Breaking: Ray Epps charged by Biden's DOJ

Epps was recruited as an asset by the Feds because he is a former Marine, an imposing man with a big voice. He was caught on video TWICE once the day before inciting the crowd to enter the Capitol and another ON THE STEPS of the Capitol leading the charge. Since he was doing the work of The Regime he gets a wrist slap, while others are getting 10, 15 and 20 year sentences. Welcome to Oceania 2023.

since when does the FBI charge their "assets" with misdemeanors?
Not even an attempt to be serious here. Just more phony Fed BS.

There are people who didn’t even go in the Capitol Building on January 6 who are currently rotting in the gulag. Grandmothers, veterans, and journalists are among those that the corrupt Department of Justice used as examples to dissuade patriots from invoking their rights and defending the nation.

Then, there’s Ray Epps. He did everything in his power to provoke people to storm the Capitol Building but was only hit with a minor misdemeanor charge, and only after it was clear nearly three years since the incident that patriots weren’t going to let it go.

As Charlie Kirk sarcastically noted, “Everything is on the level folks.”

Not suspicious at all!

“Disorderly or Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds.” Journalist Julie Kelly is not impressed.

According to The Post Millennial:

They might as well not even charge him at all. Considering some of the political prisoners are facing decades in jail, these charges are an insult to our intelligence.

Let’s call it what it is. This is a fake charge that allows the corrupt Department of Justice to pretend like they’re doing something. They hope this will placate those of us who continue wondering why Ray Epps is free while grannies are imprisoned.

There are only two viable possibilities. Either Ray Epps was/is a Deep State agent or the Department of Justice is so insanely stupid, they can’t recognize the difference between real incitement and the mild curiosity that drove many to peacefully enter the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021.

Kabuki Theater in our post-truth society does little more than infuriate patriots. Perhaps that’s the point.


After he lays out all the FACTS and evidence in this video how can YOU claim that our justice system isn't being used by the Biden Administration as a weapon?

Ray Epps gets a misdemeanor charge despite him EXPLICITLY telling people to rush into the capital ON CAMERA, while others who weren't even there get decades. Or others that came in AFTER the barricades were all gone and police were nowhere in sight get years for felonies
At this point, Democrats have to be getting tired of pretending to believe that the DOJ is on the up-and-up. First Epps make the most wanted list, then he's no longer a suspect, in spite of video evidence, then when enough of a stink is made, the gets a token misdemeanor charge.

I wonder if the FBI paid him a bonus to accept the misdemeanor.
Why shouldn't he have the book thrown at him too?

Why is this the only "insurrectionist" that you shitlibs are willing to eat a bag of shit over?
Sure, throw the book at him. In fact, you should. Just for wearing that silly red cap in public.
We’re being “implored”! LOL... I love the sound of desperation in the evening!

Most of the J6 protesters got charged with misdemeanors. I think they should all have been sent to GITMO personally.

Epps isn’t appearing to get special treatment. Those who were charged with committing more serious crimes got more serious punishment when they were convicted. Too bad toobfreak didn’t give his “expert” testimony...he could have changed things. LOL.

After he lays out all the FACTS and evidence in this video how can YOU claim that our justice system isn't being used by the Biden Administration as a weapon?

Ray Epps gets a misdemeanor charge despite him EXPLICITLY telling people to rush into the capital ON CAMERA, while others who weren't even there get decades. Or others that came in AFTER the barricades were all gone and police were nowhere in sight get years for felonies

Ever hear of a rat?
We’re being “implored”! LOL... I love the sound of desperation in the evening!

Most of the J6 protesters got charged with misdemeanors. I think they should all have been sent to GITMO personally.

Epps isn’t appearing to get special treatment. Those who were charged with committing more serious crimes got more serious punishment when they were convicted. Too bad toobfreak didn’t give his “expert” testimony...he could have changed things. LOL.
Is that "implore" comment the 1st time ever on USMB?

The OP knows it means to beg, right?
Why did you follow them and The Leader. YOU Betrayed YOUR LEADER!

That's not an answer. Documented here on USMB is the truth that many of the worst 1/6 offenders were life long Democrats, even activists and one was actually once a candidate.

You want America to believe 1/6 was "all Trump supporters." You are a treasonous liar.
Lifelong staunch Republican Ray Epps?

Trump cultists are just so damned stupid.

What is your evidence that Jew Supremacist Zionist Fascist Ray Epps is a "lifelong staunch Republican" given he was 100% for Traitor Joe?
Not even an attempt to be serious here. Just more phony Fed BS.

There are people who didn’t even go in the Capitol Building on January 6 who are currently rotting in the gulag. Grandmothers, veterans, and journalists are among those that the corrupt Department of Justice used as examples to dissuade patriots from invoking their rights and defending the nation.
Then, there’s Ray Epps. He did everything in his power to provoke people to storm the Capitol Building but was only hit with a minor misdemeanor charge, and only after it was clear nearly three years since the incident that patriots weren’t going to let it go.
As Charlie Kirk sarcastically noted, “Everything is on the level folks.”
Not suspicious at all!

“Disorderly or Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds.” Journalist Julie Kelly is not impressed.

According to The Post Millennial:
They might as well not even charge him at all. Considering some of the political prisoners are facing decades in jail, these charges are an insult to our intelligence.
Let’s call it what it is. This is a fake charge that allows the corrupt Department of Justice to pretend like they’re doing something. They hope this will placate those of us who continue wondering why Ray Epps is free while grannies are imprisoned.
There are only two viable possibilities. Either Ray Epps was/is a Deep State agent or the Department of Justice is so insanely stupid, they can’t recognize the difference between real incitement and the mild curiosity that drove many to peacefully enter the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021.
Kabuki Theater in our post-truth society does little more than infuriate patriots. Perhaps that’s the point.

Post truth is right.

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