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Breaking Now: North Korea Strike Imminent (Here We Go Folks)

Kim boi-king is going to back off

Perhaps not. Some analysts believe he would rather die and take ALL of Korea with him than fold. Any initial strikes must be overwhelming, accurate, numerous and simultaneous to protect South Korea from the massive amount of ordnance aimed at them.
I seriously doubt that. North Korea has been at war with the United States for over 60 years. These people are constantly preparing for an invasion.

North Korea is believed to possess more than 1,000 missiles of various models, including (ICBMs), according to the National Committee on North Korea, a non-partisan research coalition. The size of their nuclear arsenal is unknown but we do know that they have nuclear weapons that can be used on short and medium range missiles capable of striking South Korea and Japan. There is also a strong possible that they could hit US territory in the South Pacific and possibly Hawaii. They have over million military personnel on active duty and over 600,000 in reserve. The US DOD estimates that NK has at least 400 operation jet fighters, and an unknown number of bombers but the number exceeds 200. They have a mutual defense treaty with both China and Russia.

Although the US would definitely prevail in a war, any such war would be costly in both loss of life and dollars for both the US and it's allies. If Russia or China became involved, then......

Why the world's superpowers can't stop an aggressive North Korea
Korean People's Army Air Force - Wikipedia

Korean People's Army - Wikipedia
And after bush showed us what we are capable of in Iraq and Afghanistan I don't think we want another war.

If we shouldn't have invaded Baghdad we certainly shouldn't invade pyow yang or whatever the capital of north Korea is called.

It turns out Obama was right not weak. We need to stop policing the world. Russia iran and China are fucking with us. We need smart not tough
The options the Trump administration has are quite straight forward.
  • Launch a surgical attack on North Korean nuclear and missile facilities. North Korean would almost surely respond, with a attack on South Korea where about 25,000 US military are stationed.
  • Do a massive primitive strike on North Korea. This would certain end in a messy ground war.
  • Simply acknowledge North Korea, a phone call from Trump offering to sit down and talk it over. This is exactly what Kim Jong Un wants, recognition that North Korea is a major nuclear power. The downside is they will be a recognized as a nuclear power and possible a new cold war will ensue.
  • Treat North Korean bluster as we have in the past but seek more stringent sanctions, particular from China, Russia, India, Iran and Pakistan, North Korean's trading partners . This could be the best alternative if the administration has the diplomatic skills to pull it off.
Obama would do the last one and Republicans would call him weak. Trumps going to do exactly what Obama would do.
Yep, Trump criticized Obama for suggesting we respond to an Assad chemical attack. A republican congress refused to give Obama permission to launch such an attack and now they praise Trump for doing what they say Obama should have done.

Trump's attack on Assad and his condemnation of Russia means we will get no help in the Korean crisis from Russia, North Korea's strongest ally. This is what happens when you have no foreign policy, no long term goals, just knee jerk reactions and comments form the supreme leader. Kim Jong Un and Trump would probably get along pretty well since they share the same approach to governing.

Obama never needed Congressional approval to strike Syria after the chemical attack. He ran to the EU and they did nothing. He then ran to Russia and colluded.....I mean made a deal with them. Syria promised to turn over all chemical weapons, and Obama thumped his chest for his amazing diplomatic skills for a peaceful solution.

Of course it was all bullshit and Syria kept their chemical weapons and used them again.

Trump on the other hand knows exactly how to deal with these third world barbarians. Pull out the big stick and wack them over the head.

Kim boi-king is going to back off, he knows Trump isn't bluffing. If he is psychotic enough to start anything, he'll get put in his place. It's refreshing to have a President stand up to these bullies.
Rrogant ignorant
As Trump said recently, he is not president of the world. Yes, the use of chemical weapons is certainly a war crime but it is not the US responsibility to punish war criminals. Although I'm personally glad see retaliation for this horrible attack, I firmly believe that it is a huge diplomatic blunder. It has expanded a crack in US Russian relations into chasm that will not be easily bridged.

We have seen how well that leading from behind policy has worked. You saw who filled the vacuum left when petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama pulled all our troops out of Iraq against the advice of our military who forecast exactly what happened.

So far, it certainly has not been a blunder. The Free World has given him a standing ovation.

As for our relations with Russia. Don't put any credence into what was said, but rather what they DO. Same with China. Saving face is everything with these leaders.

Rex Tillerson's scheduled trip to Russia was not canceled. While a meeting with President Putin was NOT on the agenda, the two, who know each other well, met for TWO HOURS. While the Russian leader was verbose and speaking to the Russians at the joint press conference. Sec. of State Tillerson was concise, direct, to the point and stone-faced. An 180-degree shift from John Kerry who brought James Taylor with him when Kerry was groveling to the French.

As a result of President Trumps meeting with President Xi also has reaped political wins. China abstained rather than voting against the U.S. demand for sanctions against Syria. China has also turned back twelve shiploads of coal being sent to them from North Korea.

These are example of more progress toward tamping down terrorism, removing al-Assad from power in Syria and the little fat guy in North Korea than we've seen in EIGHT YEARS.
Well, let's review briefly what Trump has accomplished. He damaged a Syrian airbase which is now back in service. Syria still has chemical weapons and delivery vehicles to launch more chemical attacks. As a result of this attack and Trump's bluster toward Russia, Trump now admits that Russian US relations are at an all time low.

Trump threats directed at North Korea has put the US on the edge of a nuclear confrontation with North Korea. In an effort to enlist Chinese help, Trump has promised China favorable treatment in a trade deal, assuming China agrees to one and has totally reversed his policy toward China. In just days China is no longer a currency manipulator intent on raping the US and is now a friend to the US even thou they have not done Jack Shit.

All this is in less than a hundred days. Give him 6 months and he'll have us in a war with Russia.
. No, the butt hurt libs will have us in a situation with Russia, and all because they are the ones who have created the situation to date.
LOL, Trump thought we should be friends with Russia, are you nuts?
. Are you so insecure that you think that we are to weak of a people and nation to keep foriegn relations positive with another super power in the world ?? I guess this is what the liberals produce folks... Unsure insecure citizens who think that we should put ourselves and nation behind an iron curtain now. Have we become the Russia of old under liberalist socialist politics ??
It's cons that want a wall .. talk about scared.
We have seen how well that leading from behind policy has worked. You saw who filled the vacuum left when petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama pulled all our troops out of Iraq against the advice of our military who forecast exactly what happened.

So far, it certainly has not been a blunder. The Free World has given him a standing ovation.

As for our relations with Russia. Don't put any credence into what was said, but rather what they DO. Same with China. Saving face is everything with these leaders.

Rex Tillerson's scheduled trip to Russia was not canceled. While a meeting with President Putin was NOT on the agenda, the two, who know each other well, met for TWO HOURS. While the Russian leader was verbose and speaking to the Russians at the joint press conference. Sec. of State Tillerson was concise, direct, to the point and stone-faced. An 180-degree shift from John Kerry who brought James Taylor with him when Kerry was groveling to the French.

As a result of President Trumps meeting with President Xi also has reaped political wins. China abstained rather than voting against the U.S. demand for sanctions against Syria. China has also turned back twelve shiploads of coal being sent to them from North Korea.

These are example of more progress toward tamping down terrorism, removing al-Assad from power in Syria and the little fat guy in North Korea than we've seen in EIGHT YEARS.
Well, let's review briefly what Trump has accomplished. He damaged a Syrian airbase which is now back in service. Syria still has chemical weapons and delivery vehicles to launch more chemical attacks. As a result of this attack and Trump's bluster toward Russia, Trump now admits that Russian US relations are at an all time low.

Trump threats directed at North Korea has put the US on the edge of a nuclear confrontation with North Korea. In an effort to enlist Chinese help, Trump has promised China favorable treatment in a trade deal, assuming China agrees to one and has totally reversed his policy toward China. In just days China is no longer a currency manipulator intent on raping the US and is now a friend to the US even thou they have not done Jack Shit.

All this is in less than a hundred days. Give him 6 months and he'll have us in a war with Russia.
. No, the butt hurt libs will have us in a situation with Russia, and all because they are the ones who have created the situation to date.
LOL, Trump thought we should be friends with Russia, are you nuts?
. Are you so insecure that you think that we are to weak of a people and nation to keep foriegn relations positive with another super power in the world ?? I guess this is what the liberals produce folks... Unsure insecure citizens who think that we should put ourselves and nation behind an iron curtain now. Have we become the Russia of old under liberalist socialist politics ??
It's cons that want a wall .. talk about scared.

It's not fear. It's traffic control.
The 'war' against the Pervert will last 24 hours.
He'll eat a whole MOAB all by himself for lunch and the entire country of Rev. Jim Jones's zombies will stand at attention and die of thirst and starvation.
The NK zombies near the border will throw down their weapons and plead and beg the SK military to allow them to surrender.
Ain't going to happen. Sorry. No room in SK for NK zombies.
I seriously doubt that. North Korea has been at war with the United States for over 60 years. These people are constantly preparing for an invasion.

North Korea is believed to possess more than 1,000 missiles of various models, including (ICBMs), according to the National Committee on North Korea, a non-partisan research coalition. The size of their nuclear arsenal is unknown but we do know that they have nuclear weapons that can be used on short and medium range missiles capable of striking South Korea and Japan. There is also a strong possible that they could hit US territory in the South Pacific and possibly Hawaii. They have over million military personnel on active duty and over 600,000 in reserve. The US DOD estimates that NK has at least 400 operation jet fighters, and an unknown number of bombers but the number exceeds 200. They have a mutual defense treaty with both China and Russia.

Although the US would definitely prevail in a war, any such war would be costly in both loss of life and dollars for both the US and it's allies. If Russia or China became involved, then......

Why the world's superpowers can't stop an aggressive North Korea
Korean People's Army Air Force - Wikipedia

Korean People's Army - Wikipedia
And after bush showed us what we are capable of in Iraq and Afghanistan I don't think we want another war.

If we shouldn't have invaded Baghdad we certainly shouldn't invade pyow yang or whatever the capital of north Korea is called.

It turns out Obama was right not weak. We need to stop policing the world. Russia iran and China are fucking with us. We need smart not tough
The options the Trump administration has are quite straight forward.
  • Launch a surgical attack on North Korean nuclear and missile facilities. North Korean would almost surely respond, with a attack on South Korea where about 25,000 US military are stationed.
  • Do a massive primitive strike on North Korea. This would certain end in a messy ground war.
  • Simply acknowledge North Korea, a phone call from Trump offering to sit down and talk it over. This is exactly what Kim Jong Un wants, recognition that North Korea is a major nuclear power. The downside is they will be a recognized as a nuclear power and possible a new cold war will ensue.
  • Treat North Korean bluster as we have in the past but seek more stringent sanctions, particular from China, Russia, India, Iran and Pakistan, North Korean's trading partners . This could be the best alternative if the administration has the diplomatic skills to pull it off.
Obama would do the last one and Republicans would call him weak. Trumps going to do exactly what Obama would do.
Yep, Trump criticized Obama for suggesting we respond to an Assad chemical attack. A republican congress refused to give Obama permission to launch such an attack and now they praise Trump for doing what they say Obama should have done.

Trump's attack on Assad and his condemnation of Russia means we will get no help in the Korean crisis from Russia, North Korea's strongest ally. This is what happens when you have no foreign policy, no long term goals, just knee jerk reactions and comments form the supreme leader. Kim Jong Un and Trump would probably get along pretty well since they share the same approach to governing.
What a load of Horse Hockey. The response was correct given that Assad used Chemical Weapons. End of story. They didn't get rid of them and used them again. The deal Obama made to save face didn't work. Russia is ramping shit up because they met a leader that isn't a fool like Obama.

In regards to N. Korea what have Russia and China done to stop his firing and test of missiles in the direction of Japan. Nothing...........They are worried that they are facing a President that isn't playing games with them anymore and they don't like it. To them...........stop supporting thugs and tyrants then. As they have been helping terrorist supporting states for decades. They can go to hell quite frankly.
As Trump said recently, he is not president of the world. Yes, the use of chemical weapons is certainly a war crime but it is not the US responsibility to punish war criminals. Although I'm personally glad see retaliation for this horrible attack, I firmly believe that it is a huge diplomatic blunder. It has expanded a crack in US Russian relations into chasm that will not be easily bridged.

We have seen how well that leading from behind policy has worked. You saw who filled the vacuum left when petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama pulled all our troops out of Iraq against the advice of our military who forecast exactly what happened.

So far, it certainly has not been a blunder. The Free World has given him a standing ovation.

As for our relations with Russia. Don't put any credence into what was said, but rather what they DO. Same with China. Saving face is everything with these leaders.

Rex Tillerson's scheduled trip to Russia was not canceled. While a meeting with President Putin was NOT on the agenda, the two, who know each other well, met for TWO HOURS. While the Russian leader was verbose and speaking to the Russians at the joint press conference. Sec. of State Tillerson was concise, direct, to the point and stone-faced. An 180-degree shift from John Kerry who brought James Taylor with him when Kerry was groveling to the French.

As a result of President Trumps meeting with President Xi also has reaped political wins. China abstained rather than voting against the U.S. demand for sanctions against Syria. China has also turned back twelve shiploads of coal being sent to them from North Korea.

These are example of more progress toward tamping down terrorism, removing al-Assad from power in Syria and the little fat guy in North Korea than we've seen in EIGHT YEARS.
Well, let's review briefly what Trump has accomplished. He damaged a Syrian airbase which is now back in service. Syria still has chemical weapons and delivery vehicles to launch more chemical attacks. As a result of this attack and Trump's bluster toward Russia, Trump now admits that Russian US relations are at an all time low.

Trump threats directed at North Korea has put the US on the edge of a nuclear confrontation with North Korea. In an effort to enlist Chinese help, Trump has promised China favorable treatment in a trade deal, assuming China agrees to one and has totally reversed his policy toward China. In just days China is no longer a currency manipulator intent on raping the US and is now a friend to the US even thou they have not done Jack Shit.

All this is in less than a hundred days. Give him 6 months and he'll have us in a war with Russia.
The sky is falling because we took out some planes. Whatever.
I seriously doubt that. North Korea has been at war with the United States for over 60 years. These people are constantly preparing for an invasion.

North Korea is believed to possess more than 1,000 missiles of various models, including (ICBMs), according to the National Committee on North Korea, a non-partisan research coalition. The size of their nuclear arsenal is unknown but we do know that they have nuclear weapons that can be used on short and medium range missiles capable of striking South Korea and Japan. There is also a strong possible that they could hit US territory in the South Pacific and possibly Hawaii. They have over million military personnel on active duty and over 600,000 in reserve. The US DOD estimates that NK has at least 400 operation jet fighters, and an unknown number of bombers but the number exceeds 200. They have a mutual defense treaty with both China and Russia.

Although the US would definitely prevail in a war, any such war would be costly in both loss of life and dollars for both the US and it's allies. If Russia or China became involved, then......

Why the world's superpowers can't stop an aggressive North Korea
Korean People's Army Air Force - Wikipedia

Korean People's Army - Wikipedia
And after bush showed us what we are capable of in Iraq and Afghanistan I don't think we want another war.

If we shouldn't have invaded Baghdad we certainly shouldn't invade pyow yang or whatever the capital of north Korea is called.

It turns out Obama was right not weak. We need to stop policing the world. Russia iran and China are fucking with us. We need smart not tough
The options the Trump administration has are quite straight forward.
  • Launch a surgical attack on North Korean nuclear and missile facilities. North Korean would almost surely respond, with a attack on South Korea where about 25,000 US military are stationed.
  • Do a massive primitive strike on North Korea. This would certain end in a messy ground war.
  • Simply acknowledge North Korea, a phone call from Trump offering to sit down and talk it over. This is exactly what Kim Jong Un wants, recognition that North Korea is a major nuclear power. The downside is they will be a recognized as a nuclear power and possible a new cold war will ensue.
  • Treat North Korean bluster as we have in the past but seek more stringent sanctions, particular from China, Russia, India, Iran and Pakistan, North Korean's trading partners . This could be the best alternative if the administration has the diplomatic skills to pull it off.
Obama would do the last one and Republicans would call him weak. Trumps going to do exactly what Obama would do.
Yep, Trump criticized Obama for suggesting we respond to an Assad chemical attack. A republican congress refused to give Obama permission to launch such an attack and now they praise Trump for doing what they say Obama should have done.

Trump's attack on Assad and his condemnation of Russia means we will get no help in the Korean crisis from Russia, North Korea's strongest ally. This is what happens when you have no foreign policy, no long term goals, just knee jerk reactions and comments form the supreme leader. Kim Jong Un and Trump would probably get along pretty well since they share the same approach to governing.
What a load of Horse Hockey. The response was correct given that Assad used Chemical Weapons. End of story. They didn't get rid of them and used them again. The deal Obama made to save face didn't work. Russia is ramping shit up because they met a leader that isn't a fool like Obama.

In regards to N. Korea what have Russia and China done to stop his firing and test of missiles in the direction of Japan. Nothing...........They are worried that they are facing a President that isn't playing games with them anymore and they don't like it. To them...........stop supporting thugs and tyrants then. As they have been helping terrorist supporting states for decades. They can go to hell quite frankly.
They're fucking with trump! What makes you think we can add North Korea to the list of people were fighting? Do you think Russia and China will help if we go to war with Iran, north Korea or Syria?

You talk tougher than you are. Trump and you can't back it up. Are you going to enlist?
This is why Obama did the right thing. The Republicans don't have the testicular fortitude for war. They said don't bomb Syria last time, remember?

This is another time you will see Obama did the right thing. Trumps going to try to look tough like bush did in Iraq. How did that work out?
And after bush showed us what we are capable of in Iraq and Afghanistan I don't think we want another war.

If we shouldn't have invaded Baghdad we certainly shouldn't invade pyow yang or whatever the capital of north Korea is called.

It turns out Obama was right not weak. We need to stop policing the world. Russia iran and China are fucking with us. We need smart not tough
The options the Trump administration has are quite straight forward.
  • Launch a surgical attack on North Korean nuclear and missile facilities. North Korean would almost surely respond, with a attack on South Korea where about 25,000 US military are stationed.
  • Do a massive primitive strike on North Korea. This would certain end in a messy ground war.
  • Simply acknowledge North Korea, a phone call from Trump offering to sit down and talk it over. This is exactly what Kim Jong Un wants, recognition that North Korea is a major nuclear power. The downside is they will be a recognized as a nuclear power and possible a new cold war will ensue.
  • Treat North Korean bluster as we have in the past but seek more stringent sanctions, particular from China, Russia, India, Iran and Pakistan, North Korean's trading partners . This could be the best alternative if the administration has the diplomatic skills to pull it off.
Obama would do the last one and Republicans would call him weak. Trumps going to do exactly what Obama would do.
Yep, Trump criticized Obama for suggesting we respond to an Assad chemical attack. A republican congress refused to give Obama permission to launch such an attack and now they praise Trump for doing what they say Obama should have done.

Trump's attack on Assad and his condemnation of Russia means we will get no help in the Korean crisis from Russia, North Korea's strongest ally. This is what happens when you have no foreign policy, no long term goals, just knee jerk reactions and comments form the supreme leader. Kim Jong Un and Trump would probably get along pretty well since they share the same approach to governing.
What a load of Horse Hockey. The response was correct given that Assad used Chemical Weapons. End of story. They didn't get rid of them and used them again. The deal Obama made to save face didn't work. Russia is ramping shit up because they met a leader that isn't a fool like Obama.

In regards to N. Korea what have Russia and China done to stop his firing and test of missiles in the direction of Japan. Nothing...........They are worried that they are facing a President that isn't playing games with them anymore and they don't like it. To them...........stop supporting thugs and tyrants then. As they have been helping terrorist supporting states for decades. They can go to hell quite frankly.
They're fucking with trump! What makes you think we can add North Korea to the list of people were fighting? Do you think Russia and China will help if we go to war with Iran, north Korea or Syria?

You talk tougher than you are. Trump and you can't back it up. Are you going to enlist?
STFU . I've served in those places in my time so you can kiss this and I don't mean my lips.

We aren't going to War right now you Liberal Nut Bag. We took out a few planes because Assad used Sarin.......and now it's the end of the world because we DIDN'T APPEASE their sorry asses...........

Your side had 8 years of Appeasement. It didn't work so get your liberal ass on the back of the bus.
Kim boi-king is going to back off

Perhaps not. Some analysts believe he would rather die and take ALL of Korea with him than fold. Any initial strikes must be overwhelming, accurate, numerous and simultaneous to protect South Korea from the massive amount of ordnance aimed at them.
. Sounds like a nuke to me... That would be the best result, and the most humanatarion result for all. Not sure of the radius output of the weapon chosen, but SK should be safe from the fall out right ?? Might could use a smaller more precise nuke that would be more safe for the region, but deadly accurate in getting the job done or the results desired.
. You have got to move on, and deal with the current that is active now in which has been the result of Obama's actions. Bush is so yesterday... Time to get over it, and begin to connect the dots that affect us now.

That's not a logical answer... if it were then you'd have to blame Trump because he is the one in power now. The whole deal in Iraq is a chain reaction that all started with Bush Sr.
. Blame Trump ?? For what ?? Should be support Trump now in hopes to fix the problems. That's the logical thing to do now.
In Trump's words, relations with Russia are at an all time low, a US armada approaching North Korea, and our fearless leader reversing himself on most of his campaign promises. Wow, all this in less than 100 day.
Relations with Russia were already at a low before he took office. It is only fake news that keeps a story going on how they got him elected from sore losers from the Democratic Party. Obama pushed Russia in Syria to a deal with no verification and it didn't work. He put sanctions on them over the Ukraine, and conducted small military exercises on their border in places like Poland.

But Obama was a paper tiger laughed at on the World Stage. Put up Red lines and when they crossed it did relatively nothing. Same as the UN who have charged Assad for crimes against Humanity and North Korea for Nuclear testing and test firing missiles in the direction of Japan.

Trump didn't ask for permission when Assad used gas. He gave them a direct and blunt message to knock it to hell off. He didn't destroy their military but destroyed aircraft they do actually need to fight for their country.

This ticked off Russia and North Korea because they were used to having a blow hard in office. As far as our Fleet operating off in the South China Sea in support of our allies. It is international waters and I've been there and done that when I served. I was part of the last operation Team Spirit which practiced amphibious assualts in Korea in the face of North Korea. I think those excercises should return to show our support and to give the fat man in N. Korea a show of force yet again.

In regards to not keeping his campaign promises.......nothing but partisan bickering from you. If you were referring to the offer of better trade deals to put N. Korea in check it was an offer to deal with the problem in North Korea............

The Cold War returned before he ever took office and Obama certainly did nothing but make himself look like a total fool.
Trump's neat jerk reaction to Syria use of chemical weapons was a mistake, a big one. Yes, it will divert attention from Russian support of Trump in the election and Assad certainly needed a good ass kicking, but what effect will it have abroad? Will it stop Syria from doing it again? Very unlikely, they still have the planes and chemical weapons. Will Russia abandon Syria? Of course not, they have vital interest in Syria who has been an ally since the 1950's and is Russia's toe hold in the middle east. So what has it done? In Trump's words Russian US relations have moved to an all time low.

Right now we need Russia to put pressure on North Korea. Russia not China has been named by Kim Jong Un for 3 years as his greatest ally. Any chance of the US going to the UN to increase sanctions on North Korea or forming a military coalition will be blocked by Russia. This is what comes from not having any foreign policy.
How typically naive of you and your LIB dummies to claim that the gas attack by Assad and Trump's response is intended to "divert attention from Russian support of Trump". Diverting who's "attention"? The Dems in both committees who would LOVE to find any tiny scrap of wrongdoing by Trump? The members of the FBI investigation team?
They'll be so busy listening to MSNBC attack President Trump everyday they forget to go to the committee meetings?
GOD you're a fucking idiot!
The Red States root for war. The rest seek alternative solutions.

We have seen how well those alternative solutions have worked over the past EIGHT YEARS. Total and complete failure.

Is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result the definition of insanity?
We know how NK works & what they want. All we needed to do was play their game. Bush tried your route of playing tough guy & NK got their nuke.
That's not a logical answer... if it were then you'd have to blame Trump because he is the one in power now. The whole deal in Iraq is a chain reaction that all started with Bush Sr.
. Blame Trump ?? For what ?? Should be support Trump now in hopes to fix the problems. That's the logical thing to do now.
In Trump's words, relations with Russia are at an all time low, a US armada approaching North Korea, and our fearless leader reversing himself on most of his campaign promises. Wow, all this in less than 100 day.
Relations with Russia were already at a low before he took office. It is only fake news that keeps a story going on how they got him elected from sore losers from the Democratic Party. Obama pushed Russia in Syria to a deal with no verification and it didn't work. He put sanctions on them over the Ukraine, and conducted small military exercises on their border in places like Poland.

But Obama was a paper tiger laughed at on the World Stage. Put up Red lines and when they crossed it did relatively nothing. Same as the UN who have charged Assad for crimes against Humanity and North Korea for Nuclear testing and test firing missiles in the direction of Japan.

Trump didn't ask for permission when Assad used gas. He gave them a direct and blunt message to knock it to hell off. He didn't destroy their military but destroyed aircraft they do actually need to fight for their country.

This ticked off Russia and North Korea because they were used to having a blow hard in office. As far as our Fleet operating off in the South China Sea in support of our allies. It is international waters and I've been there and done that when I served. I was part of the last operation Team Spirit which practiced amphibious assualts in Korea in the face of North Korea. I think those excercises should return to show our support and to give the fat man in N. Korea a show of force yet again.

In regards to not keeping his campaign promises.......nothing but partisan bickering from you. If you were referring to the offer of better trade deals to put N. Korea in check it was an offer to deal with the problem in North Korea............

The Cold War returned before he ever took office and Obama certainly did nothing but make himself look like a total fool.
Trump's neat jerk reaction to Syria use of chemical weapons was a mistake, a big one. Yes, it will divert attention from Russian support of Trump in the election and Assad certainly needed a good ass kicking, but what effect will it have abroad? Will it stop Syria from doing it again? Very unlikely, they still have the planes and chemical weapons. Will Russia abandon Syria? Of course not, they have vital interest in Syria who has been an ally since the 1950's and is Russia's toe hold in the middle east. So what has it done? In Trump's words Russian US relations have moved to an all time low.

Right now we need Russia to put pressure on North Korea. Russia not China has been named by Kim Jong Un for 3 years as his greatest ally. Any chance of the US going to the UN to increase sanctions on North Korea or forming a military coalition will be blocked by Russia. This is what comes from not having any foreign policy.
How typically naive of you and your LIB dummies to claim that the gas attack by Assad and Trump's response is intended to "divert attention from Russian support of Trump". Diverting who's "attention"? The Dems in both committees who would LOVE to find any tiny scrap of wrongdoing by Trump? The members of the FBI investigation team?
They'll be so busy listening to MSNBC attack President Trump everyday they forget to go to the committee meetings?
GOD you're a fucking idiot!
Worse has been done in history. The only question is if Putin/Trump did the gas attack or are they just using the gas attack to dupe you righties.

I find your post extremely amusing as you dumbass Republicans spent millions trying to pin something on Hillary with no success.
I hope nothing is going to happen.
A war in Korea would not solve any problem in my opinion :(
Hope not to, but the time has now come to either crap or get off the pot. Pardon my manor of speak. Enough is enough of allowing threats to develope into real serious threats in which challenges the world's civilized people to either go along to get along or be killed.
So when does the draft come back!!! Especially with the wars Trump will create??? There's no way in hell an all volunteer military made mostly of Red State military volunteers can it all by they're lonesome.
. Wow, so you admit that only the red States are producing the toughest men and women of the armed forces ??
The Red States root for war. The rest seek alternative solutions.
Moronic statement. Nobody roots for War......we just believe in Peace thru strength and not drawing crayon red lines in the sand that do not work on fanatical regimes and groups. Clinton's deal with N. Korea failed. Obama's deal with Syria failed. Obama's deal with Iran will fail. Obama's military intervention in Libya failed. Obama's actions in Yemen failed. Stopping the spread of ISIS has failed. Mass immigration of Syrian refugees in Europe has failed. UN warnings to N. Korea has failed.

When all the decisions of the past have FAILED it's time to try something else. Not the repeated FAILED attempts of APPEASEMENT.

Baloney. Trump puts our ships near NK hpoing it scares them. NK laughs at Trump. What if NK lauches an attack? What if Trump attacks the nuke test site & NK sends missiles at Japan or SK?
The Red States root for war. The rest seek alternative solutions.

We have seen how well those alternative solutions have worked over the past EIGHT YEARS. Total and complete failure.

Is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result the definition of insanity?
We know how NK works & what they want. All we needed to do was play their game. Bush tried your route of playing tough guy & NK got their nuke.
Boosh.... Good grief... What will you libs do without Booosh ??
Hope not to, but the time has now come to either crap or get off the pot. Pardon my manor of speak. Enough is enough of allowing threats to develope into real serious threats in which challenges the world's civilized people to either go along to get along or be killed.
So when does the draft come back!!! Especially with the wars Trump will create??? There's no way in hell an all volunteer military made mostly of Red State military volunteers can it all by they're lonesome.
. Wow, so you admit that only the red States are producing the toughest men and women of the armed forces ??
The Red States root for war. The rest seek alternative solutions.
Moronic statement. Nobody roots for War......we just believe in Peace thru strength and not drawing crayon red lines in the sand that do not work on fanatical regimes and groups. Clinton's deal with N. Korea failed. Obama's deal with Syria failed. Obama's deal with Iran will fail. Obama's military intervention in Libya failed. Obama's actions in Yemen failed. Stopping the spread of ISIS has failed. Mass immigration of Syrian refugees in Europe has failed. UN warnings to N. Korea has failed.

When all the decisions of the past have FAILED it's time to try something else. Not the repeated FAILED attempts of APPEASEMENT.

Baloney. Trump puts our ships near NK hpoing it scares them. NK laughs at Trump. What if NK lauches an attack? What if Trump attacks the nuke test site & NK sends missiles at Japan or SK?
I deployed in the same region back in the day as a show of Force. Team Spirit where not only did we put a massive fleet into those waters but we also landed Marines and conducted IN YOUR FACE OPERATIONS with the South Koreans.

We did it back then and the WORLD DIDN'T END NOW DID IT. Your Hysteria is ignored.
. Blame Trump ?? For what ?? Should be support Trump now in hopes to fix the problems. That's the logical thing to do now.
In Trump's words, relations with Russia are at an all time low, a US armada approaching North Korea, and our fearless leader reversing himself on most of his campaign promises. Wow, all this in less than 100 day.
Relations with Russia were already at a low before he took office. It is only fake news that keeps a story going on how they got him elected from sore losers from the Democratic Party. Obama pushed Russia in Syria to a deal with no verification and it didn't work. He put sanctions on them over the Ukraine, and conducted small military exercises on their border in places like Poland.

But Obama was a paper tiger laughed at on the World Stage. Put up Red lines and when they crossed it did relatively nothing. Same as the UN who have charged Assad for crimes against Humanity and North Korea for Nuclear testing and test firing missiles in the direction of Japan.

Trump didn't ask for permission when Assad used gas. He gave them a direct and blunt message to knock it to hell off. He didn't destroy their military but destroyed aircraft they do actually need to fight for their country.

This ticked off Russia and North Korea because they were used to having a blow hard in office. As far as our Fleet operating off in the South China Sea in support of our allies. It is international waters and I've been there and done that when I served. I was part of the last operation Team Spirit which practiced amphibious assualts in Korea in the face of North Korea. I think those excercises should return to show our support and to give the fat man in N. Korea a show of force yet again.

In regards to not keeping his campaign promises.......nothing but partisan bickering from you. If you were referring to the offer of better trade deals to put N. Korea in check it was an offer to deal with the problem in North Korea............

The Cold War returned before he ever took office and Obama certainly did nothing but make himself look like a total fool.
Trump's neat jerk reaction to Syria use of chemical weapons was a mistake, a big one. Yes, it will divert attention from Russian support of Trump in the election and Assad certainly needed a good ass kicking, but what effect will it have abroad? Will it stop Syria from doing it again? Very unlikely, they still have the planes and chemical weapons. Will Russia abandon Syria? Of course not, they have vital interest in Syria who has been an ally since the 1950's and is Russia's toe hold in the middle east. So what has it done? In Trump's words Russian US relations have moved to an all time low.

Right now we need Russia to put pressure on North Korea. Russia not China has been named by Kim Jong Un for 3 years as his greatest ally. Any chance of the US going to the UN to increase sanctions on North Korea or forming a military coalition will be blocked by Russia. This is what comes from not having any foreign policy.
How typically naive of you and your LIB dummies to claim that the gas attack by Assad and Trump's response is intended to "divert attention from Russian support of Trump". Diverting who's "attention"? The Dems in both committees who would LOVE to find any tiny scrap of wrongdoing by Trump? The members of the FBI investigation team?
They'll be so busy listening to MSNBC attack President Trump everyday they forget to go to the committee meetings?
GOD you're a fucking idiot!
Worse has been done in history. The only question is if Putin/Trump did the gas attack or are they just using the gas attack to dupe you righties.

I find your post extremely amusing as you dumbass Republicans spent millions trying to pin something on Hillary with no success.
. Calling someone dumb from your losing position is well ummm DUMB. LOL.
The Red States root for war. The rest seek alternative solutions.

We have seen how well those alternative solutions have worked over the past EIGHT YEARS. Total and complete failure.

Is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result the definition of insanity?
We know how NK works & what they want. All we needed to do was play their game. Bush tried your route of playing tough guy & NK got their nuke.
Boosh.... Good grief... What will you libs do without Booosh ??
I understand why you don't like to talk about Bush but my post was accurate.

Bush decided not to play the game & NK got its nuke.
So when does the draft come back!!! Especially with the wars Trump will create??? There's no way in hell an all volunteer military made mostly of Red State military volunteers can it all by they're lonesome.
. Wow, so you admit that only the red States are producing the toughest men and women of the armed forces ??
The Red States root for war. The rest seek alternative solutions.
Moronic statement. Nobody roots for War......we just believe in Peace thru strength and not drawing crayon red lines in the sand that do not work on fanatical regimes and groups. Clinton's deal with N. Korea failed. Obama's deal with Syria failed. Obama's deal with Iran will fail. Obama's military intervention in Libya failed. Obama's actions in Yemen failed. Stopping the spread of ISIS has failed. Mass immigration of Syrian refugees in Europe has failed. UN warnings to N. Korea has failed.

When all the decisions of the past have FAILED it's time to try something else. Not the repeated FAILED attempts of APPEASEMENT.

Baloney. Trump puts our ships near NK hpoing it scares them. NK laughs at Trump. What if NK lauches an attack? What if Trump attacks the nuke test site & NK sends missiles at Japan or SK?
I deployed in the same region back in the day as a show of Force. Team Spirit where not only did we put a massive fleet into those waters but we also landed Marines and conducted IN YOUR FACE OPERATIONS with the South Koreans.

We did it back then and the WORLD DIDN'T END NOW DID IT. Your Hysteria is ignored.
. That's just it, they are so fearful their liberal world will end, just like the fear they had when Hillary lost.
. Blame Trump ?? For what ?? Should be support Trump now in hopes to fix the problems. That's the logical thing to do now.
In Trump's words, relations with Russia are at an all time low, a US armada approaching North Korea, and our fearless leader reversing himself on most of his campaign promises. Wow, all this in less than 100 day.
Relations with Russia were already at a low before he took office. It is only fake news that keeps a story going on how they got him elected from sore losers from the Democratic Party. Obama pushed Russia in Syria to a deal with no verification and it didn't work. He put sanctions on them over the Ukraine, and conducted small military exercises on their border in places like Poland.

But Obama was a paper tiger laughed at on the World Stage. Put up Red lines and when they crossed it did relatively nothing. Same as the UN who have charged Assad for crimes against Humanity and North Korea for Nuclear testing and test firing missiles in the direction of Japan.

Trump didn't ask for permission when Assad used gas. He gave them a direct and blunt message to knock it to hell off. He didn't destroy their military but destroyed aircraft they do actually need to fight for their country.

This ticked off Russia and North Korea because they were used to having a blow hard in office. As far as our Fleet operating off in the South China Sea in support of our allies. It is international waters and I've been there and done that when I served. I was part of the last operation Team Spirit which practiced amphibious assualts in Korea in the face of North Korea. I think those excercises should return to show our support and to give the fat man in N. Korea a show of force yet again.

In regards to not keeping his campaign promises.......nothing but partisan bickering from you. If you were referring to the offer of better trade deals to put N. Korea in check it was an offer to deal with the problem in North Korea............

The Cold War returned before he ever took office and Obama certainly did nothing but make himself look like a total fool.
Trump's neat jerk reaction to Syria use of chemical weapons was a mistake, a big one. Yes, it will divert attention from Russian support of Trump in the election and Assad certainly needed a good ass kicking, but what effect will it have abroad? Will it stop Syria from doing it again? Very unlikely, they still have the planes and chemical weapons. Will Russia abandon Syria? Of course not, they have vital interest in Syria who has been an ally since the 1950's and is Russia's toe hold in the middle east. So what has it done? In Trump's words Russian US relations have moved to an all time low.

Right now we need Russia to put pressure on North Korea. Russia not China has been named by Kim Jong Un for 3 years as his greatest ally. Any chance of the US going to the UN to increase sanctions on North Korea or forming a military coalition will be blocked by Russia. This is what comes from not having any foreign policy.
That is a matter of opinion. The use of Chemical Weapons or nerve agents in this case is considered a War Crime. Those that do the deed deserve to get punished for doing so, or they will think it's ok to do it again. The strike was minimal and was appropriate considering they had already supposedly agreed to destroy them all. I believe in Peace thru Strength and if you put a dang line in the sand you pound the one dumb enough to cross it.

Let's look at Russia's friends. Syria before it went to hell was a supporter of terrorism with the Hez against our ally Israel. They have openly embraced what we are fighting against. Yet given the situation in Syria the other side isn't any better and with ISIS considerably worse.

Iran has promoted Terrorism around the world. Supplied advanced IED's to our enemies that have sent Americans home in body bags. Are now deeply involved in Yemen to start a War with Saudi Arabia. And they go to meetings and chant Death to America,

Yeah Russia has wonderful friends including the dumb azz that just used a banned weapon in Syria. They use it again then they should be hit again. His choice. If he's dumb enough to think Trump's bluffing. He thought he could get away with it because he was used to dealing with Obama...........
As Trump said recently, he is not president of the world. Yes, the use of chemical weapons is certainly a war crime but it is not the US responsibility to punish war criminals. Although I'm personally glad see retaliation for this horrible attack, I firmly believe that it is a huge diplomatic blunder. It has expanded a crack in US Russian relations into chasm that will not be easily bridged.

Any chance of Russian help in preventing a nuclear confrontation with North Korea has evaporated. Trump is foolishly looking to China for help, who he has labeled a currency manipulator, sponsor of state cyberhacking, and a villainest regime that is raping the US.

I expected war due to Trump's ineptness in international diplomacy but putting us on the verge of a nuclear confrontation with North Korea in the first 100 days exceeds my expectations.
What nuclear confrontation?????
The Pervert does not have a single nuclear weapon.
He has some rudimentary nuclear explosive making technology. NO nuclear weapon delivery system.
Everytime he fires off a missile some 18 year old kid sitting in the mountain in Colorado Springs presses a key and the Pervert's missile blows up a few seconds after being launched.
The pervert bought the technology from Iran AFTER the US had secretly installed undetectable malware in it.
I have posted this a few times recently. I found it interesting that just two days ago a former head of the CIA told someone on cable news the EXACT same thing I just posted.

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