Breaking. Prop 8.... struck down.


What the hell is wrong with that woman's face?!

Newt has his finger up her ass.........
If an individual referred to a Roman as an "Italian" in a paper they would be intellectually slaughtered.
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So why do you label those who murdered Jesus Italians?

They may have been Italian (a country that didn't even exist at the time BTW) but opposition killed Jesus....

It was a Italians who nailed Jesus to the cross and later fed Christians to the lions

It is your heritage Nick......embrace it

I'm a Catholic dummy, as are 95% of Italians.........

I just think it's funny progressives use "Italian" instead of Jew...

Italy wasn't even a country at the time and this was way before the barbaric rape the Italians/Sicilians received.


I suppose ignorance is snugness...

They were what was known as Romans. Romans were much more than people who lived in that city, but the people who lived in the region now known as Italy

No Nick, they were not Jews. They were your ancestors
Which means a shift of only 2.5% would have ment a different outcome.

A 2.5% change to change the outcome is pretty slim.


And that gives a couple of judges carte blanche to toss it out?

What I responded to had nothing to do with judges.

What gives judges the authority to throw out a law is when it is found to be in conflict with the Constitution, nothing about how many vote a law passes by gives them that authority.

Surprise, surprise the ultra liberal 9th court of appeals rules against the will of the people again.

The issue is that voters do not have the right to take away someones right to marry

No brainer really
It was a Italians who nailed Jesus to the cross and later fed Christians to the lions

It is your heritage Nick......embrace it

I'm a Catholic dummy, as are 95% of Italians.........

I just think it's funny progressives use "Italian" instead of Jew...

Italy wasn't even a country at the time and this was way before the barbaric rape the Italians/Sicilians received.


I suppose ignorance is snugness...

They were NOT Italians...

They were what was known as Romans. Romans were much more than people who lived in that city, but the people who lived in the region now known as Italy

No Nick, they were not Jews. They were your ancestors

They were Romans NOT Italians..
The only reason this is an issue is because the federal government involved itself in marriage, and the majority never objected to government involvement. The majority took advantage of the special privileges the government gave to marriage. Tax breaks, inheritance laws, can't be forced to testify against one another, and on and on and on.

We know this is the issue because gay sex is not illegal. Two guys holding hands and kissing in public is not illegal.

So this is a government issue. This is about all those bells and whistles and presents the government gives you for being married.

This is a SECULAR issue.

If it wasn't about all the cash and prizes, no one would give a fuck if two men said they were married. It would not have any effect on anyone else whatsoever that two guys kissing in public doesn't already achieve.

So don't pretend this is some kind of religious issue or anything else.

This is all about the cash and prizes. And since you didn't object to the government getting involved in marriage and making it a secular issue, you can't whine now. Too late.

There are other issues. If one partner ends up in the hospital, for instance. Or who has legal rights to inheritance. I recently lost a bachelor brother who lived with another bachelor brother. There were questions when they were organ donations and disposition of the remains. The brothers lived together for years, and yet one was not permitted to make free and open decisions about the affairs of the other brother. The courts became involved and now there is a total goat rope scenario...
They were not gay, but that is all beside the issue...but related.

Living will
Power of attorney
They should have taken care of these things.

Good point but let me tell you from 33 years as a private detective that has worked a few of these cases. Many times the family will stick their nose into it, get an injunction barring the partner from some things not explicitly detailed in the power of attorney, smear, delay, litigate and stall. Now that also happens to heterosexual folks also but when the gay thing is in the open the family KOOKS come out of the wood work and most gays, be that they have NO kids, have large estates.
Let them get married and end this insanity. Who really gives a shit if 2 folks that happen to love each other get a damn marriage license.
And even if you folks feel strongly about it, where does it fall on our list of priorities?
Maybe 237th or 238th?
Let me know when the other 238 REAL PROBLEMS are solved and get back to me.
It appears Washington state will legalize same sex marriage this week. The Senate has approved, the House is likely to do likewise. The governor said she will sign the bill. Six states and the D.C. allow same sex marriage. Washington will be the seven and California will probably become the 8th. Legislation is pending in several other states.

Other states allow civil unions or domestic partnerships. Still others recognize same sex marriage but do not issue marriage licenses. Divorce is another issue that few states have addressed. It is becoming a legal problem as same sex marriage partners cross state lines. Businesses such as insurance companies that operate across state lines must develop policies to accommodate the various laws in each state. It seems likely that eventually, all states will allow same sex marriage which will solve most of the problems. Polls show a striking generational difference in acceptance, with young people far more in favor of allowing same-sex unions than older generations.

Washington is likely the next state to allow gay marriage
swing and a miss...

what the fuck do you want me to say???

My morals mean shit, hence my personal opinion means shit..

What is legal is all that matters..

I don't come here to post my opinion... Oh, and when i do i use "imo."
saying marriage isnt a federal issue is stating an opinion...

I dont have the words for how stupid you are. You have literally set the bar in this thread as thee dumbest poster on the internets.

stepthanie isnt this stupid.

marriage isn't a federal issue...

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