Breaking. Prop 8.... struck down.

And Black Africans sold Black African slaves to the Spanish who dropped them off in the US for money...


Funny how we're all of a sudden defined by race and and ideas don't matter...
And some free black Americans owned slaves, too. Does that make it right?

It was never legal in the first place...

I'm tired of telling people that....

It was never ...illegal either.

same with marriage....
This has nothing to do with you accepting cash and prizes from the State when you marry.

And in what universe do you believe I even believe the state should recognize any marriage??

I hate both the federal and state governments by the way... They're both my enemy..

I laugh when cops are killed...

You got problems dude, and I don't think this place is the prescription.

Bear in mind, this is a guy who has said he plans to run for office, too.
The federal government provides all kinds of cash and prizes to married people, and since you and your ancestors have accepted those cash and prizes as part of the federal government's position for a very long time, then your post makes no sense whatsoever.

No matter how many fucking times you repeat it.

Too late now to pretend the federal government doesn't belong in marriage. It already is, and has been for a long, long time!

My ancestors have nothing to do with me...

I'm me dickhead...

Our government has no right acknowledging marriage in the first place...

I didn't make the rules....

You vote for the rule makers. I don't see any great right-wing conservative family values mass movement to kick the federal government out of marriage, do you?

Hell no. I do see a right wing movement to put marriage into the Constitution! They want the government in their marriage and their bigotry codified EVEN MORE! They want to put in the only amendment would which actually BAN something.

They want all the cash and prizes for themselves. They don't want any nigg-, uh, fags in the pool with them.

I'm opposed to ALL RULE MAKERS...

Yes, I am morally conservative but without question a staunch libertarian...

Fuck..... it is not really difficult to understand....
Jews were behind the entire crucifixion.....

What the fuck is wrong with some of you???

Italians pounded the nails into Jesus and hung him on the cross

Don't you read your Bible?

And Black Africans sold Black African slaves to the Spanish who dropped them off in the US for money...


Funny how we're all of a sudden defined by race and and ideas don't matter...

The Spanish sold slaves to the U.S.? :lol::lol::lol: Too funny!
marriage is not a federal government issue do you not understand that??? It's not our federal governments position to regulate marriage - it never has been and it shouldn't be.

Do you understand that???? For the 25th fucking time!

The federal government provides all kinds of cash and prizes to married people, and since you and your ancestors have accepted those cash and prizes as part of the federal government's position for a very long time, then your post makes no sense whatsoever.

No matter how many fucking times you repeat it.

Too late now to pretend the federal government doesn't belong in marriage. It already is, and has been for a long, long time!

My ancestors have nothing to do with me...

I'm me dickhead...
Our government has no right acknowledging marriage in the first place...

I didn't make the rules....

Finally, a factual post.
I"m waiting for some liberal to point out marriage in the Constitution. You do not have a Constitutional right to marry.

I'm not a liberal, but I'll ask, do you think all rights must be enumerated in the Constitution to be held by the people?

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And Black Africans sold Black African slaves to the Spanish who dropped them off in the US for money...


Funny how we're all of a sudden defined by race and and ideas don't matter...
And some free black Americans owned slaves, too. Does that make it right?

It was never legal in the first place...

I'm tired of telling people that....

Slavery was TOTALLY legal until the 13th amendment. Slaves were property.
A couple of things.

First, the Court stopped short of ruling on the overall issue of whether there is a constitutional right to marriage, and only went halfway and said Prop 8 was unconstitutional. So they didn't take the bait the Judge Walker laid out for them with Justice Kennedy in mind.

Second- this ruling- like Walker's, is on hold until it fully runs its course in the courts. Prop 8 could be overturned as early as November at the ballot box.

Third- and most important. Again, my biggest problem with the way this has been approached is that courts are overruling legislatures and the voters. This is judicial activism at its worst.

I have no problem with gay marriage. Why should just the straights have to suffer?

I have a real problem with unelected judges saying, "Screw what the people want, this is what the law would say if I were writing it!" And there's some of that on both the right and the left. The Judiciary has too much power.
Jews were behind the entire crucifixion.....

What the fuck is wrong with some of you???

Italians pounded the nails into Jesus and hung him on the cross

Don't you read your Bible?

And Black Africans sold Black African slaves to the Spanish who dropped them off in the US for money...


Funny how we're all of a sudden defined by race and and ideas don't matter...

Nothing wrong with Italians killing is part of your heritage

Embrace it
Get the Republicans OUT of our private lives. They have no right to decide who gets "equal rights" and who does not.

Damn Party Of The Peeping Toms.
Italians pounded the nails into Jesus and hung him on the cross

Don't you read your Bible?

And Black Africans sold Black African slaves to the Spanish who dropped them off in the US for money...


Funny how we're all of a sudden defined by race and and ideas don't matter...

The Spanish sold slaves to the U.S.? :lol::lol::lol: Too funny!

You don't mean that you didn't know that the spanish were slave traders?

Slave Trade

The Spanish and French were huge slave traders.
Again... because it almost always seems to be ignored

There are genetic reasons why you are a male or female.. there are genetic reasons why you have brown eyes or blue eyes.. there are genetic reasons why your skin is brown or white or yellow or whatever pigment...

There is no proof that there is a genetic cause to being gay or what you are attracted to... while it may not be ENTIRELY correct that it is conscious choice, it can also be based on exposure, experiences, conditions, etc..

just sayin'

There is no Gay gene. Your sexuality is possibly based off of a hormonal balance that is sometimes off-kilter.

It's a choice. The left just wanted to remove guilt from the issue and provide themselves another stick to bash over the head of Christians.

Right thats it. Its a persecution thing!

Man you guys really love going through the motions with this gay shit.

I don't like gay marriage because its icky
I dont like gay marriage because its abnormal
I don't like gay marriage because they are forcing it down my throat ( which sounds gay )
I don't like gay marriage because they hate my religion.
I don't like gay marriage because they already have the same rights as you or I, They just can't marry the same gender..( I like this one because you defeat your own logic with your own sentence.

Meanwhile the end result is you people denying a certain group of people the right to marry or hell just live the way they want to because of your bigoted views.

You would think that the party of "human rights" ( see abortion) would be ok with this. Of course logical thinking people will see the massive holes you people have in your arguments. Then add in the circular logic you people love to use. It would be better just to remove the cancer you people are and move on with life.

I think you should go back to fucking your stump.

I never said I was against gay marriage.

I just said there is no Gay gene.

You're a hypocrite. My guess is if someone where to call you gay you holler like a banshee.
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A couple of things.

First, the Court stopped short of ruling on the overall issue of whether there is a constitutional right to marriage, and only went halfway and said Prop 8 was unconstitutional. So they didn't take the bait the Judge Walker laid out for them with Justice Kennedy in mind.

Second- this ruling- like Walker's, is on hold until it fully runs its course in the courts. Prop 8 could be overturned as early as November at the ballot box.

Third- and most important. Again, my biggest problem with the way this has been approached is that courts are overruling legislatures and the voters. This is judicial activism at its worst.

I have no problem with gay marriage. Why should just the straights have to suffer?

I have a real problem with unelected judges saying, "Screw what the people want, this is what the law would say if I were writing it!" And there's some of that on both the right and the left. The Judiciary has too much power. are they "suffering"?
You did not pay attention. No same sex couple can have a child without the participation of a third party or parties. Adoptive families do not have the genetic materials of BOTH parents. Do you think that marriage should now be expanded to include a third spouse for child bearing purposes?

Men and women only need a man and a woman.

Adopted children do not share genetic material of either parent or other family members... are you saying they should not have been adopted? Do adopted children somehow destroy family values?

It would also seem to me that heterosexual couples are in need of a third party to become pregnant these days. Are you saying that it should no longer be a right or that it somehow it is wrecking their family? I am sure that sperm donor clinics will be very unhappy being put out of business.. and the men who donate will now be a second husband.

Many heterosexual couples need some kind of help. In numerous cases multiple abortions has rendered the female infertile. IF someone wants a child of two loving individuals, that child will not come from two women or two men. It is simple biology. There are no accidental births from homosexual relationships. Two lesbians or two gay men will NOT have an unplanned pregnancy. There has to be the participation of one or more people.

This should not be that hard.

It isn't that hard and nobody is denying it.

You, on the other hand, seem to have a hard time coming up with coherent repsonses. You're either setting up straw men or disregarding other people's posts entirely.

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