BREAKING NEWS: Sources say expectation of NO CHARGES against Hillary

Hugh Hewitt put this up on Twitter.....

1. @RichardGrenell @TheRickWilson: There is also @CNN @TeddyDavisCNN report that "sources" say @HillaryClinton will be cleared in 2 weeks.

She's clear now. This is all a show.

DNC and the Clinton Regime made sure the FBI knew that their lives would be total hell if they indicted.

You're an FBI agent making under 100K a year. Your future and your family's future....rests on whether you indict the most powerful political machine in US history.

I don't blame the agents one bit. Our empire is in a slow collapse. It's every man for himself now.

I wouldn't have indicted her. Imagine a lifelong audit from IRS. The worst assignments possible at work. Constant budget cuts. Never get promoted. Being constantly disciplined for petty mistakes.

Yall don't get it. We are in the dawn of a communist revolution in America. The Clintons are like the Castors in Cuba. Fuck with them and...well....we know how it ends.

The FBI is not the organization anymore that most think it is.
What is it then? Expound.

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Sheesh, even well-read you couldn't figure that out? :smoke:
im dumb?....and you live in fucking michigan?....and just like the last time you said this,you cant explain how this helps hillary.....AND who said anything about a conservative 3rd party person?...
I think you lean right. I think most Johnson supporters if a gun was to their head would pick trump not hillary. So I love Johnson being an alternative to trump. Love it!
I think you lean right
depends on the topic.....and i think most people if a gun was to their head would say ..."please anything,just dont send me to Michigan"
Michigan is great so is California now that liberals have taken over. I see no reason to change course. I'll remind you we tried that in 2000 and how did that work out?
bobo my sister in law moved to Michigan a few years back...she says compared to California your State is still in the 70's....your doctors had no idea what treatment the California doctors were doing to my sister in law,when they got her medical records they said they cant do that here,dont have the technology,one said must be nice to have money to buy this stuff.... i hope you guys one day will make it to the new century.....
That's why it's expensive to live in the great state of California.

Imagine if we don't have it Kentucky Arkansas and Oklahoma don't have it because we supposedly have good hospitals here. Can you imagine what they have in Tennessee?

I live on a lake and have property on or near lake Huron and Michigan. Michigan's a great state. I'm sure healthcare in Compton sucks too
Compton? just hop on the freeway and drive a few miles to a better location.....
I think you lean right. I think most Johnson supporters if a gun was to their head would pick trump not hillary. So I love Johnson being an alternative to trump. Love it!
I think you lean right
depends on the topic.....and i think most people if a gun was to their head would say ..."please anything,just dont send me to Michigan"
Michigan is great so is California now that liberals have taken over. I see no reason to change course. I'll remind you we tried that in 2000 and how did that work out?
bobo my sister in law moved to Michigan a few years back...she says compared to California your State is still in the 70's....your doctors had no idea what treatment the California doctors were doing to my sister in law,when they got her medical records they said they cant do that here,dont have the technology,one said must be nice to have money to buy this stuff.... i hope you guys one day will make it to the new century.....
That's why it's expensive to live in the great state of California.

Imagine if we don't have it Kentucky Arkansas and Oklahoma don't have it because we supposedly have good hospitals here. Can you imagine what they have in Tennessee?

I live on a lake and have property on or near lake Huron and Michigan. Michigan's a great state. I'm sure healthcare in Compton sucks too
Compton? just hop on the freeway and drive a few miles to a better location.....
Don't try to change the rigged system now. If you want to take back the country show up in 2018 & 2022. But people won't show up and the people you like benefit from the low voter turnout and keep the system corrupt. But you'll blame libs so whatever
I'm Bernie or bust you dumb motherfucker.

Well, that's pretty fucking stupid. No dog biscuit for that...
You had your chance be part of a long overdue political revolution in this missed it. Instead you choose to follow the completely corrupt status quo party. You evidently don't believe in democracy.
Status quo? We don't like the income inequality or gap in wages between the rich and poor.

The rich gave themselves tax breaks. That means they shifted the tax burden onto you.
Who's we? Hilary works for Wall St and energy corporations.
Who does Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan work for? Who does your governor work for?

My governor works for Donald Trump

He fetches him coffee and laughs at his jokes
I think you lean right
depends on the topic.....and i think most people if a gun was to their head would say ..."please anything,just dont send me to Michigan"
Michigan is great so is California now that liberals have taken over. I see no reason to change course. I'll remind you we tried that in 2000 and how did that work out?
bobo my sister in law moved to Michigan a few years back...she says compared to California your State is still in the 70's....your doctors had no idea what treatment the California doctors were doing to my sister in law,when they got her medical records they said they cant do that here,dont have the technology,one said must be nice to have money to buy this stuff.... i hope you guys one day will make it to the new century.....
That's why it's expensive to live in the great state of California.

Imagine if we don't have it Kentucky Arkansas and Oklahoma don't have it because we supposedly have good hospitals here. Can you imagine what they have in Tennessee?

I live on a lake and have property on or near lake Huron and Michigan. Michigan's a great state. I'm sure healthcare in Compton sucks too
Compton? just hop on the freeway and drive a few miles to a better location.....
Don't try to change the rigged system now. If you want to take back the country show up in 2018 & 2022. But people won't show up and the people you like benefit from the low voter turnout and keep the system corrupt. But you'll blame libs so whatever
whatever that has to do with what we were talking about bobo,ill never know.....hey can i get a hit off that?...
Michigan is great so is California now that liberals have taken over. I see no reason to change course. I'll remind you we tried that in 2000 and how did that work out?
bobo my sister in law moved to Michigan a few years back...she says compared to California your State is still in the 70's....your doctors had no idea what treatment the California doctors were doing to my sister in law,when they got her medical records they said they cant do that here,dont have the technology,one said must be nice to have money to buy this stuff.... i hope you guys one day will make it to the new century.....
That's why it's expensive to live in the great state of California.

Imagine if we don't have it Kentucky Arkansas and Oklahoma don't have it because we supposedly have good hospitals here. Can you imagine what they have in Tennessee?

I live on a lake and have property on or near lake Huron and Michigan. Michigan's a great state. I'm sure healthcare in Compton sucks too
Compton? just hop on the freeway and drive a few miles to a better location.....
Don't try to change the rigged system now. If you want to take back the country show up in 2018 & 2022. But people won't show up and the people you like benefit from the low voter turnout and keep the system corrupt. But you'll blame libs so whatever
whatever that has to do with what we were talking about bobo,ill never know.....hey can i get a hit off that?...
Yea I'm high and got nuthin
bobo my sister in law moved to Michigan a few years back...she says compared to California your State is still in the 70's....your doctors had no idea what treatment the California doctors were doing to my sister in law,when they got her medical records they said they cant do that here,dont have the technology,one said must be nice to have money to buy this stuff.... i hope you guys one day will make it to the new century.....
That's why it's expensive to live in the great state of California.

Imagine if we don't have it Kentucky Arkansas and Oklahoma don't have it because we supposedly have good hospitals here. Can you imagine what they have in Tennessee?

I live on a lake and have property on or near lake Huron and Michigan. Michigan's a great state. I'm sure healthcare in Compton sucks too
Compton? just hop on the freeway and drive a few miles to a better location.....
Don't try to change the rigged system now. If you want to take back the country show up in 2018 & 2022. But people won't show up and the people you like benefit from the low voter turnout and keep the system corrupt. But you'll blame libs so whatever
whatever that has to do with what we were talking about bobo,ill never know.....hey can i get a hit off that?...
Yea I'm high and got nuthin
lucky basturd.....pass it over here dam it....
Strange.....for "breaking" news there is absolutely nothing on CNN's site...although they had an article about the anxiety and worry among the dems over this.

Well, CNN was just reporting it as BREAKING NEWS. That's all I can tell you...

Of course there will be no charges.

For many reasons.

Most of all there was no crime committed.

And the fact that Colin Powell and condi rice had their own servers too. Funny the republicans didn't have any problem with that fact when it was republicans who did it.

She didn't pass on any confidential email. Her server was not hacked even though we kept hearing that putin and others were going to release her emails they hacked any minute now.

The republicans have spent decades and tens of millions of dollars investigating the Clintons but have never found a crime.

I'm still waiting for the indictments they said were coming any minute back in 1998.

All this is, is a way to smear Hillary because the gop doesn't have a decent candidate or any decent polices or platform.

'And the fact that Colin Powell and condi rice had their own servers too.'

Do you have a link to that statement?
However, her not being indicted would come as no surprise to me. I would look forward to the bloodbath that comes afterwards instead.
Well..if you want to call Drumpf ' s historic loss in November as a bloodbath...ok.

I can't wait to see Drumpfuck's face after he loses. Will be even better than Palin's...


How sweet it was...
I don't follow your posts, no. But I don't see you offering any solutions here, just bitching.
you cant put 2 and 2 together? about cutting the cord and not supporting the half-assed people these parties throw at long as you party people just keep on shrugging your shoulders and keep on using that lame "lessor of 2 evils" bullshit nothing is ever going to change.....we are getting shittier and shittier people....but yet here we are,2 more people who most of the country dont like,both embroiled in numerous controversies,suspect character,if elected nothing will get done.....the list goes on....
You can go vote for a third party candidate, resulting in a Hillary presidency if you want. Just don't ask me to do something equally as stupid.
so how does that result in a hillary presidency? do realize many lefties here say voting 3rd party will result in a trump explain that to does someone voting for say Johnson help either one of the big 2?...if i vote for Johnson,he is getting the vote....the other 2 get shit....
Because Democrats will vote for Hillary, not Johnson. This is basic stuff, Harry. Come on, man.
and republicans will vote for trump not Johnson.....that is pretty basic too.....the only people you party people have to worry about is non-party people like me.....and if trump or hillary cant convince us to vote for them,then thats on them,not me or anyone else.....and so far i can give a flying fuck about either one...
You have a need to feel important so you withhold your vote. You think if you hold it hostage you'll force the real candidates to pay attention to you. The only thing you can hope to achieve is to fuck it up for somebody else because there's no way in hell you'll win even one state.
Breaking on CNN...

So long as nothing emerges from FBI interview today.

What else did the Clinton New Network (CNN) have to offer?
Hillary way ahead in the polls
CNN and MSNBC have been calling for Bernie to concede to Hilary for the past year. That's as much as they have to offer.
I thought those were liberal media sources? First you claim its a liberal media then you admit it's a corporate media and that its pushing hillary the corporate democrat who sometimes you claims is a socialist.
Republicans are 0 for 2

Big "scandals" to bring down Hillary before the election

As usual, they overplayed a weak hand

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