BREAKING: Shannon Cortez Gooden, 38 is the alleged shooter who killed 2 officers and a paramedic in Burnsville, Minnesota according to @AlphaNewsMN .


Translation -- "I'm scared because it's getting harder and harder to deny that you guys are right and our lying narrative is getting thinner by the minute".

You have some sort of issues also. What I said in no way defends Trump. I said that Trump has never been right in the head and you find that as supportive of Trump? LOL
The issue you are complaining about is the fact that the murderer would have went free if not for the protests.

That's not going to happen here.
Nope. I’m arguing that more was made of “Saint Floyd‘s” value than the life of decent, contributing members of society because Black Lives Matter More.

The black thug who killed these three good white people should have been in prison. But libs want to get criminals back on the street.
Nope. I’m arguing that more was made of “Saint Floyd‘s” value than the life of decent, contributing members of society because Black Lives Matter More.

No one ever argued he was a good guy. The argument was he never deserved to have someone snuff his life out in the way it was and get away with it.

The black thug who killed these three good white people should have been in prison. But libs want to get criminals back on the street.

I haven't read on his background.
No one ever argued he was a good guy. The argument was he never deserved to have someone snuff his life out in the way it was and get away with it.
Nope, it was to elevate the life of a no-good criminal thug because he was black. If the victim had been white, we never would have heard of it.
I haven't read on his background.
He was a violent criminal with a record. Should have been in prison, and three more people would have woken up today. But libs in lib areas protect criminals more than law-abiding citizens.
Nope. I’m arguing that more was made of “Saint Floyd‘s” value than the life of decent, contributing members of society because Black Lives Matter More.

The black thug who killed these three good white people should have been in prison. But libs want to get criminals back on the street.

The anger felt by good, sensible people gets more palpable by the second.

The claim was it wasn't right now and being there is no question what happened and the person who did this is dead, why exactly should it be news next week?

Erect a statue. I don't care. I wouldn't be surprised to see some sort of commemoration.
The problem is they will spin this and erect a statue of the dead police killer!
Nope, it was to elevate the life of a no-good criminal thug because he was black. If the victim had been white, we never would have heard of it.

We heard a lot about Justine Damond.

After a Black Cop Was Convicted of Killing a White Woman, Minnesota Activists Say Focus Should Be Police Reform

He was a violent criminal with a record. Should have been in prison, and three more people would have woken up today. But libs in lib areas protect criminals more than law-abiding citizens.

You would be whining about all the taxes you had to pay to maintain the incarceration of half the country.
One guess as to why this story didn't explode across the MSM. Hint: Who was the perp, and who were the victims.

Guess away.

Because we live in a country where we have 21,000 gun murders a year, along with 70,000 gun injuries and 400,000 gun crimes.

But, wait, the MSM is reporting on it.

Nope. I would much rather pay money to keep criminals away from me than to support illegals being placed in hotels.

Now we start on the endless ramblings about all sorts of unrelated issues.

Yes, I understand, it's all about politics with you, not about the people.
Wait, does anyone hear a shrill whining noise?

And will these three have moments of silence in their name? Their photos on storefronts? Statues erected in their honor? The nation erupt in riots over their murders?

Nope. That’s reserved for a violent, ex-felon druggie.

I kind of agree with you that the lionizatio of Floyd was a bit much. That said, what happened to him was unacceptable.

It doesn't become okay for the police to murder you because you are less than perfect, because all of us are.

Right now. By next week it will be ancient history.

And again, will statues be erected for them? Will their photos be plastered all over storefronts? Will riots go on for months in protest?
Of course not. If you people cared about the safety of police officers, you'd back common sense gun laws, fund mental health programs and drug rehabilitation, and do something about the grinding poverty that drives people to crime. But you don't do that. You let these things go on, and when the cops have to deal with it, well, better them than you, amiright?

It was news for several months after Floyd died. One department store even held 8 minutes of silence for weeks afterwards. The riots went on all summer. His funeral was fit for a head of state.

And I'm sure that when these cops are buried, the Cops will do what they always do when a cop falls, hold a big old ceremony. Heck, even that guy who killed himself after radioing in he was following an imaginary black man got one of those. And then later on, it was found he was embezzling funds from a charity run by the police and plotting to kill the Village Administrator who discovered hs fraud.

I‘m pointing out the double standards. More anguish for a criminal, violent black thug than decent, contributing white members of society.

You miss entirely why that was a big deal. Because black folks have been complaining for years about this kind of abuse, and now you had video of it for an agonizing nine minutes.

It's so cute to see a liberal figure out that criminals don't obey gun laws. Like watching a baby take its first step.

No, it shows the laws we have are inadequate if the gun industry greases the skids for guns to get into the hands of criminals.

The gun industry WANTS crooks to have guns. That way, you are scared and will want them, too.
Now we start on the endless ramblings about all sorts of unrelated issues.

Yes, I understand, it's all about politics with you, not about the people.
You just accused me of not wanting to pay taxes for prisons. I explained how I’d rather have my money go there than to where it is now - supporting illegals.

And politics IS about people. That’s why I want thugs behind bars and illegals blocked from this country. It’s better for decent Americans.

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