BREAKING NEWS: Sources say expectation of NO CHARGES against Hillary

The bitch is NOT going to win.

Americans had enough of her viciousness her corruption and lies!

Enough is enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wouldn't be so certain. I'd say it's honestly about 50/50. But I really don't think the puppet masters are going to allow Trump to be elected, even if he were to win....he wouldn't be able to do 90% of the shit he's promising.
Breaking on CNN...

So long as nothing emerges from FBI interview today.

Of course there won't be any charges. Don't tell me you thought there might be??

Nah. You are a Hitlery supporter and don't want to think anything bad about that incompetent POS.
yea your not pissed lol....fucking lying sack of shit....and what the fuck are you accomplishing?...trying to vote yet another half-assed piece of shit into office who is not even liked by many in your own fucking party......and im the idiot? is the difference between me and idiots like you...i vote for who i want to vote vote for who your precious little party tells you to vote for......thats called being a chump....
Go load your pipe and listen to your Jefferson Airplane records, loser. BTW, I hear they're giving away free Gary Johnson posters with every bong purchase down at the smoke shop. Far out, man! :lol:

whats the matter SJ?.....dont like to be called a chump?....that truth really gets to ya dont it?....well i have to let you go now, your party is calling you to tell you what to do for the 4th....dont get burned by those illegal fireworks you bought in Mexico....
Aw, the pot head is upset because he can't convince me to throw my vote away. Keep tokin', buddy. Hey, maybe you could start a petition to draft Cheech and Chong to run on the Peace and Freedom Party ticket. :lol:
i dont have to convince are doing it anyway......
How many of your candidates have been elected, stoner?
so because they get elected they are good at their jobs? fucking elected Bush....a half-assed leader and president.....and since you live in many of your candidates have been elected chump?....
Well, CNN was just reporting it as BREAKING NEWS. That's all I can tell you...

Of course there will be no charges.

For many reasons.

Most of all there was no crime committed.

And the fact that Colin Powell and condi rice had their own servers too. Funny the republicans didn't have any problem with that fact when it was republicans who did it.

She didn't pass on any confidential email. Her server was not hacked even though we kept hearing that putin and others were going to release her emails they hacked any minute now.

The republicans have spent decades and tens of millions of dollars investigating the Clintons but have never found a crime.

I'm still waiting for the indictments they said were coming any minute back in 1998.

All this is, is a way to smear Hillary because the gop doesn't have a decent candidate or any decent polices or platform.

'And the fact that Colin Powell and condi rice had their own servers too.'

Do you have a link to that statement?

They had private email accounts, not servers...get your facts straight. They also had a handful of emails not thousands of them. Not to mention that Clinton used an unsecure Blackberry phone to access her emails.

Hilary (excuses) did it for convenience. Would you care to elaborate what/why is so inconvenience using the state department server? Einstein.

I never said it would be inconvenient to use the state department's quite obvious that Hillary used her own server so she could do what she wanted without oversight. Dur-dur-dur-derp.

She said and I agree that she did it for her convenient.
My question to you or whoever right wingers was....... what is so inconvenient using the state department server?

Now you are smoking another accusations that she used her server so she can do whatever she wants with out oversight.
The emails was sent to her colleagues in state department not to Russia or wiki leaks.
Comey also noted that individuals in a similar situation would not necessarily be let off the hook with no charges, but would probably face penalties. “But that’s not what we’re deciding now,” Comey said. “We are expressing to Justice our view that no charges be made in this case.”


Really!? Why the hell not? And what prosecuters is he working with because I'll bet there ARE some that would take that case, especially if anyone else in US Govt service would be charged. I mean, is it me...or did he just say - Dir of the FBI - that she deserves and is thus getting special treatment.
I was Sooooooo sure Hillary would be in jail by now

Republicans were so confident they had her this time. After 25 years they should realize their conspiracy theories are not prosecutable
The bitch is NOT going to win.

Americans had enough of her viciousness her corruption and lies!

Enough is enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wouldn't be so certain. I'd say it's honestly about 50/50. But I really don't think the puppet masters are going to allow Trump to be elected, even if he were to win....he wouldn't be able to do 90% of the shit he's promising.

She got what she/they wished for.......
Enough of Bengazi ........... Done. End of story.

Enough with emails ................. Done. End of story.
I was Sooooooo sure Hillary would be in jail by now

Republicans were so confident they had her this time. After 25 years they should realize their conspiracy theories are not prosecutable

When will their rabid NaziCon salivation over hatred of Hillary ever end...?
Could Rice, Powell, and Congress emails survive the same level of scrutiny that Hillary was subjected to?

Who would know...
"NaziCons" love Hillary,


George Tenet
Madeleine Allbright
Henry Paulsen
Dianne Feinstein
Lindsay Graham
Peter King
Rupert Murdoch
the AIPAC lobby
Henry Kissinger
I said from the very start that nothing was going to happen to Hillary, regardless of the illegalities of her emails, and her terrible judgement and failures of Benghazi.

If you want to beat her, spend all of your efforts at the ballot box.

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