BREAKING NEWS: Sources say expectation of NO CHARGES against Hillary

Breaking on CNN...

So long as nothing emerges from FBI interview today.

Lol, rumors are not news, idiot.

And of course your celebration of a criminal getting away with exposing thousands of classified documents, about a dozen of them Top Secret, is hardly surprising given your love of anything that harms the USA.
Get used to saying Madame President.

You really think this does not play right into Trumps theme of the Political Class protecting its own?

Had she been just anybody, she would have been in prison a long time ago and you Dimbocrats are totally AOK with that shit.
Get used to saying Madame President.

You really think this does not play right into Trumps theme of the Political Class protecting its own?

Had she been just anybody, she would have been in prison a long time ago and you Dimbocrats are totally AOK with that shit.


President. :D
'Madame, cell mate.' is more like it.

What are you going to do with all that hateful rage when it doesn't happen the way you've planned?
What are you going to do with all that hateful rage when it doesn't happen the way you've planned?
Wanting the laws enforced against the guilty even if they are rich Democrats has nothing to do with hate, fool.
Breaking on CNN...

So long as nothing emerges from FBI interview today.

What else did the Clinton New Network (CNN) have to offer?
Obviously you’ve not watched CNN – if you did you wouldn’t have made such a stupid statement.

CNN’s coverage reflects poorly on Clinton, casting her in a bad light.

The ‘liberal media’ is in fact a myth.
So lets recap...

Colin Powell and the Bush Administration does the same thing as Clinton and the RW are going nuts because they won't get Clinton on it...

There is no way Clinton can be called on this... The previous SoS did the exact same thing.. In Powell's case he didn't even keep a copy...

This will go down as another fake scandal of the Right..

The problem is the Right thinks by throwing enough shit some will stick. There is no proof behind any of this, just foundless allegations..

Clinton has been in the public eye for over 3 decades and they knew this day was coming and they have been doing everything in there power, inventing false allegations for decades trying to stop this...

The thing is I think it could have worked, it wouldn't have been right but the gobbles method of repeating a lie until it is true might have worked except the alternative candidate is possibly the worst candidate to run for office from the big two in living memory.

Trump is not:
Fiscal Conservative - Have you seen the costing on his budget? Conservatives are about Free Trade...
Social Conservative - If we see his tax stuff, we will see donations to Planned Parenthood, We know his Social conversion has been over night and very politically convenient.. How many wives, affairs.....
Fiscal Liberal - Cuts to Education, Health, Social Services... Stuff that actually is the foundation of a modern society..
Social Liberal - Appointing Judges (look at them), they are barely qualified..

We have already established that he doesn't know or respect the constitution.. Saying that he would renegotiate the repayment on bonds is against the constitution and also economic suicide(and we don't joke about things like that)... As for banning Muslims???

He is a foreign policy buffon. Lets see he insulted your neighbour in his first speech... He has an underlying racist tone... His mouth is going to cause wars, he doesn't know how to avoid them... He will be tricked into a war quite easily... He is clueless of the actual facts on the ground... EU generally dislike him and will not allow their leaders back him... Trump will massive decrease the US soft hand approach to diplomacy which avoids wars and hard actions...

Then there is his past which is just awful... Here is one for today:
Trump was once so involved in trying to block an Indian casino that he secretly approved attack ads

And unlike the clinton attacks there is plenty of proof...
Breaking on CNN...

So long as nothing emerges from FBI interview today.

What else did the Clinton New Network (CNN) have to offer?
Hillary way ahead in the polls

Breaking on CNN...

So long as nothing emerges from FBI interview today.

What else did the Clinton New Network (CNN) have to offer?
Hillary way ahead in the polls

The most credible poll: The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Trump with 43% of the vote, while Clinton earns 39%.

Rasmussen Reports™: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Data Anywhere
Another election year...more bogus Rassmussen polls

Let's ask President Romney what he thinks of them
Get used to saying Madame President.

You really think this does not play right into Trumps theme of the Political Class protecting its own?

Had she been just anybody, she would have been in prison a long time ago and you Dimbocrats are totally AOK with that shit.


President. :D
'Madame, cell mate.' is more like it.
Trump is more likely to go to prison for rape and fraud
So lets recap...

Colin Powell and the Bush Administration does the same thing as Clinton and the RW are going nuts because they won't get Clinton on it...

There is no way Clinton can be called on this... The previous SoS did the exact same thing.. In Powell's case he didn't even keep a copy...

This will go down as another fake scandal of the Right..

The problem is the Right thinks by throwing enough shit some will stick. There is no proof behind any of this, just foundless allegations..

Clinton has been in the public eye for over 3 decades and they knew this day was coming and they have been doing everything in there power, inventing false allegations for decades trying to stop this...

The thing is I think it could have worked, it wouldn't have been right but the gobbles method of repeating a lie until it is true might have worked except the alternative candidate is possibly the worst candidate to run for office from the big two in living memory.

Trump is not:
Fiscal Conservative - Have you seen the costing on his budget? Conservatives are about Free Trade...
Social Conservative - If we see his tax stuff, we will see donations to Planned Parenthood, We know his Social conversion has been over night and very politically convenient.. How many wives, affairs.....
Fiscal Liberal - Cuts to Education, Health, Social Services... Stuff that actually is the foundation of a modern society..
Social Liberal - Appointing Judges (look at them), they are barely qualified..

We have already established that he doesn't know or respect the constitution.. Saying that he would renegotiate the repayment on bonds is against the constitution and also economic suicide(and we don't joke about things like that)... As for banning Muslims???

He is a foreign policy buffon. Lets see he insulted your neighbour in his first speech... He has an underlying racist tone... His mouth is going to cause wars, he doesn't know how to avoid them... He will be tricked into a war quite easily... He is clueless of the actual facts on the ground... EU generally dislike him and will not allow their leaders back him... Trump will massive decrease the US soft hand approach to diplomacy which avoids wars and hard actions...

Then there is his past which is just awful... Here is one for today:
Trump was once so involved in trying to block an Indian casino that he secretly approved attack ads

And unlike the clinton attacks there is plenty of proof...

"Colin Powell and the Bush Administration does the same thing as Clinton and the RW are going nuts because they won't get Clinton on it..."

"There is no way Clinton can be called on this... The previous SoS did the exact same thing.. In Powell's case he didn't even keep a copy...:

Can you provide a link to the location of the private servers the previous SOS's? To say they did the exact same thing I would need to know that one little fact.
Did they delete more or less than the 33,000 e-mails that Hillary admitted she deleted?
Strange.....for "breaking" news there is absolutely nothing on CNN's site...although they had an article about the anxiety and worry among the dems over this.

Well, CNN was just reporting it as BREAKING NEWS. That's all I can tell you...

Of course there will be no charges.

For many reasons.

Most of all there was no crime committed.

And the fact that Colin Powell and condi rice had their own servers too. Funny the republicans didn't have any problem with that fact when it was republicans who did it.

She didn't pass on any confidential email. Her server was not hacked even though we kept hearing that putin and others were going to release her emails they hacked any minute now.

The republicans have spent decades and tens of millions of dollars investigating the Clintons but have never found a crime.

I'm still waiting for the indictments they said were coming any minute back in 1998.

All this is, is a way to smear Hillary because the gop doesn't have a decent candidate or any decent polices or platform.

'And the fact that Colin Powell and condi rice had their own servers too.'

Do you have a link to that statement?

They had private email accounts, not servers...get your facts straight. They also had a handful of emails not thousands of them. Not to mention that Clinton used an unsecure Blackberry phone to access her emails.

Hilary (excuses) did it for convenience. Would you care to elaborate what/why is so inconvenience using the state department server? Einstein.
hillary's colin powell excuse: False. As has been previously noted on this board...yet the libtards keep bringing it up....can anyone say slow-learners? Well, they are not called lib-tards for no reason.

One of the main arguments Hillary Clinton and her supporters are using to dispute a damning new State Department Inspector General report on her use of a private email server for official business when Clinton was Secretary of State is claiming the report indicates Colin Powell essentially did the same thing when he headed the State Department.
Although this argument has become a Democratic talking point, it is false and extremely unfair to former Secretary Powell.

Hillary's Flimsy 'Colin Powell' Excuse Won't Save Her from Email Scandal - Breitbart
hillary's colin powell excuse: False. As has been previously noted on this board...yet the libtards keep bringing it up....can anyone say slow-learners? Well, they are not called lib-tards for no reason.

One of the main arguments Hillary Clinton and her supporters are using to dispute a damning new State Department Inspector General report on her use of a private email server for official business when Clinton was Secretary of State is claiming the report indicates Colin Powell essentially did the same thing when he headed the State Department.
Although this argument has become a Democratic talking point, it is false and extremely unfair to former Secretary Powell.

Hillary's Flimsy 'Colin Powell' Excuse Won't Save Her from Email Scandal - Breitbart

Will Russia release their copies of hillary's e mail...or will they wait ....hoping she will be elected so they can blackmail her like Clinton was blackmailed in regards to monica?


Explosive new book claims Bill Clinton's steamy phone sex calls with Monica were intercepted by Russia and the UK and used in a 'blackmail' attempt by Israeli Prime Minister according to ex-intern's secret dossier on the President

Daily Mail UK
July 22, 2014
so how does that result in a hillary presidency? do realize many lefties here say voting 3rd party will result in a trump explain that to does someone voting for say Johnson help either one of the big 2?...if i vote for Johnson,he is getting the vote....the other 2 get shit....
Because Democrats will vote for Hillary, not Johnson. This is basic stuff, Harry. Come on, man.
and republicans will vote for trump not Johnson.....that is pretty basic too.....the only people you party people have to worry about is non-party people like me.....and if trump or hillary cant convince us to vote for them,then thats on them,not me or anyone else.....and so far i can give a flying fuck about either one...
You have a need to feel important so you withhold your vote. You think if you hold it hostage you'll force the real candidates to pay attention to you. The only thing you can hope to achieve is to fuck it up for somebody else because there's no way in hell you'll win even one state.
how am i withholding my vote if i vote for someone?.....or is it only withholding it if i dont vote for who you would like me to vote for? who feels important here? are a party person SJ....i wont vote for someone i feel should not be anywhere near the white house,while you will just because the person is from your party....there is the difference...i dont reward lousy people,you do.....
I don't give a shit who you vote for, I'm just pointing out the fucked up kind of person you are. Vote for the pot head, that's your mentality.
sure you dont,thats why you are getting pissed.....and who said i was voting for the pot head?....and if you dont think trump has done pot and coke and other shit, than that is how fucked up you are....thats you're mentality....
Strange.....for "breaking" news there is absolutely nothing on CNN's site...although they had an article about the anxiety and worry among the dems over this.

Well, CNN was just reporting it as BREAKING NEWS. That's all I can tell you...

Of course there will be no charges.

For many reasons.

Most of all there was no crime committed.

And the fact that Colin Powell and condi rice had their own servers too. Funny the republicans didn't have any problem with that fact when it was republicans who did it.

She didn't pass on any confidential email. Her server was not hacked even though we kept hearing that putin and others were going to release her emails they hacked any minute now.

The republicans have spent decades and tens of millions of dollars investigating the Clintons but have never found a crime.

I'm still waiting for the indictments they said were coming any minute back in 1998.

All this is, is a way to smear Hillary because the gop doesn't have a decent candidate or any decent polices or platform.

'And the fact that Colin Powell and condi rice had their own servers too.'

Do you have a link to that statement?

They had private email accounts, not servers...get your facts straight. They also had a handful of emails not thousands of them. Not to mention that Clinton used an unsecure Blackberry phone to access her emails.

Hilary (excuses) did it for convenience. Would you care to elaborate what/why is so inconvenience using the state department server? Einstein.

I never said it would be inconvenient to use the state department's quite obvious that Hillary used her own server so she could do what she wanted without oversight. Dur-dur-dur-derp.

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