Breaking: Ted Cruz's Call Girl Gives Interview Describing Their Sexual Twists (Transcript Included)

Completely irrelevent to the point I was making, but okay.

Do you really think there were people out there who liked being denied health coverage after paying money for health insurance?

Irrelevevant to the point you were making?

You wrote that DumBama never said if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance, and I just provided a video of him saying it repeatedly. How is that not relevant?

And who was denied coverage after they made their premium payments? A contract is a contract. Like any other insurance, you are provided coverage proportional to what you paid for.

Now if you ran out of insurance coverage, how is that the governments business? How is that the insurance companies fault?

If I buy car insurance to cover my medical losses for 50K, and I have an accident that cost me 100K in medical bills, of course the insurance company will only pay the 50K. That's the coverage I bought from them.

And if you believe this urban legend that some insurance companies canceled a healthcare policy before they met their terms of the contract, that is a breach of contract and any lawyer would be happy to jump on that case.

Quit listening to Democrats. Democrats are born liars.
But since you couldn't argue the points that Bush lied and Paula Jones didn't have a case, I know you need to grasp to something.

I already made that argument. But because of your short memory, let me try again:

Show me where Bush lied. Show me how Bush knew there were no WMD's in Iraq but waged a war anyway. Even Tony Blair stuck by his evidence that Iraq did have WMD's even after he left office.

Paula Jones didn't have a case. That's why the investigation into the Lewinsky matter took place. Starr proved that Clinton did indeed have sex with government underlings. Jones was simply one of them.
But since you couldn't argue the points that Bush lied and Paula Jones didn't have a case, I know you need to grasp to something.

I already made that argument. But because of your short memory, let me try again:

Show me where Bush lied. Show me how Bush knew there were no WMD's in Iraq but waged a war anyway. Even Tony Blair stuck by his evidence that Iraq did have WMD's even after he left office.

Paula Jones didn't have a case. That's why the investigation into the Lewinsky matter took place. Starr proved that Clinton did indeed have sex with government underlings. Jones was simply one of them.
if memory serves, they made up the story of Saddam acquiring yellowcake from Africa which Plame's husband exposed in his article, papers released after the fact showed notes of bush meeting with blair months ahead of war in iraq where they said they were going to war long before inspections were complete, the day after 9/11 happening Cheney told his team to find a way to blame Iraq for the attack.... they used KNOWN FAKE documents to make us think he had them....they used Chalibi to promote the case

it's been 15 years since it happened and my memory has missed a lot but you can google it and see ALL the things they said and did and purposely lied about to make us believe he had nuclear wmd's to scare us in to war...
But since you couldn't argue the points that Bush lied and Paula Jones didn't have a case, I know you need to grasp to something.

I already made that argument. But because of your short memory, let me try again:

Show me where Bush lied. Show me how Bush knew there were no WMD's in Iraq but waged a war anyway. Even Tony Blair stuck by his evidence that Iraq did have WMD's even after he left office.

Paula Jones didn't have a case. That's why the investigation into the Lewinsky matter took place. Starr proved that Clinton did indeed have sex with government underlings. Jones was simply one of them.
if memory serves, they made up the story of Saddam acquiring yellowcake from Africa which Plame's husband exposed in his article, papers released after the fact showed notes of bush meeting with blair months ahead of war in iraq where they said they were going to war long before inspections were complete, the day after 9/11 happening Cheney told his team to find a way to blame Iraq for the attack.... they used KNOWN FAKE documents to make us think he had them....they used Chalibi to promote the case

it's been 15 years since it happened and my memory has missed a lot but you can google it and see ALL the things they said and did and purposely lied about to make us believe he had nuclear wmd's to scare us in to war...

Well since your memory might not be up on past events, perhaps give this article a read:

Bob Woodward Shoots Down Story That Bush Lied to Get U.S. in Iraq War, Implies Obama Troop Pullout Was Wrong Move

Secret U.S. mission hauls uranium from Iraq
Irrelevevant to the point you were making?

You wrote that DumBama never said if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance, and I just provided a video of him saying it repeatedly. How is that not relevant?

Because no one lost plans they liked under ObamaCare. The only plans that disappeared were crappy plans that didn't cover anything. YOu are all sorts of stupid, aren't you?

The reality is, most of us don't have a lot of control over our plans to start with. Before ObamaCare, we'd have our once a year meeting where the fat cow from HR would tell us how our insurance this year would cost a little more and cover a little less. One year, this fat pig even blurted out how happy she was to be covered by her Husbands' plan. After ACA, they stopped changing things.

Show me where Bush lied. Show me how Bush knew there were no WMD's in Iraq but waged a war anyway. Even Tony Blair stuck by his evidence that Iraq did have WMD's even after he left office.

So your argument is because Tony Blair lied, it was okay that Bush lied. Bush said there were WMD's. There were no WMD's. Bush lied. People Died.

Paula Jones didn't have a case. That's why the investigation into the Lewinsky matter took place. Starr proved that Clinton did indeed have sex with government underlings. Jones was simply one of them.

Except, again, not what he was supposed to be investigating. He was investiating WHITEWATER.

And you you know what, she STILL didn't have a case. Judge Weber Wright knew full well there was a cum-stained dress and STILL threw Trailer Park Paula's case out because she didn't meet the federal standard
But since you couldn't argue the points that Bush lied and Paula Jones didn't have a case, I know you need to grasp to something.

I already made that argument. But because of your short memory, let me try again:

Show me where Bush lied. Show me how Bush knew there were no WMD's in Iraq but waged a war anyway. Even Tony Blair stuck by his evidence that Iraq did have WMD's even after he left office.

Paula Jones didn't have a case. That's why the investigation into the Lewinsky matter took place. Starr proved that Clinton did indeed have sex with government underlings. Jones was simply one of them.
if memory serves, they made up the story of Saddam acquiring yellowcake from Africa which Plame's husband exposed in his article, papers released after the fact showed notes of bush meeting with blair months ahead of war in iraq where they said they were going to war long before inspections were complete, the day after 9/11 happening Cheney told his team to find a way to blame Iraq for the attack.... they used KNOWN FAKE documents to make us think he had them....they used Chalibi to promote the case

it's been 15 years since it happened and my memory has missed a lot but you can google it and see ALL the things they said and did and purposely lied about to make us believe he had nuclear wmd's to scare us in to war...

Well since your memory might not be up on past events, perhaps give this article a read:

Bob Woodward Shoots Down Story That Bush Lied to Get U.S. in Iraq War, Implies Obama Troop Pullout Was Wrong Move

Secret U.S. mission hauls uranium from Iraq
this was LEFT OVER yellowcake decades old, NOT Yellowcake that Saddam was ACTIVELY seeking to Acquire from Niger, Africa.
Irrelevevant to the point you were making?

You wrote that DumBama never said if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance, and I just provided a video of him saying it repeatedly. How is that not relevant?

Because no one lost plans they liked under ObamaCare. The only plans that disappeared were crappy plans that didn't cover anything. YOu are all sorts of stupid, aren't you?

The reality is, most of us don't have a lot of control over our plans to start with. Before ObamaCare, we'd have our once a year meeting where the fat cow from HR would tell us how our insurance this year would cost a little more and cover a little less. One year, this fat pig even blurted out how happy she was to be covered by her Husbands' plan. After ACA, they stopped changing things.

Show me where Bush lied. Show me how Bush knew there were no WMD's in Iraq but waged a war anyway. Even Tony Blair stuck by his evidence that Iraq did have WMD's even after he left office.

So your argument is because Tony Blair lied, it was okay that Bush lied. Bush said there were WMD's. There were no WMD's. Bush lied. People Died.

Paula Jones didn't have a case. That's why the investigation into the Lewinsky matter took place. Starr proved that Clinton did indeed have sex with government underlings. Jones was simply one of them.

Except, again, not what he was supposed to be investigating. He was investiating WHITEWATER.

And you you know what, she STILL didn't have a case. Judge Weber Wright knew full well there was a cum-stained dress and STILL threw Trailer Park Paula's case out because she didn't meet the federal standard

Obamacare coverage costs spike as Medicaid expansion proves popular

CBO Now Says 10 Mil Will Lose Employer Health Plans Under ObamaCare

Walmart drops health insurance for 30,000 part-time workers

ObamaCare Fallout: Walmart Ends Insurance For New Hires - Breitbart

I'll address your other points later today or perhaps on my next break, but for right now, millions of us have lost our employer healthcare plans thanks to Commie Care. And don't say they were crap plans because if you want to see some really crap plans, go to the Commie Care website and check out anything affordable. Huge deductibles (some $7,000) and high out-of-pocket expenses. They even advise you to check to make sure that your doctor or hospital is even covered. If not, you have to buy a more expensive plan.
I'll address your other points later today or perhaps on my next break, but for right now, millions of us have lost our employer healthcare plans thanks to Commie Care. And don't say they were crap plans because if you want to see some really crap plans, go to the Commie Care website and check out anything affordable. Huge deductibles (some $7,000) and high out-of-pocket expenses. They even advise you to check to make sure that your doctor or hospital is even covered. If not, you have to buy a more expensive plan.

Guy, you've been making these claims about people 'losing' insurance, and they all fall apart under any scrutiny.

Point is, you guys had no problem with ObamaCare when it was called ROmneyCare. You only got upset when the Negro thought it was a good idea. Your screamed and whined to keep big insurance in the picture, and now you are whining they are screwing you.

We could have gone to single payer. We could have gone to a public option.
I'll address your other points later today or perhaps on my next break, but for right now, millions of us have lost our employer healthcare plans thanks to Commie Care. And don't say they were crap plans because if you want to see some really crap plans, go to the Commie Care website and check out anything affordable. Huge deductibles (some $7,000) and high out-of-pocket expenses. They even advise you to check to make sure that your doctor or hospital is even covered. If not, you have to buy a more expensive plan.

Guy, you've been making these claims about people 'losing' insurance, and they all fall apart under any scrutiny.

Point is, you guys had no problem with ObamaCare when it was called ROmneyCare. You only got upset when the Negro thought it was a good idea. Your screamed and whined to keep big insurance in the picture, and now you are whining they are screwing you.

We could have gone to single payer. We could have gone to a public option.

Or...... government could have stayed the hell out of it the way it's supposed to be.
Or...... government could have stayed the hell out of it the way it's supposed to be.

Why is it supposed to be that way?

The real question is, should health care be a public service or a commodity that should be allocated only to those who can afford it?

The argument about socialized medicine is moot. Whether you are on a private plan or a government program, you are in a socialized program. Either you are paying for someone else to get treated or someone is paying for you to get treated.

The reality- and I know this is hard for you to grasp, it that it has to be socailized either through government or employers.

If we counted on people to merely buy their own policies, the young never would because they are generally healthy and the old couldn't afford it because after a certain point, you need a lot of medical attention.
My understanding of law is fuzzy, and in the same breath, you say that it's not sexual harassment unless there is retaliation by the offender? Did you ever hear of a term called flashing? Yes, people have been arrested and charged for that. Or perhaps the term indecent exposure is something you're familiar with?

Flashing is done out in public, not indoors. So, um, no. and she never made a complaint about his 'flashing' her. She made a SPECIFIC legal complaint of sexual harrassment which required him to 1) Be her direct superior and 2) to have taken some kind of retaliatory action against her. Neither of these elements in a CIVIL (not criminal) case existed, which is why Judge Weber-Wright threw out the case.

Just because we didn't find stockpiles of WMD's doesn't mean that Bush lied about anything. Was he incorrect about his theory? Perhaps, but that's not a lie. Let me give you another example of a lie:


Okay, here's the problem with that theory. Bush had a lot more evidence there weren't stockpiles of WMD's. He had people like Hans Blix, Mohammed el-Baradai and Scott Ritter saying, "Hey, we think we got them all in the 1990's." He had inspectors on the ground ready to prove the issue once and for all without a war.

Bush lied. People died.

"If you like your insurance company, you can keep your insurance company."

See Joe, that's a lie. Why is that a lie? Because we have proof (in the Commie Care bill) that stated you DO lose your insurance if they increase their rates or change their terms which all insurance companies do. DumBama knew this well ahead of time. It's his bill. Therefore we have rock solid proof that he made a statement, but knew otherwise. He wasn't just incorrect about something, he flat out lied to the American people.

Except Obama never said that. He said if you like your DOCTOR, you keep your Doctor.

Nobody likes their insurance company. Everyone knows that insurance companies change terms all the time and would have c ontinued to make their terms worse if the ACA hadn't passed.

There is nothing in Obamacare that forces you to change doctors or regulates who your doctor is, in any way. Blame the insurance companies.
But since you couldn't argue the points that Bush lied and Paula Jones didn't have a case, I know you need to grasp to something.

I already made that argument. But because of your short memory, let me try again:

Show me where Bush lied. Show me how Bush knew there were no WMD's in Iraq but waged a war anyway. Even Tony Blair stuck by his evidence that Iraq did have WMD's even after he left office.

Paula Jones didn't have a case. That's why the investigation into the Lewinsky matter took place. Starr proved that Clinton did indeed have sex with government underlings. Jones was simply one of them.
if memory serves, they made up the story of Saddam acquiring yellowcake from Africa which Plame's husband exposed in his article, papers released after the fact showed notes of bush meeting with blair months ahead of war in iraq where they said they were going to war long before inspections were complete, the day after 9/11 happening Cheney told his team to find a way to blame Iraq for the attack.... they used KNOWN FAKE documents to make us think he had them....they used Chalibi to promote the case

it's been 15 years since it happened and my memory has missed a lot but you can google it and see ALL the things they said and did and purposely lied about to make us believe he had nuclear wmd's to scare us in to war...
Your memory serves you correctly.
Cherry-picking the data that makes your case while ignoring stronger evidence that refutes your case is not the same as lying. So Woodward is using a strawman.

And why would anyone give a shit about Bob Woodward's opinion on troop pullouts?

And how long have you been boosting the opinions of reporters? Just this one time, since it suits your purpose?
My understanding of law is fuzzy, and in the same breath, you say that it's not sexual harassment unless there is retaliation by the offender? Did you ever hear of a term called flashing? Yes, people have been arrested and charged for that. Or perhaps the term indecent exposure is something you're familiar with?

Flashing is done out in public, not indoors. So, um, no. and she never made a complaint about his 'flashing' her. She made a SPECIFIC legal complaint of sexual harrassment which required him to 1) Be her direct superior and 2) to have taken some kind of retaliatory action against her. Neither of these elements in a CIVIL (not criminal) case existed, which is why Judge Weber-Wright threw out the case.

Just because we didn't find stockpiles of WMD's doesn't mean that Bush lied about anything. Was he incorrect about his theory? Perhaps, but that's not a lie. Let me give you another example of a lie:


Okay, here's the problem with that theory. Bush had a lot more evidence there weren't stockpiles of WMD's. He had people like Hans Blix, Mohammed el-Baradai and Scott Ritter saying, "Hey, we think we got them all in the 1990's." He had inspectors on the ground ready to prove the issue once and for all without a war.

Bush lied. People died.

"If you like your insurance company, you can keep your insurance company."

See Joe, that's a lie. Why is that a lie? Because we have proof (in the Commie Care bill) that stated you DO lose your insurance if they increase their rates or change their terms which all insurance companies do. DumBama knew this well ahead of time. It's his bill. Therefore we have rock solid proof that he made a statement, but knew otherwise. He wasn't just incorrect about something, he flat out lied to the American people.

Except Obama never said that. He said if you like your DOCTOR, you keep your Doctor.

Nobody likes their insurance company. Everyone knows that insurance companies change terms all the time and would have c ontinued to make their terms worse if the ACA hadn't passed.

There is nothing in Obamacare that forces you to change doctors or regulates who your doctor is, in any way. Blame the insurance companies.

Politicians create a massive bill and then the people who voted in the Dems who signed it blame they were forced to do it by the Insurance Companies.........

Only in America can people be this dang stupid.
ObamaCare Fallout: Walmart Ends Insurance For New Hires - Breitbart
December 1, 2012???? 1 year before the exchanges opened to the public?

This story had nothing to do with Obamacare, and Walmart isn't quoted saying anything about Obamacare.

I don't know who is more dishonest, Breitbart for publishing this dreck or you for posting it.
My understanding of law is fuzzy, and in the same breath, you say that it's not sexual harassment unless there is retaliation by the offender? Did you ever hear of a term called flashing? Yes, people have been arrested and charged for that. Or perhaps the term indecent exposure is something you're familiar with?

Flashing is done out in public, not indoors. So, um, no. and she never made a complaint about his 'flashing' her. She made a SPECIFIC legal complaint of sexual harrassment which required him to 1) Be her direct superior and 2) to have taken some kind of retaliatory action against her. Neither of these elements in a CIVIL (not criminal) case existed, which is why Judge Weber-Wright threw out the case.

Just because we didn't find stockpiles of WMD's doesn't mean that Bush lied about anything. Was he incorrect about his theory? Perhaps, but that's not a lie. Let me give you another example of a lie:


Okay, here's the problem with that theory. Bush had a lot more evidence there weren't stockpiles of WMD's. He had people like Hans Blix, Mohammed el-Baradai and Scott Ritter saying, "Hey, we think we got them all in the 1990's." He had inspectors on the ground ready to prove the issue once and for all without a war.

Bush lied. People died.

"If you like your insurance company, you can keep your insurance company."

See Joe, that's a lie. Why is that a lie? Because we have proof (in the Commie Care bill) that stated you DO lose your insurance if they increase their rates or change their terms which all insurance companies do. DumBama knew this well ahead of time. It's his bill. Therefore we have rock solid proof that he made a statement, but knew otherwise. He wasn't just incorrect about something, he flat out lied to the American people.

Except Obama never said that. He said if you like your DOCTOR, you keep your Doctor.

Nobody likes their insurance company. Everyone knows that insurance companies change terms all the time and would have c ontinued to make their terms worse if the ACA hadn't passed.

There is nothing in Obamacare that forces you to change doctors or regulates who your doctor is, in any way. Blame the insurance companies.

Politicians create a massive bill and then the people who voted in the Dems who signed it blame they were forced to do it by the Insurance Companies.........

Only in America can people be this dang stupid.

Show me where in the ACA it regulates who your doctor is.

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