Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

The question:

Explain how whites are being discriminated against through AA.

I will try to explain it to you

AA is the opposite of merit based admissions

In order to make room for under-qualified black students an Asian or White person has to be denied
See that is the lie that has been sold by racist for years, AA has nothing to do with being under qualified. Come to think of it, how many under qualified white students get into colleges and universities every year?
Explain how whites are entering harvard just for being white
Many get in under legacy, pretty sure you know what that is. Where their great grand daddy went to Harvard, their father went to Harvard, their mother went to Harvard. Some get under because of the Good Old Boy Network. Some get in because their grandparents or parents donated money to the school.

Now explain too me how AA discriminates against white men.
Any links, to prove any of that.

Sure. Here's Huron Valley, an outer ring suburb that's 88% white. Their Per Pupil Funding is less than 15K

And here's Detroit Public Schools, 81% Black. PPF is more than 15K. And most districts get way less than Huron Valley.

See that is the lie that has been sold by racist for years, AA has nothing to do with being under qualified. Come to think of it, how many under qualified white students get into colleges and universities every year?
AA is race-based admissions just as AA was raced-based promotions in New Haven Conn
Many get in under legacy, pretty sure you know what that is. Where their great grand daddy went to Harvard, their father went to Harvard, their mother went to Harvard. Some get under because of the Good Old Boy Network. Some get in because their grandparents or parents donated money to the school.

Now explain too me how AA discriminates against white men.
Obamas daughters qualify for legacy admissions

And it will also extend to the workplace, and lawsuits there. And what about the government itself? Will Biden be allowed to announce that the next cabinet position or whatever will be filled by a black? How can he make that a factor when the SCOTUS has ruled that making race a factor is unconstituional.

I hope this is the start of dismantling racist practices In various arenas.
You do know that AA covered white women also?
So you’re saying private companies should decide their own policies? Does that mean a website designer can say she doesn’t want to serve blacks, as that’s her policy.

PrIvate companies cannot violate the Constituion.
Should private companies be allowed to discriminate against gays?
Asians weren't being discriminated against.

Asians are six percent of the American population, but they were 25.9 percent of the students entering Harvard in 2021. That is a full ten percentage points more than African Americans (15.9%) and more than double the percentage of both Hispanics (12.5%) and Native Americans (11%). In fact, there were more Asians admitted into Harvard than Hispanics and Native Americans combined.

Admissions Statistics, A Brief Profile of the Admitted Class of 2025, Harvard welcomes students from across the country and all over, Admissions Statistics
So, you want a quota system. Simple enough. Just say so.

It should be pointed out that such leftist abominations as DEI and its intended exclusion of qualified applicants and individuals in favor of lesser qualified individuals who have the ''correct'' skin color is not the same thing as equality or equal opportunity. That's why we're assaulted with such nonsense slogans as ''equity''. Hiring and civil rights policies are typically about quotas -- privileges for certain groups -- and not equal opportunity, which would be everyone having a fair chance to compete for the position. Failure to recognize the difference between equal opportunity and quotas results in policies that lower standards and insert people with lesser qualifications.

One particular example of the quota system was hiring by the FAA based not on qualifications but on race. Take a look at Brigida v. Chao, a class action against the Federal Aviation Administration for race-based discrimination against certain applicants for Air Traffic Controller jobs in the Obama era. Who do you think were the targets of race based discrimination?

Fortunately, the court struck down the Obama race hustling.

The court stated that the allegations were “precisely the kind of artificial, arbitrary, and unnecessary barrier to employment and professional development that Title VII prohibits.” The court went on to note that the allegations “mirror those in cases that have found Title VII violations where an application process was redesigned solely to change the racial composition of the successful applicant pool.”

So... I'm guessing you're OK with plunging into the ground at 500 mph because an unqualified ATC didn't know his / her job. There's ''equity'' for you. Everyone (DEI)s a horrible death at the altar of quotas.
Should private companies be allowed to discriminate against gays?
Not if it’s for a service or product unrelated to their gayness. But if required to serve them in a capacity the business disapproves of - say, a cake for a gay wedding - then yes. There are plenty of companies who would serve them.

I, for example, would not have provided my service to a company promoting pornography on the internet - IF they wanted me to help them in a marketing campaign to do just that.

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