Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

If there is no racial identity in the application, anyone could claim to have overcome racism.

I personally would claim that my being a Yiddish-speaking Cherokee Indian was a HUGE handicap to overcome.

I can do you one better: I could claim that being a Yiddish-speaking black kid caused me problems with both the antisemites and the racists.
Not if it’s for a service or product unrelated to their gayness. But if required to serve them in a capacity the business disapproves of - say, a cake for a gay wedding - then yes. There are plenty of companies who would serve them.

How convenient. One could say the same about private universities seeking to promote diversity.

I, for example, would not have provided my service to a company promoting pornography on the internet - IF they wanted me to help them in a marketing campaign to do just that.
Leo123 said it clearly. Understand now? You don’t get rid of racism by using racism. In this case, against people of color, Asians.
How can Harvard be discriminating against Asians when 29.9% of their admissions are Asian and Asians only make up 6.3% of our population?
SCOTUS basically ruled that Americans should be treated as individuals, not any race, class or ethnicity or group sanctioned by the Federal Government.
Yes, and that’s what has the leftists so infuriated. They are all about “identity politics” and see people as members of a race (or group) rather than as individuals. And that is what racists do.
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How convenient. One could say the same about private universities seeking to promote diversity.
Not analogous. With the baker, he isn’t refusing to do a cake for a heterosexual couple - they still get served by the bakery of their choice. With AA, better qualified Asians and whites are kept out to make room for a lower qualified black.

I am happy this morning that the SCOTUS has ruled against racist decisions. I see you are not.
How can Harvard be discriminating against Asians when 29.9% of their admissions are Asian and Asians only make up 6.3% of our population?
when blacks with lower test scores are admitted before asians, that IS discrimination. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
Thesis: We need to end racism in this country and treat everyone of every race fairly while providing equity in opportunity.
Argument: Is a legal requirement for an educator or an employer to maintain specific percentage and or ratio based on ethnicity/race and not ability, counter to the thesis?
How can Harvard be discriminating against Asians when 29.9% of their admissions are Asian and Asians only make up 6.3% of our population?
There goes that ridiculous thing with the percentages. You think people, as group members, should be admitted until their admissions rate equals their percentage in the population.

Asians are disproportionately represented because they are superior students! Same thing with Jews, who I believe are about 15% at Harvard, when only 2% of the population. They too are superior stidents.
1% of 100 is 1.
1% of 1000 is 10.
1% of 10000 is 100.

This is why using demographic percentages in regards to college admissions is stupid. Using raw numbers via a demographic is a far more accurate portrayal of the facts.

Ergo, based on the raw totals, college based admissions were admitting larger numbers of a smaller black demographic than the the largest white demographic and smallest Asian combined, apparently. Therefore, ergo, the admissions are and were racist.

Percentages are a dishonest argument in this context. Sorry.
Thesis: We need to end racism in this country and treat everyone of every race fairly while providing equity in opportunity.
Argument: Is a legal requirement for an educator or an employer to maintain specific percentage and or ratio based on ethnicity/race and not ability, counter to the thesis?
The thesis is wrong. We don’t need to provide “equity” - we just need to provide equal opportunity. And now, with the SCOTUS ruling, we have it. Every white, Asian, and black kid will have equal admissions standards applied - regardless of race.
How can Harvard be discriminating against Asians when 29.9% of their admissions are Asian and Asians only make up 6.3% of our population?
Funny. I don’t see you objecting when 50% (or more) of commercials and advertising posters are of blacks, when they are only 13% of the population.

In fact, you’ve been screaming “racist” at me for MONTHS for pointing it out.
The responses are all almost exclusively divided into.:

1) Republicans, who celebrate that race cannot be a factor in deciding who gets in - thus abolishing racist policies

2) Democrats, who are furious that whites and Asians will no longer be punished for their race.
Funny. I don’t see you objecting when 50% (or more) of commercials and advertising posters are of blacks, when they are only 13% of the population.

In fact, you’ve been screaming “racist” at me for MONTHS for pointing it out.
Tell me how Asians are being discriminated against at Harvard when they make up 13% of the student body and Black students make up 6%.
The thesis is wrong. We don’t need to provide “equity” - we just need to provide equal opportunity. And now, with the SCOTUS ruling, we have it. Every white, Asian, and black kid will have equal admissions standards applied - regardless of race.
Equality does not mean giving someone an advantage, nor does it involve insinuating they are intellectually inferior because of their skin color and thus need said advantage. That's not equality, that's racial bigotry.

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