BREAKING! Radio Legend Michael Savage Approached To Run Against Sen. Dianne Feinstein

That would be great if "Savage" runs, if he can circumvent the rigged primaries democrats are famous for. And it depends on how many illegal aliens they can get to vote which is as we all know is one reason why dems invite them into our country. The Swamp MSM would probably call him a "self-hating jew."
He'll fit right in with the Neues Recht Demagogue atmosphere now infesting Washington D.C....
But the OP's right about ONE thing...

He'd tear Feinstein a new a$$hole in a debate, and I'd pay good money to see that...
Not everything is "BREAKING" for fuck's sake. Jesus, get a grip.

No way Savage runs, and if he does, no way he wins.

Though he is just as self-absorbed as self-aggrandizing as every other politician...
Great. Then we would have another politician that has been banned from England for his hateful rhetoric.

So what?

It was for very good reason that we kicked the British out of our country more than two centuries ago. Why should we care what they think of who we choose to elect into our government.
There was a time that Americans wanted to run the Mormons, American and foreign, out of the country as well.
Democrats can’t let that happen.... Jew v Jew. It will disrupt their block. Remember Axelrod shitting himself over Cain running against Obama?
There was a time that Americans wanted to run the Mormons, American and foreign, out of the country as well.
There was also a time when voters were good with voting for a Muslim.
After seeing how bad of a mistake that was, we’re now expecting Trump to fix all the problems he created.

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