Breaking. Prop 8.... struck down.

I have no problem with gay marriage, but the people of California voted not to have it in their state. If judges are just going to overturn the will of the people then why vote at all?

Because the people of California are asshats and it shouldn't be a 'popular' vote issue. It's a civil rights issue. If we had the popular vote, blacks would still have separate water fountains and public toilets in Mississippi. Hell, they'd probably still have slavery in Mississippi....

I thought most Americans believed in protecting the rights of the minority from the tyranny of the majority?

There is a reason your country has three branches of govt. Now let the judicial branch do what your FF's set it out to do...
The Choice Day Tripe... Yawn.

mudwhistle needed to Choose to Reflect Nature's Design and the Equipment he was Created with that was the Cause of his "very Existence"?...

That's a Tired old Tactic.

Try again.



The only tripe and tired tactic here is the invention that being gay is a choice. Please provide evidence it is. And while you are at it, tell us about the day you decided to be straight.

"Hmmm, gay or straight? Gay or straight? Which shall I be?"

So do people choose to Fuck Dogs?... Or are they born that way?...

Been happening since at least the Bible...

Let me know when you have an Answer to that. :thup:



"Minor-attracted" people should be de-stigmatized, why not those who really love their dogs?
Group of Psychologists Pushing to Change Definition of Pedophilia | Fox News Insider
If the government can override democracy than what CANT THEY DO??

Maybe we can challenge the presidential election next because a few were salty over the outcome???
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I have no links yet.... but same sex marriage is a go in California again.


I really hope the High Court will take up the issue soon so we can put all of this idiocy about having to get the government's ok to marry behind us.

Something tells me that the Roberts court wants no part of this argument. That should worry us all.
That ruling found interracial marriage to be constitutionally protected under the 14th Amendment, just as today's ruling on gay marriage has.

The Loving Decision - (June 12, 1967): Association of MultiEthnic Americans, Inc.

Note the similarity:


Marriage is essential to existence and survival because marriage protects survival of the species. Homosexuality does not. Eliminate all men or all women and the species does not survive. Eliminate homosexuals and everyone gets along just fine.

you are joking right?

marriage has nothing to do with the survival of the species.... SEX does.

Have it your way. Sex between a man and a women produce children. No matter how magnificent the sex between two men or two women, they will not have children.

I understand that one of the liberal goals is to destroy the concept of marriage and the family along with it. I"m not disputing that.
Marriage is essential to existence and survival because marriage protects survival of the species. Homosexuality does not. Eliminate all men or all women and the species does not survive. Eliminate homosexuals and everyone gets along just fine.

you are joking right?

marriage has nothing to do with the survival of the species.... SEX does.

Have it your way. Sex between a man and a women produce children. No matter how magnificent the sex between two men or two women, they will not have children.

I understand that one of the liberal goals is to destroy the concept of marriage and the family along with it. I"m not disputing that.

Yep, you've figured it out. We hate marriage and the concept of family. Damn.

Well this is awkward. Where do we go from here?
But the federal government has the right to supersede state rights?


Yes they do.

Supremacy Clause of the Constitution

Then why the fuck do we have a Tenth Amendment??

Why do we have a Bill of Rights???

:confused: Why do you think this issue has anything to do with the Tenth Amendment??? The 10th Amendment does not supersede what is granted by the 14th.

About the Tenth Amendment

“The Tenth Amendment was intended to confirm the understanding of the people at the time the Constitution was adopted, that powers not granted to the United States were reserved to the States or to the people. It added nothing to the instrument as originally ratified.” – United States v. Sprague, 282 U.S. 716, 733 (1931).

The founding fathers had good reason to pen the Tenth Amendment.

The issue of power – and especially the great potential for a power struggle between the federal and the state governments – was extremely important to the America’s founders. They deeply distrusted government power, and their goal was to prevent the growth of the type of government that the British has exercised over the colonies.

Adoption of the Constitution of 1787 was opposed by a number of well-known patriots including Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and others. They passionately argued that the Constitution would eventually lead to a strong, centralized state power which would destroy the individual liberty of the People. Many in this movement were given the poorly-named tag “Anti-Federalists.”

The Tenth Amendment was added to the Constitution of 1787 largely because of the intellectual influence and personal persistence of the Anti-Federalists and their allies.

It’s quite clear that the Tenth Amendment was written to emphasize the limited nature of the powers delegated to the federal government. In delegating just specific powers to the federal government, the states and the people, with some small exceptions, were free to continue exercising their sovereign powers.

When states and local communities take the lead on policy, the people are that much closer to the policymakers, and policymakers are that much more accountable to the people. Few Americans have spoken with their president; many have spoken with their mayor.

Adherence to the Tenth Amendment is the first step towards ensuring liberty in the United States. Liberty through decentralization.

About the Tenth Amendment – Tenth Amendment Center
Have it your way. Sex between a man and a women produce children. No matter how magnificent the sex between two men or two women, they will not have children.

I understand that one of the liberal goals is to destroy the concept of marriage and the family along with it. I"m not disputing that.

Your first paragraph? And? Strawman argument. Your argument is that this is the slippery slope and will lead to the end of the human race? LOL. Unfortunatley for your argument, at least 90 percent of the human race is hetrosexual, so your 'argument' is asinine to say the least.

How does two people of the same sex getting married destroy the family? We had a gay couple who lived next door to us a few years ago. Had absolutely no affect on our family. Can you expand on your point please, or are you just Chicken Littling?
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you are joking right?

marriage has nothing to do with the survival of the species.... SEX does.

Have it your way. Sex between a man and a women produce children. No matter how magnificent the sex between two men or two women, they will not have children.

I understand that one of the liberal goals is to destroy the concept of marriage and the family along with it. I"m not disputing that.

Yep, you've figured it out. We hate marriage and the concept of family. Damn.

Well this is awkward. Where do we go from here?

Oh you know, all the usual suspects. Plus increasing the shift of parental support of children onto the government as daddy.

I really do not think that this is not going to go away easily. I would expect a serious backlash. Not that I particularly care.
The only reason this is an issue is because the federal government involved itself in marriage, and the majority never objected to government involvement. The majority took advantage of the special privileges the government gave to marriage. Tax breaks, inheritance laws, can't be forced to testify against one another, and on and on and on.

We know this is the issue because gay sex is not illegal. Two guys holding hands and kissing in public is not illegal.

So this is a government issue. This is about all those bells and whistles and presents the government gives you for being married.

This is a SECULAR issue.

If it wasn't about all the cash and prizes, no one would give a fuck if two men said they were married. It would not have any effect on anyone else whatsoever that two guys kissing in public doesn't already achieve.

So don't pretend this is some kind of religious issue or anything else.

This is all about the cash and prizes. And since you didn't object to the government getting involved in marriage and making it a secular issue, you can't whine now. Too late.

There are other issues. If one partner ends up in the hospital, for instance. Or who has legal rights to inheritance. I recently lost a bachelor brother who lived with another bachelor brother. There were questions when they were organ donations and disposition of the remains. The brothers lived together for years, and yet one was not permitted to make free and open decisions about the affairs of the other brother. The courts became involved and now there is a total goat rope scenario...
They were not gay, but that is all beside the issue...but related.

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