Breaking: Protests Against Trump Across America

I suppose they should hope that Trump doesn't hold a grudge... I mean he's kind of known for it, but he may actually let it slide and only go after the DNC, CNN, NBC, NYT, etc. We'll see who he meets vengeance upon. I'm hoping he string the Clinton Cartel up.

Yes, that is the nature of the beast

We saw what he was before we elected him. Thin skinned, vindictive, petty
We will see how well those qualities serve him as President
Protests seem spontaneous and are growing in size

If Trump wants to be "The People's President" he has a lot of work to do

You know, you don't have to be here. If it is impossible for you to bear the idea of Trump being your president, you can go elsewhere. Nobody, I repeat, nobody is keeping you here.

I have accepted the fact that Trump is my President. Something conservatives could never do with Obama

Doesn't mean I still don't hold him to standards of performance and being responsible for his actions. I'm willing to give Trump a chance and truly hope he is a successful President. But he has a lot of work to do
The right to protest is inherent in our Constitution. In fact, our history has shown that protest is more effective than a right to bear arms in settling citizens complaints with Government

Trump better get used to it.

Cancel Obamacare? Get ready for protests from 20 million people without insurance
Disrupt Mexican families? Get ready for protests
Ban abortion? You got yourself a huge protest
Cut back on welfare? You got yourself major nationwide protests
Some of the ugliest hatefull people have posted on this thread..I hope you pray to your God for forgiveness of your sins...

The reaction on this forum in general since Trump won has been nothing short of ugly and disgusting. You would think that they would be happy but their man won, but it seems to have only fueled their anger and vitriol.

So you're despised. That's why you got your ass kicked in the election. People hate traitorous, lying pigs.
The people voted in a majority for Hillary, Trump won by electoral college....
Hillary barely won the popular vote.

Trump easily won the electoral college(all that matters).

Trump won. Shut up.

not all the votes are in yet hillary may have won the popular vote
Watching reporters interview's like watching a circus one speaks english clearly, gold teeth, neck tattoos, mohawks, facial piercings, lesbians and gays, Mexican flags waiving...not a single REAL American or legitimate human present. Don't these ignorant people understand that they are simply making an ass of themselves? Pure lack of iQ. This is the kind of thing that should really make people feel good about their Trump vote.
Of course, no white folks would ever be caught dead not looking like a button down Manhattan ad man...
Anti Donald Trump protests. November 9, 2016.
Well that The large crowds have mostly remained peaceful.

its freezing in all of them,,,in 3 days many of them will catch a real bad cold!!!!

Going to be a lot of protests for a long time. It will not be long before you will be cheering about Americans being beaten down in the streets by their government and the true fascist roots of the Trump phenomena will be on display for all to see.

Holy toledo on this very board libs were calling for the Bundy family and their friends to blown away. You know. To teach them a lesson for protesting. Don't play holier than thou. It's ugly that posters were actually calling for the deaths of these people. Liberal posters. Progressive posters.

Feeling a little hyperbolic tonight? The Bundy's theft/occupation of public property for their own selfish purposes is not protected speech. No one wanted them blown away but yesterday before you turned into a government supporting nationalist you might remember how you all liked engage in flights of fancy where you are gloriously using your second amendment option against a tyrannical government bent on the destruction of your way of life. Remember that? I know it was such a long time ago. The left has no need of guns for courage, all they need is the first Amendment and your kind is not going to take that away. it just me or does the Left need mobs for courage?
There's this thing called democracy, it's also known as strength in numbers. I'm sure you proudly like to think the people spoke yesterday but, hate to break this to you, it was not exactly unanimous. You wanted your man in charge of this glorious mess of a country, you got it, now prepare to ride the tiger. You are going to get exactly what you gave this country the last eight years, opposition, get used to it.

When did conservatives take to the streets to protest the election of Barack Obama? I must have missed that, Occupied!

"Opposition" is fine...anarchy because you didn't get the outcome you wanted is not.
They will accomplish nothing I know, but they are important for the sake of symbolism. The rest of this country needs to show the world that we reject that orange sack of shit as president.

Save for a little rioting, they've been peaceful. I hope they stay that way.
It is important you fascists self identify at this point in time, I agree....
They will accomplish nothing I know, but they are important for the sake of symbolism. The rest of this country needs to show the world that we reject that orange sack of shit as president.

Save for a little rioting, they've been peaceful. I hope they stay that way.
The first four words really says it all (They will accomplish nothing).
These are people who are basically pampered kids and their lazy parents. They believe in "safe-spaces" on college campuses, they are easily offended and toss out made up words like, micro-aggression when they hear a word or sentence they don't like. They invented the word "Islamophobia" to make legitimate concerns regarding the global Islamic threat seem irrational. Sweden, has become the rape capital of Europe, with an Islamic theocracy assured to run that nation in the near future, rendering women slaves to males and the rest of Europe isn't far behind, all because of its "open borders" policy. Yet here...the liberals, liberal women included, don't care, or don't grasp the gravity of the situation.
They pay monumentally close attention to idiotic reality shows like the Kardashians and Jersey Shore, hold extremely minimal conversations via Twitter that limits them to 129 characters. They pay more attention to their cellphones rather than actually getting out, meeting and talking to people of all ages.
They're going to whine and cry over their candidate who would have assuredly dragged this nation down the path of Europe, with her open borders idiocy. For those of you who have grieved Clinton losing, look no further than Sweden and Lebanon to see what happens when you call out to Muslims to freely enter the country.

Your post should be stickied as an example of the perfect post; this is BY FAR the best post I've ever read on this forum.
What exactly are they protesting?
The election of Trump of course but I think it goes deeper than that. We have seen democratic elections around the world that have resulted in incompetents, despots and demigods coming to power but we never believed that could happen in the US. We had faith that our two party system would nominated good qualified candidates but they failed miserably so the people were faced with the decision of choosing between two really bad choices. In effect, the protest is about a failed system and not just the election of Trump. Had Hillary been elected, I think there would still be protests.

We elected Bush.

We elected Obama....

We excel at incompetence.
But at least we had good choices compared to our choices yesterday.

Bush and Gore were good choices ? Sorry......

We excel at electing incompetence.
Yes, relative to the choices they gave us this time.
The time to protest poor choices has passed.
They will accomplish nothing I know, but they are important for the sake of symbolism. The rest of this country needs to show the world that we reject that orange sack of shit as president.

Save for a little rioting, they've been peaceful. I hope they stay that way.
What exactly are they protesting?
The election of Trump of course but I think it goes deeper than that. We have seen democratic elections around the world that have resulted in despots and demigods coming to power but we never believed that could happen in the US. We had faith that our two party system would nominated good qualified candidates but they failed so the people were faced with the decision of choosing between two bad choices. In effect, the protest is about a failed system and not just election of Trump.
But they weren't protesting the 'failed system' when Obama won, were they?
Because in the last two elections the system worked. Obama, Romney, and McCain were all well qualified for the office. They weren't under threat of being prosecuted, were outright liars, weren't boldface racist or xenophobes. The two parties nominated candidates that represent the philosophies of their party and for the most part their actions were that of gentlemen and statesmen. They conducted campaigns they could be proud of. The two parties did a good job.

Obama, Romney, and McCain were all well qualified for the office.

Why do you feel Obama was qualified?
They will accomplish nothing I know, but they are important for the sake of symbolism. The rest of this country needs to show the world that we reject that orange sack of shit as president.

Save for a little rioting, they've been peaceful. I hope they stay that way.

Actually, I disagree. I think they accomplish ALOT, they illustrate the complete hypocrisy of the liberal movement:

1.) They support democracy, as long as their candidate wins.

2.) They support free speech, as long as you agree with them.

3.) They love flying the flag, as long as it's the Mexican flag.

And more and more. So, like you, I hope they continue.

Because with each passing day, the world is watching, and starting to understand why Donald Trump has been elected President.:wink_2:
They will accomplish nothing I know, but they are important for the sake of symbolism. The rest of this country needs to show the world that we reject that orange sack of shit as president.

Save for a little rioting, they've been peaceful. I hope they stay that way.

I say let the safe spacers have their fun. It's amusing. They behave exactly like the behavior they predict from us, the behavior from us that never happens. Fucking children...
They will accomplish nothing I know, but they are important for the sake of symbolism. The rest of this country needs to show the world that we reject that orange sack of shit as president.

Save for a little rioting, they've been peaceful. I hope they stay that way.
It is important you fascists self identify at this point in time, I agree....
You're the one bitching about their first amendment right to protest and you call me a fascist? You are a complete moron.
They will accomplish nothing I know, but they are important for the sake of symbolism. The rest of this country needs to show the world that we reject that orange sack of shit as president.

Save for a little rioting, they've been peaceful. I hope they stay that way.

The election of Trump of course but I think it goes deeper than that. We have seen democratic elections around the world that have resulted in incompetents, despots and demigods coming to power but we never believed that could happen in the US. We had faith that our two party system would nominated good qualified candidates but they failed miserably so the people were faced with the decision of choosing between two really bad choices. In effect, the protest is about a failed system and not just the election of Trump. Had Hillary been elected, I think there would still be protests.

We elected Bush.

We elected Obama....

We excel at incompetence.
But at least we had good choices compared to our choices yesterday.

Bush and Gore were good choices ? Sorry......

We excel at electing incompetence.
Yes, relative to the choices they gave us this time.
The time to protest poor choices has passed.
No, I think the time to protest poor choices is yet to come. We have not even begun to see the real Donald Trump.

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