BREAKING: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says he could convince “any jury in America beyond a reasonable doubt” that the CIA killed his uncle, John F. Kennedy.

The connection with the CIA has yet to be established but Lee Oswald killed JFK.
The connection with the CIA has yet to be established but Lee Oswald killed JFK.

So it begs the question. If you are an agency that is about to go so rogue they would killed POTUS, why would you enlist a loser like Oswald?
There is no other evidence needed but the Zapruder film, where you can see clear as day that JFK was hit from the front no matter how much gaslighting is done. His head snaps back so it is basic physics that the projectile came from the front of him.. OSWALD WAS BEHIND HIM and 6 floors up.

The rest is icing on the cake. RFK Jr. examined the front windshield from the limo and saw a bullethole that showed a trajectory from the front. All you need to know is they can't find the windshield anymore, and exhibit A the limo has been destroyed.

JFKs brain tissue flies BACK along with the bullet. The gunman was in front of him probably on the highway overpass.

Also you never, ever put the president in a hairpin turn where you have to slow the car down almost to a stop...The Secret Service violated all its own procedures.

There is no other evidence needed but the Zapruder film, where you can see clear as day that JFK was hit from the front no matter how much gaslighting is done. His head snaps back so it is basic physics that the projectile came from the front of him.. OSWALD WAS BEHIND HIM and 6 floors up.

The rest is icing on the cake. RFK Jr. examined the front windshield from the limo and saw a bullethole that showed a trajectory from the front. All you need to know is they can't find the windshield anymore, and exhibit A the limo has been destroyed.

JFKs brain tissue flies BACK along with the bullet. The gunman was in front of him probably on the highway overpass.

Also you never, ever put the president in a hairpin turn where you have to slow the car down almost to a stop...The Secret Service violated all its own procedures.

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Again, Occam's Razor is the enemy of Conspiracy theories.

Either there was a vast conspiracy between the CIA, the Military, Cuban-Americans, the Secret Service, etc. that they've managed to keep under wraps for 60 years.

Or one guy just got in some lucky shots.
You are right; I have no idea if Aliens from Zeta Reticuli were in on the JFK assassination.

It's just very unlikely and kind of silly.

So why would Ike want JFK killed? What was in it for him?

(Also, a slander against Ike, who was a truly great American!)

More like, the CIA still had those on file, and trotted them out again.

Ike hated the Kennedys. He was probably especially pissed off that Kennedy supported the coup against Diem and was withdrawing form Vietnam.

Ike's other policies destroyed Democracy in the 'third world'. He established the U.S. as the strong arm of European conservativism and colonialism.

The entire Vietnam war - which Ike got us into - was to protect French colonialists & their collaborators. The French people were too smart to allow their government to continue that war.

He apparently got too cozy with the British & French conservative elites during WWII.

Ike was a great General, but a terrible President.
Here's the problem with all you JFK Conspircy theorists.

If you were really going to put together a vast conspiracy to kill JFK reasons..., would you really involve a guy like Lee Harvey Oswald, a guy who couldn't hold down a job, failed at everything he ever tried, on the hope he would keep his mouth shut?

Oswald was a radar tech in the Marines. He had valuable job skills.

The question is: Why would a person who could get a high paying job work as a manual laborer?

He certainly didn't fail at learning the Russian language in the Marine's language school.

There was a lot more to Lee Harvey Oswald than your apparently aware of.

Why wasn't he debriefed after returning from Russia? He had secret security clearances. Perhaps becuase CIA operatives make their reports, but don't get bebriefed or questioned.

You should try investigating it with an open mind. I did - which is why I hold the view that I have.
The connection with the CIA has yet to be established but Lee Oswald killed JFK.

You mean with his Italian made rifle?

The problem with that is that the 2 detectives who found the murder weapon in the book repository both identified it as a German made Mauser and its model - an easy thing to do since Mausers have the company name and the model number stamped on the rifle barrel.
So it begs the question. If you are an agency that is about to go so rogue they would killed POTUS, why would you enlist a loser like Oswald?

Oswald was a 100% patsy. If he had lived it would have been proven.

That's why the CIA had the Mafia threaten Ruby into publicly killing Oswald.
Again, Occam's Razor is the enemy of Conspiracy theories.

Either there was a vast conspiracy between the CIA, the Military, Cuban-Americans, the Secret Service, etc. that they've managed to keep under wraps for 60 years.

Or one guy just got in some lucky shots.

Yup. There was a conspiracy between the CIA & the Secret service. Maybe some Cuban freedom fighters.

Only one man commanded enough respect and devotion from all of them - and who, if he had not bought into it - could have exposed the whole bunch.

Can you guess who that one man was?
Again, Occam's Razor is the enemy of Conspiracy theories.

Either there was a vast conspiracy between the CIA, the Military, Cuban-Americans, the Secret Service, etc. that they've managed to keep under wraps for 60 years.

Or one guy just got in some lucky shots.

Occam's Razor is the basis for a whole lot of false beliefs. It's just a theory.

For as long as people believe whatever is easiest for them, conspiracies will succeed.
If someone wants to see a really good analysis of JFK conspiracy theories, check out these two videos.

JFK was not killed by the CIA, the Mafia, the Illuminati, the Cubans, the Lizard People or anyone else not named "Lee Harvey Oswald".

Well stop the presses, if you say he wasn't now I really think he was!
There is no other evidence needed but the Zapruder film, where you can see clear as day that JFK was hit from the front no matter how much gaslighting is done. His head snaps back so it is basic physics that the projectile came from the front of him.. OSWALD WAS BEHIND HIM and 6 floors up.

The rest is icing on the cake. RFK Jr. examined the front windshield from the limo and saw a bullethole that showed a trajectory from the front. All you need to know is they can't find the windshield anymore, and exhibit A the limo has been destroyed.

JFKs brain tissue flies BACK along with the bullet. The gunman was in front of him probably on the highway overpass.

Also you never, ever put the president in a hairpin turn where you have to slow the car down almost to a stop...The Secret Service violated all its own procedures.

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Also notice that while Main St. runs right thru Dealy plaza - the perfect road, thru a park, for them to take - Elm St. goes nowhere except back to Main St.

There was absolutely no valid reason that the President's car should have turned onto Elm St. - other than setting him up for an ambush.
Ike hated the Kennedys. He was probably especially pissed off that Kennedy supported the coup against Diem and was withdrawing form Vietnam.

Ike's other policies destroyed Democracy in the 'third world'. He established the U.S. as the strong arm of European conservativism and colonialism.

The entire Vietnam war - which Ike got us into - was to protect French colonialists & their collaborators. The French people were too smart to allow their government to continue that war.

He apparently got too cozy with the British & French conservative elites during WWII.

Ike was a great General, but a terrible President.
I don't even know where to start unpacking this pile of revisionist history.

JFK supporting the coup against Diem caused us to INCREASE our involvement in Vietnam. Diem had at least a little credibility as a national leader.

The failure of democracy to hold in the Third world wasn't Ike's fault.

Ike was actually, a pretty good president.
I don't even know where to start unpacking this pile of revisionist history.

JFK supporting the coup against Diem caused us to INCREASE our involvement in Vietnam. Diem had at least a little credibility as a national leader.

The failure of democracy to hold in the Third world wasn't Ike's fault.

Ike was actually, a pretty good president.

We're still in a cold war against Iran because of Ike.

Diem had no credibility whatsoever with the vast majority of the Vietnamese people.

Perhaps when the religious leaders of a people cover themselves in gasoline and burn themselves to death, people should take heed.
Occam's Razor is the basis for a whole lot of false beliefs. It's just a theory.

For as long as people believe whatever is easiest for them, conspiracies will succeed.
No, guy, it's a methodology for analyzing data. The simplest answer is usually the correct one.

One crazy person was able to get a gun, and shoot the president. That's pretty simple.

There was a vast conspiracy between the Army, CIA, FBI, Secret Service, the Mafia, and Cuban Exiles, which still involved using a loser like Oswald as the assassin.

Which one of these is the simple explanation?

We know Oswald's gun fired the shots.

We know that it was Oswald's gun because it was the same one he used on an attempt to assassinate General Edwin Walker on April 10th, 1963.
It is so preposterous that he be killed with that lame rifle that I never believed the C.I.A. would have thought anyone would believe it.

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