BREAKING: Obama's NSA Advisor Susan Rice Requested The Unmaskings Of Incoming Trump Officials

Maybe there is confusion between unmasking and leaking. Rice was doing her job for Obama to find out which Trump folks were meeting with Ruskies. It was connected to nalt sec, and not some innocent American having some unsolicited communication.
We don't yet know who told the press. Even so it was not illegal for Nunes to leak he had some information showing Trump guys were caught talking even though they were not targets of survellience, and I don't see why it would be illegal for a dem to do the same.
was it illegal if someone met with a russian?

Again, I'm looking at the crime that started this. what was it?
Well yes it would be illegal if the meeting was intended to further Trump's campaign. I don't think Trump gets hung unless someone says "he told me to meet wiith them"

You know Hillary Clinton met with all of the same people, right?

It is not unlawful to meet with Foreign Nationals.

Both Campaigns met with hundreds of ambassadors from Foreign Nations.

The only thing you are not allowed to do was make promises in any official capacity or engage in negotiations for any sort of deals.

And none of that occurred.

In fact, Flynn was completely absolved of any wrong doing by the Very Surveillance Obama and Clinton were trying to ensnare him with.

You can say, "Well, we can discuss this after the election." Or, "Here is my contact information, or the number of my office." "We can schedule something after the Innauguration..... etc. etc. Or an ambassador can call, and say, "Congratulations on your being named the head of "such and such a department" or "Congratulations on your Victory."

And this is what makes this year The Greatest Political Year of My Life, because I finally get to watch the Dems Fuck Themselves with Their Own Dirty Tricks, and watch accusation after filthy baseless accusation go down in flames and them with it.

And it is glorious!!
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the ONLY thing leaked so far is General Flynn's lie about not speaking with the Russian Ambassador about the sanctions the day the Obama administration issued new additional sanctions on Russia for their influence interference in our election process....

there have been no other leaks of any Trump campaigners that were classified....nothing from what Rice needed unmasked has been leaked, nothing from any conversation content or the actual transcripts of even Flynn's convos....just that they exist, on Flynn....
She also lied about Benghazi causing an innocent film maker to be incarcerated for months. Trump needs to put hern federal prison unless she confesses that Obama and Hillary told her to do it.

I wouldn't call Nakoula Basley Nakoula, "innocent," per se. He was scapegoated by the Obama thugs when their gun running in Benghazi blew up, to be sure. But the guy is a real scum bucket, an identity thief who opened credit cards in innocent people's names and ruined their credit.

But what Obama did remains unforgivable. More Stalin than American.
the ONLY thing leaked so far is General Flynn's lie about not speaking with the Russian Ambassador about the sanctions the day the Obama administration issued new additional sanctions on Russia for their influence interference in our election process....

there have been no other leaks of any Trump campaigners that were classified....nothing from what Rice needed unmasked has been leaked, nothing from any conversation content or the actual transcripts of even Flynn's convos....just that they exist, on Flynn....
And they do exist.

That is how THE FBI exonerated him.

With Transcripts of His Surveillance.

Isn't that cool?

I think it is.
Rice didn't break any laws and it is part of her job. You republican snowflakes won the election and you're still whining about Obama. How about worry about issues that actually effect the average American.

It is a felony and she should get a fair trial and then lock her up.
Translation: Nunes said it was legal.

Jake, tell them you want to go out for a breath of fresh air, then make your get away
It's legal, Frank. But the Trumpers colluding with the Russians was not.

Jake, in America the oncoming Administration can talk to whoever the fuck they want. I'm surprised that other Obama staffers aren't permanently out of the country like Barack

What was Donny "Guilty" of, Jake? Is beating Hillary a crime?

Not if they are violating laws, Frank, and that is what we are finding out.

The Trumpers are not above the law, anymore than the Clintons, or the Nixons, or the Bushes, or you or me.

You live in America, buddy: you are subject to the law. We all are.

Once Flynn and the others start testifying in open committees, then we can see what is going on for sure.

Edit: let's see who fell for it below.
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the ONLY thing leaked so far is General Flynn's lie about not speaking with the Russian Ambassador about the sanctions the day the Obama administration issued new additional sanctions on Russia for their influence interference in our election process....

there have been no other leaks of any Trump campaigners that were classified....nothing from what Rice needed unmasked has been leaked, nothing from any conversation content or the actual transcripts of even Flynn's convos....just that they exist, on Flynn....
And they do exist.

That is how THE FBI exonerated him.

With Transcripts of His Surveillance.

Isn't that cool?

I think it is.
when did the FBI exonerate him?

Flynn not only lied to Pence about the convo, he lied to the FBI about it several times and FINALLY the FBI showed their hand by saying to Flynn, ARE YOU CERTAIN YOU WANT TO STICK BY WHAT YOU ARE TELLING US?

And Flynn took their cue that THEY KNEW HE TALKED WITH HIM and amended his testimony with the FBI leaving it as a 'possibility' that he may have talked with the Ambassador about the sanctions.'
oh, and I LOVE the Senator's voice.... it's so deep yet clear...A radio voice or a good voice over voice...
the ONLY thing leaked so far is General Flynn's lie about not speaking with the Russian Ambassador about the sanctions the day the Obama administration issued new additional sanctions on Russia for their influence interference in our election process....

there have been no other leaks of any Trump campaigners that were classified....nothing from what Rice needed unmasked has been leaked, nothing from any conversation content or the actual transcripts of even Flynn's convos....just that they exist, on Flynn....
And they do exist.

That is how THE FBI exonerated him.

With Transcripts of His Surveillance.

Isn't that cool?

I think it is.
when did the FBI exonerate him?

Flynn not only lied to Pence about the convo, he lied to the FBI about it several times and FINALLY the FBI showed their hand by saying to Flynn, ARE YOU CERTAIN YOU WANT TO STICK BY WHAT YOU ARE TELLING US?

And Flynn took their cue that THEY KNEW HE TALKED WITH HIM and amended his testimony with the FBI leaving it as a 'possibility' that he may have talked with the Ambassador about the sanctions.'
Exactly how many times can you Lefty Morons pretend to Ignore Facts and carry on a Charade That You Know Is False?

FBI reviewed Flynn’s calls with Russian ambassador but found nothing illicit
Intelligence Official: Transcripts Of Flynn's Calls Don't Show Criminal Wrongdoing
NPR intel source: No evidence of wrongdoing in Flynn-Kislyak transcripts - Hot Air
FBI Again Says: Nothing Illicit In Flynn Case… | Weasel Zippers
Why Michael Flynn likely won't face charges under the Logan Act -
FBI found no wrongdoing in Flynn’s calls with Russia: report
Freedom's Lighthouse » Report: FBI Finds “No evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties” in Flynn Phone Calls with Russia – 1/24/17

I feel like I am teaching the 3rd grade repeating myself over, and over and over again, because the kids I teach are a bunch of phucking imbeciles!
Translation: Nunes said it was legal.

Jake, tell them you want to go out for a breath of fresh air, then make your get away
It's legal, Frank. But the Trumpers colluding with the Russians was not.

Jake, in America the oncoming Administration can talk to whoever the fuck they want. I'm surprised that other Obama staffers aren't permanently out of the country like Barack

What was Donny "Guilty" of, Jake? Is beating Hillary a crime?

Not if they are violating laws, Frank, and that is what we are finding out.

The Trumpers are not above the law, anymore than the Clintons, or the Nixons, or the Bushes, or you or me.

You live in America, buddy: you are subject to the law. We all are.

Once Flynn and the others start testifying in open committees, when we can see what is going on for sure.

Jake, beating St. Hillary the Inevitable is not a crime
the ONLY thing leaked so far is General Flynn's lie about not speaking with the Russian Ambassador about the sanctions the day the Obama administration issued new additional sanctions on Russia for their influence interference in our election process....

there have been no other leaks of any Trump campaigners that were classified....nothing from what Rice needed unmasked has been leaked, nothing from any conversation content or the actual transcripts of even Flynn's convos....just that they exist, on Flynn....
And they do exist.

That is how THE FBI exonerated him.

With Transcripts of His Surveillance.

Isn't that cool?

I think it is.
when did the FBI exonerate him?

Flynn not only lied to Pence about the convo, he lied to the FBI about it several times and FINALLY the FBI showed their hand by saying to Flynn, ARE YOU CERTAIN YOU WANT TO STICK BY WHAT YOU ARE TELLING US?

And Flynn took their cue that THEY KNEW HE TALKED WITH HIM and amended his testimony with the FBI leaving it as a 'possibility' that he may have talked with the Ambassador about the sanctions.'
Wait a would you know that if there was no surveillance on Trump?

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