Breaking: Ted Cruz's Call Girl Gives Interview Describing Their Sexual Twists (Transcript Included)

Love it when these "Holier than thou" candidates get caught in these sexual liaisons.
Then they deny and deny.
Love it when these "Holier than thou" candidates get caught in these sexual liaisons.
Then they deny and deny.
But suppose he has not 'been caught'?

What if he is really innocent; how does he clear his name now?

When some tabloid states 'You are an adulterer and should be shunned the rest of your life because of it.' How does an innocent man clear himself?

Change the words from 'adulterer' to 'Communist' or 'terrorist', and try to imagine that.

If we are not to be presumed innocent in the court of public opinion, then are any of us safe from libel?

Trump is right; any tabloid that publishes known lies should be able to be sued no matter whether the person targeted is a public person or not.
He made the mistake of running as a super moral prude! He should of ran as a democrat stud that likes to fuck a lot of woman. He'd be the front runner in that case.


Yeah, he went the religious nutball route. That's coming back to bit em now. Ole Glen Beck still believe that 'God' told him Cruz was the 'Messiah?' Or was he just drunk and high on zannies again?

Again stop lying about what Glenn says when you don't listen to him

There is nothing nutty about actually living what you believe in. Nor is this a false story going to hurt him. Especially when its so obviously false that they are trying to blame Rubio.

What happened to you Ron Paul supporters. You used to claim you wanted a constitutionalist in office, we can have one and many of you are backing the billionaire tyrant who promises to open up the first amendment and violate the constitution. What's up with that?
He made the mistake of running as a super moral prude! He should of ran as a democrat stud that likes to fuck a lot of woman. He'd be the front runner in that case.


Yeah, he went the religious nutball route. That's coming back to bit em now. Ole Glen Beck still believe that 'God' told him Cruz was the 'Messiah?' Or was he just drunk and high on zannies again?

Again stop lying about what Glenn says when you don't listen to him

There is nothing nutty about actually living what you believe in. Nor is this a false story going to hurt him. Especially when its so obviously false that they are trying to blame Rubio.

What happened to you Ron Paul supporters. You used to claim you wanted a constitutionalist in office, we can have one and many of you are backing the billionaire tyrant who promises to open up the first amendment and violate the constitution. What's up with that?

Sorry, can't do religious nutballs. They can't be allowed access to the trigger. 'God' tells em to do too many awful things. I could see a WWIII Nuclear Holocaust under Cruz. And he's owned by Goldman Sachs, like Hillary Clinton. Can't support the dude.
Much ado about nothing.

All Ted and the Mrs. gotta do is go on 60 Minutes to deny all and have Heidi blame it all on a vast left-wing conspiracy.
Much ado about nothing.

All Ted and the Mrs. gotta do is go on 60 Minutes to deny all and have Heidi blame it all on a vast left-wing conspiracy.

Not sure that'll work for a Republican. Works for Democrats, but no so much for Republicans. The MSM is biased. It has been proven. Most in the MSM will not help the guy out.
I have to admit...that is one poorly done expose.

Who is the supposed "Detective" investigating Cruz?
If you are going to make something least make it credible
I don't care for Cruz, but shouldn't we wait for a legitimate news source to provide us with information about Cruz instead of these half-ass internet sites?

But then they won't be provided because no legitimate news source will run on nonsense. And if they aren't sharing this false story Donald can't win wisconsin
The media is in Cruz's pocket now that he's the establishment darling. If he had any decency he'd come clean about these allegations.

He did. He outright denied them. So have the women allegedly involved.

So not surprisingly Trump's surrogates have been caught in their lies
Only 2 of his five mistresses have denied it. Which of course they would. They want to save their asses.

Cruz is scum. There's a reason his wife was found crazed and suicidal on the side of a highway.

This story's not over. I think it's just getting started.
Hey, is that a leftist jumping on the bandwagon of gossip and unproven allegations? Yep, I think it is!
I have to admit...that is one poorly done expose.

Who is the supposed "Detective" investigating Cruz?
If you are going to make something least make it credible

Hey, don't get too high & mighty. The National Enquirer has been proven to be right in the past. Just because the Corporate Elite MSM Outlets aren't reporting it, doesn't mean it isn't true.
He made the mistake of running as a super moral prude! He should of ran as a democrat stud that likes to fuck a lot of woman. He'd be the front runner in that case.

Oh please. Vitter got a GOP standing ovation. The GOP was just glad they weren't dudes.
Wouldn't you say that Bill kind of had a reputation for that kind of thing......going all the way back to when he was a Governor?

Yes, but most of that "reputation" came from either third parties or women who had questionable veracity like Kathleen Willey.

So, no, guy, you set the standard, enjoy being hoist on on your own petard.
I don't care for Cruz, but shouldn't we wait for a legitimate news source to provide us with information about Cruz instead of these half-ass internet sites?
Sometimes the National Enquirer is a legitimate news source as they often get info that no other news outlet will chance running for one reason or another. And some of the time it turns out to be right on the money. If Ted does not comment, then he is trying to quiet the situation, Why?

Why? Because it's best not having a knee-jerk reaction to such claims. That's like winning the lottery and running right to the lottery agency and cashing the ticket. Smart people sit back, get a lawyer, get an accountant, get a financial counselor, and then decide on the proper strategy to make their claim.
So you are saying that Ted needs a divorce lawyer before he comments on the situation................

hilarious, say bye bye to teddy

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