BREAKING: Obama's NSA Advisor Susan Rice Requested The Unmaskings Of Incoming Trump Officials

It is unprecedented for a sitting President to commit Espionage on an Incoming President!

WTF? Lefty sees nothing wrong with this?

As reported in a separate thread, Bloomberg News broke the news that Susan Rice requested to learn the identity of people communicating with Russian agents, and these people turned out to be Trump associates. Not reported in said separate thread is this:
The standard for senior officials to learn the names of U.S. persons incidentally collected is that it must have some foreign intelligence value, a standard that can apply to almost anything. This suggests Rice's unmasking requests were likely within the law.

Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

Here is the name of the shitty thread for reference: BREAKING: Obama's NSA Advisor Susan Rice Requested The Unmaskings Of Incoming Trump Officials

The requests were within 'The Law'. You can phucking request anything you want.

But actually fulfilling them without the proper authorization in writing and declassifying the documents is a Felony.

None of the Unmasking that was done had the accompanying authorization, and none of The Surveillance was declassified.

If they were authorized we would know who exactly authorized it. Where the order came from, and who signed it.

Each account of unmasking without the proper authorization in writing and the order to declassify the surveillance is the commission of 3....count them....3 felonies.

So, I'd like to know just how many Acts of Unmasking Were Committed.

I am thinking there is enough to put anyone who did it away for life.

Even though Rice unmasked them, none of information should ever have been made public. It is still for intel eyes only.

That it increases after the election was purely political and Obama and Rice should both face charges
Rice could NOT UNMASK THEM, she can only request that they are unmasked from the head of the Intel Agency that collected the surveillance of information in the first place, and on that request, by law, you have to give the Agency head reasons why the unmasking is critical or pertinent to understanding the foreign intelligence collected....

I repeat, Rice does not make that decision, Rice can not unmask them on her own..

In mid October when the public was told about the Russian Interference again with 17 Intelligence agencies stating so, Obama announced that he asked for a comprehensive investigation tying all the information together from their investigations such far and continuing. A week before President Trump's inauguration he and Obama were briefed by the intelligence community on what they found, the classified version, and we were informed of the unclassified version of their analysis.

The election was only2 to 3 weeks after Obama asked for this one consolidated investigative report ...and it would make sense that the investigation with all hands on deck, were heavily involved in trying to have this analysis done before Obama left office...And from beginning near the election period end thru right before his departure.

So the unmasking wasn't illegal then?

It matters not if it was illegal or legal. Your whole party has been caught in lie, after lie after lie.
You can debate that all you want. The fact is, Obama was conducting Surveillance on Donald Trump, and probably other GOP Candidates. I would lay a bet on ALL OF THEM, and was passing the information along to Hillary Clinton.

And that most DEFINATELY IS ILLEGAL, and a Felony, and is Considered Felony Espionage.
You can make a case for Treason and Sedition as well.

I told all of you Leftists, that you were overplaying you hand, and that your Russian Narrative was too outlandish and sensationalist to be true, and that is was nothing but a crafted lie to distract from the corruption of the DNC and served as deflection for a stinging loss.

Now those lies are going to sink you.

Welcome to 2018, where people will not forget all the bullshit you put everyone through the moment you tapped a Criminal Clinton to be your Queen of The Damned.
there was no lie, they were unmasked LEGALLY,

BECAUSE they were involved with the foreigners being watched and the unmasking was pertinent to understanding the intelligence of the conversations being made by the foreigners....

THAT MEANS, Trump's boys, could be in TROUBLE or in the least, much more involved with the Foreign agent operatives being surveillanced than simply saying hi.

NO.. they were not unmasked legally. It is a violation of several laws and the Fourth Amendment.
How do you know that? Even Nunes said it was all legal....

These two things are tied together...that whole Charade that Nunes called last week where he went to the whitehouse to get info then went home, then went back to the whitehouse to tell Trump after a few press conferences before and after.... with his convoluted statements and cloak and dagger actions...

is this information leaked today, by the NSC guy, who is 1 of the guys that was outed that met with Nunes and showed Nunes this classified information.

That whole thing was utterly ridiculous because there was no way the NSC guy who works for the President would give this info to Nunes, without showing the President first, so Nunes going back to the whitehouse to brief the President as if the President didn't know and was not behind this whole fiasco in the first place.... so Trump was playing all of us, using Nunes and ruining Nunes's career over it....

There is NOTHING illegal in what rice did and according to EVERYONE in intelligence community, this is common practice in investigations on foreignrs IF the uscit's identity is necessary to understanding the foreign intelligence being collected.

AND might I say, we do not know if these Trumpsters were unmasked from conversations they had with the Foreign agents, or it could simply be two foreign agents discussing Trump and Trumpsters with each other....but we do know, somehow they ARE INVOLVED with whatever the intel community is investigating.

there is a paper trail, showing the legal means of the unmasking....Trump can get that, if he wants it....instead he wants to distract from the ACTUAL INVESTIGATION on the Russian interference,

and WHAT THE HECK were his people meeting with the Russians or talking to the Russian spies ALL THE TIME for...?

for goodness sake, what is going on with all of these Russian connections?

He just sent all of you on some wild goose chase,
that ends with everything being perfectly legal,
none of the info unmasked ever leaked,
and the Trumpsters involved being in deep do do.

Susan Rice did what you call reverse targeting. This requires a warrant.. She unmasked phone conversation that had NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA and many were with other US CITIZENS.. This violates so many laws it would take me weeks just to name them all.

The bombshell today exposes illegal surveillance and the gross illegal misuse of legal surveillance that requires a warrant.

Rice is going to jail and so are about 10 other people at the top. There isn't a thing legal about what she did.. Then she distributed it.. The leakers are about to have a very bad 30 years..
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Translation: Nunes said it was legal.

Jake, tell them you want to go out for a breath of fresh air, then make your get away
It's legal, Frank. But the Trumpers colluding with the Russians was not.

Jake, in America the oncoming Administration can talk to whoever the fuck they want. I'm surprised that other Obama staffers aren't permanently out of the country like Barack

What was Donny "Guilty" of, Jake? Is beating Hillary a crime?

Not if they are violating laws, Frank, and that is what we are finding out.

The Trumpers are not above the law, anymore than the Clintons, or the Nixons, or the Bushes, or you or me.

You live in America, buddy: you are subject to the law. We all are.

Once Flynn and the others start testifying in open committees, then we can see what is going on for sure.

Edit: let's see who fell for it below.

Jake, have you noticed that Stats and the leadership at Media Matters Internet Outreach started taking more "Personal calls" than usual and are out for lunch and "just taking a break" lately? They're talking to their travel agents and grabbing their Go Bags, Jake, they're going to run and leave you stuck there typing away defending Obama and Progressives. It's Gottedammerung for the Dems, Jake. Obama fucked it up like nobody ever in all human history. Get the fuck out while you still can Jake
They tried to Phucking Parse The Law!

Now they are trying to HIDE behind the word INCIDENTAL when they first claimed NO SURVEILLANCE ever occurred!

Phuck them. Nothing was INCIDENTAL about this.

These people need to be made an example of ALL of Them!

So this NEVER happens Again!

So the unmasking wasn't illegal then?

It matters not if it was illegal or legal. Your whole party has been caught in lie, after lie after lie.
You can debate that all you want. The fact is, Obama was conducting Surveillance on Donald Trump, and probably other GOP Candidates. I would lay a bet on ALL OF THEM, and was passing the information along to Hillary Clinton.

And that most DEFINATELY IS ILLEGAL, and a Felony, and is Considered Felony Espionage.
You can make a case for Treason and Sedition as well.

I told all of you Leftists, that you were overplaying you hand, and that your Russian Narrative was too outlandish and sensationalist to be true, and that is was nothing but a crafted lie to distract from the corruption of the DNC and served as deflection for a stinging loss.

Now those lies are going to sink you.

Welcome to 2018, where people will not forget all the bullshit you put everyone through the moment you tapped a Criminal Clinton to be your Queen of The Damned.
there was no lie, they were unmasked LEGALLY,

BECAUSE they were involved with the foreigners being watched and the unmasking was pertinent to understanding the intelligence of the conversations being made by the foreigners....

THAT MEANS, Trump's boys, could be in TROUBLE or in the least, much more involved with the Foreign agent operatives being surveillanced than simply saying hi.

NO.. they were not unmasked legally. It is a violation of several laws and the Fourth Amendment.
How do you know that? Even Nunes said it was all legal....

These two things are tied together...that whole Charade that Nunes called last week where he went to the whitehouse to get info then went home, then went back to the whitehouse to tell Trump after a few press conferences before and after.... with his convoluted statements and cloak and dagger actions...

is this information leaked today, by the NSC guy, who is 1 of the guys that was outed that met with Nunes and showed Nunes this classified information.

That whole thing was utterly ridiculous because there was no way the NSC guy who works for the President would give this info to Nunes, without showing the President first, so Nunes going back to the whitehouse to brief the President as if the President didn't know and was not behind this whole fiasco in the first place.... so Trump was playing all of us, using Nunes and ruining Nunes's career over it....

There is NOTHING illegal in what rice did and according to EVERYONE in intelligence community, this is common practice in investigations on foreignrs IF the uscit's identity is necessary to understanding the foreign intelligence being collected.

AND might I say, we do not know if these Trumpsters were unmasked from conversations they had with the Foreign agents, or it could simply be two foreign agents discussing Trump and Trumpsters with each other....but we do know, somehow they ARE INVOLVED with whatever the intel community is investigating.

there is a paper trail, showing the legal means of the unmasking....Trump can get that, if he wants it....instead he wants to distract from the ACTUAL INVESTIGATION on the Russian interference,

and WHAT THE HECK were his people meeting with the Russians or talking to the Russian spies ALL THE TIME for...?

for goodness sake, what is going on with all of these Russian connections?

He just sent all of you on some wild goose chase,
that ends with everything being perfectly legal,
none of the info unmasked ever leaked,
and the Trumpsters involved being in deep do do.

Susan Rice did what you call reverse targeting. This requires a warrant.. She unmasked phone conversation that had NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA and many were other US CITIZENS.. This violates so many laws it would take me weeks just to name them all.

The bombshell today exposes illegal surveillance and the gross illegal misuse of legal surveillance that requires a warrant.

Rice is going to jail and so are about 10 other people at the top. There isn't a thing legal about what she did.. Then she distributed it.. The leakers are about to have a very bad 30 years..
When we have our next terrorist attack on our soil, we now KNOW what Trump's National Security Council was doing to help keep us safe...researching anything intelligence communities had on trump and Trumpsters in the Russian investigation.... :rolleyes:

Is it LEGAL for Trump and Trumpsters trying to find any classified information the govt has on them when the government has them under an official (Criminal) Investigation?
They tried to Phucking Parse The Law!

Now they are trying to HIDE behind the word INCIDENTAL when they first claimed NO SURVEILLANCE ever occurred!

Phuck them. Nothing was INCIDENTAL about this.

These people need to be made an example of ALL of Them!

So this NEVER happens Again!

It matters not if it was illegal or legal. Your whole party has been caught in lie, after lie after lie.
You can debate that all you want. The fact is, Obama was conducting Surveillance on Donald Trump, and probably other GOP Candidates. I would lay a bet on ALL OF THEM, and was passing the information along to Hillary Clinton.

And that most DEFINATELY IS ILLEGAL, and a Felony, and is Considered Felony Espionage.
You can make a case for Treason and Sedition as well.

I told all of you Leftists, that you were overplaying you hand, and that your Russian Narrative was too outlandish and sensationalist to be true, and that is was nothing but a crafted lie to distract from the corruption of the DNC and served as deflection for a stinging loss.

Now those lies are going to sink you.

Welcome to 2018, where people will not forget all the bullshit you put everyone through the moment you tapped a Criminal Clinton to be your Queen of The Damned.
there was no lie, they were unmasked LEGALLY,

BECAUSE they were involved with the foreigners being watched and the unmasking was pertinent to understanding the intelligence of the conversations being made by the foreigners....

THAT MEANS, Trump's boys, could be in TROUBLE or in the least, much more involved with the Foreign agent operatives being surveillanced than simply saying hi.

NO.. they were not unmasked legally. It is a violation of several laws and the Fourth Amendment.
How do you know that? Even Nunes said it was all legal....

These two things are tied together...that whole Charade that Nunes called last week where he went to the whitehouse to get info then went home, then went back to the whitehouse to tell Trump after a few press conferences before and after.... with his convoluted statements and cloak and dagger actions...

is this information leaked today, by the NSC guy, who is 1 of the guys that was outed that met with Nunes and showed Nunes this classified information.

That whole thing was utterly ridiculous because there was no way the NSC guy who works for the President would give this info to Nunes, without showing the President first, so Nunes going back to the whitehouse to brief the President as if the President didn't know and was not behind this whole fiasco in the first place.... so Trump was playing all of us, using Nunes and ruining Nunes's career over it....

There is NOTHING illegal in what rice did and according to EVERYONE in intelligence community, this is common practice in investigations on foreignrs IF the uscit's identity is necessary to understanding the foreign intelligence being collected.

AND might I say, we do not know if these Trumpsters were unmasked from conversations they had with the Foreign agents, or it could simply be two foreign agents discussing Trump and Trumpsters with each other....but we do know, somehow they ARE INVOLVED with whatever the intel community is investigating.

there is a paper trail, showing the legal means of the unmasking....Trump can get that, if he wants it....instead he wants to distract from the ACTUAL INVESTIGATION on the Russian interference,

and WHAT THE HECK were his people meeting with the Russians or talking to the Russian spies ALL THE TIME for...?

for goodness sake, what is going on with all of these Russian connections?

He just sent all of you on some wild goose chase,
that ends with everything being perfectly legal,
none of the info unmasked ever leaked,
and the Trumpsters involved being in deep do do.

Susan Rice did what you call reverse targeting. This requires a warrant.. She unmasked phone conversation that had NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA and many were other US CITIZENS.. This violates so many laws it would take me weeks just to name them all.

The bombshell today exposes illegal surveillance and the gross illegal misuse of legal surveillance that requires a warrant.

Rice is going to jail and so are about 10 other people at the top. There isn't a thing legal about what she did.. Then she distributed it.. The leakers are about to have a very bad 30 years..
Who are the leakers?
The Big Question remains: why unmask?

There was no evidence of any Trump & Company wrongdoing during Obama's spying Operation, what was the point of unmasking post election? What did Obama's handlers hope to accomplish by unmasking all the Trump & Co conversations?
They tried to Phucking Parse The Law!

Now they are trying to HIDE behind the word INCIDENTAL when they first claimed NO SURVEILLANCE ever occurred!

Phuck them. Nothing was INCIDENTAL about this.

These people need to be made an example of ALL of Them!

So this NEVER happens Again!

there was no lie, they were unmasked LEGALLY,

BECAUSE they were involved with the foreigners being watched and the unmasking was pertinent to understanding the intelligence of the conversations being made by the foreigners....

THAT MEANS, Trump's boys, could be in TROUBLE or in the least, much more involved with the Foreign agent operatives being surveillanced than simply saying hi.

NO.. they were not unmasked legally. It is a violation of several laws and the Fourth Amendment.
How do you know that? Even Nunes said it was all legal....

These two things are tied together...that whole Charade that Nunes called last week where he went to the whitehouse to get info then went home, then went back to the whitehouse to tell Trump after a few press conferences before and after.... with his convoluted statements and cloak and dagger actions...

is this information leaked today, by the NSC guy, who is 1 of the guys that was outed that met with Nunes and showed Nunes this classified information.

That whole thing was utterly ridiculous because there was no way the NSC guy who works for the President would give this info to Nunes, without showing the President first, so Nunes going back to the whitehouse to brief the President as if the President didn't know and was not behind this whole fiasco in the first place.... so Trump was playing all of us, using Nunes and ruining Nunes's career over it....

There is NOTHING illegal in what rice did and according to EVERYONE in intelligence community, this is common practice in investigations on foreignrs IF the uscit's identity is necessary to understanding the foreign intelligence being collected.

AND might I say, we do not know if these Trumpsters were unmasked from conversations they had with the Foreign agents, or it could simply be two foreign agents discussing Trump and Trumpsters with each other....but we do know, somehow they ARE INVOLVED with whatever the intel community is investigating.

there is a paper trail, showing the legal means of the unmasking....Trump can get that, if he wants it....instead he wants to distract from the ACTUAL INVESTIGATION on the Russian interference,

and WHAT THE HECK were his people meeting with the Russians or talking to the Russian spies ALL THE TIME for...?

for goodness sake, what is going on with all of these Russian connections?

He just sent all of you on some wild goose chase,
that ends with everything being perfectly legal,
none of the info unmasked ever leaked,
and the Trumpsters involved being in deep do do.

Susan Rice did what you call reverse targeting. This requires a warrant.. She unmasked phone conversation that had NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA and many were other US CITIZENS.. This violates so many laws it would take me weeks just to name them all.

The bombshell today exposes illegal surveillance and the gross illegal misuse of legal surveillance that requires a warrant.

Rice is going to jail and so are about 10 other people at the top. There isn't a thing legal about what she did.. Then she distributed it.. The leakers are about to have a very bad 30 years..
Who are the leakers?

Probably Susan Rice and Evelyn Farkas for starters
Report: NSC has computer logs of Susan Rice accessing intelligence on Trump associates

Wow.....time to lock some folks up! I can't wait....the magical negro thought he was gonna defeat President Trump and he is about to get locked the hell up!

Obama hasn't done anything to get him locked up but Trump has committed treason. Conspiring with a foreign power to take over the USA.

Lock Him Up!!!!

Well, you certainly should be locked up in a padded cell.
Benghazi was a spontaneous protest about a youtube trailer for a movie that had not even been completed.

That's what Susan Rice said.

Didn't Hillary already e-mail Chelsea the truth before Susan went on TV and lied?
They tried to Phucking Parse The Law!

Now they are trying to HIDE behind the word INCIDENTAL when they first claimed NO SURVEILLANCE ever occurred!

Phuck them. Nothing was INCIDENTAL about this.

These people need to be made an example of ALL of Them!

So this NEVER happens Again!

NO.. they were not unmasked legally. It is a violation of several laws and the Fourth Amendment.
How do you know that? Even Nunes said it was all legal....

These two things are tied together...that whole Charade that Nunes called last week where he went to the whitehouse to get info then went home, then went back to the whitehouse to tell Trump after a few press conferences before and after.... with his convoluted statements and cloak and dagger actions...

is this information leaked today, by the NSC guy, who is 1 of the guys that was outed that met with Nunes and showed Nunes this classified information.

That whole thing was utterly ridiculous because there was no way the NSC guy who works for the President would give this info to Nunes, without showing the President first, so Nunes going back to the whitehouse to brief the President as if the President didn't know and was not behind this whole fiasco in the first place.... so Trump was playing all of us, using Nunes and ruining Nunes's career over it....

There is NOTHING illegal in what rice did and according to EVERYONE in intelligence community, this is common practice in investigations on foreignrs IF the uscit's identity is necessary to understanding the foreign intelligence being collected.

AND might I say, we do not know if these Trumpsters were unmasked from conversations they had with the Foreign agents, or it could simply be two foreign agents discussing Trump and Trumpsters with each other....but we do know, somehow they ARE INVOLVED with whatever the intel community is investigating.

there is a paper trail, showing the legal means of the unmasking....Trump can get that, if he wants it....instead he wants to distract from the ACTUAL INVESTIGATION on the Russian interference,

and WHAT THE HECK were his people meeting with the Russians or talking to the Russian spies ALL THE TIME for...?

for goodness sake, what is going on with all of these Russian connections?

He just sent all of you on some wild goose chase,
that ends with everything being perfectly legal,
none of the info unmasked ever leaked,
and the Trumpsters involved being in deep do do.

Susan Rice did what you call reverse targeting. This requires a warrant.. She unmasked phone conversation that had NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA and many were other US CITIZENS.. This violates so many laws it would take me weeks just to name them all.

The bombshell today exposes illegal surveillance and the gross illegal misuse of legal surveillance that requires a warrant.

Rice is going to jail and so are about 10 other people at the top. There isn't a thing legal about what she did.. Then she distributed it.. The leakers are about to have a very bad 30 years..
Who are the leakers?

Probably Susan Rice and Evelyn Farkas for starters
Rice, Clapper, Brennan, and Obama.. Obama had to make the final decision on this.
When we have our next terrorist attack on our soil, we now KNOW what Trump's National Security Council was doing to help keep us safe...researching anything intelligence communities had on trump and Trumpsters in the Russian investigation.... :rolleyes:

Is it LEGAL for Trump and Trumpsters trying to find any classified information the govt has on them when the government has them under an official (Criminal) Investigation?

We just had a terrorist attack on US soil, it was carried out by Obama and the Dems against the incoming Administration.

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