Breaking: Ted Cruz's Call Girl Gives Interview Describing Their Sexual Twists (Transcript Included)

The people didn't vote on the impeachment--the Congress did, and the Democrats voted on Clinton's side. Criminals tend to stick together you know. And why would "people" be offended at proving a person is a liar and a perjurer? Well......that is unless you are a Democrat of course.

Nobody should be dragged into court to talk about their sex life? Well nobody should be having sex with another woman's husband either, but shit happens.

You seem awfully upset about other people having sex. Now why is that?

What happened between Bill and Hillary and Monica wasn't Ken Starr's business and it wasn't your business.

The thing was, 67% of Americans were against impeachment. They threw B-1 Bob Dohrnan out of Congress for pushing impeachment.

Sure it was Starr's business because he needed to prove what Jones couldn't--and that was Clinton was not a stranger to having sex with underlings.

I'm not upset at what Clinton does in his life. None of my business. But if the same situation happened in my family, like I said, I'd want to beat the guy until he was no longer recognizable.

Since you can't do that to a President (or any politician for that matter) some harsh penalty needs to apply for doing something like that. If some guy your daughter worked for took advantage of her like that, I'm sure you'd feel the same way.

People should have to pay the price for their wrongdoings, and a President should be held to higher standards than the regular citizen of this country.
Disappoints me to see individuals defending infidelity. Cruz runs on Christianity. Forgive the penitent sinner, but don't excuse the sin or let a serial adulterer carry the banner of Christianity among politicians

So because somebody said he likes to screw around, that means he did, huh? Open and shut case.

It disappoints me that people would convict somebody over a tabloid report with no evidence.
Washington Times columnist fired after confirming 2 of the now 8 Cruz mistresses

So what the hell does this prove? A guy got fired so Cruz must be guilty? How do you draw that line?
Try reading the headline again. See if it gives you a clue.
Disappoints me to see individuals defending infidelity. Cruz runs on Christianity. Forgive the penitent sinner, but don't excuse the sin or let a serial adulterer carry the banner of Christianity among politicians

So because somebody said he likes to screw around, that means he did, huh? Open and shut case.

It disappoints me that people would convict somebody over a tabloid report with no evidence.
Washington Times columnist fired after confirming 2 of the now 8 Cruz mistresses

So what the hell does this prove? A guy got fired so Cruz must be guilty? How do you draw that line?
Try reading the headline again. See if it gives you a clue.

Maybe that's what you leftists do: read the headline. But I wasted my time reading the article. So once again, just because some guy got fired, how does that prove anything about Cruz?
I don't care for Cruz, but shouldn't we wait for a legitimate news source to provide us with information about Cruz instead of these half-ass internet sites?


The Linked Article said:
"Our anonymous source found one of the alleged escorts who Ted Cruz frequented. Her picture released in our previous story is not how she looks today. Let’s call her Jane Doe."
Anonymous sources quoting Jane Doe... :rolleyes:
Sure it was Starr's business because he needed to prove what Jones couldn't--and that was Clinton was not a stranger to having sex with underlings.

But that isn't what Ken Starr was supposed to be investigating. Ken Starr was supposed to be investigating whether or not Clinton had done anything corrupt in regards to a land deal where he lost money. It really wasn't any of his business if Clinton had sex with underlings.

I'm not upset at what Clinton does in his life. None of my business. But if the same situation happened in my family, like I said, I'd want to beat the guy until he was no longer recognizable.

Yes, we know you have violence problems. Only a matter of time before you get that orange jumpsuit.

Since you can't do that to a President (or any politician for that matter) some harsh penalty needs to apply for doing something like that. If some guy your daughter worked for took advantage of her like that, I'm sure you'd feel the same way.

My daughter would never be alone in a room with a man she didn't know. (not that I have a daughter, but let's say my nieces, who all know better.)

So we have Monica, who REALLY wanted to give the guy a blow job, who said before she went to Washington, "I'm going to earn my presidential kneepads!" So I just can't get worked up about that.

For Jones, the apparent harm was *GASP* she saw Clinton's wiener, supposedly. She has two kids. She knows what a dick looks like. legally, this wasn't an issue. Clinton was not her boss, and she suffered no career detriment because she wouldn't go down. She didn't meet the legal standard of sexual harassment.

People should have to pay the price for their wrongdoings, and a President should be held to higher standards than the regular citizen of this country.

So let me get this straight.

Clinton lied about getting a blow job because he didn't want to embarrass his family or the young lady involved, AND THIS IS THE WORST THING EVER!!!!

George W. Stupid lied about Saddam having Weapons of Mass Destruction, 5000 Americans and half a million Iraqis DIE, the whole Middle East is on fire and hates us, and this is okay by you.

Man, that's all manner of fucked up.
The thing i despise about Cruz is his holier than thou bible thumping. I know bill clinton and donald trump have not been choir boys, but they never tell me how to live my life or that im not a real christian if i dont vote for them. cruz is vomit.

glenn beck says he is almost the next coming of Christ

and if you dont vote for him frogs will fall from the sky

the end times are near buy gold


You know just cause you make crap up doesn't make it magically true

Now you are sounding like an Atheist!!
This thread is hilarious!

Even the people defending Ted are laughing at these baseless accusations! Only a fool can believe this crap without evidence!

Oh! That is the point! !
Sure it was Starr's business because he needed to prove what Jones couldn't--and that was Clinton was not a stranger to having sex with underlings.

But that isn't what Ken Starr was supposed to be investigating. Ken Starr was supposed to be investigating whether or not Clinton had done anything corrupt in regards to a land deal where he lost money. It really wasn't any of his business if Clinton had sex with underlings.

I'm not upset at what Clinton does in his life. None of my business. But if the same situation happened in my family, like I said, I'd want to beat the guy until he was no longer recognizable.

Yes, we know you have violence problems. Only a matter of time before you get that orange jumpsuit.

Since you can't do that to a President (or any politician for that matter) some harsh penalty needs to apply for doing something like that. If some guy your daughter worked for took advantage of her like that, I'm sure you'd feel the same way.

My daughter would never be alone in a room with a man she didn't know. (not that I have a daughter, but let's say my nieces, who all know better.)

So we have Monica, who REALLY wanted to give the guy a blow job, who said before she went to Washington, "I'm going to earn my presidential kneepads!" So I just can't get worked up about that.

For Jones, the apparent harm was *GASP* she saw Clinton's wiener, supposedly. She has two kids. She knows what a dick looks like. legally, this wasn't an issue. Clinton was not her boss, and she suffered no career detriment because she wouldn't go down. She didn't meet the legal standard of sexual harassment.

People should have to pay the price for their wrongdoings, and a President should be held to higher standards than the regular citizen of this country.

So let me get this straight.

Clinton lied about getting a blow job because he didn't want to embarrass his family or the young lady involved, AND THIS IS THE WORST THING EVER!!!!

George W. Stupid lied about Saddam having Weapons of Mass Destruction, 5000 Americans and half a million Iraqis DIE, the whole Middle East is on fire and hates us, and this is okay by you.

Man, that's all manner of fucked up.

The difference of course is that Clinton did lie and GW did not.

A lie is when somebody knows the truth about something, but says otherwise. In order to prove said person is a liar, one must first prove they knew differently than what they said.

So now show everybody here that GW knew there were no WMD's in Iraq........I didn't think so.

However we do know that Clinton had sex with Monica. We have evidence of that. We have proof that he knew other than what he said.

Clinton was not Jones direct boss, but he was her superior. In fact the only reason she met with Clinton is because she was expecting a promotion or something. Now if you don't think that's an issue, when you go to work tomorrow, find one of your female coworkers and pull down your pants in front of her and see what happens. See if it's not a legal issue after you get fired. And when the cops are hauling you away, tell them that you are convinced that your coworker seen a pecker before so everything is fine.
Disappoints me to see individuals defending infidelity. Cruz runs on Christianity. Forgive the penitent sinner, but don't excuse the sin or let a serial adulterer carry the banner of Christianity among politicians

So because somebody said he likes to screw around, that means he did, huh? Open and shut case.

It disappoints me that people would convict somebody over a tabloid report with no evidence.
Washington Times columnist fired after confirming 2 of the now 8 Cruz mistresses

So what the hell does this prove? A guy got fired so Cruz must be guilty? How do you draw that line?
Try reading the headline again. See if it gives you a clue.

Maybe that's what you leftists do: read the headline. But I wasted my time reading the article. So once again, just because some guy got fired, how does that prove anything about Cruz?
Because he confirmed two of Cruz' mistresses.
So because somebody said he likes to screw around, that means he did, huh? Open and shut case.

It disappoints me that people would convict somebody over a tabloid report with no evidence.
Washington Times columnist fired after confirming 2 of the now 8 Cruz mistresses

So what the hell does this prove? A guy got fired so Cruz must be guilty? How do you draw that line?
Try reading the headline again. See if it gives you a clue.

Maybe that's what you leftists do: read the headline. But I wasted my time reading the article. So once again, just because some guy got fired, how does that prove anything about Cruz?
Because he confirmed two of Cruz' mistresses.

He confirmed them, huh? So because he "confirmed" them, that makes the stories true?

Well Cruz called these stories BS, so that makes them BS, right?

Did you ever stop and think that the reason he lost his job is because maybe.......just maybe, the agency didn't want to get sued for slander and they had to get rid of him to prove they did something about his reporting?
The difference of course is that Clinton did lie and GW did not.

A lie is when somebody knows the truth about something, but says otherwise. In order to prove said person is a liar, one must first prove they knew differently than what they said.

So now show everybody here that GW knew there were no WMD's in Iraq........I didn't think so.

However we do know that Clinton had sex with Monica. We have evidence of that. We have proof that he knew other than what he said.

YOu mean other than, we didn't find any WMD's? Bush Lied. People died. He said there were WMD's and there weren't.

No one died because Clinton got a blow job.

We know Clinton got fellatio from Monica. A lot of people don't consider fellatio to be sex.

Clinton was not Jones direct boss, but he was her superior. In fact the only reason she met with Clinton is because she was expecting a promotion or something. Now if you don't think that's an issue, when you go to work tomorrow, find one of your female coworkers and pull down your pants in front of her and see what happens. See if it's not a legal issue after you get fired. And when the cops are hauling you away, tell them that you are convinced that your coworker seen a pecker before so everything is fine.

The thing is, if I pull down my pants in front of a co-worker, i'm breaking company rules. But's it's probably not a crime. Sorry, dude. Your understanding of the law is kind of fuzzy.

Under the theory that Jones was suing under, it isn't sexual harrassment. The specific FEDERAL law she was suing under required there to be retaliation against her for refusing his advances. there wasn't any.
The difference of course is that Clinton did lie and GW did not.

A lie is when somebody knows the truth about something, but says otherwise. In order to prove said person is a liar, one must first prove they knew differently than what they said.

So now show everybody here that GW knew there were no WMD's in Iraq........I didn't think so.

However we do know that Clinton had sex with Monica. We have evidence of that. We have proof that he knew other than what he said.

YOu mean other than, we didn't find any WMD's? Bush Lied. People died. He said there were WMD's and there weren't.

No one died because Clinton got a blow job.

We know Clinton got fellatio from Monica. A lot of people don't consider fellatio to be sex.

Clinton was not Jones direct boss, but he was her superior. In fact the only reason she met with Clinton is because she was expecting a promotion or something. Now if you don't think that's an issue, when you go to work tomorrow, find one of your female coworkers and pull down your pants in front of her and see what happens. See if it's not a legal issue after you get fired. And when the cops are hauling you away, tell them that you are convinced that your coworker seen a pecker before so everything is fine.

The thing is, if I pull down my pants in front of a co-worker, i'm breaking company rules. But's it's probably not a crime. Sorry, dude. Your understanding of the law is kind of fuzzy.

Under the theory that Jones was suing under, it isn't sexual harrassment. The specific FEDERAL law she was suing under required there to be retaliation against her for refusing his advances. there wasn't any.

My understanding of law is fuzzy, and in the same breath, you say that it's not sexual harassment unless there is retaliation by the offender? Did you ever hear of a term called flashing? Yes, people have been arrested and charged for that. Or perhaps the term indecent exposure is something you're familiar with?

So take your workplace out of the picture. Instead, go to a shopping mall and expose yourself demanding sex from a stranger. Do you think the police will say that because you didn't retaliate against your victim, no charges will be filed and you can just go home?

Just because we didn't find stockpiles of WMD's doesn't mean that Bush lied about anything. Was he incorrect about his theory? Perhaps, but that's not a lie. Let me give you another example of a lie:

"If you like your insurance company, you can keep your insurance company."

See Joe, that's a lie. Why is that a lie? Because we have proof (in the Commie Care bill) that stated you DO lose your insurance if they increase their rates or change their terms which all insurance companies do. DumBama knew this well ahead of time. It's his bill. Therefore we have rock solid proof that he made a statement, but knew otherwise. He wasn't just incorrect about something, he flat out lied to the American people.
My understanding of law is fuzzy, and in the same breath, you say that it's not sexual harassment unless there is retaliation by the offender? Did you ever hear of a term called flashing? Yes, people have been arrested and charged for that. Or perhaps the term indecent exposure is something you're familiar with?

Flashing is done out in public, not indoors. So, um, no. and she never made a complaint about his 'flashing' her. She made a SPECIFIC legal complaint of sexual harrassment which required him to 1) Be her direct superior and 2) to have taken some kind of retaliatory action against her. Neither of these elements in a CIVIL (not criminal) case existed, which is why Judge Weber-Wright threw out the case.

Just because we didn't find stockpiles of WMD's doesn't mean that Bush lied about anything. Was he incorrect about his theory? Perhaps, but that's not a lie. Let me give you another example of a lie:


Okay, here's the problem with that theory. Bush had a lot more evidence there weren't stockpiles of WMD's. He had people like Hans Blix, Mohammed el-Baradai and Scott Ritter saying, "Hey, we think we got them all in the 1990's." He had inspectors on the ground ready to prove the issue once and for all without a war.

Bush lied. People died.

"If you like your insurance company, you can keep your insurance company."

See Joe, that's a lie. Why is that a lie? Because we have proof (in the Commie Care bill) that stated you DO lose your insurance if they increase their rates or change their terms which all insurance companies do. DumBama knew this well ahead of time. It's his bill. Therefore we have rock solid proof that he made a statement, but knew otherwise. He wasn't just incorrect about something, he flat out lied to the American people.

Except Obama never said that. He said if you like your DOCTOR, you keep your Doctor.

Nobody likes their insurance company. Everyone knows that insurance companies change terms all the time and would have c ontinued to make their terms worse if the ACA hadn't passed.
My understanding of law is fuzzy, and in the same breath, you say that it's not sexual harassment unless there is retaliation by the offender? Did you ever hear of a term called flashing? Yes, people have been arrested and charged for that. Or perhaps the term indecent exposure is something you're familiar with?

Flashing is done out in public, not indoors. So, um, no. and she never made a complaint about his 'flashing' her. She made a SPECIFIC legal complaint of sexual harrassment which required him to 1) Be her direct superior and 2) to have taken some kind of retaliatory action against her. Neither of these elements in a CIVIL (not criminal) case existed, which is why Judge Weber-Wright threw out the case.

Just because we didn't find stockpiles of WMD's doesn't mean that Bush lied about anything. Was he incorrect about his theory? Perhaps, but that's not a lie. Let me give you another example of a lie:


Okay, here's the problem with that theory. Bush had a lot more evidence there weren't stockpiles of WMD's. He had people like Hans Blix, Mohammed el-Baradai and Scott Ritter saying, "Hey, we think we got them all in the 1990's." He had inspectors on the ground ready to prove the issue once and for all without a war.

Bush lied. People died.

"If you like your insurance company, you can keep your insurance company."

See Joe, that's a lie. Why is that a lie? Because we have proof (in the Commie Care bill) that stated you DO lose your insurance if they increase their rates or change their terms which all insurance companies do. DumBama knew this well ahead of time. It's his bill. Therefore we have rock solid proof that he made a statement, but knew otherwise. He wasn't just incorrect about something, he flat out lied to the American people.

Except Obama never said that. He said if you like your DOCTOR, you keep your Doctor.

Nobody likes their insurance company. Everyone knows that insurance companies change terms all the time and would have c ontinued to make their terms worse if the ACA hadn't passed.


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