Breaking: Ooopsie again....Cohen pleading guilty to new charge

  1. The funniest part of this is Mueller claiming all of his star witnesses are liars. We're supposed to believe they're telling him the truth. The same Mueller with multiple prosecutorial misconduct convictions, including suborning perjury from witnesses. Seems there may be some people filing complaints for that very reason soon.
Put your hand up in front of a FEDERAL authority and see how eager and easily you are to LIE. REMEMBER, TRUMP'S LAWYERS WON'T LET HIM GO IN FOR AN 'INTERVIEW' BECAUSE THEY KNOW HE WILL LIE UNDER OATH. Now why do you suppose that is?

If the only thing the authorities can get folks on is "lying" when the authorities themselves lie all the time to ensnare folks, that is just a power play and the people of this nation should tell the Deep State to fuck off.

We need real crimes that harm the nation not ones that harm the power of the authorities interests and power. It can take a flying leap.
That is intellectually lazy not to mention PARTISAN as shit. WHO do you think you are kidding here?

What the he'll do you people TEACH your kids?
That this nation's good people have been under assault by the likes of J. Edgar Hoover and the Dulles brothers for decades. Tragic Deep Events will not only happen, but happen with greater and greater frequency, and when economic dislocations happen, it will be the elites that benefit.

The leadership of the lettered agencies is out of control, as well as Wall Street and Silicon Valley, and the things that Snowden and Assange have written and spoken about, although limited hangouts, should be clear warnings to us all, we are being monitored and our very rights and way of life are under assault.

False flags, assassinations, renditions, lies, coverups, it's all true.

These monsters CANNOT BE TRUSTED. Nor can the CFR, corporate controlled mockingbird press.

We now saw this when they let the Clinton's go. We are now a lawless nation. Two standards of justice, one for them, another for those they do not like. It is clear to us all. They care little for law and order, only for the raw naked abuse of power of their thieving brutality and control of the populace, despite what we should choose.
There weren't any trips or phone calls to Russia. There never was a Trump tower Moscow.

That's a hilarious lack of understand there.

So what if he did talk with Russia? Come to think of it, as a multi-billionaire real estate developer, what developed country would he NOT talk?
Factchecked ADNAUSEUM. Read it some time. There are NUMEROUS sources.
Trump is a billionaire who buys and sells real estate on a global scale.

That's not illegal. AND nothing came of it. The deal didn't happen. So now its illegal to say no to Russia? The deal STARTED before Trump was the Republican candidate, so it's a big fat......

Nothing burger.

If it is no big deal, then why lie about it? Why have oh... almost everyone you know lie about it?

Trump didn't lie about it, Cohen did. Ask him. They were talking about it on FNC today. What Trump did wasn't even illegal even if it HAD happened, so why lie about it? The only reason is to protect your own ass. Cohen must be trying to cover up his own behavior. Because Trumps was totally legal.

Wrong. Trump said he had NEVER done business with Russia... He said he was not doing any business while campaigning. Both are lies.
Not really.

It depends on what the definition of "is," is.


If no contracts were signed, no business was conducted.

And yet he SECURED FUNDING! Oh well, as long as there is no "paperwork". Right?
So what, the Clinton's secured lot's of funding too.

I have yet to be moved.
If Trump was engaging Russians for business deal, just prior to being elected President, it is only fitting that it be investigated.

Yep, right after they finish the investigation into the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Foundation. Fair?
So many things are coming into focus now. All those trips and phone calls to Russia, the boys, Cohen, all the Russian chatter. I can see it as plain as day, help make me president, help destroy HILLARY. I'll build a tower and you'll get the grandest piece of real estate in the building. Then I can work on those sanctions. He would lay all the groundwork while he was running when had the best bargaining chip he would EVER hold and even if he didn't win, he got the piece of real estate he had wanted for YEARS!

This is just breaking in BUZZFEED and I think their server may have crashed. Will put it up as soon as available.
Cohen is lying to save his ass.
So many things are coming into focus now. All those trips and phone calls to Russia, the boys, Cohen, all the Russian chatter. I can see it as plain as day, help make me president, help destroy HILLARY. I'll build a tower and you'll get the grandest piece of real estate in the building. Then I can work on those sanctions. He would lay all the groundwork while he was running when had the best bargaining chip he would EVER hold and even if he didn't win, he got the piece of real estate he had wanted for YEARS!

This is just breaking in BUZZFEED and I think their server may have crashed. Will put it up as soon as available.

Sure hope science finds the cure for the leftist mind wasting disease. Time's running out. And a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

You CALL ME when Putin is subpoenaed..
Trump is a billionaire who buys and sells real estate on a global scale.

That's not illegal. AND nothing came of it. The deal didn't happen. So now its illegal to say no to Russia? The deal STARTED before Trump was the Republican candidate, so it's a big fat......

Nothing burger.

If it is no big deal, then why lie about it? Why have oh... almost everyone you know lie about it?

Trump didn't lie about it, Cohen did. Ask him. They were talking about it on FNC today. What Trump did wasn't even illegal even if it HAD happened, so why lie about it? The only reason is to protect your own ass. Cohen must be trying to cover up his own behavior. Because Trumps was totally legal.

Wrong. Trump said he had NEVER done business with Russia... He said he was not doing any business while campaigning. Both are lies.

Wrong, he had not done business with Russia. No money changed hands, no deal made.

Let it go, man. Grow up. He's president. If we could put up with that half black dumb ass Muslim oreo for 8 years you can do Trump for 8 too.
Trump is a billionaire who buys and sells real estate on a global scale.

That's not illegal. AND nothing came of it. The deal didn't happen. So now its illegal to say no to Russia? The deal STARTED before Trump was the Republican candidate, so it's a big fat......

Nothing burger.

If it is no big deal, then why lie about it? Why have oh... almost everyone you know lie about it?

Trump didn't lie about it, Cohen did. Ask him. They were talking about it on FNC today. What Trump did wasn't even illegal even if it HAD happened, so why lie about it? The only reason is to protect your own ass. Cohen must be trying to cover up his own behavior. Because Trumps was totally legal.

Wrong. Trump said he had NEVER done business with Russia... He said he was not doing any business while campaigning. Both are lies.

Wrong, he had not done business with Russia. No money changed hands, no deal made.

Let it go, man. Grow up. He's president. If we could put up with that half black dumb ass Muslim oreo for 8 years you can do Trump for 8 too.

We don't know for sure if he hasn't done business with Russia... because he hasn't released his tax returns. Do you think Trump's sons are liars?

You saying that is kind of funny... because you guys cried 8 years that about Obama saying he wasn't born in the U.S.
Well, considering he said he didn't and we have no evidence to the contrary, then that would mean he didn't.

We don't have any evidence that Hillary didn't shred her emails to protect her illegal activity. Does that mean she was involved in illegal activity?
Well, considering he said he didn't and we have no evidence to the contrary, then that would mean he didn't.

We don't have any evidence that Hillary didn't shred her emails to protect her illegal activity. Does that mean she was involved in illegal activity?

I guess Eric Trump is a liar then.

Eric Trump: 'We have all the funding we need out of Russia' for Trump golf courses

I don't give a rat's ass about Hillary at this point. She isn't in any position of power. Not sure why you guys are still hanging on to that talking point... SHE DOESN'T MAKE ANY DECISIONS FOR THE COUNTRY ANYMORE.

Sure she is guilty of some shit, I'm sure of that, but she isn't the President.

You guys want to say all these people that dislike Trump have Trump Derangement Syndrome, but you've been complaining about Hillary Clinton for over a decade and still are, when she isn't even involved in the government anymore. You have no room to make fun of anyone.
Well, considering he said he didn't and we have no evidence to the contrary, then that would mean he didn't.

We don't have any evidence that Hillary didn't shred her emails to protect her illegal activity. Does that mean she was involved in illegal activity?

I guess Eric Trump is a liar then.

Eric Trump: 'We have all the funding we need out of Russia' for Trump golf courses

I don't give a rat's ass about Hillary at this point. She isn't in any position of power. Not sure why you guys are still hanging on to that talking point... SHE DOESN'T MAKE ANY DECISIONS FOR THE COUNTRY ANYMORE.

Sure she is guilty of some shit, I'm sure of that, but she isn't the President.

You guys want to say all these people that dislike Trump have Trump Derangement Syndrome, but you've been complaining about Hillary Clinton for over a decade and still are, when she isn't even involved in the government anymore. You have no room to make fun of anyone.

Because SHE was the OTHER presidential candidate. The topic is illegal activity by a presidential candidate. Unless you don't give a rats ass about what Hillary does and only focus on Trump which of course would expose you as the partisan hack you are, in sheeps clothing pretending to "care about their behavior."

Your proof is a link from an almost 2 year old article? LOLOL

Did you even read it??? In 2017 he said that 3 years prior they got funding for a golf course from Russia. That would be what, 3 years before he was president? Meaning......he was a private citizen doing what he legally could do? It's not illegal for an American citizen to get their funding from a Russian source. Hell our gov't borrows TRILLIONS of dollars from China. You crying about that?

Sometimes it helps to actually read your articles before you post them, lest they be used against you and that's known as self pwnage.
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So many things are coming into focus now. All those trips and phone calls to Russia, the boys, Cohen, all the Russian chatter. I can see it as plain as day, help make me president, help destroy HILLARY. I'll build a tower and you'll get the grandest piece of real estate in the building. Then I can work on those sanctions. He would lay all the groundwork while he was running when had the best bargaining chip he would EVER hold and even if he didn't win, he got the piece of real estate he had wanted for YEARS!

This is just breaking in BUZZFEED and I think their server may have crashed. Will put it up as soon as available.
Cohen is lying to save his ass.

Mueller is flailing desperately. Corsi, Manafort now these fake all of a sudden made up dealing by Cohen, which aren't even illegal if they even did happen.
You've been claiming 2 years for a year. Mueller was appointed MAY 3 or 4th 2017. On my calendar that is about 18 months. Are you old enough to remember WATERGATE? That went on for over 2 years--and that ALL happened in one country on one continent.

As for MUELLER and his witch hunt. He was CHOSEN BY REPUBLICANS! Remember?

Watergate was a REAL CRIME, with REAL CRIMINALS. Wow, what a difference!

Like with the vast majority scandals, the coverup is always the problem.

Had President Nixon gone on TV when the Watergate break-in was exposed and said that he was outraged? That those guilty would be punished to the fullest extent of the law, he would never have been pushed to resign.

Same with President Bill Clinton. Aside from his and Hillary's multitude of other scandals, President Clinton went on national TV, looked America straight in the eye, wagged his finger at us and LIED TO US! Had he taken the same airtime, groveled and begged forgiveness, he'd still have had all his other scandals but he'd never have had to testify about Monica so he'd never have lied, thus no perjury, no Impeachment.

President Donald Trump has attempted no such cover-up. There was no collusion and there has been no attempted coverup.
Well, considering he said he didn't and we have no evidence to the contrary, then that would mean he didn't.

We don't have any evidence that Hillary didn't shred her emails to protect her illegal activity. Does that mean she was involved in illegal activity?

I guess Eric Trump is a liar then.

Eric Trump: 'We have all the funding we need out of Russia' for Trump golf courses

I don't give a rat's ass about Hillary at this point. She isn't in any position of power. Not sure why you guys are still hanging on to that talking point... SHE DOESN'T MAKE ANY DECISIONS FOR THE COUNTRY ANYMORE.

Sure she is guilty of some shit, I'm sure of that, but she isn't the President.

You guys want to say all these people that dislike Trump have Trump Derangement Syndrome, but you've been complaining about Hillary Clinton for over a decade and still are, when she isn't even involved in the government anymore. You have no room to make fun of anyone.

Your proof is a link from an almost 2 year old article? LOLOL

Did you even read it??? In 2017 he said that 3 years prior they got funding for a golf course from Russia. That would be what, 3 years before he was president? Meaning......he was a private citizen doing what he legally could do? It's not illegal for an American citizen to get their funding from a Russian source. Hell our gov't borrows TRILLIONS of dollars from China. You crying about that?

Sometimes it helps to actually read your articles before you post them, lest they be used against you and that's known as self pwnage.

How does when he said that change anything? Trump has said HE HAS NEVER DONE ANY DEALS IN RUSSIA other than his beauty pageant. Do you even know what Trump has said?
You're still not getting it. If it didn't matter why would he lie about it, and why would all these friends and associates of him lie about it to protect him? Trump says he is "like really smart," then why would he lie about something that isn't illegal?

What is illegal?
You're still not getting it. If it didn't matter why would he lie about it, and why would all these friends and associates of him lie about it to protect him? Trump says he is "like really smart," then why would he lie about something that isn't illegal?

What is illegal?

Wow... just wow. You don't think there is an issue when the President of the United States owes several million dollars to a country, that country helps get him elected, and then the President does things favorable for that country?

If nothing is illegal or unethical about it, WHY LIE? Why have all your friends and associates lie?

Trump even admitted today Cohen isn't lying... after calling Cohen a dumb, loser, liar, he then followed up by saying, "Well even if what he says IS TRUE, I did nothing wrong."
We don't know for sure if he hasn't done business with Russia... because he hasn't released his tax returns. Do you think Trump's sons are liars?

You saying that is kind of funny... because you guys cried 8 years that about Obama saying he wasn't born in the U.S.

Why does it matter?

Has George Soros done business all around the world? Well, he's not doing much in France today because he is a convicted felon in that country. He's collapsed the economy in several countries and attempted to do so in Great Britain. But that's okay, he's a Progressive. What about Mark Cuban?
We don't know for sure if he hasn't done business with Russia... because he hasn't released his tax returns. Do you think Trump's sons are liars?

You saying that is kind of funny... because you guys cried 8 years that about Obama saying he wasn't born in the U.S.

Why does it matter?

Has George Soros done business all around the world? Well, he's not doing much in France today because he is a convicted felon in that country. He's collapsed the economy in several countries and attempted to do so in Great Britain. But that's okay, he's a Progressive. What about Mark Cuban?

Please list the political offices or government positions George Soros has held in the U.S.
Wow... just wow. You don't think there is an issue when the President of the United States owes several million dollars to a country, that country helps get him elected, and then the President does things favorable for that country?

Please show us your proof that Donald Trump owes several million dollars to Russia. Does several million dollars matter to a multi-billionaire?

The collusion has been proven where?

What has President Trump done for Russia?


Trump Cancels G-20 Summit Meeting with Putin over Attack on Ukrainian Ships
The Kremlin on Thursday claimed a meeting between Presidents Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin would proceed as planned on Saturday at the G-20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, but a few hours later President Trump canceled the meeting.
Trump said he would not meet with Putin because Russia seized three Ukrainian ships and their crew on Sunday.
Trump Cancels G-20 Summit Meeting with Putin over Attack on Ukraine

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