Breaking: Ted Cruz's Call Girl Gives Interview Describing Their Sexual Twists (Transcript Included)

This whole BS story is a plus for Cruz in the general election. Can anyone imagine Hillary going after Cruz for being a horny politician? I mean can we all just grow up? What do you think the congressional page program is all about? Their all horny old men and power hungry women. Now lets select the best man for the job and put stories like this in the shredder. Oh and who wrote that article? Elementary school level.

This isn't about Hillary. This is about Trump peeling away more Evangelicals from Cruz so he can win the republican nomination decisively.

The problem you face is that conservatives have been trained to accept accusations alone as evidence. Well, how's that working out for you?
Yeah right. Steve McParrot always digs the right sources.. From the Hot Lead in the OP..

It’s not often, I do a story myself. I have a team writers so I don’t have to. This leaves me the freedom to investigate and track leads. But this story is so hot, I felt I should do this one.

This mental midget might have "a team writers". But what he REALLY NEEDS is one good copy checker... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
I don't care for Cruz, but shouldn't we wait for a legitimate news source to provide us with information about Cruz instead of these half-ass internet sites?

You are a true liberal. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Mitt Romney - a severe conservative - went on TV to politicize Benghazi the very night of the attack.

Yes he did, and Obama went to sleep so he could head out to Vegas for a fund raiser the next day.
So it's OK for a conservative to repeat half-ass info without waiting for a legitimate news source, but not OK for anyone else?

And what would you have rather Obama done instead of going to a scheduled event? Sit around the White House?

He could have tried something he's never done before.........take charge.

I don't pass around anything unless it's verifiable. I have no idea who you are talking about.
The thing i despise about Cruz is his holier than thou bible thumping. I know bill clinton and donald trump have not been choir boys, but they never tell me how to live my life or that im not a real christian if i dont vote for them. cruz is vomit.

glenn beck says he is almost the next coming of Christ

and if you dont vote for him frogs will fall from the sky

the end times are near buy gold


You know just cause you make crap up doesn't make it magically true

another glenn beck nutjob


The only nut jobs are the ones like you who need to make up things Glenn said.
Glenn Beck is also a Mormon, correct?

Cruz is not though
According to a massive months-long study commissioned by eight news organizations in 2001, George W. Bush probably still would have won even if the U.S. Supreme Court had allowed a limited statewide recount to go forward as ordered by Florida’s highest court.

Probably isn't good enough.

First, GOre won the national vote. That should be the end of the discussion.

Second, when your brother runs the voting in the key state in question, and scrubs the voter rolls of thousands of minorities on faulty data, the whole thing looks questionable.

The Bushes Lied. People died.
No, Jones refused the cash settlement without an apology from Clinton. That's what sparked the Monica investigation.

Um, no. what sparked the monica investigation was illegal tape recordings made by Linda Tripp at Starr's behest. Get it! It's illegal to tape record someone on the phone. Starr broke the law to get his foot into an investigation that had nothing to do with what he was originally charged to investigate.

Had Bill just manned up and apologize to Jones, Monica and the investigation would have never taken place.

Starr was not the reason for all that taxpayer money being spent, it was Clinton's lying that all that taxpayer money was spent.

No investigation SHOULD have ever taken place. I'm not sure how you can go on and on whining about "Freedom" and then be okay with an UNELECTED Special Prosecutor threatening Lewinsky with jail time if she didn't talk about a personal matter.

If you think Clinton is personally sleazy, there was a place to deal with that. It was the 1996 election.
No, Jones refused the cash settlement without an apology from Clinton. That's what sparked the Monica investigation.

Um, no. what sparked the monica investigation was illegal tape recordings made by Linda Tripp at Starr's behest. Get it! It's illegal to tape record someone on the phone. Starr broke the law to get his foot into an investigation that had nothing to do with what he was originally charged to investigate.

Had Bill just manned up and apologize to Jones, Monica and the investigation would have never taken place.

Starr was not the reason for all that taxpayer money being spent, it was Clinton's lying that all that taxpayer money was spent.

No investigation SHOULD have ever taken place. I'm not sure how you can go on and on whining about "Freedom" and then be okay with an UNELECTED Special Prosecutor threatening Lewinsky with jail time if she didn't talk about a personal matter.

If you think Clinton is personally sleazy, there was a place to deal with that. It was the 1996 election.

It had nothing to do with personal opinion. What Clinton did was slander a victim he had and she wanted restitution for it.

If my fiancee or girlfriend undertook what Jones did, I would want to kill the SOB. I would want to beat his head into the ground until I personally seen his last breath. How could this SOB get away with what he did, and then set out to slander his victim and get away with it?

Clinton deserved everything he got and should have gotten more. You on the left may approve of such disrespect for women, but those of on the right think differently.

The Lewinsky investigation was conducted to prove that what Jones experienced was not an anomaly. He did this all the time. And since Jones could not prove her account of what happened, the Lewinsky investigation did.
According to a massive months-long study commissioned by eight news organizations in 2001, George W. Bush probably still would have won even if the U.S. Supreme Court had allowed a limited statewide recount to go forward as ordered by Florida’s highest court.

Probably isn't good enough.

First, GOre won the national vote. That should be the end of the discussion.

Second, when your brother runs the voting in the key state in question, and scrubs the voter rolls of thousands of minorities on faulty data, the whole thing looks questionable.

The Bushes Lied. People died.

Except for the fact his brother recused himself from the situation. It was the Supreme Court that asked the Florida court why they violated the states rules of turning in ballots within seven days; whey they allowed Gore to have a recount taking as much time as they wanted?

I'm very sorry you don't understand our voting system here. Here, we don't go by popular vote, we go by the electoral college. I'm also sorry you don't understand the term "judicial legislation." What that means is that judges are not allowed to change laws--only rule if the laws passed by legislatures were followed correctly.

That being said, Florida had no Al Gore law. All ballots were to be certified within seven days no if's ands or buts. If he wanted a recount, fine. Do it within seven days and follow Florida's other law that stated all recounts had to be done equally in Democrat and Republican districts--not just Democrat districts which Gore tried to get away with.
Disappoints me to see individuals defending infidelity. Cruz runs on Christianity. Forgive the penitent sinner, but don't excuse the sin or let a serial adulterer carry the banner of Christianity among politicians
Disappoints me to see individuals defending infidelity. Cruz runs on Christianity. Forgive the penitent sinner, but don't excuse the sin or let a serial adulterer carry the banner of Christianity among politicians

So because somebody said he likes to screw around, that means he did, huh? Open and shut case.

It disappoints me that people would convict somebody over a tabloid report with no evidence.
It had nothing to do with personal opinion. What Clinton did was slander a victim he had and she wanted restitution for it.

When you appear in Penthouse and box Tonya Harding for money, you have reputation to slander.

All Clinton said is that what Jones claimed happen didn't. HOw is this slander?

If my fiancee or girlfriend undertook what Jones did, I would want to kill the SOB. I would want to beat his head into the ground until I personally seen his last breath. How could this SOB get away with what he did, and then set out to slander his victim and get away with it?

Yes, violence seems to be your solution to everything. I figure it's only a matter of time before you stop posting because of the consequences of that.

But Jones didn't sue for slander. She sued for sexual harassment. She had no case, because Clinton wasn't her supervisor, and she suffered no career setbacks because of what happened. This is why Judge Weber Wright THREW THE CASE OUT WITH NO MERIT.

Clinton settled WITHOUT an apology (after she dropped that silly demand) for one third of what she was asking for because it was cheaper than endless appeals. Understandable, this ludicrous case had taken up nearly his entire presidency.

Clinton deserved everything he got and should have gotten more. You on the left may approve of such disrespect for women, but those of on the right think differently.

It had nothing to do with "Disrespect of women", guy. You guys are about to nominate Donald Trump, who has done a lot more to disrespect women than Clinton did, ever. Newt Gingrich, LIvingstone, Vitter, Packwood. Please. You guys have a shitload of "disrespectors of women" on your side.

This was about trying to achieve in the courts what you couldn't achieve at the ballot box.

The Lewinsky investigation was conducted to prove that what Jones experienced was not an anomaly. He did this all the time. And since Jones could not prove her account of what happened, the Lewinsky investigation did.

Except Lewinsky had no intention of "proving" anything. She didn't want to testify. She didn't want to discuss her personal life. Ken Starr threatened her, threatened her family, bankrupted her, destroyed her professional reputation (and Lewinsky, unlike Jones, actually had potential) all to get back at the Clintons because he couldn't prove
Except for the fact his brother recused himself from the situation. It was the Supreme Court that asked the Florida court why they violated the states rules of turning in ballots within seven days; whey they allowed Gore to have a recount taking as much time as they wanted?

And they gave a very simple answer. They couldn't count 6 million votes by hand in 7 days. It was simply a matter of logistics.

I'm very sorry you don't understand our voting system here. Here, we don't go by popular vote, we go by the electoral college. I'm also sorry you don't understand the term "judicial legislation." What that means is that judges are not allowed to change laws--only rule if the laws passed by legislatures were followed correctly.

we have an election. The people spoke. Bush used a technicality.

Point was, SCOTUS did change the law.

That being said, Florida had no Al Gore law. All ballots were to be certified within seven days no if's ands or buts. If he wanted a recount, fine. Do it within seven days and follow Florida's other law that stated all recounts had to be done equally in Democrat and Republican districts--not just Democrat districts which Gore tried to get away with.

The Republicans could have asked for recounts in their districts. they didn't want to. I wonder why that was?
What a kinky perverted bastard Cubanadian Cruz is. He is clearly having a Cuban Mistress Crisis.

Interview with a Candy Wrapper, the Lollipop Edition

Yo, how much did it cost the Billion Dollar Man Trump? The truth is around the corner, stay tuned!!! I don`t want to sound mean? But you are like MSNBC? Spitting out lies!!!

View attachment 69046
Are you sure? As sure as I was Bill Clinton "did not have sex with that woman"?
It had nothing to do with personal opinion. What Clinton did was slander a victim he had and she wanted restitution for it.

When you appear in Penthouse and box Tonya Harding for money, you have reputation to slander.

All Clinton said is that what Jones claimed happen didn't. HOw is this slander?

If my fiancee or girlfriend undertook what Jones did, I would want to kill the SOB. I would want to beat his head into the ground until I personally seen his last breath. How could this SOB get away with what he did, and then set out to slander his victim and get away with it?

Yes, violence seems to be your solution to everything. I figure it's only a matter of time before you stop posting because of the consequences of that.

But Jones didn't sue for slander. She sued for sexual harassment. She had no case, because Clinton wasn't her supervisor, and she suffered no career setbacks because of what happened. This is why Judge Weber Wright THREW THE CASE OUT WITH NO MERIT.

Clinton settled WITHOUT an apology (after she dropped that silly demand) for one third of what she was asking for because it was cheaper than endless appeals. Understandable, this ludicrous case had taken up nearly his entire presidency.

Clinton deserved everything he got and should have gotten more. You on the left may approve of such disrespect for women, but those of on the right think differently.

It had nothing to do with "Disrespect of women", guy. You guys are about to nominate Donald Trump, who has done a lot more to disrespect women than Clinton did, ever. Newt Gingrich, LIvingstone, Vitter, Packwood. Please. You guys have a shitload of "disrespectors of women" on your side.

This was about trying to achieve in the courts what you couldn't achieve at the ballot box.

The Lewinsky investigation was conducted to prove that what Jones experienced was not an anomaly. He did this all the time. And since Jones could not prove her account of what happened, the Lewinsky investigation did.

Except Lewinsky had no intention of "proving" anything. She didn't want to testify. She didn't want to discuss her personal life. Ken Starr threatened her, threatened her family, bankrupted her, destroyed her professional reputation (and Lewinsky, unlike Jones, actually had potential) all to get back at the Clintons because he couldn't prove
And Clinton still did a good job despite the GOP witch hunt. Just like Obama has done well despite the GOP obstruction.

Here are the choices the GOP give us.

A. Elect a democrat and we will obstruct

B. Give them power back so they can finish off the middle class.

The last 12 years of Republican rule was with a king bush and they even tried to make it 16 years when they tried to elect jeb
If a woman will spend an hour having sex with me for a couple hundred bucks, will she be willing to spend an hour giving a fake interview for the same amount of money?
Mitt Romney - a severe conservative - went on TV to politicize Benghazi the very night of the attack.

Yes he did, and Obama went to sleep so he could head out to Vegas for a fund raiser the next day.
So it's OK for a conservative to repeat half-ass info without waiting for a legitimate news source, but not OK for anyone else?

And what would you have rather Obama done instead of going to a scheduled event? Sit around the White House?

He could have tried something he's never done before.........take charge.

I don't pass around anything unless it's verifiable. I have no idea who you are talking about.
You mean fly real fast around the earth in an opposite direction, to turn back time and bring the four back from the dead?

Mitt Romney - I'm sure you've heard of him.
glenn beck says he is almost the next coming of Christ

and if you dont vote for him frogs will fall from the sky

the end times are near buy gold


You know just cause you make crap up doesn't make it magically true

another glenn beck nutjob


The only nut jobs are the ones like you who need to make up things Glenn said.
Glenn Beck is also a Mormon, correct?

Cruz is not though
No, but Avatar knee-jerks a defense for any fellow Mormon.
You know just cause you make crap up doesn't make it magically true

another glenn beck nutjob


The only nut jobs are the ones like you who need to make up things Glenn said.
Glenn Beck is also a Mormon, correct?

Cruz is not though
No, but Avatar knee-jerks a defense for any fellow Mormon.

it is clear that beck has become a nutjob

it will be fun to watch beck undo his feelings for Cruz


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