BREAKING: Obama's NSA Advisor Susan Rice Requested The Unmaskings Of Incoming Trump Officials

Access on the intelligence on foreigners where Trump people were incidentally caught, and their unmasking was pertinent to understanding the surveilance of the foreigners....

it is ALL LEGAL and above board.

Who is the NSC guy that leaked this Story on Rice....will he be arrested for leaking it?

Somebody leaked a story on Rice.

She has done nothing illegal......right ?
Lefty's Depends for one.

They tried to Phucking Parse The Law!

Now they are trying to HIDE behind the word INCIDENTAL when they first claimed NO SURVEILLANCE ever occurred!

Phuck them. Nothing was INCIDENTAL about this.

These people need to be made an example of ALL of Them!

So this NEVER happens Again!

there was no lie, they were unmasked LEGALLY,

BECAUSE they were involved with the foreigners being watched and the unmasking was pertinent to understanding the intelligence of the conversations being made by the foreigners....

THAT MEANS, Trump's boys, could be in TROUBLE or in the least, much more involved with the Foreign agent operatives being surveillanced than simply saying hi.

NO.. they were not unmasked legally. It is a violation of several laws and the Fourth Amendment.
How do you know that? Even Nunes said it was all legal....

These two things are tied together...that whole Charade that Nunes called last week where he went to the whitehouse to get info then went home, then went back to the whitehouse to tell Trump after a few press conferences before and after.... with his convoluted statements and cloak and dagger actions...

is this information leaked today, by the NSC guy, who is 1 of the guys that was outed that met with Nunes and showed Nunes this classified information.

That whole thing was utterly ridiculous because there was no way the NSC guy who works for the President would give this info to Nunes, without showing the President first, so Nunes going back to the whitehouse to brief the President as if the President didn't know and was not behind this whole fiasco in the first place.... so Trump was playing all of us, using Nunes and ruining Nunes's career over it....

There is NOTHING illegal in what rice did and according to EVERYONE in intelligence community, this is common practice in investigations on foreignrs IF the uscit's identity is necessary to understanding the foreign intelligence being collected.

AND might I say, we do not know if these Trumpsters were unmasked from conversations they had with the Foreign agents, or it could simply be two foreign agents discussing Trump and Trumpsters with each other....but we do know, somehow they ARE INVOLVED with whatever the intel community is investigating.

there is a paper trail, showing the legal means of the unmasking....Trump can get that, if he wants it....instead he wants to distract from the ACTUAL INVESTIGATION on the Russian interference,

and WHAT THE HECK were his people meeting with the Russians or talking to the Russian spies ALL THE TIME for...?

for goodness sake, what is going on with all of these Russian connections?

He just sent all of you on some wild goose chase,
that ends with everything being perfectly legal,
none of the info unmasked ever leaked,
and the Trumpsters involved being in deep do do.

Susan Rice did what you call reverse targeting. This requires a warrant.. She unmasked phone conversation that had NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA and many were other US CITIZENS.. This violates so many laws it would take me weeks just to name them all.

The bombshell today exposes illegal surveillance and the gross illegal misuse of legal surveillance that requires a warrant.

Rice is going to jail and so are about 10 other people at the top. There isn't a thing legal about what she did.. Then she distributed it.. The leakers are about to have a very bad 30 years..
Who are the leakers?
They tried to Phucking Parse The Law!

Now they are trying to HIDE behind the word INCIDENTAL when they first claimed NO SURVEILLANCE ever occurred!

Phuck them. Nothing was INCIDENTAL about this.

These people need to be made an example of ALL of Them!

So this NEVER happens Again!

How do you know that? Even Nunes said it was all legal....

These two things are tied together...that whole Charade that Nunes called last week where he went to the whitehouse to get info then went home, then went back to the whitehouse to tell Trump after a few press conferences before and after.... with his convoluted statements and cloak and dagger actions...

is this information leaked today, by the NSC guy, who is 1 of the guys that was outed that met with Nunes and showed Nunes this classified information.

That whole thing was utterly ridiculous because there was no way the NSC guy who works for the President would give this info to Nunes, without showing the President first, so Nunes going back to the whitehouse to brief the President as if the President didn't know and was not behind this whole fiasco in the first place.... so Trump was playing all of us, using Nunes and ruining Nunes's career over it....

There is NOTHING illegal in what rice did and according to EVERYONE in intelligence community, this is common practice in investigations on foreignrs IF the uscit's identity is necessary to understanding the foreign intelligence being collected.

AND might I say, we do not know if these Trumpsters were unmasked from conversations they had with the Foreign agents, or it could simply be two foreign agents discussing Trump and Trumpsters with each other....but we do know, somehow they ARE INVOLVED with whatever the intel community is investigating.

there is a paper trail, showing the legal means of the unmasking....Trump can get that, if he wants it....instead he wants to distract from the ACTUAL INVESTIGATION on the Russian interference,

and WHAT THE HECK were his people meeting with the Russians or talking to the Russian spies ALL THE TIME for...?

for goodness sake, what is going on with all of these Russian connections?

He just sent all of you on some wild goose chase,
that ends with everything being perfectly legal,
none of the info unmasked ever leaked,
and the Trumpsters involved being in deep do do.

Susan Rice did what you call reverse targeting. This requires a warrant.. She unmasked phone conversation that had NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA and many were other US CITIZENS.. This violates so many laws it would take me weeks just to name them all.

The bombshell today exposes illegal surveillance and the gross illegal misuse of legal surveillance that requires a warrant.

Rice is going to jail and so are about 10 other people at the top. There isn't a thing legal about what she did.. Then she distributed it.. The leakers are about to have a very bad 30 years..
Who are the leakers?

Probably Susan Rice and Evelyn Farkas for starters
Rice, Clapper, Brennan, and Obama.. Obama had to make the final decision on this.

Obama played it smart, he's going to stay out of reach of the law, he won't return to the USA anytime soon
I'd say Clinton and Podesta as well since Obama was Illegally Sharing Classified Information with her!

They tried to Phucking Parse The Law!

Now they are trying to HIDE behind the word INCIDENTAL when they first claimed NO SURVEILLANCE ever occurred!

Phuck them. Nothing was INCIDENTAL about this.

These people need to be made an example of ALL of Them!

So this NEVER happens Again!

How do you know that? Even Nunes said it was all legal....

These two things are tied together...that whole Charade that Nunes called last week where he went to the whitehouse to get info then went home, then went back to the whitehouse to tell Trump after a few press conferences before and after.... with his convoluted statements and cloak and dagger actions...

is this information leaked today, by the NSC guy, who is 1 of the guys that was outed that met with Nunes and showed Nunes this classified information.

That whole thing was utterly ridiculous because there was no way the NSC guy who works for the President would give this info to Nunes, without showing the President first, so Nunes going back to the whitehouse to brief the President as if the President didn't know and was not behind this whole fiasco in the first place.... so Trump was playing all of us, using Nunes and ruining Nunes's career over it....

There is NOTHING illegal in what rice did and according to EVERYONE in intelligence community, this is common practice in investigations on foreignrs IF the uscit's identity is necessary to understanding the foreign intelligence being collected.

AND might I say, we do not know if these Trumpsters were unmasked from conversations they had with the Foreign agents, or it could simply be two foreign agents discussing Trump and Trumpsters with each other....but we do know, somehow they ARE INVOLVED with whatever the intel community is investigating.

there is a paper trail, showing the legal means of the unmasking....Trump can get that, if he wants it....instead he wants to distract from the ACTUAL INVESTIGATION on the Russian interference,

and WHAT THE HECK were his people meeting with the Russians or talking to the Russian spies ALL THE TIME for...?

for goodness sake, what is going on with all of these Russian connections?

He just sent all of you on some wild goose chase,
that ends with everything being perfectly legal,
none of the info unmasked ever leaked,
and the Trumpsters involved being in deep do do.

Susan Rice did what you call reverse targeting. This requires a warrant.. She unmasked phone conversation that had NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA and many were other US CITIZENS.. This violates so many laws it would take me weeks just to name them all.

The bombshell today exposes illegal surveillance and the gross illegal misuse of legal surveillance that requires a warrant.

Rice is going to jail and so are about 10 other people at the top. There isn't a thing legal about what she did.. Then she distributed it.. The leakers are about to have a very bad 30 years..
Who are the leakers?

Probably Susan Rice and Evelyn Farkas for starters
Rice, Clapper, Brennan, and Obama.. Obama had to make the final decision on this.
They tried to Phucking Parse The Law!

Now they are trying to HIDE behind the word INCIDENTAL when they first claimed NO SURVEILLANCE ever occurred!

Phuck them. Nothing was INCIDENTAL about this.

These people need to be made an example of ALL of Them!

So this NEVER happens Again!

Susan Rice did what you call reverse targeting. This requires a warrant.. She unmasked phone conversation that had NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA and many were other US CITIZENS.. This violates so many laws it would take me weeks just to name them all.

The bombshell today exposes illegal surveillance and the gross illegal misuse of legal surveillance that requires a warrant.

Rice is going to jail and so are about 10 other people at the top. There isn't a thing legal about what she did.. Then she distributed it.. The leakers are about to have a very bad 30 years..
Who are the leakers?

Probably Susan Rice and Evelyn Farkas for starters
Rice, Clapper, Brennan, and Obama.. Obama had to make the final decision on this.

Obama played it smart, he's going to stay out of reach of the law, he won't return to the USA anytime soon

He is on an island chain that has no extradition treaty with the US..

I'd say Clinton and Podesta as well since Obama was Illegally Sharing Classified Information with her!

They tried to Phucking Parse The Law!

Now they are trying to HIDE behind the word INCIDENTAL when they first claimed NO SURVEILLANCE ever occurred!

Phuck them. Nothing was INCIDENTAL about this.

These people need to be made an example of ALL of Them!

So this NEVER happens Again!

Susan Rice did what you call reverse targeting. This requires a warrant.. She unmasked phone conversation that had NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA and many were other US CITIZENS.. This violates so many laws it would take me weeks just to name them all.

The bombshell today exposes illegal surveillance and the gross illegal misuse of legal surveillance that requires a warrant.

Rice is going to jail and so are about 10 other people at the top. There isn't a thing legal about what she did.. Then she distributed it.. The leakers are about to have a very bad 30 years..
Who are the leakers?

Probably Susan Rice and Evelyn Farkas for starters
Rice, Clapper, Brennan, and Obama.. Obama had to make the final decision on this.
And you wondered why the DNC did not want the FBI to have access to their servers..
No shit. Really? How Phucking interesting is that?

Does Kenya have an Extradition Treaty with us?

They tried to Phucking Parse The Law!

Now they are trying to HIDE behind the word INCIDENTAL when they first claimed NO SURVEILLANCE ever occurred!

Phuck them. Nothing was INCIDENTAL about this.

These people need to be made an example of ALL of Them!

So this NEVER happens Again!
Who are the leakers?

Probably Susan Rice and Evelyn Farkas for starters
Rice, Clapper, Brennan, and Obama.. Obama had to make the final decision on this.

Obama played it smart, he's going to stay out of reach of the law, he won't return to the USA anytime soon

He is on an island chain that has no extradition treaty with the US..


Well if you're hanging around criminals, I imagine the Law will eventually spot you.

If you're hanging around Russians--you can bet you're being watched also, especially when there is a lot of contact between you and the Russians going on, and especially in the middle of a campaign season. (Russians can't vote, and they sure has hell can't make campaign donations.)

What makes it even more suspicious is when you deny that any of your surrogates had contact with any Russians during the campaign season (FIVE TIMES.)
Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia


Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

I'd say Clinton and Podesta as well since Obama was Illegally Sharing Classified Information with her!

They tried to Phucking Parse The Law!

Now they are trying to HIDE behind the word INCIDENTAL when they first claimed NO SURVEILLANCE ever occurred!

Phuck them. Nothing was INCIDENTAL about this.

These people need to be made an example of ALL of Them!

So this NEVER happens Again!
Who are the leakers?

Probably Susan Rice and Evelyn Farkas for starters
Rice, Clapper, Brennan, and Obama.. Obama had to make the final decision on this.
And you wondered why the DNC did not want the FBI to have access to their servers..

That and they didn't want the FBI to find who at the DNC sanctioned the hit on Seth Rich

Well if you're hanging around criminals, I imagine the Law will eventually spot you.

If you're hanging around Russians--you can bet you're being watched also, especially when there is a lot of contact between you and the Russians going on, and especially in the middle of a campaign season. (Russians can't vote, and they sure has hell can't make campaign donations.

What makes it even more suspicious is when you deny any contact (5) times.
Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia


Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -


You're so fucked, poseur. All your Bosses are headed for the exits and you're stuck posting your stupid fucking sock talking points. Get out while you still can
Come to think about it, Obama was using an alias to mask his identity when he was emailing Clintons Secret Server.

So does anyone really believe that she deleted 33,000 emails
About Yoga Pants?

Maybe Yoga Pants was
Obama's Code

YOGA Pants
POTUS Pants!


I'm half serious though!

His Perjuring himself about Not Knowing A Damn Thing about Clinton's Secret Server was enough to impeach him alone.

I'd say Clinton and Podesta as well since Obama was Illegally Sharing Classified Information with her!

They tried to Phucking Parse The Law!

Now they are trying to HIDE behind the word INCIDENTAL when they first claimed NO SURVEILLANCE ever occurred!

Phuck them. Nothing was INCIDENTAL about this.

These people need to be made an example of ALL of Them!

So this NEVER happens Again!
Who are the leakers?

Probably Susan Rice and Evelyn Farkas for starters
Rice, Clapper, Brennan, and Obama.. Obama had to make the final decision on this.
And you wondered why the DNC did not want the FBI to have access to their servers..
Last edited:
When we have our next terrorist attack on our soil, we now KNOW what Trump's National Security Council was doing to help keep us safe...researching anything intelligence communities had on trump and Trumpsters in the Russian investigation.... :rolleyes:

Is it LEGAL for Trump and Trumpsters trying to find any classified information the govt has on them when the government has them under an official (Criminal) Investigation?

One was just stopped last month by the FBI, a plan to bomb trains and buses on behalf of ISIS. I'm sure most people missed it.

MSM was too busy rabidly focusing on Trump and trying to spread fake news and conspiracies
So the unmasking wasn't illegal then?

It matters not if it was illegal or legal. Your whole party has been caught in lie, after lie after lie.
You can debate that all you want. The fact is, Obama was conducting Surveillance on Donald Trump, and probably other GOP Candidates. I would lay a bet on ALL OF THEM, and was passing the information along to Hillary Clinton.

And that most DEFINATELY IS ILLEGAL, and a Felony, and is Considered Felony Espionage.
You can make a case for Treason and Sedition as well.

I told all of you Leftists, that you were overplaying you hand, and that your Russian Narrative was too outlandish and sensationalist to be true, and that is was nothing but a crafted lie to distract from the corruption of the DNC and served as deflection for a stinging loss.

Now those lies are going to sink you.

Welcome to 2018, where people will not forget all the bullshit you put everyone through the moment you tapped a Criminal Clinton to be your Queen of The Damned.
there was no lie, they were unmasked LEGALLY,

BECAUSE they were involved with the foreigners being watched and the unmasking was pertinent to understanding the intelligence of the conversations being made by the foreigners....

THAT MEANS, Trump's boys, could be in TROUBLE or in the least, much more involved with the Foreign agent operatives being surveillanced than simply saying hi.

NO.. they were not unmasked legally. It is a violation of several laws and the Fourth Amendment.
How do you know that? Even Nunes said it was all legal....

These two things are tied together...that whole Charade that Nunes called last week where he went to the whitehouse to get info then went home, then went back to the whitehouse to tell Trump after a few press conferences before and after.... with his convoluted statements and cloak and dagger actions...

is this information leaked today, by the NSC guy, who is 1 of the guys that was outed that met with Nunes and showed Nunes this classified information.

That whole thing was utterly ridiculous because there was no way the NSC guy who works for the President would give this info to Nunes, without showing the President first, so Nunes going back to the whitehouse to brief the President as if the President didn't know and was not behind this whole fiasco in the first place.... so Trump was playing all of us, using Nunes and ruining Nunes's career over it....

There is NOTHING illegal in what rice did and according to EVERYONE in intelligence community, this is common practice in investigations on foreignrs IF the uscit's identity is necessary to understanding the foreign intelligence being collected.

AND might I say, we do not know if these Trumpsters were unmasked from conversations they had with the Foreign agents, or it could simply be two foreign agents discussing Trump and Trumpsters with each other....but we do know, somehow they ARE INVOLVED with whatever the intel community is investigating.

there is a paper trail, showing the legal means of the unmasking....Trump can get that, if he wants it....instead he wants to distract from the ACTUAL INVESTIGATION on the Russian interference,

and WHAT THE HECK were his people meeting with the Russians or talking to the Russian spies ALL THE TIME for...?

for goodness sake, what is going on with all of these Russian connections?

He just sent all of you on some wild goose chase,
that ends with everything being perfectly legal,
none of the info unmasked ever leaked,
and the Trumpsters involved being in deep do do.

Susan Rice did what you call reverse targeting. This requires a warrant.. She unmasked phone conversation that had NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA and many were with other US CITIZENS.. This violates so many laws it would take me weeks just to name them all.

The bombshell today exposes illegal surveillance and the gross illegal misuse of legal surveillance that requires a warrant.

Rice is going to jail and so are about 10 other people at the top. There isn't a thing legal about what she did.. Then she distributed it.. The leakers are about to have a very bad 30 years..

I doubt it, Obama and his lawless band of thugs spent 8 years breaking the law and daring anyone to try holding a black president accountable.
It seems like all this Russia hysteria has been about laying a foundation for a national security defense for the politically motivated spying.
Rice has followed the letter of the law, and it is only a matter of time before Trumpers go to trial.

So now you lefties are using the excuse that the surveillance of team Trump was "legal".

What happened to "Trump is lying, there was no wiretapping"?

Poor libturds, the more you spin, the deeper the hole you dig.
Of course it was legal, poor conturds. You can't get away from it.

It's good that you at least admit Trump was right, his people were being wiretapped.

FISA laws are quite clear on the criteria for unmasking, and political blackmail isn't one of them.
Actually Seth Rich and three other people died mysteriously in the same month. A couple of DNC operatives and I believe two authors who were writing Novels about The Clinton's Mile high pile of Corruption and Ill Gotten Gains.

Speaking of that. Where The Fuck did they squirrel away Anthony Wieimer and Guccifer?

I'd say Clinton and Podesta as well since Obama was Illegally Sharing Classified Information with her!

Who are the leakers?

Probably Susan Rice and Evelyn Farkas for starters
Rice, Clapper, Brennan, and Obama.. Obama had to make the final decision on this.
And you wondered why the DNC did not want the FBI to have access to their servers..

That and they didn't want the FBI to find who at the DNC sanctioned the hit on Seth Rich
The Alt Right conturds are desperately trying to turn attention away from the Great Orange Criminal himself.

And laughingly failing trying to do it.

You've yet to point which law he has broken.

Running around repeating "collusion" and "influencing an election" aren't proof of anything.
They are more concerned about Fake News and ignoring "Incidental" Surveillance!

When we have our next terrorist attack on our soil, we now KNOW what Trump's National Security Council was doing to help keep us safe...researching anything intelligence communities had on trump and Trumpsters in the Russian investigation.... :rolleyes:

Is it LEGAL for Trump and Trumpsters trying to find any classified information the govt has on them when the government has them under an official (Criminal) Investigation?

One was just stopped last month by the FBI, a plan to bomb trains and buses on behalf of ISIS. I'm sure most people missed it.

MSM was too busy rabidly focusing on Trump and trying to spread fake news and conspiracies

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