Breaking: Riot Season Opens Again in Minnesota

There is something wrong with people who would make hanging an air freshener in your car illegal.

There is something wrong with someone that would pull someone over for that.

The place needs to burn.

Majority rule. Not Mob rule. Think about why your ideas would help no one except give a little temporary gratification.

Its making a big difference.

Oh bullshit. So we now know it was a female officer who made a mistake, probably bad training as she reached for her gun instead of a taser. That is what stress and adrenaline does to someone.
So now what will destroying businesses do? beating up people, attacking police? all who had nothing to do with the mistake of an individual.

You can burn all the fucking buildings you want, and a person disconnected from any of that can still make a mistake. It happens. Every case needs to be tried on its own merit, but yes... you prove my point... you get your instant personal gratification to see things get burned or looted.
Someone should come over and burn down your house and smash the windows out of your car..... that will really teach the cops to do better next time yep.
The accidental discharge excuse.

Mistaking a gun for a taser is not an accident.

Its not an excuse. Its the reason, as you can see in the video. She is still liable for the death.
What do you want to do blame it on racism and then go out and burn and loot innocent peoples stores?
Oh, and resisting arrest and attempting to flee with a 2000lb vehicle isn't? He had every intention of fleeing with that vehicle before he was shot.
The chief of police is making excuses, and so are you. The officer clearly acted on her training.
She stopped a potentially deadly police chase from occurring.
Well just let's say your right. OK ?

Let's look at how cops deal with whites who resists arrests when it's on video.#

A white man can fight with cops and still not got shot. Unless you think if the video's below were black men the cops would have acted exactly the same.

1. White man refuses to comply with police orders.
2. He resists arrest.
3. He goes to his car and opens the door.
4. He attacks police officer.
5. He chases police officer.
6. He tries to steal police officer’s car.
7. He's not shot by police.

Another example.

Not shot.

Lets look at what happens when a white man fights with police

And finally

What a suprise ? Not shot.

Black people should comply ? Ask this black man how that worked out for him.

How do you confuse a taser with a handgun? Why would they manufacture a taser that would "feel" anything like a handgun?

I know it seems mind boggling, but this is not the first time. I dont get it other than there are some people who cannot handle conflict and the rush of adrenaline it gives them. She was shaky and panicky before she pulled the trigger, seems to me her mind was half there. I cant believe this officer was on the force for very long, but seems something really needs to be done through training practices to weed these people OUT. or train them right... and maybe as you say, change the shape of the taser.
Shooting someone for fleeing with an outstanding warrant isn't usually on the approved shooting list.

20 year old. pulled for an air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror. Called his mother to ask for insurance information, was then questioned about an outstanding warrant on another traffic violation. Attempted to drive off and was shot to death, crashing the car also injuring his girlfriend.

We also haven't seen the video yet to see if he drove off or if maybe the vehicle moved forward after they shot him.

Here it is, and even after viewing it, still a shooting not justified, and the police chief has said it is an accidental shooting, because the female officer was supposed to be using the taser.

Was she brand new or something? Can't you tell the difference between a taser and your handgun just by the feel of it in your hand?
What astounds me is the armchair quarterbacking I see from some of you...

The moment he decided to drive off, he was resisting arrest, and not knowing the mentality of the assailant, he now had a 2000lb weapon. He made himself a danger to everyone else on that roadway when he chose to flee.

You can't possibly know what's involved with being a police officer in the heat of a scary moment like that.

So stop acting like you know what you would have done in her place. Odds are you never will. Spare us all your prevaricated judgments.
I think I said twice, I don't know!!
Shooting someone for fleeing with an outstanding warrant isn't usually on the approved shooting list.

20 year old. pulled for an air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror. Called his mother to ask for insurance information, was then questioned about an outstanding warrant on another traffic violation. Attempted to drive off and was shot to death, crashing the car also injuring his girlfriend.

We also haven't seen the video yet to see if he drove off or if maybe the vehicle moved forward after they shot him.

Here it is, and even after viewing it, still a shooting not justified, and the police chief has said it is an accidental shooting, because the female officer was supposed to be using the taser.

Was she brand new or something? Can't you tell the difference between a taser and your handgun just by the feel of it in your hand?
What astounds me is the armchair quarterbacking I see from some of you...

The moment he decided to drive off, he was resisting arrest, and not knowing the mentality of the assailant, he now had a 2000lb weapon. He made himself a danger to everyone else on that roadway when he chose to flee.

You can't possibly know what's involved with being a police officer in the heat of a scary moment like that.

So stop acting like you know what you would have done in her place. Odds are you never will. Spare us all your prevaricated judgments.
This is I what I said. So shut the fuck up.

I don't know, I'm not a cop. Maybe jumped in my car and chased him?

I'm questioning, not criticizing. I haven't heard the whole story. I already answered this question. Since evading arrest is something that happens every day, ask the police, Mac, what to do.
Oh, and resisting arrest and attempting to flee with a 2000lb vehicle isn't? He had every intention of fleeing with that vehicle before he was shot.
The chief of police is making excuses, and so are you. The officer clearly acted on her training.
She stopped a potentially deadly police chase from occurring.
Well just let's say your right. OK ?

Let's look at how cops deal with whites who resists arrests when it's on video.#

A white man can fight with cops and still not got shot. Unless you think if the video's below were black men the cops would have acted exactly the same.

1. White man refuses to comply with police orders.
2. He resists arrest.
3. He goes to his car and opens the door.
4. He attacks police officer.
5. He chases police officer.
6. He tries to steal police officer’s car.
7. He's not shot by police.

Another example.

Not shot.

Lets look at what happens when a white man fights with police

And finally

What a suprise ? Not shot.

Black people should comply ? Ask this black man how that worked out for him.

Here’s one for you

Shooting someone for fleeing with an outstanding warrant isn't usually on the approved shooting list.

20 year old. pulled for an air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror. Called his mother to ask for insurance information, was then questioned about an outstanding warrant on another traffic violation. Attempted to drive off and was shot to death, crashing the car also injuring his girlfriend.

We also haven't seen the video yet to see if he drove off or if maybe the vehicle moved forward after they shot him.

Here it is, and even after viewing it, still a shooting not justified, and the police chief has said it is an accidental shooting, because the female officer was supposed to be using the taser.

Was she brand new or something? Can't you tell the difference between a taser and your handgun just by the feel of it in your hand?
What astounds me is the armchair quarterbacking I see from some of you...

The moment he decided to drive off, he was resisting arrest, and not knowing the mentality of the assailant, he now had a 2000lb weapon. He made himself a danger to everyone else on that roadway when he chose to flee.

You can't possibly know what's involved with being a police officer in the heat of a scary moment like that.

So stop acting like you know what you would have done in her place. Odds are you never will. Spare us all your prevaricated judgments.
I think I said twice, I don't know!!
I’m , not criticizing.
Why dont you question black people for resisting or evading arrest?
It's understood.

What is?
Get off my back and read the fucking thread, know it all.
I don't know, I'm not a cop. Maybe jumped in my car and chased him?
What would you tell the survivors of a car wreck cause buy your failure to prevent the driver from getting in his car and speeding off?

tell them your sorry that some of them died?
Shooting someone for fleeing with an outstanding warrant isn't usually on the approved shooting list.

20 year old. pulled for an air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror. Called his mother to ask for insurance information, was then questioned about an outstanding warrant on another traffic violation. Attempted to drive off and was shot to death, crashing the car also injuring his girlfriend.

We also haven't seen the video yet to see if he drove off or if maybe the vehicle moved forward after they shot him.

Here it is, and even after viewing it, still a shooting not justified, and the police chief has said it is an accidental shooting, because the female officer was supposed to be using the taser.

Was she brand new or something? Can't you tell the difference between a taser and your handgun just by the feel of it in your hand?
What astounds me is the armchair quarterbacking I see from some of you...

The moment he decided to drive off, he was resisting arrest, and not knowing the mentality of the assailant, he now had a 2000lb weapon. He made himself a danger to everyone else on that roadway when he chose to flee.

You can't possibly know what's involved with being a police officer in the heat of a scary moment like that.

So stop acting like you know what you would have done in her place. Odds are you never will. Spare us all your prevaricated judgments.
Those whom are quick to criticize law enforcement officers should consider becoming one themselves in order to show how it can be done better.

Many areas offer a version of "citizens on patrol" where civilians can volunteer to help in less critical LE areas and/or do ride alongs with officers to see what really happens.

LEO is not a genetic trait one is born with such as race or ethnic or gender. It's an occupation/career choice and in many areas the standards would exclude large portions of the population. Then there are other areas where recruits are scarce and standards lowered just to fill the slots. Places like Seattle where "defund" is in full gear and other hamstringing in play, officers are leaving in scores.

If you don't like how the police do their job, next time you need one, don't call 9-1-1, call AntiFa instead.

I could not become one as there is no way I could pull someone over for having an air freshener hanging from their mirror.

Pretty sure it was the outstanding warrant that got their attention, not the air freshener.

He was pulled over because of the air freshener.

No, he wasn't. Cops have the ability to run tag numbers. If that tag number was registered to someone with an outstanding warrant, they had every reason to pull him over.

You can make things up all day. It changes nothing.
Well, it's getting serious now. They called off the Twins-Red Sox game 5 minutes before game time due to safety reasons, with the pitchers warming up and all the fans in the stands with their beers.

There's talk they may move the series to Fenway.
There is something wrong with people who would make hanging an air freshener in your car illegal.

There is something wrong with someone that would pull someone over for that.

The place needs to burn.

Majority rule. Not Mob rule. Think about why your ideas would help no one except give a little temporary gratification.

Its making a big difference.

Oh bullshit. So we now know it was a female officer who made a mistake, probably bad training as she reached for her gun instead of a taser. That is what stress and adrenaline does to someone.
So now what will destroying businesses do? beating up people, attacking police? all who had nothing to do with the mistake of an individual.

You can burn all the fucking buildings you want, and a person disconnected from any of that can still make a mistake. It happens. Every case needs to be tried on its own merit, but yes... you prove my point... you get your instant personal gratification to see things get burned or looted.
Someone should come over and burn down your house and smash the windows out of your car..... that will really teach the cops to do better next time yep.

Do the right thing. Fire her and charge her and there is no need for the violence.
Shooting someone for fleeing with an outstanding warrant isn't usually on the approved shooting list.

Right. For whatever the reason that was bad on the cop's part. that usually will not happen but sometimes it does which is why...... people should not be so dumb as to disobey a cop when he tells you something 5 times and then try to take off in your car.
When you do that your taking a risk something might go bad. Its more about hightend tensions in a fast moving situation. You have to do everything they say and do it slow, just the way it is.
Shooting someone who is running away is bad, with some very rare exceptions. Police are supposed to limit lethal force to life or death situations. Someone fleeing a traffic warrant is not life or death.
She meant to fire her taser and fired the wrong weapon. Poor training at its finest.
There is something wrong with people who would make hanging an air freshener in your car illegal.

There is something wrong with someone that would pull someone over for that.

The place needs to burn.

Majority rule. Not Mob rule. Think about why your ideas would help no one except give a little temporary gratification.
Point of order here, ... "majority rule" so long as such doesn't violate the rights of the "minority".

Well, whos' rights do the mob violate? I wasnt referring to a racial Majority by the way. The majority of people in Minneapolis are tax paying citizens of all backgrounds, they go out and have jobs, vote etc. IMO the true minority here are the lawbreakers, felons and those who do not contribute much to society. That doesnt mean they do not have rights like everyone else, but when you allow mob rule, they are elevated to a place they do not deserve and given a power of influence that thye dont even know what to do with. Its just destructive.
"the mob" violates everyone's rights. Unfortunately the tolerance "the mob" has received leaves them to think they may be a "majority". I wouldn't be surprised if this Summer is a bit different. 12 gauge shotguns leave little traceable ballistics, especially if "00"/"buckshot" is used. I wouldn't be surprised if this Summer we see some form of "Citizens' Vigilante Militia" appear and dispense the "lead justice" the rioting mobs are overdue to receive.

I was not referring to or implying anything racial or ethnic in my reply/quote of your post. Only reminding that our nation is a Constitutional Republic (NOT a Democracy) with established Individual Rights which a "majority of voters" can not legally over-rule. The "minority" I referred to was those such as myself whom didn't vote for the dufus POTUS (or Governor) we have, nor support their covert totalitarian agendas. Which are becoming increasingly overt.

Finally, it's a slim majority, if that, in most states whom are of the wealth creating sector of our economy and they seem to be those most targeted by the Left-wing parasites and rioters/looters. Those on the receiving end of wealth redistribution/taking are on the increase and such is not sustainable. This website will provide insight to the real numbers about our nation and it's economy;

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