BREAKING NEWS: Sources say expectation of NO CHARGES against Hillary

you cant put 2 and 2 together? about cutting the cord and not supporting the half-assed people these parties throw at long as you party people just keep on shrugging your shoulders and keep on using that lame "lessor of 2 evils" bullshit nothing is ever going to change.....we are getting shittier and shittier people....but yet here we are,2 more people who most of the country dont like,both embroiled in numerous controversies,suspect character,if elected nothing will get done.....the list goes on....
You can go vote for a third party candidate, resulting in a Hillary presidency if you want. Just don't ask me to do something equally as stupid.
so how does that result in a hillary presidency? do realize many lefties here say voting 3rd party will result in a trump explain that to does someone voting for say Johnson help either one of the big 2?...if i vote for Johnson,he is getting the vote....the other 2 get shit....
Boy are you dumb. Us liberals love a conservative 3rd party candidate.

Just like Republicans would love for Bernie to run
im dumb?....and you live in fucking michigan?....and just like the last time you said this,you cant explain how this helps hillary.....AND who said anything about a conservative 3rd party person?...
I think you lean right. I think most Johnson supporters if a gun was to their head would pick trump not hillary. So I love Johnson being an alternative to trump. Love it!
It's impossible to lean much further to the right of Hilary Clinton.
Breaking on CNN...

So long as nothing emerges from interview today.

The fact that CNN is a hiLIARy mouth organ is Old News, bub.

So, do you think CNN is lying...?

CNN is presenting Their Opinion and you are taking it as fact.

Which proves, for the 41,581st time that YouAreAnIdiot.

The FBI may well just wait til after the presidential election. Then if their investigation follows after the IG, hit her with an indictment and impeachment proceedings IF she is indeed elected
It's impossible to lean much further to the right of Hilary Clinton.

Even though most of the Democratic members of Congress did just that when they voted down Hillary's completely socialist single payer healthcare in 1994...
You can go vote for a third party candidate, resulting in a Hillary presidency if you want. Just don't ask me to do something equally as stupid.
so how does that result in a hillary presidency? do realize many lefties here say voting 3rd party will result in a trump explain that to does someone voting for say Johnson help either one of the big 2?...if i vote for Johnson,he is getting the vote....the other 2 get shit....
Boy are you dumb. Us liberals love a conservative 3rd party candidate.

Just like Republicans would love for Bernie to run
im dumb?....and you live in fucking michigan?....and just like the last time you said this,you cant explain how this helps hillary.....AND who said anything about a conservative 3rd party person?...
I think you lean right. I think most Johnson supporters if a gun was to their head would pick trump not hillary. So I love Johnson being an alternative to trump. Love it!
I think you lean right
depends on the topic.....and i think most people if a gun was to their head would say ..."please anything,just dont send me to Michigan"
Michigan is great so is California now that liberals have taken over. I see no reason to change course. I'll remind you we tried that in 2000 and how did that work out?
You can go vote for a third party candidate, resulting in a Hillary presidency if you want. Just don't ask me to do something equally as stupid.
so how does that result in a hillary presidency? do realize many lefties here say voting 3rd party will result in a trump explain that to does someone voting for say Johnson help either one of the big 2?...if i vote for Johnson,he is getting the vote....the other 2 get shit....
Boy are you dumb. Us liberals love a conservative 3rd party candidate.

Just like Republicans would love for Bernie to run
im dumb?....and you live in fucking michigan?....and just like the last time you said this,you cant explain how this helps hillary.....AND who said anything about a conservative 3rd party person?...
I think you lean right. I think most Johnson supporters if a gun was to their head would pick trump not hillary. So I love Johnson being an alternative to trump. Love it!
It's impossible to lean much further to the right of Hilary Clinton.
Isn't it funny Republicans like to complain she's a capitalistic corporate democrat then the next breath say she's a socialist.

She won't appoint an alito Roberts and she won't rubber stamp McConnell Ryan leguslation
I thought TS was the highest - along with its additional codes.
That's what I was referring to. SCI, SAP.

I had a TS Crypto SIOP II.
Then you of all people should know that she and her sheep lied.

Nope, because I remember my Top Secret days in the military a little differently than yours regarding the handling of classified information. However, my service was during the Vietnam Era - so it's been a while. Maybe things have changed a little since then. I trust the DOJ to determine if Hillary lied.
I was in the Army 1957-1977. I carried a briefcase handcuffed to my or my partners wrist and a loaded .38 Special which we carried aboard planes and traveled with a diplomatic passport. No checks anywhere. Security hasn't changed much if any.

Well, maybe so, but I don't have access to enough factual public information to know if Hillary is lying or not. Do you? I trust the DOJ to make the right decision based on factual information.
so how does that result in a hillary presidency? do realize many lefties here say voting 3rd party will result in a trump explain that to does someone voting for say Johnson help either one of the big 2?...if i vote for Johnson,he is getting the vote....the other 2 get shit....
Boy are you dumb. Us liberals love a conservative 3rd party candidate.

Just like Republicans would love for Bernie to run
im dumb?....and you live in fucking michigan?....and just like the last time you said this,you cant explain how this helps hillary.....AND who said anything about a conservative 3rd party person?...
I think you lean right. I think most Johnson supporters if a gun was to their head would pick trump not hillary. So I love Johnson being an alternative to trump. Love it!
I think you lean right
depends on the topic.....and i think most people if a gun was to their head would say ..."please anything,just dont send me to Michigan"
Michigan is great so is California now that liberals have taken over. I see no reason to change course. I'll remind you we tried that in 2000 and how did that work out?
bobo my sister in law moved to Michigan a few years back...she says compared to California your State is still in the 70's....your doctors had no idea what treatment the California doctors were doing to my sister in law,when they got her medical records they said they cant do that here,dont have the technology,one said must be nice to have money to buy this stuff.... i hope you guys one day will make it to the new century.....
Hilarybots are little different from Trump followers.....they are the least educated low information voters. Otherwise known as mindless followers.
That's what I was referring to. SCI, SAP.

I had a TS Crypto SIOP II.
Then you of all people should know that she and her sheep lied.

Nope, because I remember my Top Secret days in the military a little differently than yours regarding the handling of classified information. However, my service was during the Vietnam Era - so it's been a while. Maybe things have changed a little since then. I trust the DOJ to determine if Hillary lied.
I was in the Army 1957-1977. I carried a briefcase handcuffed to my or my partners wrist and a loaded .38 Special which we carried aboard planes and traveled with a diplomatic passport. No checks anywhere. Security hasn't changed much if any.

Well, maybe so, but I don't have access to enough factual public information to know if Hillary is lying or not. Do you? I trust the DOJ to make the right decision based on factual information.
Why is it then the a majority of Americans believe Hilary is untrustworthy? Plenty of polls show her low favorability ratings.
so how does that result in a hillary presidency? do realize many lefties here say voting 3rd party will result in a trump explain that to does someone voting for say Johnson help either one of the big 2?...if i vote for Johnson,he is getting the vote....the other 2 get shit....
Boy are you dumb. Us liberals love a conservative 3rd party candidate.

Just like Republicans would love for Bernie to run
im dumb?....and you live in fucking michigan?....and just like the last time you said this,you cant explain how this helps hillary.....AND who said anything about a conservative 3rd party person?...
I think you lean right. I think most Johnson supporters if a gun was to their head would pick trump not hillary. So I love Johnson being an alternative to trump. Love it!
It's impossible to lean much further to the right of Hilary Clinton.
Isn't it funny Republicans like to complain she's a capitalistic corporate democrat then the next breath say she's a socialist.

She won't appoint an alito Roberts and she won't rubber stamp McConnell Ryan leguslation
i think its funny how you were for bernie now you are for hillary....dont you feel kind of hypercritical?...but then bernie is a hypocrite too so,i guess his followers really follow the guy.....
I had a TS Crypto SIOP II.
Then you of all people should know that she and her sheep lied.

Nope, because I remember my Top Secret days in the military a little differently than yours regarding the handling of classified information. However, my service was during the Vietnam Era - so it's been a while. Maybe things have changed a little since then. I trust the DOJ to determine if Hillary lied.
I was in the Army 1957-1977. I carried a briefcase handcuffed to my or my partners wrist and a loaded .38 Special which we carried aboard planes and traveled with a diplomatic passport. No checks anywhere. Security hasn't changed much if any.

Well, maybe so, but I don't have access to enough factual public information to know if Hillary is lying or not. Do you? I trust the DOJ to make the right decision based on factual information.
Why is it then the a majority of Americans believe Hilary is untrustworthy? Plenty of polls show her low favorability ratings.

Because you NaziCons have been repeating the same ole lies for decades - so eventually a few homeskoolers and shortbusers will start believing it.

Boy are you dumb. Us liberals love a conservative 3rd party candidate.

Just like Republicans would love for Bernie to run
im dumb?....and you live in fucking michigan?....and just like the last time you said this,you cant explain how this helps hillary.....AND who said anything about a conservative 3rd party person?...
I think you lean right. I think most Johnson supporters if a gun was to their head would pick trump not hillary. So I love Johnson being an alternative to trump. Love it!
I think you lean right
depends on the topic.....and i think most people if a gun was to their head would say ..."please anything,just dont send me to Michigan"
Michigan is great so is California now that liberals have taken over. I see no reason to change course. I'll remind you we tried that in 2000 and how did that work out?
bobo my sister in law moved to Michigan a few years back...she says compared to California your State is still in the 70's....your doctors had no idea what treatment the California doctors were doing to my sister in law,when they got her medical records they said they cant do that here,dont have the technology,one said must be nice to have money to buy this stuff.... i hope you guys one day will make it to the new century.....
That's why it's expensive to live in the great state of California.

Imagine if we don't have it Kentucky Arkansas and Oklahoma don't have it because we supposedly have good hospitals here. Can you imagine what they have in Tennessee?

I live on a lake and have property on or near lake Huron and Michigan. Michigan's a great state. I'm sure healthcare in Compton sucks too
Then you of all people should know that she and her sheep lied.

Nope, because I remember my Top Secret days in the military a little differently than yours regarding the handling of classified information. However, my service was during the Vietnam Era - so it's been a while. Maybe things have changed a little since then. I trust the DOJ to determine if Hillary lied.
I was in the Army 1957-1977. I carried a briefcase handcuffed to my or my partners wrist and a loaded .38 Special which we carried aboard planes and traveled with a diplomatic passport. No checks anywhere. Security hasn't changed much if any.

Well, maybe so, but I don't have access to enough factual public information to know if Hillary is lying or not. Do you? I trust the DOJ to make the right decision based on factual information.
Why is it then the a majority of Americans believe Hilary is untrustworthy? Plenty of polls show her low favorability ratings.

Because you NaziCons have been repeating the same ole lies for decades - so eventually a few homeskoolers and shortbusers will start believing it.

I'm Bernie or bust you dumb motherfucker.
Nope, because I remember my Top Secret days in the military a little differently than yours regarding the handling of classified information. However, my service was during the Vietnam Era - so it's been a while. Maybe things have changed a little since then. I trust the DOJ to determine if Hillary lied.
I was in the Army 1957-1977. I carried a briefcase handcuffed to my or my partners wrist and a loaded .38 Special which we carried aboard planes and traveled with a diplomatic passport. No checks anywhere. Security hasn't changed much if any.

Well, maybe so, but I don't have access to enough factual public information to know if Hillary is lying or not. Do you? I trust the DOJ to make the right decision based on factual information.
Why is it then the a majority of Americans believe Hilary is untrustworthy? Plenty of polls show her low favorability ratings.

Because you NaziCons have been repeating the same ole lies for decades - so eventually a few homeskoolers and shortbusers will start believing it.

I'm Bernie or bust you dumb motherfucker.

Well, that's pretty fucking stupid. No dog biscuit for that...
Boy are you dumb. Us liberals love a conservative 3rd party candidate.

Just like Republicans would love for Bernie to run
im dumb?....and you live in fucking michigan?....and just like the last time you said this,you cant explain how this helps hillary.....AND who said anything about a conservative 3rd party person?...
I think you lean right. I think most Johnson supporters if a gun was to their head would pick trump not hillary. So I love Johnson being an alternative to trump. Love it!
It's impossible to lean much further to the right of Hilary Clinton.
Isn't it funny Republicans like to complain she's a capitalistic corporate democrat then the next breath say she's a socialist.

She won't appoint an alito Roberts and she won't rubber stamp McConnell Ryan leguslation
i think its funny how you were for bernie now you are for hillary....dont you feel kind of hypercritical?...but then bernie is a hypocrite too so,i guess his followers really follow the guy.....
Nah I was for hillary before I for Obama. Now iim for hillary over trump.

But I was for trump over rubio, Cruz, kasich, Johnson, jeb, Christie, Paul, Huckabee, kusenich, carli, carson, so I've already won
Nope, because I remember my Top Secret days in the military a little differently than yours regarding the handling of classified information. However, my service was during the Vietnam Era - so it's been a while. Maybe things have changed a little since then. I trust the DOJ to determine if Hillary lied.
I was in the Army 1957-1977. I carried a briefcase handcuffed to my or my partners wrist and a loaded .38 Special which we carried aboard planes and traveled with a diplomatic passport. No checks anywhere. Security hasn't changed much if any.

Well, maybe so, but I don't have access to enough factual public information to know if Hillary is lying or not. Do you? I trust the DOJ to make the right decision based on factual information.
Why is it then the a majority of Americans believe Hilary is untrustworthy? Plenty of polls show her low favorability ratings.

Because you NaziCons have been repeating the same ole lies for decades - so eventually a few homeskoolers and shortbusers will start believing it.

I'm Bernie or bust you dumb motherfucker.

You need to fall in line. If you are a true Bernie supporter do what he tells you to do. If you trust and believe him don't fuck up

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