Breaking: Ooopsie again....Cohen pleading guilty to new charge

Cohen Plea Is 'Huge' for Mueller Investigation, Former Prosecutor Waxman Says

Robert Mueller has for the first time publicly connected Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and business to the Russian government, adding a significant new chapter to the special counsel’s ongoing investigation into Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 elections.

In a guilty plea Thursday, Trump’s former lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen admitted that he spoke with Trump and Russian officials as late as June 2016 -- a month before Trump officially accepted the Republican presidential nomination -- about a potential business deal in Moscow that Cohen told Congress had ended months earlier.

Here are the key takeaways from Cohen’s plea for lying to Congress:

It ties Trump to Russia during the campaign.
Mueller’s “criminal information” filing lays out multiple exchanges between Cohen, real estate developer Felix Sater and Russian government officials about a proposed Trump tower development in Moscow.

While the deal never went through, conversations about it between Cohen, Trump, his family and at least one campaign official came as Russia was in the midst of a sophisticated plan to meddle in the U.S. election that American intelligence agencies found was intended to hurt Democrat Hillary Clinton and ultimately to help Trump win.

“This is enormous,” said Mimi Rocah, a former federal prosecutor. “We’re seeing financial motives and financial entanglements with a foreign power who interfered in our elections.”

Cohen discussed the Moscow tower project with Trump at least four times, including the possibility that the presidential candidate would travel to Russia, according to the filing. Cohen also briefed Trump family members about it and discussed the possible travel with a senior campaign official.

QuickTake: Your Guide to Understanding the Trump-Russia Saga

On May 5, days after Trump had won the heavily contested Indiana primary and appeared all but certain to clinch the nomination, Cohen was invited by a Russian official to a conference in St. Petersburg with the offer of a possible meeting between Cohen and Russian President Vladimir Putin or Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

Cohen was actively planning for the trip, including filling out relevant forms, until it was called off in mid-June for a reason the statement doesn’t specify. On June 14, 2016, the Washington Post reported that Russian government hackers had penetrated the network of the Democratic National Committee and gained access to the party’s opposition research file on Trump.

Sorry Moon Bats but this isn't going make your Crooked Hillary bitch President.

Sorry snow flake but no one thinks that it will make secretary Clinton President. What it will do is make Senator Booker president in 2020 Suck it up butter cup!

The combined IQ points of all the members of the Democrat Congressional Caucus hardly adds up to 350.

Spartacus is just another dumbass jungle monkey that if he couldn't get a bunch of stupid Moon Bats and fellow Negroes to elect him he would be shinning shoes someplace.
I'll give you this much. You're honest and straight forward about your racism. I will also be honest. You disgust me.

You realize that those Democrat Negroes, elected by Moon Bat idiots, are all dumber than a door knob, don't you? That is not racism, that is truth. We all know it.
So trump offered Putin a penthouse if he let him build a tower in Moscow? Where is the crime in that?
No crime. Just an unethical conflict of interest.
Ethical businessman dont generally do well.

I have been blessed to know several highly successful, ethical businessmen and women. That is not to say they did not play hardball and were not someone you wanted to attempt to cross. I like to think they would think the same of me.

I have also known some unethical businessmen and women. I have also known them to crash and burn. Was there a bit of schadenfreude? Yeah, several tried to screw me. If I couldn't do anything then, I bit the bullet, sometimes costing me a lot of money. When that happened, I remembered what one of the most ethical businessmen I know had once said. "Don't get mad, get even". Even if it takes years, I just don't forget. Some don't even know what happened, but I do.
Cohen is flailing about looking for anything to relieve his anxiety.
Actually, this is the FIRST TIME he has breathed and smile genuinely in months. He did his 80 hours of interviews with MUELLER. He has PLED guilty, again. Mueller is combining his charges for sentencing (however that all works) with the FEDS in NY. It should all be wrapped up for him--including the hemorrhaging legal expenses should trickle down. HE KNOWS what his fate is.

In RUSSIA with a $50mil. bribe? A country we placed FINANCIAL SANCTIONS on.

You're positive Trump should have been "shopping" in Russia for a real estate DEAL? With or without a BRIBE to the President of the sanctioned country.

And did we mention, the attempts continued through JUN 2017.
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There was nothing, whatsoever wrong, much less illegal about Donald Trump DISCUSSING a possible business deal in Russia.
Was there any deal, is there construction going on today for a Trump Tower in Moscow? No.

So what is your problem? Aside from hate I mean.

Hang on to that. You'll need SOMETHING to hold on to.

PS 3 articles of impeachment were drawn up against NIXON when he was told he better bail. All 3 could be drawn up against Trump NOW plus at least 2 MORE. And none of anything to do with a property in Russia.

But thanks for playing.
Two years, and nothing on Trump. Either he (Trump) is the smartest on the block to have illuded the investigator's and mob this long now or he is completely innocent of the charges in which the mob has attempted to bring against him.... So here we have this Mueller as being one of the dumbest politically motivated investigator's in history maybe or just one of the most evil in history maybe ??? ....... Might be that the whole thing is just purely a "Witch Hunt" that makes Mueller a sad sock puppet stuck on a string, who is doing the political work for his master's on the left. Bad place to be these days, because people are getting more and more resentful of the left these days.
Trump offered a bribe to Putin

All while claiming he had no contact
So many things are coming into focus now. All those trips and phone calls to Russia, the boys, Cohen, all the Russian chatter. I can see it as plain as day, help make me president, help destroy HILLARY. I'll build a tower and you'll get the grandest piece of real estate in the building. Then I can work on those sanctions. He would lay all the groundwork while he was running when had the best bargaining chip he would EVER hold and even if he didn't win, he got the piece of real estate he had wanted for YEARS!

This is just breaking in BUZZFEED and I think their server may have crashed. Will put it up as soon as available.

This seems like it's more buzz than substance though. I don't think it'll go anywhere. It seems like someone had this idea, it didn't happen, it may not have got to Trump's ears. It's a nothing story that makes good headlines.
There was nothing, whatsoever wrong, much less illegal about Donald Trump DISCUSSING a possible business deal in Russia.
Was there any deal, is there construction going on today for a Trump Tower in Moscow? No.

So what is your problem? Aside from hate I mean.

Hang on to that. You'll need SOMETHING to hold on to.

PS 3 articles of impeachment were drawn up against NIXON when he was told he better bail. All 3 could be drawn up against Trump NOW plus at least 2 MORE. And none of anything to do with a property in Russia.

But thanks for playing.
Two years, and nothing on Trump. Either he (Trump) is the smartest on the block to have illuded the investigator's and mob this long now or he is completely innocent of the charges in which the mob has attempted to bring against him.... So here we have this Mueller as being one of the dumbest politically motivated investigator's in history maybe or just one of the most evil in history maybe ??? ....... Might be that the whole thing is just purely a "Witch Hunt" that makes Mueller a sad sock puppet stuck on a string, who is doing the political work for his master's on the left. Bad place to be these days, because people are getting more and more resentful of the left these days.
Damn.... Mueller is getting closer and closer

Word today is that Trump is in a rage and is cancelling appointments at G20

Cohen and Manafort are offering damaging testimony
We still haven’t heard from Flynn
Cohen is flailing about looking for anything to relieve his anxiety.
Actually, this is the FIRST TIME he has breathed and smile genuinely in months. He did his 80 hours of interviews with MUELLER. He has PLED guilty, again. Mueller is combining his charges for sentencing (however that all works) with the FEDS in NY. It should all be wrapped up for him--including the hemorrhaging legal expenses should trickle down. HE KNOWS what his fate is.

In RUSSIA with a $50mil. bribe? A country we placed FINANCIAL SANCTIONS on.

You're positive Trump should have been "shopping" in Russia for a real estate DEAL? With or without a BRIBE to the President of the sanctioned country.

And did we mention, the attempts continued through JUN 2017.

And did we ALSO mention, that the FINANCING was secured-- to be done by VTB a Russian bank. We repeat, while we had SANCTIONS against Russia.
If Trump was engaging Russians for business deal, just prior to being elected President, it is only fitting that it be investigated.
There was nothing, whatsoever wrong, much less illegal about Donald Trump DISCUSSING a possible business deal in Russia.
Was there any deal, is there construction going on today for a Trump Tower in Moscow? No.

So what is your problem? Aside from hate I mean.

Hang on to that. You'll need SOMETHING to hold on to.

PS 3 articles of impeachment were drawn up against NIXON when he was told he better bail. All 3 could be drawn up against Trump NOW plus at least 2 MORE. And none of anything to do with a property in Russia.

But thanks for playing.
Two years, and nothing on Trump. Either he (Trump) is the smartest on the block to have illuded the investigator's and mob this long now or he is completely innocent of the charges in which the mob has attempted to bring against him.... So here we have this Mueller as being one of the dumbest politically motivated investigator's in history maybe or just one of the most evil in history maybe ??? ....... Might be that the whole thing is just purely a "Witch Hunt" that makes Mueller a sad sock puppet stuck on a string, who is doing the political work for his master's on the left. Bad place to be these days, because people are getting more and more resentful of the left these days.

You've been claiming 2 years for a year. Mueller was appointed MAY 3 or 4th 2017. On my calendar that is about 18 months. Are you old enough to remember WATERGATE? That went on for over 2 years--and that ALL happened in one country on one continent.

As for MUELLER and his witch hunt. He was CHOSEN BY REPUBLICANS! Remember?
Trump and Putin are taking over the world and there's nothing we can do but watch Hillary cough.

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