Breaking Poll On Whether Trump Should Fire Robert Mueller---76% Yes.....23% No


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
I agree he should. Also he should fire the Star of David Rod Rosenstein too. It's time to put an end to the Mueller witch hunt.


Vote here!

Or here!
Not only an internet poll but a DRUDGE internet poll :lmao:

Poor McRacist. Desperate times call for desperate threads. And Steve McRacist is here to provide them.
Not only an internet poll but a DRUDGE internet poll :lmao:

Poor McRacist. Desperate times call for desperate threads. And Steve McRacist is here to provide them.
Drudge is just as mainstream as any other MSM news source, snowflake!
Is the poll's methodology anything other than this: if one accesses Drudge's website, one can vote in the poll? That's what it looks like to me for see no mention elsewhere of what be the poll's methodology.


I would hope that readers of this thread recognize that while the poll may be "breaking" somewhere, probably only in the OP-er's mind, it's likely not breaking anywhere such that credible reporters or observers will cite it as probative or indicative of anything other than that it shows that poll respondents answered as they did.
Oh come on man. Are you seriously going to act like that poll wasn't brigaded by Trump supporters? Use your brain. Even if more people do want him fired, which I doubt because even Republican politicians are against it, there is no way in fuck almost 80% "yes" is representative of the average American.
I would hope that readers of this thread recognize that while the poll may be "breaking" somewhere, probably only in the OP-er's mind, it's likely not breaking anywhere such that credible reporters or observers will cite it as probative or indicative of anything other than that it shows that poll respondents answered as they did.
How many times do stories from Fox, Drudge, Newsmax, Daily Caller, Hannity, have to end up being true before people like you will stop and think and wake up? With the on going track record of news agencies there for all to see you look brain dead with your comments...It's CNN CBS NBC MSNBC ABC that are fake and nothing but hate Donald Trump news outlets...
If it was a poll on MSNBC or CNN it would be touted as gospel..

Neither CNN or MSNBC would publish an internet poll.

Guess you don't go to their sites to often then....


Ok, I'll rephrase.

Neither MSNBC or CNN would publish an internet poll and imply that it actually meant something.

They do it every day....

"the latest CNN poll..........."
I would hope that readers of this thread recognize that while the poll may be "breaking" somewhere, probably only in the OP-er's mind, it's likely not breaking anywhere such that credible reporters or observers will cite it as probative or indicative of anything other than that it shows that poll respondents answered as they did.
How many times do stories from Fox, Drudge, Newsmax, Daily Caller, Hannity, have to end up being true before people like you will stop and think and wake up? With the on going track record of news agencies there for all to see you look brain dead with your comments...It's CNN CBS NBC MSNBC ABC that are fake and nothing but hate Donald Trump news outlets...

This ain't no "story". It's an internet "poll" run by a partisan-hack website to its own partisan-hack readers.

The equivalent of doing a man-in-the-street poll in downtown Boston asking "yes or no, do the New York Wankees suck?"

Actually considering Drug's own hair-on-fire dressing arranged all around the "poll" it's more like the equivalent of showing that respondent in downtown Boston pictures of the New York Wankees beating up kittens and THEN asking "do they suck".

And Bubblehoppers like Steve McRacist eat this shit up, hook line and sinker, as if it's a real thing. Then he comes all over USMB and admits he bought it.
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Is the poll's methodology anything other than this: if one accesses Drudge's website, one can vote in the poll? That's what it looks like to me for see no mention elsewhere of what be the poll's methodology.

View attachment 183326

I would hope that readers of this thread recognize that while the poll may be "breaking" somewhere, probably only in the OP-er's mind, it's likely not breaking anywhere such that credible reporters or observers will cite it as probative or indicative of anything other than that it shows that poll respondents answered as they did.

Think about it idiot. Who goes to Drudge site except RW nutcases? PLEASE GROW A BRAIN!
How many times do stories from Fox, Drudge, Newsmax, Daily Caller, Hannity, have to end up being true before people like you will stop and think and wake up? With the on going track record of news agencies there for all to see you look brain dead with your comments...It's CNN CBS NBC MSNBC ABC that are fake and nothing but hate Donald Trump news outlets...

once would be a good start. :thup:

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