BREAKING: Obama's NSA Advisor Susan Rice Requested The Unmaskings Of Incoming Trump Officials

Obama has a history of unmasking. We KNOW he was behind the leaking of Jack Ryan in 2004. Granted, Jack Ryan was a sleazeball but this is one of Obama's signature Chicago moves.
For the Demanders of "LINKS!"
Obama Outs Jack Ryan
Rice has followed the letter of the law, and it is only a matter of time before Trumpers go to trial.

So now you lefties are using the excuse that the surveillance of team Trump was "legal".

What happened to "Trump is lying, there was no wiretapping"?

Poor libturds, the more you spin, the deeper the hole you dig.
If Rice needed that information as part of her official job, fine. Got some doubts about that though, like why does she need to know that? But if she leaked any names to the media then that is a crime because information gathered under a FISA surveillance is classified. Including the names of who talked to who.
Rice has followed the letter of the law, and it is only a matter of time before Trumpers go to trial.
There is no way you really believe that.
Unlike you sillies, I believe in facts not opinions and not fake news. She followed the law. The Trumpers apparently did not. The investigations will prove that out or not. I think (my opinion) that the Trumpers are in serious worry time.
Jake, what laws did Trump break during the period that Obama was spying on him?
I am not concerned about Trump right now, podjo. Once the Trumpers turn tail, much like Flynn, are start testifying, then you can start worrying about Trump. :)

D'oh!!!! Susan Rice is in real trouble Jake. Time to reorder the Red Bull, I don't see you stepping away from the keyboards until her sentencing.

FLASHBACK: Susan Rice Said in March ‘I Know Nothing’ About Unmasking of Trump Officials

"I know nothing about this," Rice responded at the time. "I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that count today."

"So, today, I really don't know to what Chairman Nunes was referring, but he said that whatever he was referring to was a legal, lawful surveillance, and that it was potentially incidental collection on American citizens," added Rice, who went on to criticize Trump for his accusation that Obama wiretapped him during the presidential campaign."

Poor JakeCuckey, he's having a hard time processing this.

Fox News headline: UNMASKER UNMASKED
Susan Rice named as intel boss who exposed Team Trump surveillance

CNN: not a word, zip

MSNBC: nothing

CBS: Susan Rice asked for “unmasking" , source says

ABC: nothing

And that's why only 6% of Americans trust the media.

The dinosaur media. :dunno:
Susan Rice should be in Guantanamo. She is a domestic and international terrorist, along with her bosses Butthurt Barry Hussaine and Crooked Hillary.

Some of the ways How Russians interfered

The entire content of that presentation was...fake. Not one fact was presented.
Well, well, well, so the she devil Susan Rice (Obama's big time Benghazi cover up lying minion), was behind the unmasking of Trumps team after classified Intel was compromised by the Obama administration minions in order to take down a political opponent and his team. The racism and corruption drips from the former adminstration, and the agenda to control the leadership roles in America into the distant future, and to do it by the corruption of these kind of Demon-crats is appalling. It makes sense who the corrupt circle is, and it appears that it is alledgedly the same players that were involved in the Benghazi cover up or scandal. It all makes sense as the connections are being made, and more lies are being piled on as the walls are closing in on these people.
Rice has followed the letter of the law, and it is only a matter of time before Trumpers go to trial.

So now you lefties are using the excuse that the surveillance of team Trump was "legal".

What happened to "Trump is lying, there was no wiretapping"?

Poor libturds, the more you spin, the deeper the hole you dig.

Excellent point...that is exactly how they do it....and then the democrats in the press will simply move on to other if Russia/gate never existed....
Dagny Delinquent on Twitter

Mary Anne Marsh, a democrat, reveals that the Obama admin had been investigating Trump since the spring of 2015!!
. They would have used and abused their power to do this to anyone of the future nominee's or candidates for president. They were into corruption and control, and they were willing to use the power they possessed to control the future outcomes of the elections. The way they had Hillary as the winner, showed they were up to their eyeballs in this form of corruption. Yes trials should come quickly after the Obama house of cards is being brought down or revealed now. Should have been revealed during Benghazi, and indictments should have came then, but noooo the politicians didn't believe in casting that huge stone, well after this crap they better think differently.
Contumacious, post: 16947701
Because ABC NBC CNN NYT WAPO, etc are not members of the media , they are biased political shills.

It is a non-story.

Susan Rice was doing her job. Protecting America from foreign adversaries from planting their agents or plants into the White House.

Read it and weep wingnuts.

“Part of her job as national security adviser is to pay attention to what foreign governments are doing,” Rebecca Lonergan, a former federal prosecutor who handled foreign surveillance cases, told TPM. “If she’s asking for specific names to be unmasked in order to understand what Russia may be doing to influence the U.S. political system and influence our elections, presumably in a way they thought would benefit them, she’s doing her job.”

Nada Bakos, a former CIA analyst, noted on Twitter that it was not “odd or wrong” for the national security adviser to read “a report of foreign officials discussing US persons coming into” the White House. And Susan Hennessey, a fellow in national security governance studies at the Brookings Institution, wrote of the Bloomberg article that “nothing in this story indicates anything improper whatsoever.”

Experts Say Susan Rice Had Every Right To Request ‘Unmasking’ In Intel Reports

As soon as I heard the wingnutty attack was on Susan Rice I knew there was nothing to the story.

The government official that politicized the intelligence reports that Rice read is Nunes. He leaked confidential information working as a sock dog puppet for liar in chief Trump.

Rice legally asked to read reports and signed that she received them. The legal trail and protocol was followed. There is absolutely nothing there.
Does she realize she has committed a felony and is now risking jail time?

Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

White House lawyers last month learned that the former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

The pattern of Rice's requests was discovered in a National Security Council review of the government's policy on "unmasking" the identities of individuals in the U.S. who are not targets of electronic eavesdropping, but whose communications are collected incidentally. Normally those names are redacted from summaries of monitored conversations and appear in reports as something like "U.S. Person One."...

The National Security Council's senior director for intelligence, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, was conducting the review, according to two U.S. officials who spoke with Bloomberg View on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss it publicly. In February Cohen-Watnick discovered Rice's multiple requests to unmask U.S. persons in intelligence reports that related to Trump transition activities. He brought this to the attention of the White House General Counsel's office, who reviewed more of Rice's requests and instructed him to end his own research into the unmasking policy.

The intelligence reports were summaries of monitored conversations -- primarily between foreign officials discussing the Trump transition, but also in some cases direct contact between members of the Trump team and monitored foreign officials. One U.S. official familiar with the reports said they contained valuable political information on the Trump transition such as whom the Trump team was meeting, the views of Trump associates on foreign policy matters and plans for the incoming administration.​
And ... ???

Was she bugging Trump Towers ???

And did BHO tell her to ???
Thank you Boomberg! We now know it was done legally and for a REASON:

The standard for senior officials to learn the names of U.S. persons incidentally collected is that it must have some foreign intelligence value, a standard that can apply to almost anything. This suggests Rice's unmasking requests were likely within the law.

And we now know it had NOTHING to do with Trump's lying tweets.

Rice's requests to unmask the names of Trump transition officials does not vindicate Trump's own tweets from March 4 in which he accused Obama of illegally tapping Trump Tower. There remains no evidence to support that claim.

leaking information and names were not.
she obviously lied when she said she knew nothing of the surveillance.
As she should have lied if this story is true, when asked about classified information in an on going investigation, in a public interview.

you don't lie during an investigation, you plea the fifth or say that is classified
Rice has followed the letter of the law, and it is only a matter of time before Trumpers go to trial.

So now you lefties are using the excuse that the surveillance of team Trump was "legal".

What happened to "Trump is lying, there was no wiretapping"?

Poor libturds, the more you spin, the deeper the hole you dig.
Of course it was legal, poor conturds. You can't get away from it.

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