Breaking. Prop 8.... struck down.

Once marriage becomes a civil right we have more to worry about than same sex marriage.

Marriage is at best a qualified privilege.

It is not marriage that is a civil right. It is the equal treatment under the law which is a right. If, BY LAW, you give cash and prizes to some people who get married, you cannot deny, BY LAW, other people who get married from the same cash and prizes, unless (since some slippery slope people need the obvious stated out loud) such a marriage is harmful.

If the government stopped giving out cash and prizes to married people, we would not even be having this discussion.

But THE PEOPLE have been accepting cash and prizes from THE STATE for a very long time now. They have put those cash and prizes into THE LAW.

Therefore, THE STATE cannot "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of THE LAWS."

It's still a qualified privilege. You have just created an entire class of persons not entitled to cash and prizes. Those who are single. Out of those who are single, there are those who want cash and prizes but don't have anyone to marry. They are, through no fault of their own, discriminated against. Then you have someone who is deeply, sincerely and passionately in love, but the object of that affection doesn't return those feelings. Now you have someone denied marriage to the one they love, and denied cash and prizes.

How will you create a civil right to make these people equal?

Are progressives fucking retarded???

They apparently don't know what their civil rights are..
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Honestly I could care less about civil unions - I find the fact the federal government ruled against prop 8.

Why even put it on the ballot if the fucking thing was "illegal" to begin with?

What the fuck....

Fags don't like the democratic system??

They were voted against and denied and now democracy is "wrong."

Bummer that the law considers us equal, isn't it?
From the Loving v. Virginia decision:

Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," fundamental to our very existence and survival....

That ruling found interracial marriage to be constitutionally protected under the 14th Amendment, just as today's ruling on gay marriage has.

The Loving Decision - (June 12, 1967): Association of MultiEthnic Americans, Inc.

Note the similarity:

In the ruling, the court noted the similarity between Proportion 8 and Amendment 2 of he Colorado constitution, forbidding homosexuals from accessing that state’s anti-discrimination law, and struck down by the Supreme Court in Romer for the same reason: failing to have a legitimate reason to withhold a right or benefit from one group but not from others. Both are clearly a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.


Marriage is essential to existence and survival because marriage protects survival of the species. Homosexuality does not. Eliminate all men or all women and the species does not survive. Eliminate homosexuals and everyone gets along just fine.

i don't know how to break this to you, but procreation is possible without marriage, and marriage is possible without procreation.:eek:

shocking, i know.:eusa_hand:
From the Loving v. Virginia decision:

Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," fundamental to our very existence and survival....

That ruling found interracial marriage to be constitutionally protected under the 14th Amendment, just as today's ruling on gay marriage has.

The Loving Decision - (June 12, 1967): Association of MultiEthnic Americans, Inc.

Note the similarity:

In the ruling, the court noted the similarity between Proportion 8 and Amendment 2 of he Colorado constitution, forbidding homosexuals from accessing that state’s anti-discrimination law, and struck down by the Supreme Court in Romer for the same reason: failing to have a legitimate reason to withhold a right or benefit from one group but not from others. Both are clearly a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.


Marriage is essential to existence and survival because marriage protects survival of the species. Homosexuality does not. Eliminate all men or all women and the species does not survive. Eliminate homosexuals and everyone gets along just fine.

you are joking right?

marriage has nothing to do with the survival of the species.... SEX does.
All those millions the Mormons spent to "get" the gays. Guess it didn't work out. I wonder if Mitt calls that "charity" money "wasted"?

The campaigns for and against Proposition 8 raised $39.9 million and $43.3 million, respectively.[38] Contributions totaled over $83 million from over 64,000 people in all fifty states and more than twenty foreign countries, setting a new record nationally for a social policy initiative and trumping every other race in the country in spending except the presidential contest.[39]

About 45% of out-of-state contributions to came from Utah, over three times more than any other state.

California Proposition 8 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia we have ANOTHER poster who thinks that rights do not exist unless they are actually listed in the U.S. Constitution.

Then this poster doesn’t support the Constitutional right of the individual to own a handgun.

Marriage is essential to existence and survival because marriage protects survival of the species. Homosexuality does not. Eliminate all men or all women and the species does not survive. Eliminate homosexuals and everyone gets along just fine.

By this ‘logic,’ therefore, a woman who is infertile may not marry, or a post-menopausal woman must be forced to have her marriage terminated – as neither woman may procreate.
From the Loving v. Virginia decision:

Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," fundamental to our very existence and survival....

That ruling found interracial marriage to be constitutionally protected under the 14th Amendment, just as today's ruling on gay marriage has.

The Loving Decision - (June 12, 1967): Association of MultiEthnic Americans, Inc.

Note the similarity:

In the ruling, the court noted the similarity between Proportion 8 and Amendment 2 of he Colorado constitution, forbidding homosexuals from accessing that state’s anti-discrimination law, and struck down by the Supreme Court in Romer for the same reason: failing to have a legitimate reason to withhold a right or benefit from one group but not from others. Both are clearly a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.


Marriage is essential to existence and survival because marriage protects survival of the species.

So you are supporting a law stating that only those who procreate can marry.

Homosexuality does not.

Our children would disagree.

Eliminate all men or all women and the species does not survive.

:lol::lol::lol: I LOVE this one. Get back to us when EVERYONE is GAY and are UNABLE to procreate at all.

Eliminate homosexuals and everyone gets along just fine.

There you go....the Final Solution for Homosexuals.
From the Loving v. Virginia decision:

Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," fundamental to our very existence and survival....

That ruling found interracial marriage to be constitutionally protected under the 14th Amendment, just as today's ruling on gay marriage has.

The Loving Decision - (June 12, 1967): Association of MultiEthnic Americans, Inc.

Note the similarity:

In the ruling, the court noted the similarity between Proportion 8 and Amendment 2 of he Colorado constitution, forbidding homosexuals from accessing that state’s anti-discrimination law, and struck down by the Supreme Court in Romer for the same reason: failing to have a legitimate reason to withhold a right or benefit from one group but not from others. Both are clearly a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.


Marriage is essential to existence and survival because marriage protects survival of the species. Homosexuality does not. Eliminate all men or all women and the species does not survive. Eliminate homosexuals and everyone gets along just fine.

Nothing in the law says Heterosexuals are not allowed to marry. So your point is moot
When you get right down to it, after all the smoke and mirrors are blown away, the opposition to gay marriage is, "I don't like fags" or, "God hates fags."

That's really what is at the bottom of it.

Yep, and you fear the most, what you understand the least.

Most people who are against gay marriage don't really know much about them. Sorry, but the reason people are gay is because of the way their brain is built. Swedish scientists did MRI brain scans of both straights AND gays and found out it's not a "choice", as sexuality is hard wired in the brain at birth.

Denying gays the ability to marry is stupid.

It's Defect and Choice... And a Combination in cases.

It's a Defiance of Nature's Design... The Equipment that we are Created with and the Purpose of our Existence.

This type of Defect or Choice should NOT be a Crime, but it should NOT be Validated by being called Equal to something that it so Factually is NOT Equal to.



I have addressed this before. Biology dictates one fact, you are born either MALE or FEMALE. Your choice of whom you love is irrelevant of biology. You can love any person who you deem worthy of that emotion. This is distinctly human. Most cultures and religions are concerned with the biological aspect of subsequent generations and address the breeding bond, i.e. one man-one woman. Since religion has traditionally defined marriage, the union has evolved on the biological imperative. Government involvement and definition has (as usual) perverted the ideological reason for recognition of the bond of marriage.
Please tell us all about the day you decided not to be gay.

The Choice Day Tripe... Yawn.

mudwhistle needed to Choose to Reflect Nature's Design and the Equipment he was Created with that was the Cause of his "very Existence"?...

That's a Tired old Tactic.

Try again.



The only tripe and tired tactic here is the invention that being gay is a choice. Please provide evidence it is. And while you are at it, tell us about the day you decided to be straight.

"Hmmm, gay or straight? Gay or straight? Which shall I be?"

Please provide PROOF that it is not.
The Choice Day Tripe... Yawn.

mudwhistle needed to Choose to Reflect Nature's Design and the Equipment he was Created with that was the Cause of his "very Existence"?...

That's a Tired old Tactic.

Try again.



The only tripe and tired tactic here is the invention that being gay is a choice. Please provide evidence it is. And while you are at it, tell us about the day you decided to be straight.

"Hmmm, gay or straight? Gay or straight? Which shall I be?"

Please provide PROOF that it is not.

only idiots think that a negative can be proven :lol:

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