HDS loons actually started believing their own propaganda. It became their cult religion. And now that religion has been shattered. Their cult is dying. HDS loons, one should not stick around a dying cult. It's not healthy. Slip away into the jungle now, before a man with a gun escorts you to the kool-aid vat. That is, unless you're loyal to the death, and want to be one of the cult thugs who forces the other cultists to drink, before imbibing yourself.
I've never seen the Hillary Derangement Syndrome loons so butthurt before. I mean, butthurt is normal for HDS cranks. It's what gets them out of bed in the morning, the thought that they might be able to proclaim their butthurt in new and exciting ways. But this? Wow.

The HDS loons actually started believing their own propaganda. It became their cult religion. And now that religion has been shattered. Their cult is dying. HDS loons, one should not stick around a dying cult. It's not healthy. Slip away into the jungle now, before a man with a gun escorts you to the kool-aid vat. That is, unless you're loyal to the death, and want to be one of the cult thugs who forces the other cultists to drink, before imbibing yourself.

^^^ Feels the butthurt this one does, yessssss. ^^^
I've never seen the Hillary Derangement Syndrome loons so butthurt before. I mean, butthurt is normal for HDS cranks. It's what gets them out of bed in the morning, the thought that they might be able to proclaim their butthurt in new and exciting ways. But this? Wow.

The HDS loons actually started believing their own propaganda. It became their cult religion. And now that religion has been shattered. Their cult is dying. HDS loons, one should not stick around a dying cult. It's not healthy. Slip away into the jungle now, before a man with a gun escorts you to the kool-aid vat. That is, unless you're loyal to the death, and want to be one of the cult thugs who forces the other cultists to drink, before imbibing yourself.

Amen! The Trump NaziCons love to bash Hillary for taking campaign money from special interest groups, but now they have no problem with Trump also being on the take. That's what Trump gets for lying about his wealth. He can't afford to fund his own campaign. Funny...

TRUMP is saying it now. No charges.

Crooked Hillary strikes again!!!!

View attachment 80174

Lets be honest...What law did she break to be charged?

The Espionage Act. In particular:

(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
Since nothing that she received was classified secret or top secret until after the fact, that means nothing was on the top secret compartmentalized server at the time she received copies of these emails for her to ''remove from it's proper place'', there is NOTHING in your statute to charge her with.... that's clear as day.
Nothing but nothing is classified "after the fact." Things are classified from the creation of a document. It's been explained a million times that Hillary's puppets removed the markings so it could be E-mailed. That means its a felonious crime.
That is NOT TRUE......
The Stuff that was classified top SECRET after the fact in her emails was not compartmentalized T/S material that came from their top SECRET system in the State dept.... that's a fact. They investigated it and found it was not on their top SECRET in house system when she received copies of these emails from her aids. No one removed the info from its proper place on the T/S system and then forwarded it to her via email.

You are confusing two different things.... the email chains that were forwarded to her which were marked as t/s classified AFTER the fact, and a talking points memo she asked her top aide to send her if the fax was not fixed.
Classified information that is generated and formulated for delivery is classified on the spot. No information ever has, isn't now and never will be classified "after the fact." That is just a Clinton made up lie. Notice she religiously sticks to that lie "I have never received or sent anything marked classified." That is the only truth that will pass her lips because her lackeys removed the markings. Another thing is anyone sending sensitive material without a classification is guilty of a crime. End of story.
Lets be honest...What law did she break to be charged?

The Espionage Act. In particular:

(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
Since nothing that she received was classified secret or top secret until after the fact, that means nothing was on the top secret compartmentalized server at the time she received copies of these emails for her to ''remove from it's proper place'', there is NOTHING in your statute to charge her with.... that's clear as day.
Nothing but nothing is classified "after the fact." Things are classified from the creation of a document. It's been explained a million times that Hillary's puppets removed the markings so it could be E-mailed. That means its a felonious crime.
That is NOT TRUE......
The Stuff that was classified top SECRET after the fact in her emails was not compartmentalized T/S material that came from their top SECRET system in the State dept.... that's a fact. They investigated it and found it was not on their top SECRET in house system when she received copies of these emails from her aids. No one removed the info from its proper place on the T/S system and then forwarded it to her via email.

You are confusing two different things.... the email chains that were forwarded to her which were marked as t/s classified AFTER the fact, and a talking points memo she asked her top aide to send her if the fax was not fixed.
Classified information that is generated and formulated for delivery is classified on the spot. No information ever has, isn't now and never will be classified "after the fact." That is just a Clinton made up lie. Notice she religiously sticks to that lie "I have never received or sent anything marked classified." That is the only truth that will pass her lips because her lackeys removed the markings. Another thing is anyone sending sensitive material without a classification is guilty of a crime. End of story.

Indeed. It's all of a piece with hiLIARy calling the Criminal Investigation an "Inquiry".
Ever since this E-mail fiasco was announced, I see two red flags that have never been discussed.

1. Say that a new CIA agent is being posted to another country. His name is divulged in a message to the Ambassador of the country. It should be classified at the highest level. Assume it wasn't marked classified and Hillary as SOS received a copy. Why didn't she report it when she knew it was classified?

2. If that same message was sent to a number of people and theirs was marked classified, why wasn't hers marked classified? It's puzzling.

I want some college educated liberal genius to explain the reasons. Keep in mind that no classified material is ever sent without the Big Red Stamp of classification at the top and bottom of every page. Someone, somewhere is lying their ass off and you have one guess as to who it is.


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