Breaking: Senate Votes Down Broad Obamacare Repeal (57-43 vote)

All this repug talk of the ACA being a disaster and a failure is BS. They never come out and say what is bad about it and what needs to be fixed. It's basically RomneyCare on a national level.


I know you call it Obamacare, but it still is does NOT make it conflatable with Obama the person.

I kept my doctor and plan.

So, YOU are the one.


More bull.

Obama was wrong to make an ABSOLUTE statement about people losing doctor, but as a matter of fact most people did still continue to go to their doctor and the ACA did not affect them much since it was mostly concentrated around INDIVIDUAL insurance market.

It did cause some turn over, but repealing it will cause many times more disruptions.

I guess it's one of those "it depends on what your definition of the word "is" is.



Sign me up!

"In addition, many people who would qualify for subsidies through the exchanges have not signed up for coverage despite the mandate to do so. Why? Mostly because they are not aware of the options, or because it is still cheaper to take the tax penalties than to buy insurance.

For those who have received coverage through the ACA, two main barriers limit access to primary care. The first is the burden of cost sharing. For instance, Deductibles often range from $3,000 to $5,000. And according to a recent NY Times and Kaiser Family Foundation poll, about 20% of individuals who have insurance still struggle to pay their medical bills. Second, provider networks are narrow. Reports suggest that some plans even exclude certain specialties, particularly endocrinology, rheumatology, and psychiatry according to one recent analysis."


I know you call it Obamacare, but it still is does NOT make it conflatable with Obama the person.

I kept my doctor and plan.

So, YOU are the one.


More bull.

Obama was wrong to make an ABSOLUTE statement about people losing doctor, but as a matter of fact most people did still continue to go to their doctor and the ACA did not affect them much since it was mostly concentrated around INDIVIDUAL insurance market.

It did cause some turn over, but repealing it will cause many times more disruptions.

If you were covered by your employer under a group insurance policy you probably kept you doctor under Obamacare. Who didn't were small business people--that had a choice as to what coverage they needed and were put on individual plans (not group policies--which were too expensive for small business's) that were re-routed into other plans with the Obamacare mandates.
Oh boy, seven Senators will be declared dead by Trump because they did not vote to fuck a bunch of Americans out of their insurance.

"Their" health insurance? I'm paying for the deadbeats its mine.
There is no way to avoid paying for "deadbeats" in any western health system.
. True, but was Obama's care the answer ?? Think about that one, and then let it sink in. We need a bipartisan bill, and we need it yesterday. The government not coming together on this is just outright crazy, but it just shows us about the dam war that's taking place, and we are caught in the middle of it. Time for the government to work for us again, and the swamp needs drained quick fast and in a hurry.

ACA reform IS bipartisan.

1. Republicans at Heritage conceived the framework in the 90s as an alternative to Clinton's healthcare reform.
2. Republican Mitt Romney signed and implemented it into law in his state while guys like Gingrich touted it as a blueprint for the country.
3. Democrats delivered that very blueprint to the country.

Let those facts sink in.
Say it again!

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Oh boy, seven Senators will be declared dead by Trump because they did not vote to fuck a bunch of Americans out of their insurance.

"Their" health insurance? I'm paying for the deadbeats its mine.
There is no way to avoid paying for "deadbeats" in any western health system.
. True, but was Obama's care the answer ?? Think about that one, and then let it sink in. We need a bipartisan bill, and we need it yesterday. The government not coming together on this is just outright crazy, but it just shows us about the dam war that's taking place, and we are caught in the middle of it. Time for the government to work for us again, and the swamp needs drained quick fast and in a hurry.

ACA reform IS bipartisan.

1. Republicans at Heritage conceived the framework in the 90s as an alternative to Clinton's healthcare reform.
2. Republican Mitt Romney signed and implemented it into law in his state while guys like Gingrich touted it as a blueprint for the country.
3. Democrats delivered that very blueprint to the country.

Let those facts sink in.
Say it again!

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What are their roles in the GOP now?
Oh boy, seven Senators will be declared dead by Trump because they did not vote to fuck a bunch of Americans out of their insurance.

"Their" health insurance? I'm paying for the deadbeats its mine.
There is no way to avoid paying for "deadbeats" in any western health system.
. True, but was Obama's care the answer ?? Think about that one, and then let it sink in. We need a bipartisan bill, and we need it yesterday. The government not coming together on this is just outright crazy, but it just shows us about the dam war that's taking place, and we are caught in the middle of it. Time for the government to work for us again, and the swamp needs drained quick fast and in a hurry.

Obamacare could easily be fixed. Why are they trying so hard to repeal the entire program when it is so close to what we need?

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The so-called hold outs will all flip. Heller did. Trump publicly threatened him and that's all it took. You would not have believed they would put party before the needs of the country but they will. After all, what's more important? Americans getting affordable health care or getting money to Big Pharma and Big Insurance?

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The so-called hold outs will all flip. Heller did. Trump publicly threatened him and that's all it took. You would not have believed they would put party before the needs of the country but they will. After all, what's more important? Americans getting affordable health care or getting money to Big Pharma and Big Insurance?

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Heller didn't flip. You made that up. Heller voted no on last night's GOP replacement version.
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Americans prefer Obamacare to anything the Republicans have come up with by a two to one margin.

Support for Obamacare began to climb steadily as soon as the GOP was boxed into revealing their alternative.

That left the Republicans with a Hobson's choice of sorts...

...fulfill their promise that now most Americans oppose, or do nothing and face the wrath of the powerful rightwing minority who still demand repeal.
Breaking: Every last Democrat voted to continue punishing America with failing Obamacare. In related news odds are Democrats wills get wiped off the map in the 2018 mid terms.

Republicans control everything and the Democrats control nothing, and it's the Democrat's fault that Republicans couldn't muster a majority in a vote for their own bill.


The Republicans are incompetent.
Why can't everyone get the same health care insurance that all Federal employees have including the House and Senate?
They have a great one while they pushed the AHCA on to the rest of us.
Theirs is a government employees plan just like private sector employee health care was, which Obama care pretty much took away from a lot of non government employer based health care plans. They had great policies, until AHCA.
Theirs is lower monthly payments compared to Obama care with a 250.00 deductible with emergency service completely paid for.

The AHCA has high monthly payments with an unreasonable amount of deductible subsidized by tax payer money.
It added more elderly to Medicaid who haven't paid a thing into it.
It forces our young to pay for it.
It's not a good health care bill.
Especially when all of them have a great health care plan.
Our politicians do not care about the people or they would have given all americans the same or something very similar as their own.
Breaking: Every last Democrat voted to continue punishing America with failing Obamacare. In related news odds are Democrats wills get wiped off the map in the 2018 mid terms.

Republicans control everything and the Democrats control nothing, and it's the Democrat's fault that Republicans couldn't muster a majority in a vote for their own bill.


The Republicans are incompetent.

Yeah how dare they listen to their constituents whom they represent.
Americans prefer Obamacare to anything the Republicans have come up with by a two to one margin.

Support for Obamacare began to climb steadily as soon as the GOP was boxed into revealing their alternative.

That left the Republicans with a Hobson's choice of sorts...

...fulfill their promise that now most Americans oppose, or do nothing and face the wrath of the powerful rightwing minority who still demand repeal.

They did a slow motion 'jump the shark' with their never ending votes to repeal Obamacare in the House for 7 straight years as they tried to show their base just how much they were drooling to repeal it and their base ate this red meat like ravenous wolves. And then they actually had to do it and throw 25 million people off of healthcare, many in their own districts who showed up at town halls and unloaded on the Republicans for trying to take away their healthcare. And now these idiots are stuck between granite and titanium. No way out. They'll do their best to pass something that they will claim 'it just gives people choice' when in fact it will just be them throwing 25 million people off of healthcare and pouring honey and lilac oil on the dead carcass.

Republican Waterloo.

The vote to open the floor to debate was right.

The vote to kill the first version was overwhelming and correct.
Breaking: Every last Democrat voted to continue punishing America with failing Obamacare. In related news odds are Democrats wills get wiped off the map in the 2018 mid terms.

Republicans control everything and the Democrats control nothing, and it's the Democrat's fault that Republicans couldn't muster a majority in a vote for their own bill.


The Republicans are incompetent.

Yeah how dare they listen to their constituents whom they represent.

Oh God the IRONY, the constituents who obliterated the Democrats for passing Obamacare in the first place? Here let me point and laugh at you :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Breaking: Every last Democrat voted to continue punishing America with failing Obamacare. In related news odds are Democrats wills get wiped off the map in the 2018 mid terms.

Republicans control everything and the Democrats control nothing, and it's the Democrat's fault that Republicans couldn't muster a majority in a vote for their own bill.


The Republicans are incompetent.

Um, you lie.
Breaking: Every last Democrat voted to continue punishing America with failing Obamacare. In related news odds are Democrats wills get wiped off the map in the 2018 mid terms.

Republicans control everything and the Democrats control nothing, and it's the Democrat's fault that Republicans couldn't muster a majority in a vote for their own bill.


The Republicans are incompetent.

Yeah how dare they listen to their constituents whom they represent.

Oh God the IRONY, the constituents who obliterated the Democrats for passing Obamacare in the first place? Here let me point and laugh at you :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Not all Repubs are conservative either.

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