Breaking News: World Markets: GOP Antics Endangerring Economic Recovery

It's OK. Republicans will just make more tax cuts for billionaires and the problem is solved. Look how well it worked under Bush and Reagan.

Republicans know that "supply and demand" is some wild liberal theory and it's "billionaires" who create jobs. You just have to give them enough money.
LOL "endangerring economic recovery". That's cute. There is no economic recovery going on. The economy is still in the toilet after 5 years of Hussein rule.

considering you morons have been saying that Obama has been going the WRONG direction for the past 4 years, when exactly is the CRASH coming?

can you explain how it is that we STOPPED loosing 800k jobs per month by going the WRONG WAY economically?

AND then there is this FACT that you cons aren't fond of.

Global Index Praises U.S. economy As ‘Sole Bright Spot’ In Sluggish World Economy
.......the United States is faring considerably better than other developed nations against the threat of a renewed recession

and remains “the brightest spot in the world economy,”

according to the latest indicators tracked by the Financial Times and
the Brookings Institution.

Known as TIGER, or Tracking Indices for the Global Economic Recovery, the comprehensive data report compiled by the London-based business daily and the centrist Washington think tank provides factual reports for global investors.

Brookings Institution-FT index: US Only ?Bright Spot? in Global Economy

U.S. a dim brightspot in the global economy |

Our Favorite Economic Surprise Indicator Shows The US Is A Bright Spot In The Global Economy - Business Insider
Breaking News: World Markets: GOP Antics Endangerring Economic Recovery

Watching the markets respond to GOP gamesmanship over Obamacare. Threat of US government shutdown has the world markets catching a cold. Damn Tea Party Whackos!


:lol: please......:lol:

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), a chief critic of the House’s attempts to attack Obamacare during the government funding debate, said he’d sign onto a clean spending bill if given the chance — and expected sometime soon he would get one.

“Yeah because we can’t win. That’s going to happen sooner or later,” McCain said.

Read more: Government shutdown 2013 -
LOL "endangerring economic recovery". That's cute. There is no economic recovery going on. The economy is still in the toilet after 5 years of Hussein rule.

considering you morons have been saying that Obama has been going the WRONG direction for the past 4 years, when exactly is the CRASH coming?

can you explain how it is that we STOPPED loosing 800k jobs per month by going the WRONG WAY economically?

AND then there is this FACT that you cons aren't fond of.

Global Index Praises U.S. economy As ‘Sole Bright Spot’ In Sluggish World Economy
.......the United States is faring considerably better than other developed nations against the threat of a renewed recession

and remains “the brightest spot in the world economy,”

according to the latest indicators tracked by the Financial Times and
the Brookings Institution.

Known as TIGER, or Tracking Indices for the Global Economic Recovery, the comprehensive data report compiled by the London-based business daily and the centrist Washington think tank provides factual reports for global investors.

Brookings Institution-FT index: US Only ?Bright Spot? in Global Economy

U.S. a dim brightspot in the global economy |

Our Favorite Economic Surprise Indicator Shows The US Is A Bright Spot In The Global Economy - Business Insider

And that is exactly the reason that they are shutting down the government. The thought of President Obama's two terms ending on a very up note is something they cannot stand. They would rather destroy this nation and the rest of the world than see that.

This is about power. The implimentation of the ACA is gripping evidence of the increasing powerlessness of the 'Conservatives'. The America of today is changing in ways that they cannot stand. And they wish to destroy our nation. We saw this happen in the Civil War.

Today, those that would be traitorous to this nation are much too much in the minority, and too spread out, to attempt that peice of insanity again. So this is all they have left. Kind of a last hurrah of the insane, trying to take everyone down with them.

Will the GOP survive their aquiescence to the nutters? Or will GOP elicit the same blank stare as the term Whig.
Breaking News: World Markets: GOP Antics Endangerring Economic Recovery

Watching the markets respond to GOP gamesmanship over Obamacare. Threat of US government shutdown has the world markets catching a cold. Damn Tea Party Whackos!


:lol: please......:lol:

You too? Good gawd, so much for the myth of old timers @ usmb learning from past mistakes. Your incredibly shrinking world is dissapearing even as you parrot the rightwing echo chamber views
It appears the noise out there is muted (is that a 'good' sign?), but with the stakes being high, when and if the other shoe drops (the government shutdown may reportedly cost the U.S. economy "roughly $1 billion a week in pay lost by furloughed federal workers. Economists say the impact will come not just from those lost wages, but also from related businesses cutting back or halting their operations") will Americans look back and seek revenge on the Tea Party, or will the Rightwing Propaganda Machine kick into high gear and have the public blaming all Republicans and all Democrats?

Don't forget, the rightwing absolutely hates the government in theory
LOL "endangerring economic recovery". That's cute. There is no economic recovery going on. The economy is still in the toilet after 5 years of Hussein rule.

considering you morons have been saying that Obama has been going the WRONG direction for the past 4 years, when exactly is the CRASH coming?

can you explain how it is that we STOPPED loosing 800k jobs per month by going the WRONG WAY economically?

AND then there is this FACT that you cons aren't fond of.

Global Index Praises U.S. economy As ‘Sole Bright Spot’ In Sluggish World Economy
.......the United States is faring considerably better than other developed nations against the threat of a renewed recession

and remains “the brightest spot in the world economy,”

according to the latest indicators tracked by the Financial Times and
the Brookings Institution.

Known as TIGER, or Tracking Indices for the Global Economic Recovery, the comprehensive data report compiled by the London-based business daily and the centrist Washington think tank provides factual reports for global investors.

Brookings Institution-FT index: US Only ?Bright Spot? in Global Economy

U.S. a dim brightspot in the global economy |

Our Favorite Economic Surprise Indicator Shows The US Is A Bright Spot In The Global Economy - Business Insider

Ahh....enter another Obama knob slobberer. You are acutally arguing that since the economy has hit rock bottom, that constitutes a 'recovery'?

The labor force percentage has been dropping ever since the Hussein took office. Its now at hasn't been that low since Carter. So many people have dropped out of the workforce, and they are not counted in the unemployment rate.

Come on, I want to hear it, how having a 7.3% unemployment rate with only 63.2% of the country being in the Labor workforce is better than 4-5% unemployment rate with 66% labor force rate, which is where the country was at until Dems took over Congress. Spin away knob slobberer.

If the best "FACT" you can come up with is other countries still look at the US as a "bright spot", then it sounds like you don't have much of an arguement. :lol:
Progressive keep confusing the Federal Government with the US economy; it's the small, narrow minded worldview of someone who was locked in a basement for a lifetime and now mistakes four walls for the entire world
Breaking News: World Markets: GOP Antics Endangerring Economic Recovery

Watching the markets respond to GOP gamesmanship over Obamacare. Threat of US government shutdown has the world markets catching a cold. Damn Tea Party Whackos!


:lol: please......:lol:

You too? Good gawd, so much for the myth of old timers @ usmb learning from past mistakes. Your incredibly shrinking world is dissapearing even as you parrot the rightwing echo chamber views

No, I just love folks turning issues into pretzels, all of a sudden after the recession having ended 4 years ago, but LPR at a new low etc. 65% of jobs this year part time, the 'recovery' is an issue? :rolleyes:

Last I checked it wasn't exactly high on obamas list. Jobs council? kaput, not that he met with them much, bowles-simpson? Goner.... it was just a hot air from obama to buy an out at the time he created it, the sequester he swore he would not allow to be undercut, he campaigned to reform? nope, he decided to change the definition of tax reform......I mean seriously, get serious:lol:
:lol: please......:lol:

You too? Good gawd, so much for the myth of old timers @ usmb learning from past mistakes. Your incredibly shrinking world is dissapearing even as you parrot the rightwing echo chamber views

No, I just love folks turning issues into pretzels, all of a sudden after the recession having ended 4 years ago, but LPR at a new low etc. 65% of jobs this year part time, the 'recovery' is an issue? :rolleyes:

Last I checked it wasn't exactly high on obamas list. Jobs council? kaput, not that he met with them much, bowles-simpson? Goner.... it was just a hot air from obama to buy an out at the time he created it, the sequester he swore he would not allow to be undercut, he campaigned to reform? nope, he decided to change the definition of tax reform......I mean seriously, get serious:lol:

:laugh2: reminds me of President Ronald Reagan and his lists and failed promises....yet many people call his battles with the opposition "the good old days"

Too bad the opposition today (read: reactionary, rightwing radicals/Tea Party) does have the respect for the office and the man. Reagan started demonizing the opposition andthe Newt Contract on America took it to where we are today -- fools viewing all opponents as enemies...

...and yes it comes from all sides. Reactionary politics
what fucking recovery?

if we were in ONE.... Unemployment wouldn't STILL BE 7 TO 8 %

give us a break, some people will believe this garbage you all are pumping out..but the Majority of the people are LIVING IN this LAME RECOVERY and aren't going to BUY it
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What does it say about your party (Republiteaparty) when it is reduced to threatening to crash the economy of this great nation in order to extract demands that they couldn't achieve through the legislative process because they can't win Presidential & Senatorial elections? :eusa_think:
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That is what these whackos want. A total global economic meltdown, then they believe that their Randian utopia will emerge. These people are the worst kind of ideologue.

Smelly old hippie assholes like you know nothing about the US economy or the sea-anchor effect the crushing monstrosity of Barry's federal government is having on a "recovery"....there is no recovery and won't be as long as the banks won't lend our bailout money. Barry is as fucking stupid as you are and does nothing to change that.
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