Breaking: Ray Epps charged by Biden's DOJ

Which I'm sure you are used to hearing from all of your lovers, what few of them that would have you.

Ray Epps was charged with far less of a crime and sentence than some J6 arrestees who weren't even there on the day of the protest, despite his texting his nephew that day saying that he was one of the organizers of the riot.

Well, candyhead cornhole, if you knew 1/1000th what you think you do, you'd know that my field of expertise whatever that is has no bearing whatsoever on anything related to or any value with J6, but it doesn't take any sort of expert at all to spot a complete ass, and finally, being a complete ass is the one thing you truly CAN claim expertise in.
The ones who “weren’t there” were involved in planning that attack on the Capitol and juries have found them guilty of seditious conspiracy
I know, right? The Trump supporters have this bizarre binary reaction to everything.
Their whole position is pretty simple. Anyone who is a card-carrying member of the Trump MAGA brigade should not be touched no matter what their crimes. High or Low.

Anyone else - non-supporters of their MAGA fuhrer or ex-MAGA should be punished severely. No matter what their crimes.

And the poor dears are so so upset that the world does not seem to agree on both counts. :) when the getaway driver is charged with aiding and abetting a bank robbery...I guess that means there was no bank robbery?
Wow...and someone actually trusted YOU to be an 'expert' witness? LOL Make me laugh harder.
Cool...Send him and all of the other insurrectionists go GITMO.
No kidding. You have zero importance.
Yet here you are whining about an election that was supposedly stolen from you. LOL. keeps reminding me of what a child-like mind you have.
Possibly. But right now it's looking really good for him in 2024.

Fuck off, troll. No time to play pointless juvenile troll games with morons.
The ones who “weren’t there” were involved in planning that attack on the Capitol and juries have found them guilty of seditious conspiracy

Wow. You mean someone PLANNED on leaving pipe bombs there that were never used? They PLANNED on the cap. cops taking down barricades and opening doors, leading them around on a tour? They PLANNED on being barraged with smoke and bang bombs by police setting off the riot? They PLANNED on bringing a gallows that was too much a toy to even hang a cat? They PLANNED on getting into the capitol without even a floor plan to know which way to go for what? They PLANNED on entering without guns or weapons, just carrying flags standing around taking selfies of themselves then politely walking around, looking at stuff and leaving? They PLANNED on doing all of that to "get Pence" or to change the election without ever getting within a mile of Pence nor seeing much less affecting a single congressional person nor count?

Some plan. Some insurrection. Some joke.

Ray Epps sent a text to his nephew I think on his cellphone saying he organized the whole thing. No arrest, more than 2.5 years before even getting investigated, taken off the FBI 10 most wanted list the day after news announced he was an inside plant by the FBI, and only gets a slap on the wrist and sent on his way? I thought you people wanted all of these seditionist traitors locked up and the keys thrown away!
Wow. You mean someone PLANNED on leaving pipe bombs there that were never used? They PLANNED on the cap. cops taking down barricades and opening doors, leading them around on a tour? They PLANNED on being barraged with smoke and bang bombs by police setting off the riot? They PLANNED on bringing a gallows that was too much a toy to even hang a cat? They PLANNED on getting into the capitol without even a floor plan to know which way to go for what? They PLANNED on entering without guns or weapons, just carrying flags standing around taking selfies of themselves then politely walking around, looking at stuff and leaving? They PLANNED on doing all of that to "get Pence" or to change the election without ever getting within a mile of Pence nor seeing much less affecting a single congressional person nor count?

Some plan. Some insurrection. Some joke.

Ray Epps sent a text to his nephew I think on his cellphone saying he organized the whole thing. No arrest, more than 2.5 years before even getting investigated, taken off the FBI 10 most wanted list the day after news announced he was an inside plant by the FBI, and only gets a slap on the wrist and sent on his way? I thought you people wanted all of these seditionist traitors locked up and the keys thrown away!
Seditious conspiracy jackass. And they have been sentenced appropriately despite your characterization
Three words you could apply to your Joe Biden. Guilty of sedition. Guilty of conspiracy. Guilty of treason. Guilty of being a jackass, like you.
Quite the fantasy you have

Those ACTUAL seditious conspiracy charges against MAGArats resulted in convictions and years in jail.
So is the argument here that Epps is secretly an FBI plant, and if not for him those thousands of people wouldn't have stormed the Capitol? Oathbreakers and Peacetakers wouldn't have brought guns to fill a hotel room for a QRF, and wouldn't have planned and then stormed the Capitol? Epps is truly powerful or MAGAs are truly DUMB.
wow, so no hostility for his actions huh? So you do think he was a plant. YOu are treating him differently than every other Jan 6er. Why? Gonna sk something
So is the argument here that Epps is secretly an FBI plant, and if not for him those thousands of people wouldn't have stormed the Capitol? Oathbreakers and Peacetakers wouldn't have brought guns to fill a hotel room for a QRF, and wouldn't have planned and then stormed the Capitol? Epps is truly powerful or MAGAs are truly DUMB.
The latter for sure. After all, they are all slaves to the orange sexual abuser.
About cotton pickin time. But seriously, a misdemeanor? He is an agent provocateur. He was an organizer plain as day! Him taking a plea deal is just another part of the cover-up.

The game plan is to hide the facts on any issue by opening an investigation.

The DOJ is tying up all of the evidence to protect Epps from prosecution.

Now AG Garland doesn't think he has to provide answers to any questions from the House.
The game plan is to hide the facts on any issue by opening an investigation.

The DOJ is tying up all of the evidence to protect Epps from prosecution.

Now AG Garland doesn't think he has to provide answers to any questions from the House.
Watch this from earlier today.

WATCH: Rep. Thomas Massie Leaves Corrupt Merrick Garland Stuttering After Destroying Him for Coddling Ray Epps​

Just think if they all had, or stayed at the speech place, or just not tried to break into the Capitol.
They set a bunch of bombs out around the Capital.
They still would have tried to blame it on Trump.
They set a bunch of bombs out around the Capital.
They still would have tried to blame it on Trump.
That was the FBI'S plan B . Set off a bomb and blame it on Trump if the Informants were unsuccessful in whipping the crowd into a frenzy and entering the capital.

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