Breaking: Ted Cruz's Call Girl Gives Interview Describing Their Sexual Twists (Transcript Included)

What a kinky perverted bastard Cubanadian Cruz is. He is clearly having a Cuban Mistress Crisis.

Interview with a Candy Wrapper, the Lollipop Edition

What a kinky perverted bastard Cubanadian Cruz is. He is clearly having a Cuban Mistress Crisis.

Interview with a Candy Wrapper, the Lollipop Edition

My God, what a hoot, how much stereotypical bullshit can be thrown into one article. Former high priced call girl now living in a west TX trailer park? Give me a freaking break.
All she's doing is hiding out. She's frightened for her life.

RIIIIIIIIIGHT! If she even exists. LMAO
shouldn't we wait for a legitimate news source

at first i :lmao: then i seriously asked myself, a legitimate news source.., is there such a thing any more?

can you name one Ray.., i can not. :up:

Washington Post, NY Times, Fox, CNN, Forbes.......

I mean come on, the Avenger News? What is this, some guy in his mothers basement? See if a reporter can get credentials to see the President of the United States under the Avenger News......
A Washington Times Reporter has verified at least 2 women in the scandal
I don't care for Cruz, but shouldn't we wait for a legitimate news source to provide us with information about Cruz instead of these half-ass internet sites?

You are a true liberal. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Mitt Romney - a severe conservative - went on TV to politicize Benghazi the very night of the attack.

Yes he did, and Obama went to sleep so he could head out to Vegas for a fund raiser the next day.
I don't care for Cruz, but shouldn't we wait for a legitimate news source to provide us with information about Cruz instead of these half-ass internet sites?

But then they won't be provided because no legitimate news source will run on nonsense. And if they aren't sharing this false story Donald can't win wisconsin
The media is in Cruz's pocket now that he's the establishment darling. If he had any decency he'd come clean about these allegations.

He did. He outright denied them. So have the women allegedly involved.

So not surprisingly Trump's surrogates have been caught in their lies
Only 2 of his five mistresses have denied it. Which of course they would. They want to save their asses.

Cruz is scum. There's a reason his wife was found crazed and suicidal on the side of a highway.

This story's not over. I think it's just getting started.
Hey, is that a leftist jumping on the bandwagon of gossip and unproven allegations? Yep, I think it is!
no, the part about Heidi in 2005 is true, I just googled it...and it did happen....she was suffering from depression...
Unless she has the physical evidence like say a "red dress or swisher sweet cigar" or something we can DNA, I'm not interested. anyone can be Bribed
The thing i despise about Cruz is his holier than thou bible thumping. I know bill clinton and donald trump have not been choir boys, but they never tell me how to live my life or that im not a real christian if i dont vote for them. cruz is vomit.

glenn beck says he is almost the next coming of Christ

and if you dont vote for him frogs will fall from the sky

the end times are near buy gold


You know just cause you make crap up doesn't make it magically true

another glenn beck nutjob

I would say Billy boy set his own standards. All of those women were liars? Of course they were. Bill is a Democrat, and Democrats never lie or cheat.

I will say this much, the Clintons are experts at covering their tracks. But even the best screw up like Billy did on Monica's dress. And something tells me that before this is all over, there will be another Monica's dress inside of that server or the Clinton foundation.

Yeah, so after spending 70 million dollars on a panty-sniffing investigation, the best that Ken Starr could come up with was Clinton lied about a blow job.

Here's the thing. I don't care about Clinton's sex life, and I don't care about Ted Cruz's sex life. Yes, the fact Cruz is banging a half-dozen women while screeching bible verses at the rest of us makes him kind of a phony (as opposed to Clinton, who never told the rest of us how to live).

Here's an idea. INstead of hoping to find a jizz-stained dress inside of a server, how about nominating someone who doesn't take great joy in screwing over working people, minorities and women to benefit big corporations and religious nuts?
I would say Billy boy set his own standards. All of those women were liars? Of course they were. Bill is a Democrat, and Democrats never lie or cheat.

I will say this much, the Clintons are experts at covering their tracks. But even the best screw up like Billy did on Monica's dress. And something tells me that before this is all over, there will be another Monica's dress inside of that server or the Clinton foundation.

Yeah, so after spending 70 million dollars on a panty-sniffing investigation, the best that Ken Starr could come up with was Clinton lied about a blow job.

Here's the thing. I don't care about Clinton's sex life, and I don't care about Ted Cruz's sex life. Yes, the fact Cruz is banging a half-dozen women while screeching bible verses at the rest of us makes him kind of a phony (as opposed to Clinton, who never told the rest of us how to live).

Here's an idea. INstead of hoping to find a jizz-stained dress inside of a server, how about nominating someone who doesn't take great joy in screwing over working people, minorities and women to benefit big corporations and religious nuts?

Ah, you mean government controlling businesses such as pay, benefits, hours.....

Well we don't do that in a free country Joe. Perhaps look at other places to find that. We like our country the way it is, and even better if we can elect people to get more government out of our lives.

That's one of the differences between conservatives and liberals: Liberals believe that government and business are what makes them successful. Conservatives believe it's the individual that does.

If you don't like your job, you find a better job. If nobody will pay you the kind of money you think you're worth, then you are not worth that kind of money. Go out and find a way to make yourself worth more money. If all else fails and you think you are being abused and underpaid no matter what you do, then you open up your own company and pay your workers what YOU think is fair.

Isn't that a great system; a country that allows for all these options?

As for Cruz, yes, if he actually had these women, then your point stands. But phony reports without actual evidence is not what I would condemn anybody for. Only liberals do things like that. I'll wait until this evidence comes out, wait for Cruz to address the situation in a professional way, and then I'll make a decision. That's how we conservatives do things.
Ah, you mean government controlling businesses such as pay, benefits, hours.....

Well we don't do that in a free country Joe. Perhaps look at other places to find that. We like our country the way it is, and even better if we can elect people to get more government out of our lives.

Yawn, you are really a stupid fuck if you think you are "Free". Dude, you live in fucking CLEVELAND. You know, where the cops go around shooting children playing with toys and face no consequences.

YOu like this country the way it is... but your side hasn't won an honest national election since 1988.
As for Cruz, yes, if he actually had these women, then your point stands. But phony reports without actual evidence is not what I would condemn anybody for. Only liberals do things like that. I'll wait until this evidence comes out, wait for Cruz to address the situation in a professional way, and then I'll make a decision. That's how we conservatives do things.

Again, you had no problem condemning Bill Clinton for phony reports, and after Ken Starr spent 70 million sniffing panties, all you had proven was that he had one affair with one woman.

Maybe next time one of your fellow Wingnuts posts a list of 'unnamed women" Clinton supposedly raped, you'll give him the same lecture about "evidence".

or not.
As for Cruz, yes, if he actually had these women, then your point stands. But phony reports without actual evidence is not what I would condemn anybody for. Only liberals do things like that. I'll wait until this evidence comes out, wait for Cruz to address the situation in a professional way, and then I'll make a decision. That's how we conservatives do things.

Again, you had no problem condemning Bill Clinton for phony reports, and after Ken Starr spent 70 million sniffing panties, all you had proven was that he had one affair with one woman.

Maybe next time one of your fellow Wingnuts posts a list of 'unnamed women" Clinton supposedly raped, you'll give him the same lecture about "evidence".

or not.

So why did they need the Monica story? Because of another woman who made claims he does have sex (or tries to) with his underlings. And to be honest, all she wanted was an apology to make it all go away, but Clinton was too proud and too pompous to give her that much.

So the 70 million wasn't the fault of Clinton in your mind, it was the fault of Star. Typical liberal.
Ah, you mean government controlling businesses such as pay, benefits, hours.....

Well we don't do that in a free country Joe. Perhaps look at other places to find that. We like our country the way it is, and even better if we can elect people to get more government out of our lives.

Yawn, you are really a stupid fuck if you think you are "Free". Dude, you live in fucking CLEVELAND. You know, where the cops go around shooting children playing with toys and face no consequences.

YOu like this country the way it is... but your side hasn't won an honest national election since 1988.

You liberals really live in your own little world--don't you? Cops shooting kids playing with guns? It's a real shame you never even read the story apparently.

All our elections are honest including the last two historical mid-term elections. And if you want to debate that, I have my FactCheck folder right here with all the links I need.
The thing i despise about Cruz is his holier than thou bible thumping. I know bill clinton and donald trump have not been choir boys, but they never tell me how to live my life or that im not a real christian if i dont vote for them. cruz is vomit.

glenn beck says he is almost the next coming of Christ

and if you dont vote for him frogs will fall from the sky

the end times are near buy gold


You know just cause you make crap up doesn't make it magically true

another glenn beck nutjob


The only nut jobs are the ones like you who need to make up things Glenn said.
I would say Billy boy set his own standards. All of those women were liars? Of course they were. Bill is a Democrat, and Democrats never lie or cheat.

I will say this much, the Clintons are experts at covering their tracks. But even the best screw up like Billy did on Monica's dress. And something tells me that before this is all over, there will be another Monica's dress inside of that server or the Clinton foundation.

Yeah, so after spending 70 million dollars on a panty-sniffing investigation, the best that Ken Starr could come up with was Clinton lied about a blow job.

Here's the thing. I don't care about Clinton's sex life, and I don't care about Ted Cruz's sex life. Yes, the fact Cruz is banging a half-dozen women while screeching bible verses at the rest of us makes him kind of a phony (as opposed to Clinton, who never told the rest of us how to live).

Here's an idea. INstead of hoping to find a jizz-stained dress inside of a server, how about nominating someone who doesn't take great joy in screwing over working people, minorities and women to benefit big corporations and religious nuts?

Ah, you mean government controlling businesses such as pay, benefits, hours.....

Well we don't do that in a free country Joe. Perhaps look at other places to find that. We like our country the way it is, and even better if we can elect people to get more government out of our lives.

That's one of the differences between conservatives and liberals: Liberals believe that government and business are what makes them successful. Conservatives believe it's the individual that does.

If you don't like your job, you find a better job. If nobody will pay you the kind of money you think you're worth, then you are not worth that kind of money. Go out and find a way to make yourself worth more money. If all else fails and you think you are being abused and underpaid no matter what you do, then you open up your own company and pay your workers what YOU think is fair.

Isn't that a great system; a country that allows for all these options?

As for Cruz, yes, if he actually had these women, then your point stands. But phony reports without actual evidence is not what I would condemn anybody for. Only liberals do things like that. I'll wait until this evidence comes out, wait for Cruz to address the situation in a professional way, and then I'll make a decision. That's how we conservatives do things.

He already denied it. What else can he do?
I would say Billy boy set his own standards. All of those women were liars? Of course they were. Bill is a Democrat, and Democrats never lie or cheat.

I will say this much, the Clintons are experts at covering their tracks. But even the best screw up like Billy did on Monica's dress. And something tells me that before this is all over, there will be another Monica's dress inside of that server or the Clinton foundation.

Yeah, so after spending 70 million dollars on a panty-sniffing investigation, the best that Ken Starr could come up with was Clinton lied about a blow job.

Here's the thing. I don't care about Clinton's sex life, and I don't care about Ted Cruz's sex life. Yes, the fact Cruz is banging a half-dozen women while screeching bible verses at the rest of us makes him kind of a phony (as opposed to Clinton, who never told the rest of us how to live).

Here's an idea. INstead of hoping to find a jizz-stained dress inside of a server, how about nominating someone who doesn't take great joy in screwing over working people, minorities and women to benefit big corporations and religious nuts?

Last time we nominated a nominee you described, you opposed him. His name was Mitt Romney.

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