BREAKING NEWS: Sources say expectation of NO CHARGES against Hillary

I was in the Army 1957-1977. I carried a briefcase handcuffed to my or my partners wrist and a loaded .38 Special which we carried aboard planes and traveled with a diplomatic passport. No checks anywhere. Security hasn't changed much if any.

Well, maybe so, but I don't have access to enough factual public information to know if Hillary is lying or not. Do you? I trust the DOJ to make the right decision based on factual information.
Why is it then the a majority of Americans believe Hilary is untrustworthy? Plenty of polls show her low favorability ratings.

Because you NaziCons have been repeating the same ole lies for decades - so eventually a few homeskoolers and shortbusers will start believing it.

I'm Bernie or bust you dumb motherfucker.

You need to fall in line. If you are a true Bernie supporter do what he tells you to do. If you trust and believe him don't fuck up

Sounds like the opposite of what Bernie supporters do, we don't fall in line. And now Hilary is courting the former donors to the Bush, Rubio, and Cruz campaigns. Gee whiz, what a surprise. I won't vote for Hilary under any circumstances.
I thought TS was the highest - along with its additional codes.
That's what I was referring to. SCI, SAP.

I had a TS Crypto SIOP II.
Then you of all people should know that she and her sheep lied.

Nope, because I remember my Top Secret days in the military a little differently than yours regarding the handling of classified information. However, my service was during the Vietnam Era - so it's been a while. Maybe things have changed a little since then. I trust the DOJ to determine if Hillary lied.
I was in the Army 1957-1977. I carried a briefcase handcuffed to my or my partners wrist and a loaded .38 Special which we carried aboard planes and traveled with a diplomatic passport. No checks anywhere. Security hasn't changed much if any.
That's what I was referring to. SCI, SAP.

I had a TS Crypto SIOP II.
Then you of all people should know that she and her sheep lied.

Nope, because I remember my Top Secret days in the military a little differently than yours regarding the handling of classified information. However, my service was during the Vietnam Era - so it's been a while. Maybe things have changed a little since then. I trust the DOJ to determine if Hillary lied.
I was in the Army 1957-1977. I carried a briefcase handcuffed to my or my partners wrist and a loaded .38 Special which we carried aboard planes and traveled with a diplomatic passport. No checks anywhere. Security hasn't changed much if any.

Well, maybe so, but I don't have access to enough factual public information to know if Hillary is lying or not. Do you? I trust the DOJ to make the right decision based on factual information.

Dubya stacked the DOJ with young lawyers from Liberty University while he was in office. I don't know how Eric Holder tolerated them. Did he sweep the joint of all those little Jesus Christers? If not, then their decision will be totally biased. (And I'm NOT a Hillary fan.)
We need a list of "NaziCons" for Hillary:

Madeleine Allbright
Lindsay Graham
Henry Paulsen
George Tenet
George Will
Dianne Feinstein
Chucky Schumer
Rupert Murdoch

In the end, the idiot above using this term doesn't even realize most of the NeoCons are, in fact, FOR HILLARY.

Public education at work???
I was in the Army 1957-1977. I carried a briefcase handcuffed to my or my partners wrist and a loaded .38 Special which we carried aboard planes and traveled with a diplomatic passport. No checks anywhere. Security hasn't changed much if any.

Well, maybe so, but I don't have access to enough factual public information to know if Hillary is lying or not. Do you? I trust the DOJ to make the right decision based on factual information.
Why is it then the a majority of Americans believe Hilary is untrustworthy? Plenty of polls show her low favorability ratings.

Because you NaziCons have been repeating the same ole lies for decades - so eventually a few homeskoolers and shortbusers will start believing it.

I'm Bernie or bust you dumb motherfucker.

Well, that's pretty fucking stupid. No dog biscuit for that...

You had your chance be part of a long overdue political revolution in this missed it. Instead you choose to follow the completely corrupt status quo party. You evidently don't believe in democracy.
Well, maybe so, but I don't have access to enough factual public information to know if Hillary is lying or not. Do you? I trust the DOJ to make the right decision based on factual information.
Why is it then the a majority of Americans believe Hilary is untrustworthy? Plenty of polls show her low favorability ratings.

Because you NaziCons have been repeating the same ole lies for decades - so eventually a few homeskoolers and shortbusers will start believing it.

I'm Bernie or bust you dumb motherfucker.

You need to fall in line. If you are a true Bernie supporter do what he tells you to do. If you trust and believe him don't fuck up

Sounds like the opposite of what Bernie supporters do, we don't fall in line. And now Hilary is courting the former donors to the Bush, Rubio, and Cruz campaigns. Gee whiz, what a surprise. I won't vote for Hilary under any circumstances.

Because she's trying to win? She's capitalizing on the fact trumps not a good fit for commander and chief.

Funny you give bush rubio and Cruz a pass for dealing with those donors but hold hillary to a higher standard.

And you'll vote for one of those donors. Trump. A con man.

Hillary's a politician. You guys have been brainwashed. Stop letting the right control the message
Well, maybe so, but I don't have access to enough factual public information to know if Hillary is lying or not. Do you? I trust the DOJ to make the right decision based on factual information.
Why is it then the a majority of Americans believe Hilary is untrustworthy? Plenty of polls show her low favorability ratings.

Because you NaziCons have been repeating the same ole lies for decades - so eventually a few homeskoolers and shortbusers will start believing it.

I'm Bernie or bust you dumb motherfucker.

Well, that's pretty fucking stupid. No dog biscuit for that...

You had your chance be part of a long overdue political revolution in this missed it. Instead you choose to follow the completely corrupt status quo party. You evidently don't believe in democracy.

Status quo? We don't like the income inequality or gap in wages between the rich and poor.

The rich gave themselves tax breaks. That means they shifted the tax burden onto you.
Why is it then the a majority of Americans believe Hilary is untrustworthy? Plenty of polls show her low favorability ratings.

Because you NaziCons have been repeating the same ole lies for decades - so eventually a few homeskoolers and shortbusers will start believing it.

I'm Bernie or bust you dumb motherfucker.

You need to fall in line. If you are a true Bernie supporter do what he tells you to do. If you trust and believe him don't fuck up

Sounds like the opposite of what Bernie supporters do, we don't fall in line. And now Hilary is courting the former donors to the Bush, Rubio, and Cruz campaigns. Gee whiz, what a surprise. I won't vote for Hilary under any circumstances.

Because she's trying to win? She's capitalizing on the fact trumps not a good fit for commander and chief.

Funny you give bush rubio and Cruz a pass for dealing with those donors but hold hillary to a higher standard.

And you'll vote for one of those donors. Trump. A con man.

Hillary's a politician. You guys have been brainwashed. Stop letting the right control the message

Being a little less objectionable than Trump seems to be all she has going for her. Funny coincidence how the news media seems to have set it up that way from the beginning. From day one they were biased in favor of Hilary while giving Donald all the free air time he could use up.
You're the one who's brainwashed, so you should vote out of fear. I'll vote based on principle.....because I don't do lesser of two evils any more.
Why is it then the a majority of Americans believe Hilary is untrustworthy? Plenty of polls show her low favorability ratings.

Because you NaziCons have been repeating the same ole lies for decades - so eventually a few homeskoolers and shortbusers will start believing it.

I'm Bernie or bust you dumb motherfucker.

Well, that's pretty fucking stupid. No dog biscuit for that...

You had your chance be part of a long overdue political revolution in this missed it. Instead you choose to follow the completely corrupt status quo party. You evidently don't believe in democracy.

Status quo? We don't like the income inequality or gap in wages between the rich and poor.

The rich gave themselves tax breaks. That means they shifted the tax burden onto you.

Who's we? Hilary works for Wall St and energy corporations.
Because you NaziCons have been repeating the same ole lies for decades - so eventually a few homeskoolers and shortbusers will start believing it.

I'm Bernie or bust you dumb motherfucker.

Well, that's pretty fucking stupid. No dog biscuit for that...

You had your chance be part of a long overdue political revolution in this missed it. Instead you choose to follow the completely corrupt status quo party. You evidently don't believe in democracy.

Status quo? We don't like the income inequality or gap in wages between the rich and poor.

The rich gave themselves tax breaks. That means they shifted the tax burden onto you.

Who's we? Hilary works for Wall St and energy corporations.

Are you now anti wallstreet and energy companies? Should they be regulated? Are you a socialist?

They better donate to Hillary. She is going to be the next potus you know
Because you NaziCons have been repeating the same ole lies for decades - so eventually a few homeskoolers and shortbusers will start believing it.

I'm Bernie or bust you dumb motherfucker.

Well, that's pretty fucking stupid. No dog biscuit for that...

You had your chance be part of a long overdue political revolution in this missed it. Instead you choose to follow the completely corrupt status quo party. You evidently don't believe in democracy.

Status quo? We don't like the income inequality or gap in wages between the rich and poor.

The rich gave themselves tax breaks. That means they shifted the tax burden onto you.

Who's we? Hilary works for Wall St and energy corporations.

Who does Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan work for? Who does your governor work for?
I'm Bernie or bust you dumb motherfucker.

Well, that's pretty fucking stupid. No dog biscuit for that...
You had your chance be part of a long overdue political revolution in this missed it. Instead you choose to follow the completely corrupt status quo party. You evidently don't believe in democracy.
Status quo? We don't like the income inequality or gap in wages between the rich and poor.

The rich gave themselves tax breaks. That means they shifted the tax burden onto you.
Who's we? Hilary works for Wall St and energy corporations.
Are you now anti wallstreet and energy companies? Should they be regulated? Are you a socialist?

They better donate to Hillary. She is going to be the next potus you know
They obviously need a lot more than regulation, much like our political system. Radical change is needed, half measures won't be good enough any more.
I'm Bernie or bust you dumb motherfucker.

Well, that's pretty fucking stupid. No dog biscuit for that...
You had your chance be part of a long overdue political revolution in this missed it. Instead you choose to follow the completely corrupt status quo party. You evidently don't believe in democracy.
Status quo? We don't like the income inequality or gap in wages between the rich and poor.

The rich gave themselves tax breaks. That means they shifted the tax burden onto you.
Who's we? Hilary works for Wall St and energy corporations.
Who does Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan work for? Who does your governor work for?
Wall Street and energy corporations. Any other questions?
Because you NaziCons have been repeating the same ole lies for decades - so eventually a few homeskoolers and shortbusers will start believing it.

I'm Bernie or bust you dumb motherfucker.

Well, that's pretty fucking stupid. No dog biscuit for that...

You had your chance be part of a long overdue political revolution in this missed it. Instead you choose to follow the completely corrupt status quo party. You evidently don't believe in democracy.

Status quo? We don't like the income inequality or gap in wages between the rich and poor.

The rich gave themselves tax breaks. That means they shifted the tax burden onto you.

Who's we? Hilary works for Wall St and energy corporations.

Which is why republicans should be among her more avid supporters.
I wonder if Hilary ever plans on giving Sanders supporters good reasons to vote for her?


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