Breaking. Prop 8.... struck down.

And Black Africans sold Black African slaves to the Spanish who dropped them off in the US for money...


Funny how we're all of a sudden defined by race and and ideas don't matter...

The Spanish sold slaves to the U.S.? :lol::lol::lol: Too funny!

You don't mean that you didn't know that the spanish were slave traders?

Slave Trade

The Spanish and French were huge slave traders.

1. The Portuguese are not Spanish

2. The U.S. didn't even exist until 1776, long after the Portuguese (and Spanish) slave traders had been supplanted by the British...and Americans themselves.

Haven't married anyone of any gender recently. Don't see why it's so important to force others to recognize a "declaration" of love.

How do you define being "forced"?

Didn't you hear? We are rounding them up, putting them in chains and marching them to the local courthouses where they are forced to bow to each gay married's part of the civil marriage ceremony now.
Man shall not lay in bed with another man.

Three verses back from that one: Do not have sexual relations with a woman during her period of menstrual impurity.
A few chapters back: But whatever is in the seas and in the rivers that does not have fins and scales among all the teeming life of the water, and among all the living creatures that are in the water, they are detestable things to you.

(God hates shellfish eaters.)

One chapter ahead: You shall not round off the side-growth of your heads nor harm the edges of your beard.

(God hates people who get haircuts and who shave)

Genesis: Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so when he went in to his brother's wife, he wasted his seed on the ground in order not to give offspring to his brother. But what he did was displeasing in the sight of the Lord; so He took his life also.

(God hates birth control.)

OMIGOD! Where's the laws about THAT!!!????

OK, so don't fuck anything that can bleed for a week and still live to ask you if her pants make her "look fat".
Woo! Surprise butt sex!

Just kidding... idiots.

[ame=]Gay People[/ame]
Even if the referendum is to vote away the civil rights of a minority? You really want that to be the standard? And when YOU someday become part of a minority a referendum is going after? Will you be okay with your rights being voted away by a majority?

My rights are voted away by the "majority" every time there's an election. You have a point?

I submit you haven't a clue what rights are.

I submit, you haven't a clue what rights are, nor what is sanctioned to the Federal government by said documents.
It was never legal in the first place...

I'm tired of telling people that....

It was never ...illegal either.

same with marriage....

That has been my point since day one...

Yay... it only took you 2 hours to figure it out..


oh i understand it... it would seem you are the one with the problem here... :clap2:

If marriage is not a right... then you should tell that to all of the married people....and no longer allow them to be married, no longer have the government recognize they ARE married...unmarry them.

The point is... they are making gay marriage illegal. And that is discrimination.
You make an excellent point. In Cali, the electorate has voted down Prop 8 multiple times, signaling that the majority of the people are not in favor of the proposition, many citing moral objections to homosexual "marriage". While the dictate has issued from "on high" from government that religious organizations that hold a moral objection to prevention of conception, or even the outright killing of a fetus, MUST provide funding for those activities.
It would appear that some flavors of "morality" are more desirable to government than others and government WILL enforce one group's "morality" over all others.
The homosexual community has other legal options available to ensure that couples have the same privileges as hetero couples. And if you really, truly love another person, why must you go begging for government permission to form a loving union with them?

Well, right there you've proven you have NO IDEA what you are talking about. Thanks for playing.

Which part of my contention is wrong?

Ummmm - the electorate approved Prop 8 by a narrow margin.

It will all come down to can you vote on what rights others are allowed to have

It will come down to "does the State have a compelling interest in legislating the activities of people in the bedroom" and the answer is yes. Unless you think Polygamy and Incest between consenting adults is ok.
But this issue is not even about sex it is about the ability of the abnormal to marry. And the decision will also hinge on the concept of " what defines marriage". And do the States have a compelling interest in regulating the institution of Marriage. The simple answer is YES the State DOES have a compelling interest. The follow on question being does the State have a compelling interest to define what is and is not marriage. And again the answer is yes they do.

The final decision will be nearly unanimous though, due to the political climate and the cowardice of many the Supreme Court will most likely vote 7-2 or 9-0 to agree with the 9th.

Are you kidding??
It was never ...illegal either.

same with marriage....

That has been my point since day one...

Yay... it only took you 2 hours to figure it out..


oh i understand it... it would seem you are the one with the problem here... :clap2:

If marriage is not a right... then you should tell that to all of the married people....and no longer allow them to be married, no longer have the government recognize they ARE married...unmarry them.

The point is... they are making gay marriage illegal. And that is discrimination.

Oh, I tell it to married individuals when the subject pops up...

It's not discrimination - it is democracy....
I dont get it, the people vote "No" each time, then a crooked judge strikes it down. That to me and anyone else who understands the constitution knows this is unconstitutional, California followed the constitution in having it placed on the ballot for a vote, the people spoke, and a judge rules against it. These judges need removed from the bench for constitutional violations. I do agree with Gingrich on that much.

Another person who thinks the majority can vote away the rights of the minority. You are one of the reasons the Founders inserted the Bill of Rights into the Constitution in the first place. They were very, very concerned about people like you.

Actually, they were far more concerned about people like you trying to force your will on the people.

How do you figure??? Nobody has to marry anybody that they don't want to. So what's the problem??? What are people being forced to do???
My bottom line is: I don't care who you want to fuck, keep it to yourself (homo and hetero). Use alternate means to insure financial perpetuation for those you care about. Fuck religion, fuck government. If all you are interested in is a tax break, is "love" really your motivating factor?
If you love someone, why define that love based on government bennies, or some vague religious definition.
Let me guess Eric Rudolph was just a "white dude?"

Fucking idiots...

Well, he was. But he was also a murdering scumbag....

So why do you label those who murdered Jesus Italians?

They may have been Italian (a country that didn't even exist at the time BTW) but opposition killed Jesus....

It was a Italians who nailed Jesus to the cross and later fed Christians to the lions

It is your heritage Nick......embrace it
Well, he was. But he was also a murdering scumbag....

So why do you label those who murdered Jesus Italians?

They may have been Italian (a country that didn't even exist at the time BTW) but opposition killed Jesus....

It was a Italians who nailed Jesus to the cross and later fed Christians to the lions

It is your heritage Nick......embrace it

I'm a Catholic dummy, as are 95% of Italians.........

I just think it's funny progressives use "Italian" instead of Jew...

Italy wasn't even a country at the time and this was way before the barbaric rape the Italians/Sicilians received.


I suppose ignorance is snugness...

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