Breaking: Obama Tells Companies They Can't Fire Anyone Unless IRS Gives Them Approval

There again in (2) above is that delicious little phrase:

" determined in accordance with the otherwise applicable rules in the final regulations...."

Which means that what low-information victim wannabes think of as "settled law" has not yet been written by any legislator. But will be created out of thin air by unelected bureaucrats.

.........if you haven't sign up for health care you will be levied a fine much you will be fine is based on your income ...

Show us where that "second" sign up is described in the ACA?

Income? Yeah, IF any.

Please call "ACA" the OBAMACARE that it is because failing so to do is to give the left the chance to convince the low-information voters that Obama had nothing to do with the Great American Travesty - and it's all Bush's fault.

I would have thought that since Billy has proclaimed that he has "researched" and "read" he entire ACA he would have known that there is no second sign up period.

one question aren't there still like 40 million left uninsured?

the first round of sign ups is from january to the end of march... at the beginning of march starts the second sign up ....after that at the end of the year, in if you haven't sign up for health care you will be levied a fine much you will be fine is based on your income ...

the prediction of the first sign up was calculated by the CBO ...that was supposed to be around 5 to 10 million people ... do to the screw up with the website the ACA got off on slow start in January ... right now they are on target for 5 million the end of march they are hoping for ten million ... the 40 million will be reduced to 30 million as time goes on through out the year we expect that number to fall greatly... after this mid term election where the republicans are in a disarray right now, we dems expect to take over the house or close to it and retain the senate and maybe add 5 more ... making it next to impossible for the republicans to filibuster ... we expect all the states who refuse to take the federal health care money for medicaid, we expect to add on law to the ACA forcing( I like that word) Forcing these republican states to comply to the ACA new regulations other words we will have every body sign up case closed ...end of discussion ...accept for these whining republicans here ....whining about being FORCED... TELLING US ITS UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND SHIT ... did I tell you how much I like those two word ??? FORCED REPUBLICANS !!!!!:funnyface::rock:

the first round of sign ups is from january to the end of march... at the beginning of march starts the second sign up ....after that at the end of the year, in if you haven't sign up for health care you will be levied a fine much you will be fine is based on your income ...


Show us where that "second" sign up is described in the ACA?

there isnt one

all that is needed as the prezbo says

is his pen and phone
Since his promises cost actual and unauthorized tax dollars he is risking censure for embezzlement and civil charges after leaving office that might get a little touchy.
I can understand the law being written this way. If a company had 53 employees and suddenly fired 4, would that not be an obvious effort to circumvent the law? Any company doing so, will be fined - they will not be forced to re-hire the already terminated employees. This is mostly to prevent the working class from becoming casualties of the ACA. Employers will pull any stunt they can pull if left to their own devices.

Where do you guys get this shit?

Unfortunately for Obama, the law isn't written that way. Obama is making the law himself, despite the fact that the Constitution doesn't give him such authority.

It's just one more example of Obama wiping his ass on the Constitution.


Sounds like you are offering this up without any due diligence.

Obama does not "make laws himself" he is part of the process to get bills passed into law.

I know that's not what people think, but I saw it on TV when I was a kid.

Cool stuff.

cool story.

Turn off the cartoon network and take a look around you. With this almighty pen, the President has rewritten the law over 27 times.

BTW.....A company downsizing to avoid paying significant penalties by poorly written laws strikes Me as a legitimate business decision.
Your only problem is you are ignorant.


The housing crisis was caused by private lending institutions and Wall Street...ALL who were spit swapping with Republicans
Where did you get your chart? You should link the source.

Charts of Past Spending -

Your understanding of the housing crisis is one dimensional but you are obviously too stupid to care.
Bush's 'ownership society'[/SIZE]

"America is a stronger country every single time a family moves into a home of their own," George W. Bush said in October 2004. To achieve his vision, Bush pushed new policies encouraging homeownership, like the "zero-down-payment initiative," which was much as it sounds—a government-sponsored program that allowed people to get mortgages without a down payment.
Bush was/is not the GOP. Bush was very far from being a fiscal conservative. I could never understand why he made liberals foam over at the mouth, they got series of wet dreams with Bush. Conservatives were not happy with much of what he did but you seem to need a bogeyman to blame. There was also Democrat led efforts to blackmail banks into subprime lending with the threat of losing their FDIC status.
Your only problem is you are ignorant.


The housing crisis was caused by private lending institutions and Wall Street...ALL who were spit swapping with Republicans
Where did you get your chart? You should link the source.

Charts of Past Spending -

Your understanding of the housing crisis is one dimensional but you are obviously too stupid to care.

Graph: Federal Net Outlays (FYONET) - FRED - St. Louis Fed

There again in (2) above is that delicious little phrase:

" determined in accordance with the otherwise applicable rules in the final regulations...."

Which means that what low-information victim wannabes think of as "settled law" has not yet been written by any legislator. But will be created out of thin air by unelected bureaucrats.

I would have thought that since Billy has proclaimed that he has "researched" and "read" he entire ACA he would have known that there is no second sign up period.

the first round of sign ups is from january to the end of march... at the beginning of march starts the second sign up ....after that at the end of the year, in if you haven't sign up for health care you will be levied a fine much you will be fine is based on your income ...

the prediction of the first sign up was calculated by the CBO ...that was supposed to be around 5 to 10 million people ... do to the screw up with the website the ACA got off on slow start in January ... right now they are on target for 5 million the end of march they are hoping for ten million ... the 40 million will be reduced to 30 million as time goes on through out the year we expect that number to fall greatly... after this mid term election where the republicans are in a disarray right now, we dems expect to take over the house or close to it and retain the senate and maybe add 5 more ... making it next to impossible for the republicans to filibuster ... we expect all the states who refuse to take the federal health care money for medicaid, we expect to add on law to the ACA forcing( I like that word) Forcing these republican states to comply to the ACA new regulations other words we will have every body sign up case closed ...end of discussion ...accept for these whining republicans here ....whining about being FORCED... TELLING US ITS UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND SHIT ... did I tell you how much I like those two word ??? FORCED REPUBLICANS !!!!!:funnyface::rock:

the first round of sign ups is from january to the end of march... at the beginning of march starts the second sign up ....after that at the end of the year, in if you haven't sign up for health care you will be levied a fine much you will be fine is based on your income ...


Show us where that "second" sign up is described in the ACA?

there isnt one

all that is needed as the prezbo says

is his pen and phone

Well I know that, and YOU know that....but I wanted Billy Boy to come into that knowledge.
Your only problem is you are ignorant.


The housing crisis was caused by private lending institutions and Wall Street...ALL who were spit swapping with Republicans
Where did you get your chart? You should link the source.

Charts of Past Spending -

Your understanding of the housing crisis is one dimensional but you are obviously too stupid to care.

If you would take the time to look you can see on Bfgrn's chart that it originates from the CBO...that's the Congressional Budget Office. Your chart comes from some peanut gallery.

BTW Obama couldn't spend a dime without the Rep controlled House's approval. They have had their racist hands around Obama's economic testicles ever since he took over the WH!
Obama was elected in 2008. are trying to 'school' me on economics, yet you don't even understand how the Federal budget works...

The first year of any incoming president term is saddled—for better or for worse—with the budget set by the president whom immediately precedes the new occupant of the White House. Indeed, not only was the 2009 budget the property of George W. Bush—and passed by the 2008 Congress—it was in effect four months before Barack Obama took the oath of office.

Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama? - Forbes

On January 20th, 2001, George W. Bush was sworn into office – but the budget for most of the rest of that year was Bill Clinton’s, passed by the prior Congress. Barack Obama was sworn in on January 20th, 2009 – but the budget for most of that year was that of George W. Bush. Why are these so? Because the Federal government’s fiscal year runs from October 1 (of the previous calendar year) to September 30. Hence, the FY 2001 is Clinton’s and FY 2002 is Bush’s. FY2009 is Bush’s, FY 2010 is Obama’s.

The actual budgets of the Presidents and their deficits — that’s what this is about, right? — are as follows:

George W. Bush is sworn in on January 20th, but his first budget does not take effect until October 1, 2001:

10/1/2001: Bush starting deficit – $5.8 trillion

9/30/2009: Bush ending deficit – $11.9 trillion

Bush debt contribution: $6.1 trillion

Barack H. Obama is sworn in on January 20th, but his first budget does not take effect until October 1, 2009:

10/1/2009: Obama starting deficit – $11.9 trillion

9/30/2011: Obama ending deficit – $14.8 trillion

Obama debt contribution: $2.9 trillion

Of the $14.8 trillion in total debt as of September 30, 2011, the Bush budgets generated $6.1 trillion in deficits versus the $2.9 trillion of Obama deficits. That’s 41.2% vs 19.6% by a reasonable methodology of measuring presidential debt.

These are the actual Presidential Budget deficits — not time in office, which is simply an irrelevant measure that no fair minded, mathematically literate person would use. (Thank you to my readers who schooled me in the details of the federal government’s Fiscal Year).

Understanding Federal Debt & Presidential Budgets, Fiscal Year Edition | The Big Picture
You do know that Obama was inaugurated in January, 2009 don't you. He was elected in NOV 2008, which means the Fiscal year 2009 budget was started one month prior to Obama's election. Now that you have been educated I expect to see more intelligence in your postings!
Ja Woll! Und now show us vere Bush signed it.

2009 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2009 United States federal budget

The final spending bills for the budget were not signed into law until March 11, 2009 by President Barack Obama, nearly five and a half months after the fiscal year began.
You do know that Obama was inaugurated in January, 2009 don't you. He was elected in NOV 2008, which means the Fiscal year 2009 budget was started one month prior to Obama's election. Now that you have been educated I expect to see more intelligence in your postings!
Ja Woll! Und now show us vere Bush signed it.

2009 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2009 United States federal budget

The final spending bills for the budget were not signed into law until March 11, 2009 by President Barack Obama, nearly five and a half months after the fiscal year began.

You need to drop the 'ice' are just a dishonest 'weasel'
You need to drop the 'ice' are just a dishonest 'weasel'
Facts is facts, sorry.

Obama?s Deficit Dodge
Obama’s response leaves the false impression that President George W. Bush and the 2008 recession are responsible for a whopping 90 percent of the deficits in the last four years.

It’s true that Obama “inherited the biggest deficit in our history,” as he said on CBS. By the time Obama took office in January 2009, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office had already estimated that increased spending and decreased revenues would result in a $1.2 trillion deficit for fiscal year 2009, which began Oct. 1, 2008. In a detailed analysis of fiscal year 2009, we found that Obama was responsible for adding at most $203 billion to the deficit, which in the end topped $1.4 trillion that year.
You need to drop the 'ice' are just a dishonest 'weasel'
Facts is facts, sorry.

Obama?s Deficit Dodge
Obama’s response leaves the false impression that President George W. Bush and the 2008 recession are responsible for a whopping 90 percent of the deficits in the last four years.

It’s true that Obama “inherited the biggest deficit in our history,” as he said on CBS. By the time Obama took office in January 2009, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office had already estimated that increased spending and decreased revenues would result in a $1.2 trillion deficit for fiscal year 2009, which began Oct. 1, 2008. In a detailed analysis of fiscal year 2009, we found that Obama was responsible for adding at most $203 billion to the deficit, which in the end topped $1.4 trillion that year.

Hey pea brain...203 billion/1.4 trillion= 0.145. So Bush is responsible for 85.5%...LOL
You do know that Obama was inaugurated in January, 2009 don't you. He was elected in NOV 2008, which means the Fiscal year 2009 budget was started one month prior to Obama's election. Now that you have been educated I expect to see more intelligence in your postings!
Ja Woll! Und now show us vere Bush signed it.

2009 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2009 United States federal budget

The final spending bills for the budget were not signed into law until March 11, 2009 by President Barack Obama, nearly five and a half months after the fiscal year began.

Yep the GOP cluster fuck threw everything out of balance; thus the delay, so I guess It was a bilateral budget, eh? George Bush still submitted the initial budget request though!

wikipedia said:
The United States federal budget for fiscal year 2009 began as a spending request submitted by President George W. Bush to the 110th Congress. The final resolution written and submitted by the 110th Congress to be forwarded to the President was approved by the House on June 5, 2008.[2] The final spending bills for the budget were not signed into law until March 11, 2009 by President Barack Obama, nearly five and a half months after the fiscal year began.

The dirty GOP bahs-turds were quick slick weren't they? Leaving their dirty work to the new president who had only been in office for three months.

Technically, BOTH PARTIES OWN THE FY 2009 budget.

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