BREAKING: Obama's NSA Advisor Susan Rice Requested The Unmaskings Of Incoming Trump Officials

Man this Mike Cernovich guy is really trying hard to take over the fake news mantle and run with it
So the unmasking wasn't illegal then?

It matters not if it was illegal or legal. Your whole party has been caught in lie, after lie after lie.
You can debate that all you want. The fact is, Obama was conducting Surveillance on Donald Trump, and probably other GOP Candidates. I would lay a bet on ALL OF THEM, and was passing the information along to Hillary Clinton.

And that most DEFINATELY IS ILLEGAL, and a Felony, and is Considered Felony Espionage.
You can make a case for Treason and Sedition as well.

I told all of you Leftists, that you were overplaying you hand, and that your Russian Narrative was too outlandish and sensationalist to be true, and that is was nothing but a crafted lie to distract from the corruption of the DNC and served as deflection for a stinging loss.

Now those lies are going to sink you.

Welcome to 2018, where people will not forget all the bullshit you put everyone through the moment you tapped a Criminal Clinton to be your Queen of The Damned.
As reported in a separate thread, Bloomberg News broke the news that Susan Rice requested to learn the identity of people communicating with Russian agents, and these people turned out to be Trump associates. Not reported in said separate thread is this:
The standard for senior officials to learn the names of U.S. persons incidentally collected is that it must have some foreign intelligence value, a standard that can apply to almost anything. This suggests Rice's unmasking requests were likely within the law.

Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

Here is the name of the shitty thread for reference: BREAKING: Obama's NSA Advisor Susan Rice Requested The Unmaskings Of Incoming Trump Officials
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Passing on transcripts of surveillance to the media is not legal.

Neither is conducting surveillance on President Trump and his conversations with Mexico, Thailand, and Australia.

Neither was releasing his tax returns.

Unmasking is Illegal if The Target of the Unmasking is "INCIDENTAL" which is exactly what The Intelligence Community is claiming after first denying that any surveillance at all occurred.

It is also Illegal if The Target of the unmasking has not committed any crimes.

So The OP Is a Loser Times Two.

And there was nothing "INCIDENTAL" about this surveillance when it was going on for a year.
Listening to Mike Gallagher this morning...on his radio show he cited a report that Susan Rice, obama minion, is the first person to be named as likely unmasking the names of Trump aides after the illegal surveillance.....

She needs a lawyer....see, the problem is that she was likely told that hilary wouldn't be looking into this when she won....and her Attorney General wouldn't pursue these illegal activites.....

But Trump she and the other minions need lawyers.....

But why wasn't the truth about these traitors made public before the election.

Sure, it was obvious but Obama was wrong not to make it public.

(Not that I think the RWNJ traitors would have changed their vote and they still don't care, still lying.)
Passing on transcripts of surveillance to the media is not legal.

Neither is conducting surveillance on President Trump and his conversations with Mexico, Thailand, and Australia.

Neither was releasing his tax returns.

Unmasking is Illegal if The Target of the Unmasking is "INCIDENTAL" which is exactly what The Intelligence Community is claiming after first denying that any surveillance at all occurred.

It is also Illegal if The Target of the unmasking has not committed any crimes.

So The OP Is a Loser Times Two.

And there was nothing "INCIDENTAL" about this surveillance when it was going on for a year.
Please be on record predicting when charges will be pressed against Susan Rice. I will start a countdown.
As reported in a separate thread, Bloomberg News broke the news that Susan Rice requested to learn the identity of people communicating with Russian agents, and these people turned out to be Trump associates. Not reported in said separate thread is this:
The standard for senior officials to learn the names of U.S. persons incidentally collected is that it must have some foreign intelligence value, a standard that can apply to almost anything. This suggests Rice's unmasking requests were likely within the law.

Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

Here is the name of the shitty thread for reference: BREAKING: Obama's NSA Advisor Susan Rice Requested The Unmaskings Of Incoming Trump Officials


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