Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

What do southern Baptist democrats celebrating the Confederacy (160 years old and no longer even celebrated in vogue to the point of tearing down old commemorative statues and names) have to do with ending nearly a century of Affirmative Action social equity? I mean, if Blacks still need it after all this time, what does that say of the program's efficacy much less that of society? Not to mention what it implies about Blacks?

They think in sound bytes, cartoons and rote, leftist propaganda.
Elizabeth Warren used AA to get into Harvard.

AA was not racism and you don't fix problems caused by racism by ignoring race in programs made to create the equal opportunity denied by racism. There was no racism practiced against Asians.

Asians are six percent of the American population, but they were 25.9 percent of the students entering Harvard in 2021. That is a full ten percentage points more than African Americans (15.9%) and more than double the percentage of both Hispanics (12.5%) and Native Americans (11%).34 In fact, there were more Asians admitted into Harvard than Hispanics and Native Americans combined.

Admissions Statistics, A Brief Profile of the Admitted Class of 2025, Harvard welcomes students from across the country and all over, Admissions Statistics
You woke democrats are going to use the low number of Asians as a reason to discriminate against Asians? Okay, there is about one-tenth of one percent number of trans people. No more letting them decide one controversy. No more men competing in women’s sports. No more twirking naked in streets with children. They must be arrested. No more equal rights for any LGBTQ person since they only make up 3% of Americans. You want to go down that road? Blacks make up only 13% of Americans. You get nothing anymore. Back into chains. You block head! The Constitution gives rights to the minorities! All minorities need to be treated the same you blockhead! AA doesn’t do that! AA is wrong!
Supreme Court rejects affirmative action in ruling on universities using race in admissions decisions

Now one's skin color has nuttin to do with gettin into university. Now one has to do stuff like get good grades.

Somehow that's gotta be racist. But what do I know? I'm white and wicked fu(kin smart.
The racist anti Civil Rights Left Wingers are outraged that the Supreme Court has ruled that everyone has the same Civil Rights.
The racist anti Civil Rights Left Wingers are outraged that the Supreme Court has ruled that everyone has the same Civil Rights.
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That’s because minority race baiters don’t want equality. They want to dominate the majority. LGBTQ activists want the same thing. They all got their equality but that’s not good enforcement them. They want revenge.
Thats what I like about our current SCOTUS...anytime there is a ruling like this that strips away rights from women and ethnic minorities...the racist fuckstains on the right feel emboldened.

It was a loss for the good guys today.

We understand that the Constitution offends you. That's because you're a commie bootlicker
Two graduates from Harvard Medical School: one got in and graduated with mediocre grades due to AA; the other was top of class getting in and all throughout.

Now you need a very delicate brain surgery.

Which one you gonna choose: the diversity hire or the top student?

When it's your neck on the line, does diversity really matter? I'm guessing not, and I also know the liberals would be the FIRST to sell out their so-called principles.

Supreme Court rejects affirmative action in ruling on universities using race in admissions decisions​

Fat empty headed white progressives have taken the news the hardest

The reeeeeees are awesome
You're not really that ignorant...are you?
Asians weren't being discriminated against.

Asians are six percent of the American population, but they were 25.9 percent of the students entering Harvard in 2021. That is a full ten percentage points more than African Americans (15.9%) and more than double the percentage of both Hispanics (12.5%) and Native Americans (11%). In fact, there were more Asians admitted into Harvard than Hispanics and Native Americans combined.

Admissions Statistics, A Brief Profile of the Admitted Class of 2025, Harvard welcomes students from across the country and all over, Admissions Statistics

Leftists love to use statistics and percentages to prove racism yet when the same is used for black crime rates, single mothers ect they scream racism.
Let's see, Whites overtly got Affirmative Action from 1776 until 1965.

189 years.

But 59 years is enough for people of color to catch up. And in that 59 years, the government gave us no land, like the Homestead Act, nor did they enact a series of economic stimulus programs such as the New Deal or Servicemens Readjustment Act that excluded whites and the benefit went only to groups of color.

And no, welfare wasn't it.

Equity. Equality of outcome. Social engineering. We have seen all these terms used by a particular part of the white community pertaining to things that were made to try creating equal oppoetuhity. But in reality America has been socially engineered to create the best equality of outcomes for white people.

Another great win for America provided by you friend and mine Donald J. Trump.
MLK is in heaven clapping right now because blacks will now be judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin.

Today’s racist Dimwinger party would call him an Uncle Tom.
You idiots are amazing, you hated Dr. King when he was alive and after you murdered him now you try to reduce him to that bullshit about being judged by their character.
Tell me do you agree with him on this.

Not the issue.

"The SFFA [Students for Fair Admissions] group that brought the case accused Harvard of going too far by engaging in “racial balancing” that limited Asian Americans to no more than 20% of its incoming classes.

The group, founded by a longtime affirmative action opponent, Edward Blum, argued that while Asian Americans outperformed other groups on academic measures, stereotyping caused them to receive low scores on subjective “personal” ratings.

Harvard denied that charge, saying that its use of race in admissions was legal, and was not a factor in the “personal” ratings.

The US Department of Justice sided with SFFA, saying Harvard had not seriously considered race-neutral approaches to admissions. It has also investigated whether another Ivy League school, Yale University, also discriminates against Asian Americans."

Tell me dumbass how are black kids stopping Asian kids from going to Harvard.

Racial demographics of Harvard University students

RacePercent of Students

I guess the racist will be happy when there are no black kids going to Harvard.
Tell me dumbass how are black kids stopping Asian kids from going to Harvard.

Racial demographics of Harvard University students

RacePercent of Students

I guess the racist will be happy when there are no black kids going to Harvard.


79% of black parents with school aged kids approve of school vouchers.
Tell me dumbass how are black kids stopping Asian kids from going to Harvard.

Racial demographics of Harvard University students

RacePercent of Students

I guess the racist will be happy when there are no black kids going to Harvard.
A few blacks students will make it to harvard

And they will be very good students who got there on merit not skin color

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