Breaking: shooting at Munich mall

The same pen obama is using to bring in muslim immigrants could be used by President Trump to send them packing. Much can be done in the name of National Security,

Explain how FDR was able to re-locate the west coast japanese during the wwII era?
Honey, I'm more concerned with Americans hating on gays than muslims.

Muslims hate gays. Being gay in a Muslim country is a death penalty offense.
So do plenty of so- called Christians here in good old 'murcia. I'll bet they'vMuslims. Or attempted to kill a lot more gays in this country than muslims.

Where in this country is being gay a death penalty offense?
Didnt say that did I?

Face the facts. Muslims hate you. They would never accept your lifestyle and would just as soon hang you from a crane or throw you off a tall building.


We have enough problems with our black minority without adding to our burdens...The FBI is already ovewhelmed....people best wake up.
The same pen obama is using to bring in muslim immigrants could be used by President Trump to send them packing. Much can be done in the name of National Security,

Explain how FDR was able to re-locate the west coast japanese during the wwII era?

The Muslims who are already here and living peacefully among us should be able to remain, IMO. But we should NOT invite more.
Honey, I'm more concerned with Americans hating on gays than muslims.

Muslims hate gays. Being gay in a Muslim country is a death penalty offense.
So do plenty of so- called Christians here in good old 'murcia. I'll bet they'vMuslims. Or attempted to kill a lot more gays in this country than muslims.

Where in this country is being gay a death penalty offense?
Didnt say that did I?

Face the facts. Muslims hate you. They would never accept your lifestyle and would just as soon hang you from a crane or throw you off a tall building.

Maybe the muzzies think the fairies can fly? hehheh
The same pen obama is using to bring in muslim immigrants could be used by President Trump to send them packing. Much can be done in the name of National Security,

Explain how FDR was able to re-locate the west coast japanese during the wwII era?

The Muslims who are already here and living peacefully among us should be able to remain, IMO. But we should NOT invite more.

It has been demonstrated already...that not all of them are living peacefully amongst us.

Are you aware that the FBI has to monitor thousands of them...aka waste resources that are sorely needed elsewhere....those are the ones that should be deported asap...a clear and present danger.

You would be amazed at how co-operative the muslim community would become once we start deporting some of them.

The FBI’s Growing Surveillance Gap
The same pen obama is using to bring in muslim immigrants could be used by President Trump to send them packing. Much can be done in the name of National Security,

Explain how FDR was able to re-locate the west coast japanese during the wwII era?

The Muslims who are already here and living peacefully among us should be able to remain, IMO. But we should NOT invite more.

It has been demonstrated already...that not all of them are living peacefully amongst us.

Are you aware that the FBI has to monitor thousands of them...aka waste resources that are sorely needed elsewhere....those are the ones that should be deported asap...a clear and present danger.

You would be amazed at how co-operative the muslim community would become once we start deporting some of them.

The FBI’s Growing Surveillance Gap

True. That's a good point.
Why would a Muslim woman implicate what he said?

Munich shooting: Witness claims gunman yelled 'Allahu Akbar' during attack
The investigation is on going. How long do you think it can take?
CNN interview with a Muslim woman claiming he yelled allahu akbar in McDonald's

ISIS has been celebrating the horrific attacks in a series of chilling messages.

In one, members of the death cult state the whole of "Europe is under" their "terrorism" and they hope Allah will bring about more civllian deaths.

However, at this stage police have not commented on the attackers, stating their motives remain unclear.

They did state they ound no direct tie yet to isis in his flat. They also stated they found he had documentation about mass killings. Which mass killings, they never stated.


It was just another Muslim gone 'mental'... buying into the Jihad and 72 Virgins in Paradise fairy tales.

Whatever for?

1. Islam is not a race.

2. Islam deserves to be 'outed' for what it truly is.

3. LibTard attempts at suppressing free speech - when it conflicts with your twisted New World Order view of Islam as harmless - are both amusing and pathetic.

Now, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, my little Muslim ass-kissing Apologist and Fifth Columnist.

With a mindset like yours, it's no wonder that the vast majority of Brits chose to get the hell outta the EU, rather than have even more Muzzies shoved down their throats...



The Munich shooter may not have had any immediately discernible links to organized Islamic Terrorism... just the home-grown Do-It-Yourself kind... scum and Neanderthals.

Emulating their (sorry-assed excuse-for-a-human-being) Founder... another Neanderthal... Peanut Butter (and jelly) be Upon Him...
You ignore that he had no Muslim ties

ISIS celebrates everything. Doesn't mean they're behind it. Means they want you scared of them. It's working. Pussy.

What a hero you are!

If you are about to be picked up and thrown off the roof you wouldn't be scared!

Why would he be scared? Muslims are peaceful and tolerant!


Allah will protect him... Allah knows his own... tee-hee...
Is this what you seek Howie?


Allahu Ahkbar!!

No, dear. That's what you want.

No, Fruit Loop, it's the belief-system that does this, that you are defending... fool.
The same pen obama is using to bring in muslim immigrants could be used by President Trump to send them packing. Much can be done in the name of National Security,

Explain how FDR was able to re-locate the west coast japanese during the wwII era?
Most on the Right point out how wrong FDR was.
The same pen obama is using to bring in muslim immigrants could be used by President Trump to send them packing. Much can be done in the name of National Security,

Explain how FDR was able to re-locate the west coast japanese during the wwII era?
Most on the Right point out how wrong FDR was.

And most on the far left honor and hold FDR as God for doing such things!
The level of lies being told. It doesn;t matter if he wasn't ISIS, he was of their "mindset". It doesn't matter that there isn't a shred of evidence, he was slightly brown so that must make him a muslim. There none as blind as those who will not see.

Stuff a sock in it Manchester. In post #10 you pointed out how you make a living off "refugee". Of course you want more of it. We're onto you.

The job is part time and the money is shockingly bad as you would expect, i make nothing close to a living and I do the job as I have time to give rather than money.
I make my money driving an ambulance in the UK, a mental health ambulance. I'm good at this job because I'm calm, articulate and know how to talk to people. I'm also a big guy and I can fight which also helps from time to time.
The level of lies being told. It doesn;t matter if he wasn't ISIS, he was of their "mindset". It doesn't matter that there isn't a shred of evidence, he was slightly brown so that must make him a muslim. There none as blind as those who will not see.
Don't look now, my foolish little Brit, but vast numbers of people in The West have grown tired of your excuse-making and identity- and motive-masking...

You've gone to the "But that's not typical of Islam" well once too often... several times too often, actually.

People have finally figured out that scores of "atypicals" eventually add up to a "typical"...

Unfortunately for you and yours...

After dozens and scores of such Neanderthal performances by Radical Muslims... that tipping point has been reached, and is well behind us now...

Very few, except the worst and most fanatical idealism-over-survival asylum dwellers, and die-hard LibTards, believe you any longer...

You should have reined-in your people while you still had the chance...

That window of opportunity is just about closed, now...

Welcome to your ( excuse-making identity-and-motive-masking and Muslim ass-kissing ) nightmare... it's a brand new day... enjoy.

Your rehtoric is even more boring than you are, at least Adolf had a bit of carisma to go with his evil hatred.
By tomorrow I guess we'll have another gay, bisexual, male prostitute, gender confused, irreligious schizo who'd just recently stopped taking his medication. So no worries :)

Whatever we do, we must not assign any culpability to Islam. That would be racist, xenophobic, and (gasp) intolerant!!

Maybe if you waited until the facts were out it wouldn't be racist. the thing is you clowns FUCKING love a terrorist attack so you can harp on about muslims.

What an absolute ridiculous comment.

So you are saying we enjoy being killed in the most brutal fashion and we should thank the terrorists for committing these atrocities against us... just so that we can then say....we don't like the Muslims because they are killing us??

What an idiot.

Who is this fucking "we".

In case you haven't noticed the shooter targetted muslims. And yes, when a terror attack is being commited so far away from YOU ("we" FFS) then you fucking love it. Ooooh lets get on the Muslim bashing WooHoo. What he wasn't Islamic? Fuck it we'll just say he was. WooHoo!

"You" don't get muslim terror attacks, but then you get people shooting places up every day and defend their right to own guns. And you call me the idiot!
It really doesn't. There are 1.6 million of them, if they wanted you stupid nazi ass dead it would be dead.
1.6 million of them, huh? Is that a new propaganda to reduce the numbers or you are just stupid?
It really doesn't. There are 1.6 million of them, if they wanted you stupid nazi ass dead it would be dead.
1.6 million of them, huh? Is that a new propaganda to reduce the numbers or you are just stupid?
4 million Muslims were already living in Germany, 3 million of them Turks, now, plus the 1.6 million "poor refugees" Merkel has allowed in WITHOUT asking the German people, is that okay? There's 5.6 million now and NOT the 1.6 million that Manchester spews out.
It really doesn't. There are 1.6 million of them, if they wanted you stupid nazi ass dead it would be dead.
1.6 million of them, huh? Is that a new propaganda to reduce the numbers or you are just stupid?
4 million Muslims were already living in Germany, 3 million of them Turks, now, plus the 1.6 million "poor refugees" Merkel has allowed in WITHOUT asking the German people, is that okay? There's 5.6 million now and NOT the 1.6 million that Manchester spews out.

Not only NOT asking the German people, but also deciding that Britain and other EU countries 'share the load', without there even being a consensus about it.

All started off, btw, by that picture of the dead little boy pushed around world wide by the media. It turned out he had been living reasonably well for three years with his parents in Turkey. And his dad was a leaky boat people smuggler.
...Your rehtoric is even more boring than you are, at least Adolf had a bit of carisma to go with his evil hatred.
Don't try being clever, my little British Liberal ass-hat... you really aren't equipped for the task.

If you can effectively refute my allegations regarding Islam at-large, and its propensity to conjure-up war and misery in the name of the godhead, and the foolishness inherent in admitting more practitioners of that toxic belief system into our midst, in the face of BRexit, Paris, Munich, London, New York, et al, then have at it. Otherwise, stick to the Kiddie Table, where so many of your fellow LibTards, hyper-Leftists, Muslim apologists, Fifth-Columnists, and Muslim ass-kissers are obliged to take their meals.

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