BREAKING: RFK Jr.: Today, I Declared Myself an Independent Candidate for President

Again, this..doesn't..happen. Anywhere.
Your alt-right media masters have drilled this talking point into your brain so deep, it's become ingrained into your way of thinking. You don't know anything else.

And isn't it funny that there was not a fucking WHISPER about non-existent issues like mail-n voting, widespread fraud, or this silly ballot harvesting tripe before the Savior lost his re-election bid. Not a peep about it from either side. Then, all of the sudden, overnight, it was rampant and corrupt. :)
Interesting, isn't it?
We lose if it is anyone except Trump. And Trump needs to show us his plans before the election. No swamp people in his administration.
Show something, don't just make a claim. He's a published author and you're not.
The world Economic Forum decides on all his truth, and so he doesn't have to see anything first hand.

He hates people ho aren't lock-step globalist authoritarians.
Who are you imagining is in the "libertarian mold"? Certainly not Trump, Biden or RFK,jr. - populists? definitely, authoritarian, yup. But none of them are anywhere near "libertarian".
I said MORE libertarian.

Locking people down and forcing them to inject unproven substances in their bodies is authoritarian. Wanting people to have more say in their lives is more libertarian than that.
He might take a few votes away from Biden who are among the small group of actual liberals left in the party as well as the better educated. By the looks of the Democrats in this forum, though, most are proles who just do what the DNC tell them to do.

On the other hand, he could take a lot of votes away from trump among the never Trumpers and those who are just too put off by Trump's boorishness.

In a three way race between an utter authoritarian and two candidates more in the libertarian or populist mold, the vote among the non -authoritarians might be split more than the votes along party affiliation.
If democrats thought he would take more votes away from Trump they would be on board with his independent run. They are not because they know it will hurt Biden more.
Which side talks about how awesome RFK jr is? That's the side he'll be taking votes from.

Who won't be voting for him? The side that recognizes he's a barking conspiracy kook.

The devious plan of the right was to push Kennedy, because he'd supposedly split the Democrats and cause chaos. That didn't work out. The Democrats laughed him out of the party. However, thanks to the conservative media gushing over how totally awesome Kennedy is, he has good support among Republicans.

So now Republicans are having their "Ohshitwhatdidwedo" moment. Pass the popcorn.

Kennedy was scheduled to spreak at CPAC, Oct 15-18. But that invite came when he was still pretending to be a Democrat. Now he's a direct threat to Trump, so it will be interesting to see if the invitation still stands, and how the crowd gets instructed to react to him.
Your main problem is that you base your conspiracy claim on a story that is always already pre-emptive (esoterica [italics]). Delirious. You must have theologians in the family.
We lose if it is anyone except Trump. And Trump needs to show us his plans before the election. No swamp people in his administration.
You lose. The rest of And if you're hoping for anything substantive from Trump, you're going to go disappointed. :)
If democrats thought he would take more votes away from Trump they would be on board with his independent run. They are not because they know it will hurt Biden more.
I'm fine with that, my friend.

I'm just wondering if things will actually play out that way.

The one thing I do know, though, is that this site's democrats are an incredibly conformist bunch and never question ANYTHING that is not Democrat status quo.
The anti-vaxxers, and he wants our southern border closed. That alone will get him votes if he takes a hardline publicly concerning Joe's wide open borders.
LOL, Joe is taking a hardline against his own policy.
He was almost a non issue before this. Now libs are frantic and are resorting to stating the opposite reality of what is staring them in the face
Your main problem is that you base your conspiracy claim on a story that is always already pre-emptive (esoterica [italics]). Delirious. You must have theologians in the family.
You're absolutely right. COVID really was bioengineered to not affect Jews, as RFK jr said.

Oh wait, that actually is a kook conspiracy theory, and you look completely insane for embracing it.

If you're not embracing it, then why are you running cover for the guy who does embrace it?
He was almost a non issue before this. Now libs are frantic and are resorting to stating the opposite reality of what is staring them in the face
It's not the liberals crapping themselves right now. It's your side, and we liberals are laughing our keisters off.

Your side really didn't think this through. You actually thought liberals would support a conspiracy crank who babbles idiot right-wing talking points, and the right wouldn't? Whatever possessed you all to be that delusional?
It's not the liberals crapping themselves right now. It's your side, and we liberals are laughing our keisters off.

Your side really didn't think this through. You actually thought liberals would support a conspiracy crank who babbles idiot right-wing talking points, and the right wouldn't? Whatever possessed you all to be that delusional?
You would not recognize actual liberalism if it smacked you alongside your unhinged little head.
It's not the liberals crapping themselves right now. It's your side, and we liberals are laughing our keisters off.

Your side really didn't think this through. You actually thought liberals would support a conspiracy crank who babbles idiot right-wing talking points, and the right wouldn't? Whatever possessed you all to be that delusional?
A democrat who goes independent and fact absent lib loons are trying to sell it hurts republicans. Who just got deserted?
A democrat who goes independent and fact absent lib loons are trying to sell it hurts republicans. Who just got deserted?
Nothing to sell. You're really not a thinker, are you? RFK Jr is an anti-vaxx conspiracy theory nut. Most anti-vaxx'ers, are right wing conservatives. They were already going to vote for Trump. Now that there is an independent running who presents a palatable alternative to Trump, he's gonna siphon votes..from Trump. No Democrat is going to vote for RFK Jr. Yikes, you really don't pay attention do you? :)
Bobby has some issues.

He's not a bad man. Just a little screwed up. Not evil like the Trumps.
I don’t believe the Trumps are are evil. Joe Biden might be as he might have sold our nation out.
Nothing to sell. You're really not a thinker, are you? RFK Jr is an anti-vaxx conspiracy theory nut. Most anti-vaxx'ers, are right wing conservatives. They were already going to vote for Trump. Now that there is an independent running who presents a palatable alternative to Trump, he's gonna siphon votes..from Trump. No Democrat is going to vote for RFK Jr. Yikes, you really don't pay attention do you? :)
The (very Democratic)Kennedy clan has disavowed his candidacy

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