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Breaking Now: North Korea Strike Imminent (Here We Go Folks)

It's time to get er done! Pray for our glorious leader and our troops.


Fuck your prayers.
. Not his prayers, but your prayers as it was an asking of you to say a prayer.

Fair enough, let me amend my comment in the interest of clarity and precision - Fuck the idea of praying for horseshit military adventures that, while completely phony as a matter of national defense, will still kill thousands and breed new generations of terrorists. Go team!
It's time to get er done! Pray for our glorious leader and our troops.


One of the biggest Rope a Dopes that Reagan did to Russia to bring them down was to arm Afgani's in Afganistan and build up our stratigic high tech weapons. This bankrupted Russia with this strategy--and Russia eventually collapsed.

Right now we only have 24K troops in S. Korea that would be put in extreme danger and would probably be overrun by North Korean troops--let alone the American citizens that are in Korea.

Kim Jung UN firing off missles into the sea of Japan doesn't hurt anyone. Let them waste their money--and let China handle this one.

Watch tens of thousands of NK zombies be incinerated when they get within a mile of the SK border.
The US WILL drop dozens of MOABS on top of the NK zombies and that will be that.
In President Trump's businesses the NK pervert couldn't get a job cleaning toilets!.....Neither would BONOBO.
I think everybody should stay calm now. Russians, Chinese, Americans, North Koreans...maybe they can find out some good solution of all problems without killing each others :sad:
The point is that if USA strike North Korea maybe NK could strike Japan or South Korea...and maybe China could be very upset and join the war...in a few words: this would be a tragedy for everybody :cry:
. With the fingers on the triggers of nuclear war, it's highly unlikely that anyone will immediately take that low road, but there will be strategizing in many ways to gain ground towards peaceful resolutions through strength, and in this comes the restoration of dignity and honor instead of fear, and a capitulation all due to fear. We must stand for something before we fall for anything.
More success will come through economic weapons like sanctions. Take out NK leader & you'll be stuck nation building for decades.
That's not a logical answer... if it were then you'd have to blame Trump because he is the one in power now. The whole deal in Iraq is a chain reaction that all started with Bush Sr.
. Blame Trump ?? For what ?? Should be support Trump now in hopes to fix the problems. That's the logical thing to do now.
In Trump's words, relations with Russia are at an all time low, a US armada approaching North Korea, and our fearless leader reversing himself on most of his campaign promises. Wow, all this in less than 100 day.
Relations with Russia were already at a low before he took office. It is only fake news that keeps a story going on how they got him elected from sore losers from the Democratic Party. Obama pushed Russia in Syria to a deal with no verification and it didn't work. He put sanctions on them over the Ukraine, and conducted small military exercises on their border in places like Poland.

But Obama was a paper tiger laughed at on the World Stage. Put up Red lines and when they crossed it did relatively nothing. Same as the UN who have charged Assad for crimes against Humanity and North Korea for Nuclear testing and test firing missiles in the direction of Japan.

Trump didn't ask for permission when Assad used gas. He gave them a direct and blunt message to knock it to hell off. He didn't destroy their military but destroyed aircraft they do actually need to fight for their country.

This ticked off Russia and North Korea because they were used to having a blow hard in office. As far as our Fleet operating off in the South China Sea in support of our allies. It is international waters and I've been there and done that when I served. I was part of the last operation Team Spirit which practiced amphibious assualts in Korea in the face of North Korea. I think those excercises should return to show our support and to give the fat man in N. Korea a show of force yet again.

In regards to not keeping his campaign promises.......nothing but partisan bickering from you. If you were referring to the offer of better trade deals to put N. Korea in check it was an offer to deal with the problem in North Korea............

The Cold War returned before he ever took office and Obama certainly did nothing but make himself look like a total fool.
Trump's neat jerk reaction to Syria use of chemical weapons was a mistake, a big one. Yes, it will divert attention from Russian support of Trump in the election and Assad certainly needed a good ass kicking, but what effect will it have abroad? Will it stop Syria from doing it again? Very unlikely, they still have the planes and chemical weapons. Will Russia abandon Syria? Of course not, they have vital interest in Syria who has been an ally since the 1950's and is Russia's toe hold in the middle east. So what has it done? In Trump's words Russian US relations have moved to an all time low.

Right now we need Russia to put pressure on North Korea. Russia not China has been named by Kim Jong Un for 3 years as his greatest ally. Any chance of the US going to the UN to increase sanctions on North Korea or forming a military coalition will be blocked by Russia. This is what comes from not having any foreign policy.
That is a matter of opinion. The use of Chemical Weapons or nerve agents in this case is considered a War Crime. Those that do the deed deserve to get punished for doing so, or they will think it's ok to do it again. The strike was minimal and was appropriate considering they had already supposedly agreed to destroy them all. I believe in Peace thru Strength and if you put a dang line in the sand you pound the one dumb enough to cross it.

Let's look at Russia's friends. Syria before it went to hell was a supporter of terrorism with the Hez against our ally Israel. They have openly embraced what we are fighting against. Yet given the situation in Syria the other side isn't any better and with ISIS considerably worse.

Iran has promoted Terrorism around the world. Supplied advanced IED's to our enemies that have sent Americans home in body bags. Are now deeply involved in Yemen to start a War with Saudi Arabia. And they go to meetings and chant Death to America,

Yeah Russia has wonderful friends including the dumb azz that just used a banned weapon in Syria. They use it again then they should be hit again. His choice. If he's dumb enough to think Trump's bluffing. He thought he could get away with it because he was used to dealing with Obama...........
As Trump said recently, he is not president of the world. Yes, the use of chemical weapons is certainly a war crime but it is not the US responsibility to punish war criminals. Although I'm personally glad see retaliation for this horrible attack, I firmly believe that it is a huge diplomatic blunder. It has expanded a crack in US Russian relations into chasm that will not be easily bridged.

Any chance of Russian help in preventing a nuclear confrontation with North Korea has evaporated. Trump is foolishly looking to China for help, who he has labeled a currency manipulator, sponsor of state cyberhacking, and a villainest regime that is raping the US.

I expected war due to Trump's ineptness in international diplomacy but putting us on the verge of a nuclear confrontation with North Korea in the first 100 days exceeds my expectations.
It's time to get er done! Pray for our glorious leader and our troops.


Why? They are harmless. Who will you replace him with? Do Republicans understand you have to plan the war out beyond the initial bombing? God Republicans are stupid.

I think Russia and China and Iran are laughing at us. When we waste all our money and ammo in Iraq, Syria, Afganistan and North Korea how will we take on the Russians? When we need to build tanks and ships and we realize all our plants are in Mexico and Mexico won't let us come over Trump's wall.

How is any psycho with nuclear weapons harmless?
What has he done? Are you really ready for another war? I'm not afraid of kim Jung in. You are?
The 'war' against the Pervert will last 24 hours.
He'll eat a whole MOAB all by himself for lunch and the entire country of Rev. Jim Jones's zombies will stand at attention and die of thirst and starvation.
The NK zombies near the border will throw down their weapons and plead and beg the SK military to allow them to surrender.
Ain't going to happen. Sorry. No room in SK for NK zombies.
I seriously doubt that. North Korea has been at war with the United States for over 60 years. These people are constantly preparing for an invasion.

North Korea is believed to possess more than 1,000 missiles of various models, including (ICBMs), according to the National Committee on North Korea, a non-partisan research coalition. The size of their nuclear arsenal is unknown but we do know that they have nuclear weapons that can be used on short and medium range missiles capable of striking South Korea and Japan. There is also a strong possible that they could hit US territory in the South Pacific and possibly Hawaii. They have over million military personnel on active duty and over 600,000 in reserve. The US DOD estimates that NK has at least 400 operation jet fighters, and an unknown number of bombers but the number exceeds 200. They have a mutual defense treaty with both China and Russia.

Although the US would definitely prevail in a war, any such war would be costly in both loss of life and dollars for both the US and it's allies. If Russia or China became involved, then......

Why the world's superpowers can't stop an aggressive North Korea
Korean People's Army Air Force - Wikipedia

Korean People's Army - Wikipedia
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It's time to get er done! Pray for our glorious leader and our troops.


Why? They are harmless. Who will you replace him with? Do Republicans understand you have to plan the war out beyond the initial bombing? God Republicans are stupid.

I think Russia and China and Iran are laughing at us. When we waste all our money and ammo in Iraq, Syria, Afganistan and North Korea how will we take on the Russians? When we need to build tanks and ships and we realize all our plants are in Mexico and Mexico won't let us come over Trump's wall.

How is any psycho with nuclear weapons harmless?
What has he done? Are you really ready for another war? I'm not afraid of kim Jung in. You are?
The 'war' against the Pervert will last 24 hours.
He'll eat a whole MOAB all by himself for lunch and the entire country of Rev. Jim Jones's zombies will stand at attention and die of thirst and starvation.
The NK zombies near the border will throw down their weapons and plead and beg the SK military to allow them to surrender.
Ain't going to happen. Sorry. No room in SK for NK zombies.
I seriously doubt that. North Korea has been at war with the United States for over 60 years. These people are constantly preparing for an invasion.

North Korea is believed to possess more than 1,000 missiles of various models, including (ICBMs), according to the National Committee on North Korea, a non-partisan research coalition. The size of their nuclear arsenal is unknown but we do know that they have nuclear weapons that can be used on short and medium range missiles capable of striking South Korea and Japan. There is also a strong possible that they could hit US territory in the South Pacific and possibly Hawaii. They have over million military personnel on active duty and over 600,000 in reserve. The US DOD estimates that NK has at least 400 operation jet fighters, and an unknown number of bombers but the number exceeds 200. They have a mutual defense treaty with both China and Russia.

Although the US would definitely prevail in a war, any such war would be costly in both loss of life and dollars for both the US and it's allies. If Russia or China became involved, then......

Why the world's superpowers can't stop an aggressive North Korea
Korean People's Army Air Force - Wikipedia

Korean People's Army - Wikipedia
And after bush showed us what we are capable of in Iraq and Afghanistan I don't think we want another war.

If we shouldn't have invaded Baghdad we certainly shouldn't invade pyow yang or whatever the capital of north Korea is called.

It turns out Obama was right not weak. We need to stop policing the world. Russia iran and China are fucking with us. We need smart not tough
. You can only hope before he turns his sights on the treasonous traitors of America. Liberals are praying Trump or anyone that puts America first again will fall, because as America is once again lifted up, then it exposes all the rats that have been just below chewing at the wires.

Do you actually believe the shit you type? You sound like Goebbels...

They want Trump to fail because he's a fuckwit cocksucking loser. That is the only reason.

He is putting America first like OJ put Nicole first....
You know what will be really cool?

(We'll answer our own question.)

It will be really cool to have the dirty gooks think a nuke is coming, then surprise them with a heavy dose of sarin gas.

We like it a lot!

Know what we mean?
Trump's neat jerk reaction to Syria use of chemical weapons was a mistake, a big one. Yes, it will divert attention from Russian support of Trump in the election and Assad certainly needed a good ass kicking, but what effect will it have abroad? Will it stop Syria from doing it again? Very unlikely, they still have the planes and chemical weapons. Will Russia abandon Syria? Of course not, they have vital interest in Syria who has been an ally since the 1950's and is Russia's toe hold in the middle east. So what has it done? In Trump's words Russian US relations have moved to an all time low.

Right now we need Russia to put pressure on North Korea. Russia not China has been named by Kim Jong Un for 3 years as his greatest ally. Any chance of the US going to the UN to increase sanctions on North Korea or forming a military coalition will be blocked by Russia. This is what comes from not having any foreign policy.
. Yeah thanks Obama for nothing..
Meh........the military has not had to put large numbers of troops on the ground in the M.E for the last 7 years!!!!! which has save military lives!!!! Yet the military voted heavily for Troop because they have a death wish......and Trump will make those death wishes a reality.
How the hell does it save lives.................When you ask the men in combat to do more with less and strap them with a bunch of ROE's that don't allow proper support. Winning in the middle east is historically nearly impossible because our cultures are not compatible. But not fighting to win guarantees you will never win...........

You surely don't win it by not sending enough men to cover the operations in the field. Again asking them to do more with less...........

We went to war with the army we had, not what we needed. Who said that? Who was it that went to war in Iraq - a war of choice, without the army they needed?

What would winning in Iraq or Afghanistan look like? Neither country had any army left after a month of the war. Who were we fighting? The people of these countries. Running around acting like your orange buddy boasting the military will not win you any wars at all especially in the Middle East.

It was George W Bush that created two quagmire wars from which there is no winning.

Trump is dumber. He sent missiles into Syria to destroy an empty base & it was back in operation two days later. Now what?

If NK tests a nuke this weekend,. the Cheeto ion Chief will send a strike risking the lives of our troops. Against a crazy person who might just nuke SK or Japan in revenge.
. You scared ?
Are you a retard??????
In Trump's words, relations with Russia are at an all time low, a US armada approaching North Korea, and our fearless leader reversing himself on most of his campaign promises. Wow, all this in less than 100 day.
Relations with Russia were already at a low before he took office. It is only fake news that keeps a story going on how they got him elected from sore losers from the Democratic Party. Obama pushed Russia in Syria to a deal with no verification and it didn't work. He put sanctions on them over the Ukraine, and conducted small military exercises on their border in places like Poland.

But Obama was a paper tiger laughed at on the World Stage. Put up Red lines and when they crossed it did relatively nothing. Same as the UN who have charged Assad for crimes against Humanity and North Korea for Nuclear testing and test firing missiles in the direction of Japan.

Trump didn't ask for permission when Assad used gas. He gave them a direct and blunt message to knock it to hell off. He didn't destroy their military but destroyed aircraft they do actually need to fight for their country.

This ticked off Russia and North Korea because they were used to having a blow hard in office. As far as our Fleet operating off in the South China Sea in support of our allies. It is international waters and I've been there and done that when I served. I was part of the last operation Team Spirit which practiced amphibious assualts in Korea in the face of North Korea. I think those excercises should return to show our support and to give the fat man in N. Korea a show of force yet again.

In regards to not keeping his campaign promises.......nothing but partisan bickering from you. If you were referring to the offer of better trade deals to put N. Korea in check it was an offer to deal with the problem in North Korea............

The Cold War returned before he ever took office and Obama certainly did nothing but make himself look like a total fool.
Trump's neat jerk reaction to Syria use of chemical weapons was a mistake, a big one. Yes, it will divert attention from Russian support of Trump in the election and Assad certainly needed a good ass kicking, but what effect will it have abroad? Will it stop Syria from doing it again? Very unlikely, they still have the planes and chemical weapons. Will Russia abandon Syria? Of course not, they have vital interest in Syria who has been an ally since the 1950's and is Russia's toe hold in the middle east. So what has it done? In Trump's words Russian US relations have moved to an all time low.

Right now we need Russia to put pressure on North Korea. Russia not China has been named by Kim Jong Un for 3 years as his greatest ally. Any chance of the US going to the UN to increase sanctions on North Korea or forming a military coalition will be blocked by Russia. This is what comes from not having any foreign policy.
. Yeah thanks Obama for nothing..
Meh........the military has not had to put large numbers of troops on the ground in the M.E for the last 7 years!!!!! which has save military lives!!!! Yet the military voted heavily for Troop because they have a death wish......and Trump will make those death wishes a reality.
How the hell does it save lives.................When you ask the men in combat to do more with less and strap them with a bunch of ROE's that don't allow proper support. Winning in the middle east is historically nearly impossible because our cultures are not compatible. But not fighting to win guarantees you will never win...........

You surely don't win it by not sending enough men to cover the operations in the field. Again asking them to do more with less...........
The price for winning!!!!
Meh........the military has not had to put large numbers of troops on the ground in the M.E for the last 7 years!!!!! which has save military lives!!!! Yet the military voted heavily for Troop because they have a death wish......and Trump will make those death wishes a reality.

Seek help! You're one sick puppy.

Get down on your knees and pray. Give thanks to our Lord that there are men who can do what you and some others are incapable of doing.
Get ready for more body bags under Trump!! God has nothing to do with it. 18-35 year old are about to waste their lives for Red State Amerika bull shit.
. Better than wasting them for blue state chaos that promotes everything that is anti-America. At least they will die as men instead of cowards for their country and cause.
Meh.....Red State Amerika will be shedding tears as the body bags start coming home!!!
It's time to get er done! Pray for our glorious leader and our troops.

I hope nothing is going to happen.
A war in Korea would not solve any problem in my opinion :(
Hope not to, but the time has now come to either crap or get off the pot. Pardon my manor of speak. Enough is enough of allowing threats to develope into real serious threats in which challenges the world's civilized people to either go along to get along or be killed.
So when does the draft come back!!! Especially with the wars Trump will create??? There's no way in hell an all volunteer military made mostly of Red State military volunteers can it all by they're lonesome.
It's time to get er done! Pray for our glorious leader and our troops.


One of the biggest Rope a Dopes that Reagan did to Russia to bring them down was to arm Afgani's in Afganistan and build up our stratigic high tech weapons. This bankrupted Russia with this strategy--and Russia eventually collapsed.

Right now we only have 24K troops in S. Korea that would be put in extreme danger and would probably be overrun by North Korean troops--let alone the American citizens that are in Korea.

Kim Jung UN firing off missles into the sea of Japan doesn't hurt anyone. Let them waste their money--and let China handle this one.

Watch tens of thousands of NK zombies be incinerated when they get within a mile of the SK border.
The US WILL drop dozens of MOABS on top of the NK zombies and that will be that.
In President Trump's businesses the NK pervert couldn't get a job cleaning toilets!.....Neither would BONOBO.
Boy do you live a fantasy world.
It's time to get er done! Pray for our glorious leader and our troops.


Fuck your prayers.
. Not his prayers, but your prayers as it was an asking of you to say a prayer.

Fair enough, let me amend my comment in the interest of clarity and precision - Fuck the idea of praying for horseshit military adventures that, while completely phony as a matter of national defense, will still kill thousands and breed new generations of terrorists. Go team!
. Do you think that the world will just lay down it's arms one day, and everybody will begin singing coombya together ???? Better keep your musket loaded is all I can say, because if we would have continued down the trails the Demon-crats had us on, I garantee you that in a matter of time there would be no America left.
It's time to get er done! Pray for our glorious leader and our troops.

I hope nothing is going to happen.
A war in Korea would not solve any problem in my opinion :(
Hope not to, but the time has now come to either crap or get off the pot. Pardon my manor of speak. Enough is enough of allowing threats to develope into real serious threats in which challenges the world's civilized people to either go along to get along or be killed.
So when does the draft come back!!! Especially with the wars Trump will create??? There's no way in hell an all volunteer military made mostly of Red State military volunteers can it all by they're lonesome.
. Wow, so you admit that only the red States are producing the toughest men and women of the armed forces ??
Meh........the military has not had to put large numbers of troops on the ground in the M.E for the last 7 years!!!!! which has save military lives!!!! Yet the military voted heavily for Troop because they have a death wish......and Trump will make those death wishes a reality.

Seek help! You're one sick puppy.

Get down on your knees and pray. Give thanks to our Lord that there are men who can do what you and some others are incapable of doing.
Get ready for more body bags under Trump!! God has nothing to do with it. 18-35 year old are about to waste their lives for Red State Amerika bull shit.
. Better than wasting them for blue state chaos that promotes everything that is anti-America. At least they will die as men instead of cowards for their country and cause.
Meh.....Red State Amerika will be shedding tears as the body bags start coming home!!!
. Yeah and because of those body bags you are free and safe, and don't you ever forget it keyboard warrior.
. Blame Trump ?? For what ?? Should be support Trump now in hopes to fix the problems. That's the logical thing to do now.
In Trump's words, relations with Russia are at an all time low, a US armada approaching North Korea, and our fearless leader reversing himself on most of his campaign promises. Wow, all this in less than 100 day.
Relations with Russia were already at a low before he took office. It is only fake news that keeps a story going on how they got him elected from sore losers from the Democratic Party. Obama pushed Russia in Syria to a deal with no verification and it didn't work. He put sanctions on them over the Ukraine, and conducted small military exercises on their border in places like Poland.

But Obama was a paper tiger laughed at on the World Stage. Put up Red lines and when they crossed it did relatively nothing. Same as the UN who have charged Assad for crimes against Humanity and North Korea for Nuclear testing and test firing missiles in the direction of Japan.

Trump didn't ask for permission when Assad used gas. He gave them a direct and blunt message to knock it to hell off. He didn't destroy their military but destroyed aircraft they do actually need to fight for their country.

This ticked off Russia and North Korea because they were used to having a blow hard in office. As far as our Fleet operating off in the South China Sea in support of our allies. It is international waters and I've been there and done that when I served. I was part of the last operation Team Spirit which practiced amphibious assualts in Korea in the face of North Korea. I think those excercises should return to show our support and to give the fat man in N. Korea a show of force yet again.

In regards to not keeping his campaign promises.......nothing but partisan bickering from you. If you were referring to the offer of better trade deals to put N. Korea in check it was an offer to deal with the problem in North Korea............

The Cold War returned before he ever took office and Obama certainly did nothing but make himself look like a total fool.
Trump's neat jerk reaction to Syria use of chemical weapons was a mistake, a big one. Yes, it will divert attention from Russian support of Trump in the election and Assad certainly needed a good ass kicking, but what effect will it have abroad? Will it stop Syria from doing it again? Very unlikely, they still have the planes and chemical weapons. Will Russia abandon Syria? Of course not, they have vital interest in Syria who has been an ally since the 1950's and is Russia's toe hold in the middle east. So what has it done? In Trump's words Russian US relations have moved to an all time low.

Right now we need Russia to put pressure on North Korea. Russia not China has been named by Kim Jong Un for 3 years as his greatest ally. Any chance of the US going to the UN to increase sanctions on North Korea or forming a military coalition will be blocked by Russia. This is what comes from not having any foreign policy.
That is a matter of opinion. The use of Chemical Weapons or nerve agents in this case is considered a War Crime. Those that do the deed deserve to get punished for doing so, or they will think it's ok to do it again. The strike was minimal and was appropriate considering they had already supposedly agreed to destroy them all. I believe in Peace thru Strength and if you put a dang line in the sand you pound the one dumb enough to cross it.

Let's look at Russia's friends. Syria before it went to hell was a supporter of terrorism with the Hez against our ally Israel. They have openly embraced what we are fighting against. Yet given the situation in Syria the other side isn't any better and with ISIS considerably worse.

Iran has promoted Terrorism around the world. Supplied advanced IED's to our enemies that have sent Americans home in body bags. Are now deeply involved in Yemen to start a War with Saudi Arabia. And they go to meetings and chant Death to America,

Yeah Russia has wonderful friends including the dumb azz that just used a banned weapon in Syria. They use it again then they should be hit again. His choice. If he's dumb enough to think Trump's bluffing. He thought he could get away with it because he was used to dealing with Obama...........
As Trump said recently, he is not president of the world. Yes, the use of chemical weapons is certainly a war crime but it is not the US responsibility to punish war criminals. Although I'm personally glad see retaliation for this horrible attack, I firmly believe that it is a huge diplomatic blunder. It has expanded a crack in US Russian relations into chasm that will not be easily bridged.

Any chance of Russian help in preventing a nuclear confrontation with North Korea has evaporated. Trump is foolishly looking to China for help, who he has labeled a currency manipulator, sponsor of state cyberhacking, and a villainest regime that is raping the US.

I expected war due to Trump's ineptness in international diplomacy but putting us on the verge of a nuclear confrontation with North Korea in the first 100 days exceeds my expectations.
I don't believe the sky is falling. I served during the Cold War and players are flexing their muscles on the world stage. The response to Assad was the correct thing to do........You can not put red lines in the sand and do nothing after they are crossed as the last President did. Veiled threats or gunboat diplomacy only work if the enemy understands you aren't bluffing. Russia and Obama supposedly created a deal that ended the threat................and only fools thought they'd actually honor the deal. Same goes for Iran........they will never honor the deal with Obama and will continue to try and get nuclear weapons which will cause Saudi Arabia to do the same.

Russia cares only about it's long standing relations with Syria which started 6 decades ago......and primarily the Naval Base which is strategic to the Mediteranean Sea for them. They will not lightly give that up. That being said why is it that Syria with Russian support can't retake Syria........They have been fighting for 6 or 7 years and the country is still in others control. I actually hoped that Russia would help them retake the place under Obama and end the damned problem. But with outside arms and fighters the fight goes on and on. Syrian army is wearing out and the use of Chemical Weapons tells me Assad and the Russians are getting desperate.

In regards to N. Korea...........China needs to put their damn dog on a leash. He is openly provoking a conflict and not the other way around. He has ticked off Japan to the point they are ready to go kick his ass which is remarkable to me given their stance against War. I was stationed there way back when and this is nearly unbelievable. China is their dang father and he needs to pull out the belt and whoop that ass...............because the world will not stand forever with his blatant threats and tests of missiles to his neighbors. Eventually he will go to far and force a War. Trump trying to negotiate through China and cut deals to end the problem is a hell of a lot better than another dang War.

In regards to the fleet their..........we have been doing so for a long time so don't tell me the sky is falling Mr. Chicken Little.

This world is a very dangerous place now and it has been getting worse for some time now. These problems have been on the table for many years and suddenly because we take out a few plans the dang sky is falling. That is partisan BS.
Relations with Russia were already at a low before he took office. It is only fake news that keeps a story going on how they got him elected from sore losers from the Democratic Party. Obama pushed Russia in Syria to a deal with no verification and it didn't work. He put sanctions on them over the Ukraine, and conducted small military exercises on their border in places like Poland.

But Obama was a paper tiger laughed at on the World Stage. Put up Red lines and when they crossed it did relatively nothing. Same as the UN who have charged Assad for crimes against Humanity and North Korea for Nuclear testing and test firing missiles in the direction of Japan.

Trump didn't ask for permission when Assad used gas. He gave them a direct and blunt message to knock it to hell off. He didn't destroy their military but destroyed aircraft they do actually need to fight for their country.

This ticked off Russia and North Korea because they were used to having a blow hard in office. As far as our Fleet operating off in the South China Sea in support of our allies. It is international waters and I've been there and done that when I served. I was part of the last operation Team Spirit which practiced amphibious assualts in Korea in the face of North Korea. I think those excercises should return to show our support and to give the fat man in N. Korea a show of force yet again.

In regards to not keeping his campaign promises.......nothing but partisan bickering from you. If you were referring to the offer of better trade deals to put N. Korea in check it was an offer to deal with the problem in North Korea............

The Cold War returned before he ever took office and Obama certainly did nothing but make himself look like a total fool.
Trump's neat jerk reaction to Syria use of chemical weapons was a mistake, a big one. Yes, it will divert attention from Russian support of Trump in the election and Assad certainly needed a good ass kicking, but what effect will it have abroad? Will it stop Syria from doing it again? Very unlikely, they still have the planes and chemical weapons. Will Russia abandon Syria? Of course not, they have vital interest in Syria who has been an ally since the 1950's and is Russia's toe hold in the middle east. So what has it done? In Trump's words Russian US relations have moved to an all time low.

Right now we need Russia to put pressure on North Korea. Russia not China has been named by Kim Jong Un for 3 years as his greatest ally. Any chance of the US going to the UN to increase sanctions on North Korea or forming a military coalition will be blocked by Russia. This is what comes from not having any foreign policy.
. Yeah thanks Obama for nothing..
Meh........the military has not had to put large numbers of troops on the ground in the M.E for the last 7 years!!!!! which has save military lives!!!! Yet the military voted heavily for Troop because they have a death wish......and Trump will make those death wishes a reality.
How the hell does it save lives.................When you ask the men in combat to do more with less and strap them with a bunch of ROE's that don't allow proper support. Winning in the middle east is historically nearly impossible because our cultures are not compatible. But not fighting to win guarantees you will never win...........

You surely don't win it by not sending enough men to cover the operations in the field. Again asking them to do more with less...........
The price for winning!!!!

Politicians lose Wars. Troops win them. Putting ROE's and not allowing heavy weapons on the battle field are the pandering of Incompetent Politicians. Take the gloves off or don't fight at all. And under the last administration he was incompetent.
It's time to get er done! Pray for our glorious leader and our troops.

I hope nothing is going to happen.
A war in Korea would not solve any problem in my opinion :(
Hope not to, but the time has now come to either crap or get off the pot. Pardon my manor of speak. Enough is enough of allowing threats to develope into real serious threats in which challenges the world's civilized people to either go along to get along or be killed.
So when does the draft come back!!! Especially with the wars Trump will create??? There's no way in hell an all volunteer military made mostly of Red State military volunteers can it all by they're lonesome.
. Wow, so you admit that only the red States are producing the toughest men and women of the armed forces ??
The Red States root for war. The rest seek alternative solutions.

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