Breaking: Ted Cruz's Call Girl Gives Interview Describing Their Sexual Twists (Transcript Included)

Yawn............I had Blue Cross Blue Shield.......80/20 with HMO............

Small company........rates very high before Obama Disaster Care..............Rates went through the roof after passage.........increased over $500 a month............forcing me to drop it..................

Went on Bronze plan because the deductibles all sucked anyway..................Wife needed a Gall bladder removal under the plan..........outpatient surgery............had to pay $6,000 at the fucking door before service...........ended up paying more for it than the high rates I used to have................

I got some back as the cost negotiated by Blue Cross .......of my the same company back under Obamacare........were less......................On her didn't cover shit..............

Guy..........I don't know what you are smoking but under Obamacare the rates went up again for everyone now approaching my old cost for 80/20 plan............yet I have 60/40 now..................

Go crawl back up Obama's ass on his great deal to save America..........because he didn't really fix jack shit except pre-existing conditions and that is all.

Wow, so your company is screwing you and it's all Obama's fault. Got it.

Is anything in your unhappy, miserable life not Obama's fault?
Same lame ass response Obama drones use time and time again. The rates have went up nationwide under Obamacare unless you live under a rock.....

Why don't you crawl out and see the reality in the world for a change instead of the BS hype you post.
Now that Joe Blow has done his job diverting the thread...................If the reports are true on Cruz it will destroy him............which is all by design.

Well, probably not. Republicans don't really care about this shit.

Cruz is probably done because no one really likes the guy and Kasich won't take a hint and drop out.
Both parties are bought and paid for.............there is only one real party they just offer favors to different entities.............Cruz may very well end his career if this stuff rings true.
Same lame ass response Obama drones use time and time again. The rates have went up nationwide under Obamacare unless you live under a rock.....

Why don't you crawl out and see the reality in the world for a change instead of the BS hype you post.

Rates were going up faster before ObamaCare. Every year we'd have our annual meeting about how health care would cover a little less and cost a little more. Every. Fucking. Year. Frankly, we stopped having those meeting after the ACA passed.

I remember one year, our HR Cow said she was so glad she wasn't on our insurance. That's how bad our insurance was.

Both parties are bought and paid for.............there is only one real party they just offer favors to different entities.............Cruz may very well end his career if this stuff rings true.

Unlikely. He's really the only shot the estabishment has at stopping the Trump Disaster at this point. They could catch him drowning puppies and the Establishment will still back him.
Same lame ass response Obama drones use time and time again. The rates have went up nationwide under Obamacare unless you live under a rock.....

Why don't you crawl out and see the reality in the world for a change instead of the BS hype you post.

Rates were going up faster before ObamaCare. Every year we'd have our annual meeting about how health care would cover a little less and cost a little more. Every. Fucking. Year. Frankly, we stopped having those meeting after the ACA passed.

I remember one year, our HR Cow said she was so glad she wasn't on our insurance. That's how bad our insurance was.

Both parties are bought and paid for.............there is only one real party they just offer favors to different entities.............Cruz may very well end his career if this stuff rings true.

Unlikely. He's really the only shot the estabishment has at stopping the Trump Disaster at this point. They could catch him drowning puppies and the Establishment will still back him.
So much for you'll save $2500 a year because of Obamacare....................

Would you buy a used car from that man..............Well people like you did............Broke down before it got around the block.
No, because before Commie Care, I always had employer provided coverage. Medical care for me (and millions like me) was never a problem until this big-eared creep invaded the White House and screwed it all up.

I have to honestly ask what kind of fly-by-night company that you work for that wasn't offering you insurance that didn't meet the low standards set up by the ACA? Because frankly, even the shit insurance I had at my last job was still ACA Compliant.

But....... at the time, it was hard to defeat you Cradle-to-Gravers. It wasn't bad enough we had too much government running our lives as it was, you had to give them our medical care system too.

Guy, i used to think like you, until I actually had a medical issue. And even though I opted for the top-line health program my company offered, after I ran up a few thousand in medical bills, that company couldn't get rid of me fast enough. Except they didn't have grounds to, so they engaged in a war of attrition to try to get me to quit on my own.

I'm for the government running health care because I honestly don't trust the private sector.

So your complaint is your company is screwing you, but you want to blame the government. Hey, here's what I do when I think my company isn't giving me a fair shake. I send out resumes.

It had nothing to do with how good our insurance was. In fact, because it's a small company under 50 employees, we don't even fall under the Commie Care requirements.

My employer (like many) never cared about providing health insurance, it's just that they had no choice if they wanted a decent pick of applicants to choose from. Commie Care was their way out of providing insurance. And because more and more employers are dropping coverage, it's a suckers bet to pack your bags and find another company to work for. You may find a new employer, but what's stopping them from dropping coverage in the near future? Nothing. As the CBO predicts, it will be a fast growing trend.

Without Commie Care, my employer would have had no choice but to continue that benefit whether he liked it or not. I would still have my coverage today because my employer would have to worry about losing employees. Getting new employees would even be a bigger problem if he didn't offer healthcare insurance.
So much for you'll save $2500 a year because of Obamacare....................

Would you buy a used car from that man..............Well people like you did............Broke down before it got around the block.

Uh, again, you guys were the ones who insisted on the "Used Car". If Obama had gotten his way, we'd have just developed either a single payer system or a public option.

Instead, he went with RomneyCare Writ Large, which you guys had no problem with when the "White and Delightsome*" Mitt Romney proposed it.

(*- Inside joke. The Mormons believed Native Americans were "White and Delightsome" until the Mormon God cursed them with dark skin).
So much for you'll save $2500 a year because of Obamacare....................

Would you buy a used car from that man..............Well people like you did............Broke down before it got around the block.

Uh, again, you guys were the ones who insisted on the "Used Car". If Obama had gotten his way, we'd have just developed either a single payer system or a public option.

Instead, he went with RomneyCare Writ Large, which you guys had no problem with when the "White and Delightsome*" Mitt Romney proposed it.

(*- Inside joke. The Mormons believed Native Americans were "White and Delightsome" until the Mormon God cursed them with dark skin).
The Dems own this legislation..............they created it............they voted for it..........and made it the law..............and it's a crappy law........

Perhaps if they hadn't have stated get on the back of the bus..........maybe a negotiated settlement for a decent law could have happened.............but they played MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY............and the people got screwed with another bloated shitty law.
It had nothing to do with how good our insurance was. In fact, because it's a small company under 50 employees, we don't even fall under the Commie Care requirements.

My employer (like many) never cared about providing health insurance, it's just that they had no choice if they wanted a decent pick of applicants to choose from. Commie Care was their way out of providing insurance. And because more and more employers are dropping coverage, it's a suckers bet to pack your bags and find another company to work for. You may find a new employer, but what's stopping them from dropping coverage in the near future? Nothing. As the CBO predicts, it will be a fast growing trend.

Without Commie Care, my employer would have had no choice but to continue that benefit whether he liked it or not. I would still have my coverage today because my employer would have to worry about losing employees. Getting new employees would even be a bigger problem if he didn't offer healthcare insurance.

So it's Obama's fault a decent company won't hire you?

The thing was, employers were dropping coverage before the ACA with no penalty. Or they were providing increasingly shitty insurance. Or they were having their carriers try to weasel out of paying claims.

the real problem is, employers like your would probably be better off if we had single payer, as they wouldn't have to compete with bigger companies offering really good insurance.
The Dems own this legislation..............they created it............they voted for it..........and made it the law..............and it's a crappy law........

Perhaps if they hadn't have stated get on the back of the bus..........maybe a negotiated settlement for a decent law could have happened.............but they played MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY............and the people got screwed with another bloated shitty law.

Uh, your side said they had no intention of negotiating in good faith on the ACA from day 1. Don't go whining now that you don't like the results.
What a kinky perverted bastard Cubanadian Cruz is. He is clearly having a Cuban Mistress Crisis.

Interview with a Candy Wrapper, the Lollipop Edition

Yo, how much did it cost the Billion Dollar Man Trump? The truth is around the corner, stay tuned!!! I don`t want to sound mean? But you are like MSNBC? Spitting out lies!!!

View attachment 69046
Sorry, but not even Rambo himself can't save Cruz now.

I wouldn't be too certain that 1stRambo isn't one of Teddy's "conquests"......I mean, that avatar just screams "man on man cuddles here".....

Yo, sorry FAG, look up Luddly, he is more your faggot type!

View attachment 69061
What a kinky perverted bastard Cubanadian Cruz is. He is clearly having a Cuban Mistress Crisis.

Interview with a Candy Wrapper, the Lollipop Edition
He made the mistake of running as a super moral prude! He should of ran as a democrat stud that likes to fuck a lot of woman. He'd be the front runner in that case.

Next week is going to be devastating for the Cruz campaign.

Yo, I can see the religious folks flocking to him? Because they know Trump is behind the backstabbing!!!

Can We Say Liar?
View attachment 69063
So after all the slimy tactics Cruzer did to Carson and Rubio, you are really going to call Trump a lier.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The Dems own this legislation..............they created it............they voted for it..........and made it the law..............and it's a crappy law........

Perhaps if they hadn't have stated get on the back of the bus..........maybe a negotiated settlement for a decent law could have happened.............but they played MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY............and the people got screwed with another bloated shitty law.

Uh, your side said they had no intention of negotiating in good faith on the ACA from day 1. Don't go whining now that you don't like the results.
Your side said they would not negotiate............they made it clear.....

Your putting perfume on it doesn't make it smell any better.
Your side said they would not negotiate............they made it clear.....

Your putting perfume on it doesn't make it smell any better.

I think you are a little delusional. Obama bent over backward tryiing to get even a couple Republican votes. He probably shouldn't have. He also shouldn't have put up with shit from Lieberjew and Bayh and avoided a public option. He should have just declared the nuclear option and been done with it.
It had nothing to do with how good our insurance was. In fact, because it's a small company under 50 employees, we don't even fall under the Commie Care requirements.

My employer (like many) never cared about providing health insurance, it's just that they had no choice if they wanted a decent pick of applicants to choose from. Commie Care was their way out of providing insurance. And because more and more employers are dropping coverage, it's a suckers bet to pack your bags and find another company to work for. You may find a new employer, but what's stopping them from dropping coverage in the near future? Nothing. As the CBO predicts, it will be a fast growing trend.

Without Commie Care, my employer would have had no choice but to continue that benefit whether he liked it or not. I would still have my coverage today because my employer would have to worry about losing employees. Getting new employees would even be a bigger problem if he didn't offer healthcare insurance.

So it's Obama's fault a decent company won't hire you?

The thing was, employers were dropping coverage before the ACA with no penalty. Or they were providing increasingly shitty insurance. Or they were having their carriers try to weasel out of paying claims.

the real problem is, employers like your would probably be better off if we had single payer, as they wouldn't have to compete with bigger companies offering really good insurance.

With the exception of minimum wage jobs, very few employers operated without providing some sort of healthcare coverage for their employees. After all, we all need such coverage.

I never said another company wouldn't hire me even at my age, what I did say is that I may find another job, start from the bottom again, and then that employer would do the same as my current employer--drop the insurance benefit and tell me to go on Commie Care.

The problem here is that this idiocy had nothing to do with making sure everybody had coverage; It's 2016, and millions are still not covered. What it had to do with is trying to create as many more government dependents as possible. After all, most government dependents vote Democrat.

Another thing: watch the presidential debates when they come around. One of the top issues the Democrats will have is how the Republicans want to get rid of Commie Care. That's part of the plan: to tell people what government goodies Republicans want to take from you. It happens every presidential debate.

As for single-payer, DumBama could have passed that easier than Commie Care, but he didn't. He wanted this abortion of a plan.
What a kinky perverted bastard Cubanadian Cruz is. He is clearly having a Cuban Mistress Crisis.

Interview with a Candy Wrapper, the Lollipop Edition

Yo, how much did it cost the Billion Dollar Man Trump? The truth is around the corner, stay tuned!!! I don`t want to sound mean? But you are like MSNBC? Spitting out lies!!!

View attachment 69046
Sorry, but not even Rambo himself can't save Cruz now.

I wouldn't be too certain that 1stRambo isn't one of Teddy's "conquests"......I mean, that avatar just screams "man on man cuddles here".....

Yo, sorry FAG, look up Luddly, he is more your faggot type!

View attachment 69061
What a kinky perverted bastard Cubanadian Cruz is. He is clearly having a Cuban Mistress Crisis.

Interview with a Candy Wrapper, the Lollipop Edition
He made the mistake of running as a super moral prude! He should of ran as a democrat stud that likes to fuck a lot of woman. He'd be the front runner in that case.

Next week is going to be devastating for the Cruz campaign.

Yo, I can see the religious folks flocking to him? Because they know Trump is behind the backstabbing!!!

Can We Say Liar?
View attachment 69063
So after all the slimy tactics Cruzer did to Carson and Rubio, you are really going to call Trump a lier.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Yo, you sound like a Obama Voter? Total Dumb-Ass!!!

With the exception of minimum wage jobs, very few employers operated without providing some sort of healthcare coverage for their employees. After all, we all need such coverage.

Uh, not really. Even before ObamaCare, only 100 million people were covered by employer plans. 30 million were covered by unions, 20 million by private plans (which mostly sucked) and 100 million by government plans. And of course, you had 46 million who had no insurance. And this was fine with Republicans.

I never said another company wouldn't hire me even at my age, what I did say is that I may find another job, start from the bottom again, and then that employer would do the same as my current employer--drop the insurance benefit and tell me to go on Commie Care.

So again, it sounds to me that you are kind of useless, if you have all this experience and you would be starting at the "bottom".

The problem here is that this idiocy had nothing to do with making sure everybody had coverage; It's 2016, and millions are still not covered. What it had to do with is trying to create as many more government dependents as possible. After all, most government dependents vote Democrat.

right. Says the loser living in a trailer park. You done be totally self-sufficient, Cleetus, it's dem der welfare people. Hey, I think we found a picture of you.


Another thing: watch the presidential debates when they come around. One of the top issues the Democrats will have is how the Republicans want to get rid of Commie Care. That's part of the plan: to tell people what government goodies Republicans want to take from you. It happens every presidential debate.

Probably because every year, the Republicans nominate some piece of shit who tells you how they want to snatch food from the mouths of poor children to give tax cuts to rich people.

As for single-payer, DumBama could have passed that easier than Commie Care, but he didn't. He wanted this abortion of a plan.

Except he couldn't have passed single payer. The Insurance industry would have did what it did in 1993, roll out Harry and Louise commercial scaring stupid people into thinking the government was going to kill them all.

The thing that changed was the insurance companies realized the status quo couldn't go on.
With the exception of minimum wage jobs, very few employers operated without providing some sort of healthcare coverage for their employees. After all, we all need such coverage.

Uh, not really. Even before ObamaCare, only 100 million people were covered by employer plans. 30 million were covered by unions, 20 million by private plans (which mostly sucked) and 100 million by government plans. And of course, you had 46 million who had no insurance. And this was fine with Republicans.

I never said another company wouldn't hire me even at my age, what I did say is that I may find another job, start from the bottom again, and then that employer would do the same as my current employer--drop the insurance benefit and tell me to go on Commie Care.

So again, it sounds to me that you are kind of useless, if you have all this experience and you would be starting at the "bottom".

The problem here is that this idiocy had nothing to do with making sure everybody had coverage; It's 2016, and millions are still not covered. What it had to do with is trying to create as many more government dependents as possible. After all, most government dependents vote Democrat.

right. Says the loser living in a trailer park. You done be totally self-sufficient, Cleetus, it's dem der welfare people. Hey, I think we found a picture of you.


Another thing: watch the presidential debates when they come around. One of the top issues the Democrats will have is how the Republicans want to get rid of Commie Care. That's part of the plan: to tell people what government goodies Republicans want to take from you. It happens every presidential debate.

Probably because every year, the Republicans nominate some piece of shit who tells you how they want to snatch food from the mouths of poor children to give tax cuts to rich people.

As for single-payer, DumBama could have passed that easier than Commie Care, but he didn't. He wanted this abortion of a plan.

Except he couldn't have passed single payer. The Insurance industry would have did what it did in 1993, roll out Harry and Louise commercial scaring stupid people into thinking the government was going to kill them all.

The thing that changed was the insurance companies realized the status quo couldn't go on.

You're insane. The insurance companies thought they landed the golden goat. Everybody is going to get coverage!!!! Right. It's the government that bought the insurance companies--not that the insurance companies forced the government to do anything. But even the Democrats know that single-payer would be a bigger disaster than this.

Yes Joe, when you start at a new company, you always start on the bottom of the ladder. Most employers don't F over their current employees because they like you better. It's also out of respect for the employees that have been with the company some time. If you start a company that puts you ahead of other employees that do the same job you do, watch out, because it's only a matter of time before they do the same thing to you.

Yeah, the Democrats are not interested in more government dependents and they are concerned that everybody has health insurance:

Your side said they would not negotiate............they made it clear.....

Your putting perfume on it doesn't make it smell any better.

I think you are a little delusional. Obama bent over backward tryiing to get even a couple Republican votes. He probably shouldn't have. He also shouldn't have put up with shit from Lieberjew and Bayh and avoided a public option. He should have just declared the nuclear option and been done with it.
You're insane. The insurance companies thought they landed the golden goat. Everybody is going to get coverage!!!! Right. It's the government that bought the insurance companies--not that the insurance companies forced the government to do anything. But even the Democrats know that single-payer would be a bigger disaster than this.

The insurance companies were in favor of reform because what we were doing wasnt' working. Because when those poor people without coverage were showing up at emergency rooms, the costs were being passed off to their customers who could pay.

what they didn't want was single payer, because they wouldn't make any money off of that. Forget that every other country - you know, those European nations you like to pretend don't exist - have single payer, and pay less than we do, live longer, have lower infant mortality rates, etc.

Yes Joe, when you start at a new company, you always start on the bottom of the ladder. Most employers don't F over their current employees because they like you better. It's also out of respect for the employees that have been with the company some time. If you start a company that puts you ahead of other employees that do the same job you do, watch out, because it's only a matter of time before they do the same thing to you.

What I've found is that companies will always find ways to fuck you over if you don't have a union to protect you. That's what I figured out in 2008, which is why I'm never voting Republican again. But if you have the talents and the skills, you will get a better paycheck than the person who sweeps the floors.

Again, conservationism. It's like battered wife syndrome.

Yeah, the Democrats are not interested in more government dependents and they are concerned that everybody has health insurance:

Strikes me that the insurance companies could serve those markets, if they wanted to. They don't.
(sniff, sniff...)

You smell that? Smells like the same BULLSHITE falsely thrown at Herman Cain several years back.

A successful, eloquent black businessman with more experience actually running anything comes along, and he is immediately seen as a threat to Obama. So out of the woodwork comes all these women claiming they had affairs with Cain....only to disappear like cockroaches in the middle of the night when the light comes on after he dropped out of the race.

I'm not saying the woman is a liar or that none of this is true. None of us do, as this is only an accusation right now...but it sure as hell SMELLS like 'Herman Cain Part II'.

In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, though, "What does it matter?" It was the Liberals in defense of Clinton who established the 'rule' that makes all of these accusations against Cruz moot. It was the Liberals who declared a man's sexual history / activity does not matter, is no one's business but his own, and his sexual indiscretions do not reflect on his / one's ability to run the nation as President.

Oh wait, I forgot -- that only applies to DEMOCRATs.


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