Breaking News: U.S. Supreme Court Stops Gay Marriage In Utah


Here is the Utah State brief to the Court of Appeals -->> State of Utah ban on same-sex marriage brief

Anyone find Harvey Milk mentioned?


Yes, in a manner of speaking:

So no.


Did you read the part about only married people get to adopt in Utah? Ponder that and the Harvey Milk issue as I lined out here.. Keywords "top tier" to be able to adopt. And, once married, non-discrimination. Without a clear definition of 'class' for LGBT people we have only their culture to rely on. Enter, their messiah Harvey Milk and his child sex offenses defended by the LGBT culture.

Problem city at the adoption agency, friend.
Yes, in a manner of speaking:

So no.


Did you read the part about only married people get to adopt in Utah? Ponder that and the Harvey Milk issue as I lined out here.. Keywords "top tier" to be able to adopt. And, once married, non-discrimination. Without a clear definition of 'class' for LGBT people we have only their culture to rely on. Enter, their messiah Harvey Milk and his child sex offenses defended by the LGBT culture.

Problem city at the adoption agency, friend.

Ya, I did read it. You've gone on-and-on about how it was going to be "Harvey Milk v. Utah" - you were wrong.

I did notice that you attempted to deflect to adoption.

Sigh. Sil, SCOTUS won't consider Harvey Milk at all, won't be mentioned.
Ok, but do you think that he shouldn't be mentioned, and why do you think that ? Is he fair game in such a legal battle, and this because of what Sil & others have been making their very thoughtful case about ?
Sigh. Sil, SCOTUS won't consider Harvey Milk at all, won't be mentioned.
Ok, but do you think that he shouldn't be mentioned, and why do you think that ? Is he fair game in such a legal battle, and this because of what Sil & others have been making their very thoughtful case about ?

(1) Sil has created a strawman and then knocked it down: the Church of LGBT. Milk is irrelevant to the Utah's appeal.

(2) Where_r_My_Keys was arguing that Natural Law (though he would not admit it because he would have got smacked with Holmes' discussion) instead of the Constitution

(3) Schaar, the lead attorney of Utah's team, has stated clearly that "the best interest of the children" is what they will argue and that will not litigate on homosexual marriage at all

Here is the Utah State brief to the Court of Appeals -->> State of Utah ban on same-sex marriage brief

Anyone find Harvey Milk mentioned?

Should he be mentioned ? Tell me watcher, just what do you think ?

I'm not the one that has been making post after post in thread after thread that the case is "Harvey Milk v. Utah" and that Milk will be the focus of the case.

Harvey Milk is totally irrelevant to the issue.

The reason that Sil keeps harping on Harvey Milk is classic (depending on your perspective) "Poison the well fallacy" or an attempt at the "broad brush fallacy", take your pick depending on perspective.

Poison the Well is based on the use of Milk as an attempt to poison the discussion about consenting adults because Milk may have had sex with a minor. Kind of like thinking no females should be teachers because Mary Letourneau had sex with an underage student.

Broad Brush fallacy because the intent to to paint consenting adult homosexuals as being the same has Harvey Milk.​

If the argument was tied in court the individual would be laughed out of the proceedings. The AG's office was smart enough to know this and you will not find Milk mentioned in the States brief.

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Didn't bother to read this thread .... but who cares? Two gays who love eatch other so much already think they are married. .. and well the legal thing is just a piece of paper.
Sigh. Sil, SCOTUS won't consider Harvey Milk at all, won't be mentioned.
Ok, but do you think that he shouldn't be mentioned, and why do you think that ? Is he fair game in such a legal battle, and this because of what Sil & others have been making their very thoughtful case about ?

(1) Sil has created a strawman and then knocked it down: the Church of LGBT. Milk is irrelevant to the Utah's appeal.

(2) Where_r_My_Keys was arguing that Natural Law (though he would not admit it because he would have got smacked with Holmes' discussion) instead of the Constitution

(3) Schaar, the lead attorney of Utah's team, has stated clearly that "the best interest of the children" is what they will argue and that will not litigate on homosexual marriage at all
You still didn't give your opinion on whether he should be mentioned or not.. What say you ?
Ok, but do you think that he shouldn't be mentioned, and why do you think that ? Is he fair game in such a legal battle, and this because of what Sil & others have been making their very thoughtful case about ?

(1) Sil has created a strawman and then knocked it down: the Church of LGBT. Milk is irrelevant to the Utah's appeal.

(2) Where_r_My_Keys was arguing that Natural Law (though he would not admit it because he would have got smacked with Holmes' discussion) instead of the Constitution

(3) Schaar, the lead attorney of Utah's team, has stated clearly that "the best interest of the children" is what they will argue and that will not litigate on homosexual marriage at all
You still didn't give your opinion on whether he should be mentioned or not.. What say you ?

The reason nobody is answering your ridiculous question is because...well, it's ridiculous.

I just read an announcement about a town choosing their poet laureate. Do you think they should bring up the fact that Edgar Allen Poe slept with his severely underage cousin?

Here is the Utah State brief to the Court of Appeals -->> State of Utah ban on same-sex marriage brief

Anyone find Harvey Milk mentioned?

Should he be mentioned ? Tell me watcher, just what do you think ?

I'm not the one that has been making post after post in thread after thread that the case is "Harvey Milk v. Utah" and that Milk will be the focus of the case.

Harvey Milk is totally irrelevant to the issue.

The reason that Sil keeps harping on Harvey Milk is classic (depending on your perspective) "Poison the well fallacy" or an attempt at the "broad brush fallacy", take your pick depending on perspective.

Poison the Well is based on the use of Milk as an attempt to poison the discussion about consenting adults because Milk may have had sex with a minor. Kind of like thinking no females should be teachers because Mary Letourneau had sex with an underage student.

Broad Brush fallacy because the intent to to paint consenting adult homosexuals as being the same has Harvey Milk.​

If the argument was tied in court the individual would be laughed out of the proceedings. The AG's office was smart enough to know this and you will not find Milk mentioned in the States brief.

So you think that he shouldn't be mentioned if he could be mentioned in the case ? Like Sil says, they have elevated him to icon status, even made a U.S. Stamp for him. Now are they just the same as or just like the Muslims in the case of extremism, where as will they separate themselves from this cat or do they say nothing and become aids or enablers instead of a people whom disagree, whether it be with Muslim extremism on the part of the Muslims to either agree or disagree or with the Gay's on the part of this Harvey Milk worshipping based on the accepting of in which she has pointed out here ?
(1) Sil has created a strawman and then knocked it down: the Church of LGBT. Milk is irrelevant to the Utah's appeal.

(2) Where_r_My_Keys was arguing that Natural Law (though he would not admit it because he would have got smacked with Holmes' discussion) instead of the Constitution

(3) Schaar, the lead attorney of Utah's team, has stated clearly that "the best interest of the children" is what they will argue and that will not litigate on homosexual marriage at all
You still didn't give your opinion on whether he should be mentioned or not.. What say you ?

The reason nobody is answering your ridiculous question is because...well, it's ridiculous.

I just read an announcement about a town choosing their poet laureate. Do you think they should bring up the fact that Edgar Allen Poe slept with his severely underage cousin?
Why yes, and you think not maybe ? And if he did then he should be watered down as to his impact or contributions in which he made, because who wants to think anything good of such a man if did what you said ?
You still didn't give your opinion on whether he should be mentioned or not.. What say you ?

The reason nobody is answering your ridiculous question is because...well, it's ridiculous.

I just read an announcement about a town choosing their poet laureate. Do you think they should bring up the fact that Edgar Allen Poe slept with his severely underage cousin?
Why yes, and you think not maybe ? And if he did then he should be watered down as to his impact or contributions in which he made, because who wants to think anything good of such a man if did what you said ?

Neither Edgar Allen Poe's nor Harvey Milk's contributions to society or poetry have anything to do with marriage equality so the question is, why do you harp on it as though it does?

Do you know what a Poet Laureate is?
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Should he be mentioned ? Tell me watcher, just what do you think ?

I'm not the one that has been making post after post in thread after thread that the case is "Harvey Milk v. Utah" and that Milk will be the focus of the case.

Harvey Milk is totally irrelevant to the issue.

The reason that Sil keeps harping on Harvey Milk is classic (depending on your perspective) "Poison the well fallacy" or an attempt at the "broad brush fallacy", take your pick depending on perspective.

Poison the Well is based on the use of Milk as an attempt to poison the discussion about consenting adults because Milk may have had sex with a minor. Kind of like thinking no females should be teachers because Mary Letourneau had sex with an underage student.

Broad Brush fallacy because the intent to to paint consenting adult homosexuals as being the same has Harvey Milk.​

If the argument was tied in court the individual would be laughed out of the proceedings. The AG's office was smart enough to know this and you will not find Milk mentioned in the States brief.

So you think that he shouldn't be mentioned if he could be mentioned in the case ? Like Sil says, they have elevated him to icon status, even made a U.S. Stamp for him. Now are they just the same as or just like the Muslims in the case of extremism, where as will they separate themselves from this cat or do they say nothing and become aids or enablers instead of a people whom disagree, whether it be with Muslim extremism on the part of the Muslims to either agree or disagree or with the Gay's on the part of this Harvey Milk worshipping based on the accepting of in which she has pointed out here ?

Harvey Milk is an individual, who in my opinion should have been arrested and charged with sex with a minor. However a politician from four decades ago who liked younger boys has no bearing what-so-ever on whether two consenting adults should be treated equally under the law because there is no valid government interest in promoting invidious and capricious laws which target them for discrimination.

Her "Milk" this and "Milk" that is nothing more than a logical fallacy used to try to poison - what otherwise - can be an open and honest discussion.

It would be like saying the because Jerry Lee Lewis had sex with his 13-year old first cousin that all heterosexual should be banned from married because an older man (he was in his 20's at the time) had sex with a 13 year old girl and because he back an icon of society and even inducted into the R&R Hall of Fame.

Neither makes any sense and has no bearing on a discussion about consenting adults.

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I'm not the one that has been making post after post in thread after thread that the case is "Harvey Milk v. Utah" and that Milk will be the focus of the case.

Harvey Milk is totally irrelevant to the issue.

The reason that Sil keeps harping on Harvey Milk is classic (depending on your perspective) "Poison the well fallacy" or an attempt at the "broad brush fallacy", take your pick depending on perspective.

Poison the Well is based on the use of Milk as an attempt to poison the discussion about consenting adults because Milk may have had sex with a minor. Kind of like thinking no females should be teachers because Mary Letourneau had sex with an underage student.

Broad Brush fallacy because the intent to to paint consenting adult homosexuals as being the same has Harvey Milk.​

If the argument was tied in court the individual would be laughed out of the proceedings. The AG's office was smart enough to know this and you will not find Milk mentioned in the States brief.

So you think that he shouldn't be mentioned if he could be mentioned in the case ? Like Sil says, they have elevated him to icon status, even made a U.S. Stamp for him. Now are they just the same as or just like the Muslims in the case of extremism, where as will they separate themselves from this cat or do they say nothing and become aids or enablers instead of a people whom disagree, whether it be with Muslim extremism on the part of the Muslims to either agree or disagree or with the Gay's on the part of this Harvey Milk worshipping based on the accepting of in which she has pointed out here ?

Harvey Milk is an individual, who in my opinion should have been arrested and charged with sex with a minor. However a politician from four decades ago who liked younger boys has no bearing what-so-ever on whether two consenting adults should be treated equally under the law because there is no valid government interest in promoting invidious and capricious laws which target them for discrimination.

Her "Milk" this and "Milk" that is nothing more than a logical fallacy used to try to poison - what otherwise - can be an open and honest discussion.

It would be like saying the because Jerry Lee Lewis had sex with his 13-year old first cousin that all heterosexual should be banned from married because an older man (he was in his 20's at the time) had sex with a 13 year old girl and because he back an icon of society and even inducted into the R&R Hall of Fame.

Neither makes any sense and has no bearing on a discussion about consenting adults.

Either you have a moral standing on these matters, issues or things (or) you do not, I mean it's just as simple as that really. Jerry Lewis is still the talk around town as are many others as well. They are the talk because of how he (in the matter you mentioned) did what he did, and people still don't see it as right and never will, but hollywood and the government over rides the people's thinking and/or views on such matters or things more so than ever now, and they have been doing this in the peoples face for quite sometime now.

It is the government controlled by factions who is now aiding in the lifting up or iconizing bad characters for whom would have never been lifted up in the most of society as was found here in the past.

Welcome to the future of America that is now controlled by hollywood first, and then the strong arm of the government who will back hollywood up next against the good will of the people and their families.

People who do these things and/or uphold deplorable things in this nation, have since become a problem for many in this nation, along with their thinking on such matters, and the only reason they (the supporters of such things) are getting away with it, is because the young folks have been indoctronated so precisely, and by design all due to a bombardment of hollywood influencing along with the government who enforces such things through a blanketing PC enviroment created, that there is not much chance for reversing such things it seems anymore. Does it make things that are empowered right ? Nope, but the people live in fear now, and so onward it all goes. It's just mind numbing anymore really. It all suggest that everyone now allow or tolerate all sorts of weird and bad things, and the bottom line is, (ha) it's all just because they say so where choice is no longer an option in such matters or opinions as is given by the people or for the people anymore.

Many things are forced upon the good citizens as being "right" now, even though they wouldn't have ever been tolerated along the moral lines of thinking that many understood as being "right" in the past.

Good Luck America, because your entering into the twighlight zone of government control and indoctronation by such control.
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The reason nobody is answering your ridiculous question is because...well, it's ridiculous.

I just read an announcement about a town choosing their poet laureate. Do you think they should bring up the fact that Edgar Allen Poe slept with his severely underage cousin?
Why yes, and you think not maybe ? And if he did then he should be watered down as to his impact or contributions in which he made, because who wants to think anything good of such a man if did what you said ?

Neither Edgar Allen Poe's nor Harvey Milk's contributions to society or poetry have anything to do with marriage equality so the question is, why do you harp on it as though it does?

Do you know what a Poet Laureate is?
Tell me what a poet what ever you mentioned is, and I will answer you with the same moral standing again in which I use on every other question, issue and/or opinion upon which is given here. Now don't try and deflect with something that may be a side issue to what is being spoken about here in context of, but do teach me something upon your point being made if you will. I am always one for learning something new in life.
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Neither the Bible nor Natural Law has anything, beagle9, to do with this case.

I know you wish it did.
The reason nobody is answering your ridiculous question is because...well, it's ridiculous.

I just read an announcement about a town choosing their poet laureate. Do you think they should bring up the fact that Edgar Allen Poe slept with his severely underage cousin?

Edgar Allen Poe was not venerated for his sexuality. Harvey Milk's sexuality is integral to his celebrated status by LGBTs. Therein lies the difference. It's the reason Milk is iconized.

And when that reason is challenged, the church of LGBT jumps rabidly to his defense while giving his child-victims, at least one of which he officiated as a "father figure" to, not so much as a mention or whit of consideration.

Given that Milk targeted orphaned teen boys specifically; that this was and is "his sexuality", I'd say it poses a huge problem when considering those faithful to Harvey Milk for accessing adoptable orphans through marriage.

It is absolutely fair game.

It took tireless work of over 60 LGBT sects in Mexico, the US and Canada to finally get this stamp issued:

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If the conservative movement is for smaller government? Why do you want to stop someone from getting married to who they choose?
Neither the Bible nor Natural Law has anything, beagle9, to do with this case.

I know you wish it did.
You don't know what I wish, but it is my thoughts that you wish you did. I am just giving Sil a listen to, and a fair shake at her findings and linking's upon such things that she has found in her studies. Everyone else ought to be doing the same, but due to their personal biases, associations or actual lifestyles lived in life, they can't see the forest for the tree's anymore. This is based upon anything that is said now or is being based upon facts and statistics, or even upon the majority's view's upon what is being debated and/or conversed about in these forums. People should keep an open mind on the issues coming in from both directions as is being looked at, but you see how that is very hard for some to do in life. Consideration is becoming a far and outdated thing in todays society now, and it is being replaced with pure unadulterated intolerance of any other views instead.
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If the conservative movement is for smaller government? Why do you want to stop someone from getting married to who they choose?
Does ANYONE getting married to who they choose, now cause smaller government or bigger government to happen as a result of ? Now that is a question to be pondered now isn't it ?

Wonder what happened to Civil Unions, and why wasn't that good enough ? Didn't that give them the very governmental things in which was being held back from them finally, and this as far as them being together in this way legally ?

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