Breaking: Pfizer vaccine only 42% effective in July!

Wrong, if the FDA finds the vaccines dangerous or not effective then they would say so. Right now they are going through their approval process like they do with everything else.

Let me make two simple points that showcase the magnitude of retard that is living in your arguments:

1. According to your logic all drugs that have been approved by the FDA were unsafe and ineffective while they were in the approval process... And then they were magically safe after the FDA approved them?? No I don't think so.

2. If your claims that the vax is not safe or effective are true then Trump pushed through dangerous drugs with warp speed and got emergency use authorization to inject it into our citizens... Do you blame Trump?
BTW - over 2 decades in medical field and have a patent on a medical device.
I know the FDA.
There you go, spin-off time!
I never claimed they were dangerous. I said safe and effective.
All drugs and devices are deemed to be not safe and effective until final approval. That includes the last phases of human experiments.
It’s a yes/no issue. You using government bureaucratic red tape while people die as an excuse makes me miss Trump, who cut all that out.
If they are not safe as you claimed then that make them dangerous. Its the same thing.

Trump cut out the FDA approval and got emergency use. And now you are complaining that the drug isn't FDA approved. Wow, you are really struggling to make a point here aren't you?!
BTW - over 2 decades in medical field and have a patent on a medical device.
I know the FDA.
Wonderful... I'm glad you know the FDA. Why aren't you answering my questions. Do you blame Trump for pushing these Drugs through without FDA approval? Would you deem the vax safe once the FDA approves it?

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