Donald Trump, Tiberius Gracchus, And America’s Imminent End

The OP is nothing but fear porn and here you are defending it
That’s it, run away when you get busted….care to expound on the OP, or just continue to try and derail the topic, making it about me?
That’s it, run away when you get busted….care to expound on the OP, or just continue to try and derail the topic, making it about me?

How can I be running away when I just responded to your post?

The thing you miss totally is that your beloved party cares nor more about the Constitution than the Dems. All either side wants is power, yet you hate one side and worship the other.

Seems that makes you part of the problem.
How can I be running away when I just responded to your post?

The thing you miss totally is that your beloved party cares nor more about the Constitution than the Dems. All either side wants is power, yet you hate one side and worship the other.

Seems that makes you part of the problem.
Worship is an interesting word….What gives you the idea that I Worship any, or all republicans? You don’t know me….

As many of my friends here, I loath Lindsey Graham. I’ve worked the last two election seasons with his primary opponent, to unseat him…

As for “hate”, I don’t hate anyone, let alone those I don’t know…many liberals are fine people, subtracting politics from the equation. Hell, my kids are pretty liberal….They’re young though…

But yes there is a power struggle going on in American politics today, and you’ll see more of these crazy shifts going forward, But, it is the democrats who are treating the constitution as toilet paper, useful when they need it, but only then. Republicans are seemingly ineffectual BECAUSE they refuse to fight democrats on their level.

Then there’s those independents…oh the independents…Many who either are ashamed democrats, or arrogant buffoons who think they know a better way, but are too inarticulate to lay it out succinctly so they just insult, and mock, much like their democrat counterparts….

We know which you are…
Worship is an interesting word….What gives you the idea that I Worship any, or all republicans? You don’t know me….

I just go by the words you post on this forum.

If they are not real I cannot help that

But yes there is a power struggle going on in American politics today, and you’ll see more of these crazy shifts going forward, But, it is the democrats who are treating the constitution as toilet paper, useful when they need it, but only then. Republicans are seemingly ineffectual BECAUSE they refuse to fight democrats on their level.

This is where we disagree. The Repubs do not care about the Constitution any more than the Dems. You say the Republicans ineffectual, I say they are highly effective at getting people to vote for them while never doing the thigns they promise. In my view that is because they lie to you all, not because they are ineffectual.

Then there’s those independents…oh the independents…Many who either are ashamed democrats, or arrogant buffoons who think they know a better way, but are too inarticulate to lay it out succinctly so they just insult, and mock, much like their democrat counterparts….

We know which you are…

And again, you can only see the bad in one side. The right/repubs insult and mock just as much as the Dems, but you cannot call them out for it, as you could lose your status in the tribe.
As many of my friends here, I loath Lindsey Graham. I’ve worked the last two election seasons with his primary opponent, to unseat him…

So, you are trying to replace on Repub with a different Repub and that is somehow supposed to show you are not loyal to the party?
I just go by the words you post on this forum.

If they are not real I cannot help that

This is where we disagree. The Repubs do not care about the Constitution any more than the Dems. You say the Republicans ineffectual, I say they are highly effective at getting people to vote for them while never doing the thigns they promise. In my view that is because they lie to you all, not because they are ineffectual.

And again, you can only see the bad in one side. The right/repubs insult and mock just as much as the Dems, but you cannot call them out for it, as you could lose your status in the tribe.
You prove my point…
So, you are trying to replace on Repub with a different Repub and that is somehow supposed to show you are not loyal to the party?
So, to you voting for liberal democrats shows your independence? Lol….sure thing.
That’s it, run away when you get busted….care to expound on the OP, or just continue to try and derail the topic, making it about me?

The US republic will fail for the same reason that the Roman republic failed: the leaders stopped running for office for the good of the people, and started running for office to achieve power over the people.

In the early days of Rome, the elites considered an obligation to serve in the Senate for the good of Rome. Later they just wanted to be Consul.

Worship is an interesting word….What gives you the idea that I Worship any, or all republicans? You don’t know me….

As many of my friends here, I loath Lindsey Graham. I’ve worked the last two election seasons with his primary opponent, to unseat him…

As for “hate”, I don’t hate anyone, let alone those I don’t know…many liberals are fine people, subtracting politics from the equation. Hell, my kids are pretty liberal….They’re young though…

But yes there is a power struggle going on in American politics today, and you’ll see more of these crazy shifts going forward, But, it is the democrats who are treating the constitution as toilet paper, useful when they need it, but only then. Republicans are seemingly ineffectual BECAUSE they refuse to fight democrats on their level.

Then there’s those independents…oh the independents…Many who either are ashamed democrats, or arrogant buffoons who think they know a better way, but are too inarticulate to lay it out succinctly so they just insult, and mock, much like their democrat counterparts….

We know which you are…

You don’t know anything of the kind. You have an absolute blind spot when it comes to Donald Trump. He accomplished nothing and destroyed much.

You come here and defend a man who killed more than 1 million people with his failed Covid response, and crashed the economy. Other world leaders managed to have fewer people die and save their economies.

Trump had the worst Covid response in the first world, and the worst economic problems in the first world as a result of his failures
I think this article is spot on....We are in a death spiral in this country, not because the average American wishes to change things here, but because Democrats have decided that our Constitution doesn't matter in their quest for more power....This is only the start....

I'm more than willing to debate what members of the forum say in their OPs and comments. The point of quoting an article is to supplement and/or buttress YOUR argument, NOT make your argument for you.

If you had written such a treatise, in your words, I'd be happy to rebut. I"d go the nine yards.

But I'm not going to reward your laziness with a ton of work.

Make your argument, after you make it, that is when you substantiate it with a link or two, etc., that's how it works, or at least, that is how it has been on the many forums I've been a member of, over the last 25 or so years. If there are good rules on this forum, I would hope they agree on that point.


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