Breaking: Ted Cruz's Call Girl Gives Interview Describing Their Sexual Twists (Transcript Included)

The thing i despise about Cruz is his holier than thou bible thumping. I know bill clinton and donald trump have not been choir boys, but they never tell me how to live my life or that im not a real christian if i dont vote for them. cruz is vomit.

glenn beck says he is almost the next coming of Christ

and if you dont vote for him frogs will fall from the sky

the end times are near buy gold

You know what I find amazing about this is that this crap is literally out of thin air. And yet there are so many drumpfodder so eager to simply swallow whatever Drumpf puts in front of them, it takes them no time flat to start cross-pollinating each other's stupidity and launch themselves into full delusion.
I don't care for Cruz, but shouldn't we wait for a legitimate news source to provide us with information about Cruz instead of these half-ass internet sites?
Sometimes the National Enquirer is a legitimate news source as they often get info that no other news outlet will chance running for one reason or another. And some of the time it turns out to be right on the money. If Ted does not comment, then he is trying to quiet the situation, Why?
I don't care for Cruz, but shouldn't we wait for a legitimate news source to provide us with information about Cruz instead of these half-ass internet sites?
Sometimes the National Enquirer is a legitimate news source as they often get info that no other news outlet will chance running for one reason or another. And some of the time it turns out to be right on the money. If Ted does not comment, then he is trying to quiet the situation, Why?

Why? Because it's best not having a knee-jerk reaction to such claims. That's like winning the lottery and running right to the lottery agency and cashing the ticket. Smart people sit back, get a lawyer, get an accountant, get a financial counselor, and then decide on the proper strategy to make their claim.
Actually I think what is needed here is time. All this stuff just came out, so let the chips fall where they may.

Why do you need that? You wingnuts gave instant credibility to any woman who accused Bill Clinton of looking at them the wrong way.

Wouldn't you say that Bill kind of had a reputation for that kind of thing......going all the way back to when he was a Governor?
I don't care for Cruz, but shouldn't we wait for a legitimate news source to provide us with information about Cruz instead of these half-ass internet sites?

Legitimate News sources ignore these kinds of stories for as long as possible. Just ask Bill Clinton or John Edwards.

Legitimate news sources will put anything on that gets ratings. That's how they make their money. Why do you think those sources left and right are always trying to get an interview with Trump? He brings in viewers.
I don't care for Cruz, but shouldn't we wait for a legitimate news source to provide us with information about Cruz instead of these half-ass internet sites?

But then they won't be provided because no legitimate news source will run on nonsense. And if they aren't sharing this false story Donald can't win wisconsin
The media is in Cruz's pocket now that he's the establishment darling. If he had any decency he'd come clean about these allegations.

He did. He outright denied them. So have the women allegedly involved.

So not surprisingly Trump's surrogates have been caught in their lies
Not all women. Cruz for some reason refuses to call on the Enquire to retract the story or threaten to sue them for libel. Now why hasn't he?
The Enquirer was very specific. If the allegations are false i expect super lawyer Cruz will surely sue?
The Enquire was sued for libel years ago by Carol Burnett. They learned their lesson. They would not dare publish a story on something like this for that very reason if it wasn't true, especially after the recent Gawker fiasco that cost them 115 million in damages.
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The media knew about JFK's sexual adventures with a mafia call-girl but kept it a secret. The mainstream media giggled about the wife of a pervert president spending government resources on a "bimbo eruption squad" and it didn't matter. It must be pretty easy to run as a democrat, you don't have to worry about pesky family or moral values.
What a kinky perverted bastard Cubanadian Cruz is. He is clearly having a Cuban Mistress Crisis.

Interview with a Candy Wrapper, the Lollipop Edition
I wonder what Heidy looks like now........................? ya ya ya or perhaps better blo blo blo

Yo, don`t be Jealous, she is being a loyal Housewife!!! And a stand-up American Woman!!!

She is nothing like the Criminal below:
View attachment 69058
Photo Shopped...for Truth! :lol:
The media knew about JFK's sexual adventures with a mafia call-girl but kept it a secret. The mainstream media giggled about the wife of a pervert president spending government resources on a "bimbo eruption squad" and it didn't matter. It must be pretty easy to run as a democrat, you don't have to worry about pesky family or moral values.

actually, the media didn't worry about presidential affairs until bill clinton was president.

as for dems, i'm sure anthony weiner would be pleased to know that no one cares about what they do.

He made the mistake of running as a super moral prude! He should of ran as a democrat stud that likes to fuck a lot of woman. He'd be the front runner in that case.


Yeah, he went the religious nutball route. That's coming back to bit em now. Ole Glen Beck still believe that 'God' told him Cruz was the 'Messiah?' Or was he just drunk and high on zannies again?
The thing i despise about Cruz is his holier than thou bible thumping. I know bill clinton and donald trump have not been choir boys, but they never tell me how to live my life or that im not a real christian if i dont vote for them. cruz is vomit.

Real Christians don't spread phoney sex scandals about candidates they don't like to win in politics. And the fact that you don't like being reminded to keep the commandments of God that you were never a real Christian to begin with.

So your fake outrage over what you know is a fake story doesn't impress any honest person
I don't care for Cruz, but shouldn't we wait for a legitimate news source to provide us with information about Cruz instead of these half-ass internet sites?
Since when has Cruz been fair with anyone else?

He allows his Attack PAC to buy advertising showing Melania Trump naked on a bed all over the state of Utah, and then whines like he is offended when Trump responds with a pic side by side of the two wives.

Cruz strikes me as a huge hypocrit and a posturing ass.

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