Breaking: Paul Ryan To Reach For Nomination At Contested Convention, Boehner Endorses Him For POTUS

Pure power hunger has taken over the establishment wanting to take drastic measures to keep the status quo in place and the denial of the will of the people.

Boehner backs Paul Ryan for president

Speaker Paul Ryan Suggests He May Reach for the Nomination in a Contested Convention - Breitbart
If Ryan or anybody other than Trump or Cruz ends up being the candidate I will not vote for the republican candidate. Depending on how pissed off I get at the f'ing republican leadership I might vote for the GD democrat Ahole just to show the repub retards how pissed off I am. Note to the Republican Party, Be careful in what you do. Us long time Republican voters are willing to send you a very clear message if you cross us.

Are you sure? Because you wingnuts fold year after year.
RW's won't ever get it because they're dumb as frikkin' rocks.


it truly makes me sad because i'd really like to see some honorable leadership on both sides.
it seems to me GOP leadership wants to nominate a candidate that represents longstanding Republican ideals.

i would actually have more respect for them if they fight however they can to reject his dangerous rhetoric...

maybe the party leadership prefers to purge themselves of voters who don't blink an eye at such red meat rhetoric.

Trump is saying what most of us think .
We believed boner when he said make him speaker and he would fight the progressives, he wimped or sold out. Ryan became speaker and the first thing he did was fund obanacare and give Obama everything he wanted in a budget. McConnell lets Harry Reed tell him what he is allowed to do even though we have the majority in the senate. We want things changed and the candidates the ruling elite offer us are just abunch of PC lackeys that do whatever the ruling class tell them to do. Nobody tells Trump what to do. He does and say's what he thinks and maybe that's what we need. What we don't need is more of the same. If they want to see Hillary president then force us to revolt. We have spoken with our votes and will not vote for anybody else in the Republican Party.
it seems to me GOP leadership wants to nominate a candidate that represents longstanding Republican ideals.

i would actually have more respect for them if they fight however they can to reject his dangerous rhetoric...

maybe the party leadership prefers to purge themselves of voters who don't blink an eye at such red meat rhetoric.

Trump is saying what most of us think .
We believed boner when he said make him speaker and he would fight the progressives, he wimped or sold out. Ryan became speaker and the first thing he did was fund obanacare and give Obama everything he wanted in a budget. McConnell lets Harry Reed tell him what he is allowed to do even though we have the majority in the senate. We want things changed and the candidates the ruling elite offer us are just abunch of PC lackeys that do whatever the ruling class tell them to do. Nobody tells Trump what to do. He does and say's what he thinks and maybe that's what we need. What we don't need is more of the same. If they want to see Hillary president then force us to revolt. We have spoken with our votes and will not vote for anybody else in the Republican Party.
well, hillary is quite capable of leading moderately on all of the issues you say you care about, so if your big revenge on the GOP is to "vote for the damn dem" to show them how pissed off you are, i think the GOP leadership really feels okay with that vs the alternative permanent stain on their brand. they'd rather continue the blame game like they do with obama and better luck next time, rather than giving in to alienating all of our allies and abandoning all treaties and humanitarian ideals that should be protected by both parties..our universal American ideals.
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if and when the American electorate ultimately rejects trump in the general, don't blame democrats...
I don't know if the establishment pressured him too much or something, but this is really a stupid move from Ryan.
Any Republican who becomes the nominee without plurality of votes will be doomed in the general election. A stolen nomination leads to nothing but contempt from the people.
fyi hillary's got this either way, so save the party image however you can.

even if it's just trying to fight in a brokered convention...
On foreign policy, Trump is a nationalist at sea. Sometimes he wants to let Russia fight ISIS, and at others he wants to “bomb the sh**” out of it. He is fixated on stealing Iraq’s oil and casually suggested a few weeks ago a war crime — killing terrorists’ families — as a tactic in the war on terror. For someone who wants to project strength, he has an astonishing weakness for flattery, falling for Vladimir Putin after a few coquettish bats of the eyelashes from the Russian thug. All in all, Trump knows approximately as much about national security as he does about the nuclear triad — which is to say, almost nothing.

Indeed, Trump’s politics are those of an averagely well-informed businessman: Washington is full of problems; I am a problem-solver; let me at them. But if you have no familiarity with the relevant details and the levers of power, and no clear principles to guide you, you will, like most tenderfeet, get rolled. Especially if you are, at least by all outward indications, the most poll-obsessed politician in all of American history. Trump has shown no interest in limiting government, in reforming entitlements, or in the Constitution.

Against Trump

Is the GOP now the party of authoritarianism?
With everyone's tempers & emotions running so hot about this race, it might be a better idea to cast votes for who each choose as their VP, since it could get really ugly in the next few months.
ftr i think the notion of nominating paul ryan is laughable, especially under these circumstances.

i prefer to see kasich but cruz seems more like the fair choice because he's won the most delegates.

IF they were to get to the convention without any of them having the number of delegates required ^
well, hillary is quite capable of leading moderately on all of the issues you say you care about, so if your big revenge on the GOP is to "vote for the damn dem" to show them how pissed off you are, i think the GOP leadership really feels okay with that vs the alternative permanent stain on their brand. they'd rather continue the blame game like they do with obama and better luck next time, rather than giving in to alienating all of our allies and abandoning all treaties and humanitarian ideals that should be protected by both parties..our universal American ideals.
Casting a vote for Hillary would be more than a protest vote because I would never vote republican again. I might go libertarian until the Tea Party breaks away to form it's own party. Lose my vote one time, lost it forever.
The corrupt old guard GOP Elites just threw the Election. Still think there's a credible 'Republican Leadership?' Well, think again. Congratulations President Clinton.
The corrupt old guard GOP Elites just threw the Election. Still think there's a credible 'Republican Leadership?' Well, think again. Congratulations President Clinton.

Nobody here is giving up besides you. Rhetoric and verbal threats don't scare us. Trump is the nominee because the American people spoke their voice. No more being soft on our part.
On foreign policy, Trump is a nationalist at sea. Sometimes he wants to let Russia fight ISIS, and at others he wants to “bomb the sh**” out of it. He is fixated on stealing Iraq’s oil and casually suggested a few weeks ago a war crime — killing terrorists’ families — as a tactic in the war on terror. For someone who wants to project strength, he has an astonishing weakness for flattery, falling for Vladimir Putin after a few coquettish bats of the eyelashes from the Russian thug. All in all, Trump knows approximately as much about national security as he does about the nuclear triad — which is to say, almost nothing.

Indeed, Trump’s politics are those of an averagely well-informed businessman: Washington is full of problems; I am a problem-solver; let me at them. But if you have no familiarity with the relevant details and the levers of power, and no clear principles to guide you, you will, like most tenderfeet, get rolled. Especially if you are, at least by all outward indications, the most poll-obsessed politician in all of American history. Trump has shown no interest in limiting government, in reforming entitlements, or in the Constitution.

Against Trump

Is the GOP now the party of authoritarianism?
All of that is beside the point. Trump is a smart guy, unlike most politicians, he will do what is right for the country not his owners. He is his own man not controlled by the elites The voters have spoken. If not listened to, we revolt.
The corrupt old guard GOP Elites just threw the Election. Still think there's a credible 'Republican Leadership?' Well, think again. Congratulations President Clinton.

Nobody here is giving up besides you. Rhetoric and verbal threats don't scare us. Trump is the nominee because the American people spoke their voice. No more being soft on our part.

The old guard Elite hacks have already decided they're gonna throw the Election rather than nominate Trump. They're cowardly traitors. So just go ahead and congratulate Hillary Clinton. She's in.
The corrupt old guard GOP Elites just threw the Election. Still think there's a credible 'Republican Leadership?' Well, think again. Congratulations President Clinton.

Nobody here is giving up besides you. Rhetoric and verbal threats don't scare us. Trump is the nominee because the American people spoke their voice. No more being soft on our part.
what American people ?
when you say the American people that means all Americans.
trump supporters are not all Americans

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