BREAKING: Obama's NSA Advisor Susan Rice Requested The Unmaskings Of Incoming Trump Officials

Obabble is orders of magnitude Worse Than Nixon.
Obama won't be touched with more than a civil suit if Trump has two functioning neurons. Being of different parties Trump can pull a Ford with Obama without hurting himself or naming any specific crimes. Since a pardon does not excuse anyone from being subpoenaed Bozo will be in big trouble when subpoenaed as a the trials of his underlings.
The cheeto was picked up on the usual listening to US' enemy. One more nail in his impeachment coffin.

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Not illegal to speak with foreign heads of state or representatives. Most would think it a requirement of the job and preparation for formal meetings to come. Most countries called Trump after election.
You seem sure, Scorpion, that elections don't have consequences.

No repeal and replace.

No tax reform.

No wall.

Intel investigations, FBI investigations, Haley saying Russia is the opposition, McMaster and Tillerson and Mattis and Pence and Ryan's private meetings the last two weeks.

Yup, you really, like Trump, understand what is going on.
You seem sure, Scorpion, that elections don't have consequences.

No repeal and replace.

No tax reform.

No wall.

Intel investigations, FBI investigations, Haley saying Russia is the opposition, McMaster and Tillerson and Mattis and Pence and Ryan's private meetings the last two weeks.

Yup, you really, like Trump, understand what is going on.
It is a four year term.........
When we had real media, this kind of stuff would be headlines everywhere. Spying on foreign citizens, heads of states, to some extent could be within a reason and understandable, but spying on own citizens is not just against the law, it's despicable.
You seem sure, Scorpion, that elections don't have consequences.

No repeal and replace.

No tax reform.

No wall.

Intel investigations, FBI investigations, Haley saying Russia is the opposition, McMaster and Tillerson and Mattis and Pence and Ryan's private meetings the last two weeks.

Yup, you really, like Trump, understand what is going on.

It took Barry eight months to push CommieCare thru Congress. With all the obstruction from left and right, Trump still did much more for America in two months than Barry did in two terms.

I just hope he'll quickly cleanse the government from Barry's leftovers, so he can finally start doing his job.

All what's going today confirms that McCarthy was right. If only we listened then maybe Hollywood, academia and media wouldn't be such a cucked mess of loony leftists.
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>>One U.S. official familiar with the reports said they contained valuable political information on the Trump transition such as whom the Trump team was meeting, the views of Trump associates on foreign policy matters and plans for the incoming administration.<<

>>President Obama's former national security advisor Susan Rice requested dozens of times for anonymous U.S. persons featured in intelligence reports and connected to Donald Trump to be “unmasked”<<

This was not about national security, it was political. Hillary had already lost. Dems are more interested in impeaching Trump on any pretext than the truth. Pure politics.
That's utter partisan bull crud and simply your or right winger's OPINION with NOTHING to BACK IT UP....

I thought YOU were smart enough to recognize FACT from FICTION....

so, who is the leaker? What did they leak that was classified? Does this have anything to do with Susan Rice, or this thread. Please answer.
So the unmasking wasn't illegal then?

Well lets show you just how retarded you are..

Did she have a warrant to do so?

The answer is NO.. SO the unmasking was illegal especially when she then had it distributed to over thirty people to include Hillary Clinton's staff.
So the unmasking wasn't illegal then?

Well lets show you just how retarded you are..

Did she have a warrant to do so?

The answer is NO.. SO the unmasking was illegal especially when she then had it distributed to over thirty people to include Hillary Clinton's staff.
Legitimate LINK support your claim.

Oh and you DO NOT need a warrant to unmask a us citizen that was captured on Foreign surveillance when the US CITIZEN unmasked is pertinent to the surveillance and investigation.

AND this is still confidential to only a handful at each intel agencies who are also involved with the surveillance/investigation of the foreigners...

ALL of this is LEGAL, as long as the proper procedures to protect citizens are followed

There is no there, there....with all of this....
Report: NSC has computer logs of Susan Rice accessing intelligence on Trump associates

Wow.....time to lock some folks up! I can't wait....the magical negro thought he was gonna defeat President Trump and he is about to get locked the hell up!

Obama hasn't done anything to get him locked up but Trump has committed treason. Conspiring with a foreign power to take over the USA.

Lock Him Up!!!!
You may have Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) if:

You will never forgive Tom Brady for having that Make America Great Again cap in his locker last spring.

You may have TDS if you donated to the Jill Stein “recount” fund.

Or if you’re booked as the first guest of the evening on Tucker Carlson’s new show on Fox News.

If you embrace all immigrants, legal or illegal – except Melania Trump.

Or if you got drunker on election night than Don Lemon of CNN did on New Year’s Eve.

If you are still forwarding the since-retracted fake news story in the Washington Post that falsely claimed that the Russians had hacked the nation’s electrical grid.

If you’ve posted on social media that 2016 was the worst year of your life.

If you just learned in November that presidential elections aren’t decided by the popular vote.

If you’ve called 911 to report a hate crime by Donald Trump supporters that didn’t happen, just to show what white, heterosexual males who have real jobs might be capable of if… if… uh…. Officer, can we just forget I ever made this call?

If you’ve been protesting Trump by sticking your face into a bowl of crushed Cheetos. (Glenn Beck, this means you.)

If you have a hyphenated last name, and, if you’re in college, the last word of your major is “Studies.”

If you’ve been “powering through” these last eight weeks.

You may be in the throes of TDS if you’ve created a Facebook group to “resist” the new administration.

Or if you have contributed to the Clinton Foundation or the Clinton Global Initiative. (This means you, George Stephanopoulos – and many, many others).

If you’ve been reading up on the “emoluments clause” in the Constitution because by God that’s how you’re going to impeach Trump – just ask Robert Kuttner and Paul Krugman!

If you begin every other sentence with: “Although Hillary received 2.9 million more votes….”

If you own a business and have left a message on your phone saying you will no longer service Trump voters – and you live a county that went 58 percent for Trump.

If you’re still waiting for that post-Trump-victory stock market crash. (Boston Globe, this means you – remember their fake news headline from April 9 imagining a President Trump: “Markets sink as trade war looms.”)

If you still refuse to remove that “Stronger Together” bumper sticker from your Prius.

If you have attached a safety pin to some article of your clothing, to indicate that you will provide a “safe space” for any of your fellow NPR tote bag carriers so traumatized by what has happened.

If you called in sick to your so-called job at the non-profit Nov. 9.

If you first endorsed Chris Christie for president, then refused to attend the GOP convention, then bragged that you blanked the presidential race on Nov. 8, but are now planning to slink down to D.C. to attend the inauguration. (Gov. Charlie Baker, this means you.)

If you are a “Republican” and your name is Bill Weld or Bill Kristol.

If you have asserted publicly that the election may have been stolen by certain parties hacking into voting machines with “floppy discs.” (Jill Stein, this means you.)

If you are a self-proclaimed Nasty Woman who once claimed to be a Native American.

If seeing Ivanka Trump and her three toddlers on a commercial flight drives you and your life partner in paroxysms of heterophobia.

If you have blamed Hillary’s loss on one or more of following bogeymen: James Comey, the Russians, the electoral college, Islamophobia, homophobia, misogyny, voter ID laws, fake news etc. etc. etc.

If you think Keith Olbermann’s unhinged basement rants for the website of a magazine no one knew was even still in business is must-see-TV.

If you really thought moonbat Merrick Garland was going to be appointed to the Supreme Court yesterday.

And finally, you may have a full-blown case of TDS if you think anybody cares about your feelings, snowflake.
Access on the intelligence on foreigners where Trump people were incidentally caught, and their unmasking was pertinent to understanding the surveilance of the foreigners....

it is ALL LEGAL and above board.

Who is the NSC guy that leaked this Story on Rice....will he be arrested for leaking it?
WE now have evidence that there was both legal and illegal surveillance by the Obama administration.

For over a year there was illegal surveillance that had noting to do with Russia.. Since July of last year the legal incidental surveillance was also done.

Rice demanded the unmasking of Trump and his associates. She then had the transcripts of conversations sent out to senior Obama staff and included John Podesta and Farkas in the Clinton campaign because they retained their security clearances.

Rice did not have a warrant to do what she did. So all of what she did was illegal, Reverse targeting Trump and his team.

It was clearly political espionage using US government intelligence assets.

This makes Watergate look like kids play.

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