Breaking: Ooopsie again....Cohen pleading guilty to new charge

Like clockwork... all the Trumplestiltskins run to this thread to give it funny rep and say it is all fake.
Not really.

A lot of folks aren't fooled into believing that it even matters.

The article posted doesn't show any quid pro quo.

Nothing more than a real estate deal.
Like clockwork... all the Trumplestiltskins run to this thread to give it funny rep and say it is all fake.
Not really.

A lot of folks aren't fooled into believing that it even matters.

The article posted doesn't show any quid pro quo.

Nothing more than a real estate deal.

You're still not getting it. If it didn't matter why would he lie about it, and why would all these friends and associates of him lie about it to protect him? Trump says he is "like really smart," then why would he lie about something that isn't illegal?
There was nothing, whatsoever wrong, much less illegal about Donald Trump DISCUSSING a possible business deal in Russia.
Was there any deal, is there construction going on today for a Trump Tower in Moscow? No.

So what is your problem? Aside from hate I mean.

Hang on to that. You'll need SOMETHING to hold on to.

PS 3 articles of impeachment were drawn up against NIXON when he was told he better bail. All 3 could be drawn up against Trump NOW plus at least 2 MORE. And none of anything to do with a property in Russia.

But thanks for playing.
Two years, and nothing on Trump. Either he (Trump) is the smartest on the block to have illuded the investigator's and mob this long now or he is completely innocent of the charges in which the mob has attempted to bring against him.... So here we have this Mueller as being one of the dumbest politically motivated investigator's in history maybe or just one of the most evil in history maybe ??? ....... Might be that the whole thing is just purely a "Witch Hunt" that makes Mueller a sad sock puppet stuck on a string, who is doing the political work for his master's on the left. Bad place to be these days, because people are getting more and more resentful of the left these days.
MONUMENTAL: The Naked Truth About Robert Mueller
Doug Ross @ Journal: MONUMENTAL: The Naked Truth About Robert Mueller
  1. The funniest part of this is Mueller claiming all of his star witnesses are liars. We're supposed to believe they're telling him the truth. The same Mueller with multiple prosecutorial misconduct convictions, including suborning perjury from witnesses. Seems there may be some people filing complaints for that very reason soon.
Put your hand up in front of a FEDERAL authority and see how eager and easily you are to LIE. REMEMBER, TRUMP'S LAWYERS WON'T LET HIM GO IN FOR AN 'INTERVIEW' BECAUSE THEY KNOW HE WILL LIE UNDER OATH. Now why do you suppose that is?
Like clockwork... all the Trumplestiltskins run to this thread to give it funny rep and say it is all fake.
Not really.

A lot of folks aren't fooled into believing that it even matters.

The article posted doesn't show any quid pro quo.

Nothing more than a real estate deal.

You're still not getting it. If it didn't matter why would he lie about it, and why would all these friends and associates of him lie about it to protect him? Trump says he is "like really smart," then why would he lie about something that isn't illegal?
Isn't that obvious?

Why did Ted Kennedy lie about everything?

Why did the Clinton's lie about White Water and China Gate?

Why did Bill lie about Monica?



He's trying his hand at politics. And doing a pretty poor job I might add. His actually governing is better than most politicians, yet he can't seem to handle the optics, dealing with his stake holders or the press.

He just doesn't want to look bad in front of all his Trump-bots now.

Seriously though, don't get all excited and make a sleazy, slightly crooked business deal out to be anything more than it really was. All these elites are liars and crooks, so why we should have one standard for some, and another standard for others? That is beyond me.
Trump says he is "like really smart," then why would he lie about something that isn't illegal?
We should keep in mind Trump’s grasp of the English language is somewhat sloppy to say the least. When he tells us he’s ‘like really smart', he probably means, in a very New York real estate way, ‘like really sly”. There’s a publishing opportunity in this. A The How to Translate Trumpery Guide would sell like vacant appartments in Trumps buildings once he’s bankrupted again.
There was nothing, whatsoever wrong, much less illegal about Donald Trump DISCUSSING a possible business deal in Russia.
Was there any deal, is there construction going on today for a Trump Tower in Moscow? No.

So what is your problem? Aside from hate I mean.

Hang on to that. You'll need SOMETHING to hold on to.

PS 3 articles of impeachment were drawn up against NIXON when he was told he better bail. All 3 could be drawn up against Trump NOW plus at least 2 MORE. And none of anything to do with a property in Russia.

But thanks for playing.
Two years, and nothing on Trump. Either he (Trump) is the smartest on the block to have illuded the investigator's and mob this long now or he is completely innocent of the charges in which the mob has attempted to bring against him.... So here we have this Mueller as being one of the dumbest politically motivated investigator's in history maybe or just one of the most evil in history maybe ??? ....... Might be that the whole thing is just purely a "Witch Hunt" that makes Mueller a sad sock puppet stuck on a string, who is doing the political work for his master's on the left. Bad place to be these days, because people are getting more and more resentful of the left these days.
MONUMENTAL: The Naked Truth About Robert Mueller
Doug Ross @ Journal: MONUMENTAL: The Naked Truth About Robert Mueller

You expect anyone anytime to use THAT as a source? Photoshopping distortions and even coloring people GREEN and RED? Who would EVEN read the copy?

How far down did you plumb the bowels of the internet to find THAT?

Anyone else here heard of the source?
  1. The funniest part of this is Mueller claiming all of his star witnesses are liars. We're supposed to believe they're telling him the truth. The same Mueller with multiple prosecutorial misconduct convictions, including suborning perjury from witnesses. Seems there may be some people filing complaints for that very reason soon.
Put your hand up in front of a FEDERAL authority and see how eager and easily you are to LIE. REMEMBER, TRUMP'S LAWYERS WON'T LET HIM GO IN FOR AN 'INTERVIEW' BECAUSE THEY KNOW HE WILL LIE UNDER OATH. Now why do you suppose that is?

If the only thing the authorities can get folks on is "lying" when the authorities themselves lie all the time to ensnare folks, that is just a power play and the people of this nation should tell the Deep State to fuck off.

We need real crimes that harm the nation not ones that harm the power of the authorities interests and power. It can take a flying leap.
Trump is a billionaire who buys and sells real estate on a global scale.

That's not illegal. AND nothing came of it. The deal didn't happen. So now its illegal to say no to Russia? The deal STARTED before Trump was the Republican candidate, so it's a big fat......

Nothing burger.

If it is no big deal, then why lie about it? Why have oh... almost everyone you know lie about it?

Trump didn't lie about it, Cohen did. Ask him. They were talking about it on FNC today. What Trump did wasn't even illegal even if it HAD happened, so why lie about it? The only reason is to protect your own ass. Cohen must be trying to cover up his own behavior. Because Trumps was totally legal.

Wrong. Trump said he had NEVER done business with Russia... He said he was not doing any business while campaigning. Both are lies.
Not really.

It depends on what the definition of "is," is.


If no contracts were signed, no business was conducted.
Trump says he is "like really smart," then why would he lie about something that isn't illegal?
We should keep in mind Trump’s grasp of the English language is somewhat sloppy to say the least. When he tells us he’s ‘like really smart', he probably means in a very New York real estate way, “like really sly”. There’s a publishing opportunity in this. A ‘The How to Translate Trumpery Guide” would sell like vacant appartments in Trumps buildings once he’s bankrupted again.

If I were the Univ of PENN I'd demand their degree back. How many of the alumni signed a letter disavowing TRUMP? (Several THOUSAND if I remember correctly)
There was nothing, whatsoever wrong, much less illegal about Donald Trump DISCUSSING a possible business deal in Russia.
Was there any deal, is there construction going on today for a Trump Tower in Moscow? No.

So what is your problem? Aside from hate I mean.

Hang on to that. You'll need SOMETHING to hold on to.

PS 3 articles of impeachment were drawn up against NIXON when he was told he better bail. All 3 could be drawn up against Trump NOW plus at least 2 MORE. And none of anything to do with a property in Russia.

But thanks for playing.
Two years, and nothing on Trump. Either he (Trump) is the smartest on the block to have illuded the investigator's and mob this long now or he is completely innocent of the charges in which the mob has attempted to bring against him.... So here we have this Mueller as being one of the dumbest politically motivated investigator's in history maybe or just one of the most evil in history maybe ??? ....... Might be that the whole thing is just purely a "Witch Hunt" that makes Mueller a sad sock puppet stuck on a string, who is doing the political work for his master's on the left. Bad place to be these days, because people are getting more and more resentful of the left these days.
Damn.... Mueller is getting closer and closer

Word today is that Trump is in a rage and is cancelling appointments at G20

Cohen and Manafort are offering damaging testimony
We still haven’t heard from Flynn
If this has been drug out for political reasons over time in a sort of drip, drip, drip type of way, then there will be sanctions for sure against the leftist political machine by the voters come the new presidential election.

No one likes a set up, and I mean no one, and especially not the leftist for the most part for whom are just as prone to such a thing as any other is. What goes around comes around, and the voters continually lose in these sort of things.
  1. The funniest part of this is Mueller claiming all of his star witnesses are liars. We're supposed to believe they're telling him the truth. The same Mueller with multiple prosecutorial misconduct convictions, including suborning perjury from witnesses. Seems there may be some people filing complaints for that very reason soon.
Put your hand up in front of a FEDERAL authority and see how eager and easily you are to LIE. REMEMBER, TRUMP'S LAWYERS WON'T LET HIM GO IN FOR AN 'INTERVIEW' BECAUSE THEY KNOW HE WILL LIE UNDER OATH. Now why do you suppose that is?

If the only thing the authorities can get folks on is "lying" when the authorities themselves lie all the time to ensnare folks, that is just a power play and the people of this nation should tell the Deep State to fuck off.

We need real crimes that harm the nation not ones that harm the power of the authorities interests and power. It can take a flying leap.
That is intellectually lazy not to mention PARTISAN as shit. WHO do you think you are kidding here?

What the he'll do you people TEACH your kids?
There was nothing, whatsoever wrong, much less illegal about Donald Trump DISCUSSING a possible business deal in Russia.
Was there any deal, is there construction going on today for a Trump Tower in Moscow? No.

So what is your problem? Aside from hate I mean.

Hang on to that. You'll need SOMETHING to hold on to.

PS 3 articles of impeachment were drawn up against NIXON when he was told he better bail. All 3 could be drawn up against Trump NOW plus at least 2 MORE. And none of anything to do with a property in Russia.

But thanks for playing.
Two years, and nothing on Trump. Either he (Trump) is the smartest on the block to have illuded the investigator's and mob this long now or he is completely innocent of the charges in which the mob has attempted to bring against him.... So here we have this Mueller as being one of the dumbest politically motivated investigator's in history maybe or just one of the most evil in history maybe ??? ....... Might be that the whole thing is just purely a "Witch Hunt" that makes Mueller a sad sock puppet stuck on a string, who is doing the political work for his master's on the left. Bad place to be these days, because people are getting more and more resentful of the left these days.
MONUMENTAL: The Naked Truth About Robert Mueller
Doug Ross @ Journal: MONUMENTAL: The Naked Truth About Robert Mueller

You expect anyone anytime to use THAT as a source? Photoshopping distortions and even coloring people GREEN and RED? Who would EVEN read the copy?

How far down did you plumb the bowels of the internet to find THAT?

Anyone else here heard of the source?
So you want Google to control what I should read huh?

And If I don't agree to that?

Then you are going to just whip out some Ad hominem, is that it?

Is that all you got?

There are links in that piece backing everything up. It's all there. Sorry if you don't like the truth.

I knew about a lot of these stories before I went digging. I just wanted a reputable source.

A U.S. House of Representative is more reliable than some paid shill of the CFR or stooge of the Deep State in my opinion.

Louie Gohmert

If you don't like his accounting of Mueller history, that is fine, sorry you can't handle the truth b/c it doesn't line up with the mockingbird media controlled by the FBI and CIA.

Only fools believe in what the corporate media tell them. I believe in first hand accounts.
There was nothing, whatsoever wrong, much less illegal about Donald Trump DISCUSSING a possible business deal in Russia.
Was there any deal, is there construction going on today for a Trump Tower in Moscow? No.

So what is your problem? Aside from hate I mean.

Hang on to that. You'll need SOMETHING to hold on to.

PS 3 articles of impeachment were drawn up against NIXON when he was told he better bail. All 3 could be drawn up against Trump NOW plus at least 2 MORE. And none of anything to do with a property in Russia.

But thanks for playing.
Two years, and nothing on Trump. Either he (Trump) is the smartest on the block to have illuded the investigator's and mob this long now or he is completely innocent of the charges in which the mob has attempted to bring against him.... So here we have this Mueller as being one of the dumbest politically motivated investigator's in history maybe or just one of the most evil in history maybe ??? ....... Might be that the whole thing is just purely a "Witch Hunt" that makes Mueller a sad sock puppet stuck on a string, who is doing the political work for his master's on the left. Bad place to be these days, because people are getting more and more resentful of the left these days.

You've been claiming 2 years for a year. Mueller was appointed MAY 3 or 4th 2017. On my calendar that is about 18 months. Are you old enough to remember WATERGATE? That went on for over 2 years--and that ALL happened in one country on one continent.

As for MUELLER and his witch hunt. He was CHOSEN BY REPUBLICANS! Remember?
This started before Trump was elected, so it's been more than two years. Mueller is just one of the players in the long list of underminers of this elected President.
Trump is a billionaire who buys and sells real estate on a global scale.

That's not illegal. AND nothing came of it. The deal didn't happen. So now its illegal to say no to Russia? The deal STARTED before Trump was the Republican candidate, so it's a big fat......

Nothing burger.

If it is no big deal, then why lie about it? Why have oh... almost everyone you know lie about it?

Trump didn't lie about it, Cohen did. Ask him. They were talking about it on FNC today. What Trump did wasn't even illegal even if it HAD happened, so why lie about it? The only reason is to protect your own ass. Cohen must be trying to cover up his own behavior. Because Trumps was totally legal.

Wrong. Trump said he had NEVER done business with Russia... He said he was not doing any business while campaigning. Both are lies.
Not really.

It depends on what the definition of "is," is.


If no contracts were signed, no business was conducted.

And yet he SECURED FUNDING! Oh well, as long as there is no "paperwork". Right?
There was nothing, whatsoever wrong, much less illegal about Donald Trump DISCUSSING a possible business deal in Russia.
Was there any deal, is there construction going on today for a Trump Tower in Moscow? No.

So what is your problem? Aside from hate I mean.

Hang on to that. You'll need SOMETHING to hold on to.

PS 3 articles of impeachment were drawn up against NIXON when he was told he better bail. All 3 could be drawn up against Trump NOW plus at least 2 MORE. And none of anything to do with a property in Russia.

But thanks for playing.
Two years, and nothing on Trump. Either he (Trump) is the smartest on the block to have illuded the investigator's and mob this long now or he is completely innocent of the charges in which the mob has attempted to bring against him.... So here we have this Mueller as being one of the dumbest politically motivated investigator's in history maybe or just one of the most evil in history maybe ??? ....... Might be that the whole thing is just purely a "Witch Hunt" that makes Mueller a sad sock puppet stuck on a string, who is doing the political work for his master's on the left. Bad place to be these days, because people are getting more and more resentful of the left these days.

You've been claiming 2 years for a year. Mueller was appointed MAY 3 or 4th 2017. On my calendar that is about 18 months. Are you old enough to remember WATERGATE? That went on for over 2 years--and that ALL happened in one country on one continent.

As for MUELLER and his witch hunt. He is a Republican CHOSEN BY REPUBLICANS! Remember?
This started before Trump was elected, so it's been more than two years. Mueller is just one of the players in the long list of underminers of this elected President.
Total bullshit. We could have flapped our tongues until they bled. Until MUELLER was granted SUBPOENA POWER it didn't count. Want PROOF? Wait till the DEMS get it in JAN. Remember, NUNES wouldn't himself and wouldn't let DEMS call Jared back in. Apparently he lied under OATH the FIRST TIME. Nunes wouldn't let DEMS call important witnesses. Nunes wouldn't ask for required paperwork. Nunes withheld documents from DEMS.

Nunes was an incompetent partisan asshole and proved it in front of the cameras as ran to the WH to inform Trump. And sweated on camera doing so.
Last edited:
So many things are coming into focus now. All those trips and phone calls to Russia, the boys, Cohen, all the Russian chatter. I can see it as plain as day, help make me president, help destroy HILLARY. I'll build a tower and you'll get the grandest piece of real estate in the building. Then I can work on those sanctions. He would lay all the groundwork while he was running when had the best bargaining chip he would EVER hold and even if he didn't win, he got the piece of real estate he had wanted for YEARS!

This is just breaking in BUZZFEED and I think their server may have crashed. Will put it up as soon as available.
Sure he did.

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