Breaking: Ted Cruz's Call Girl Gives Interview Describing Their Sexual Twists (Transcript Included)

You smell that? Smells like the same BULLSHITE falsely thrown at Herman Cain several years back.

A successful, eloquent black businessman with more experience actually running anything comes along, and he is immediately seen as a threat to Obama. So out of the woodwork comes all these women claiming they had affairs with Cain....only to disappear like cockroaches in the middle of the night when the light comes on after he dropped out of the race.

They didn't claim they had affairs with Cain. They claimed Cain sexually harassed them. And i knew it was all over for that Uncle Tom when his wife wouldn't appear with him on the obligatory "I didn't do it" tour.

I'm not saying the woman is a liar or that none of this is true. None of us do, as this is only an accusation right now...but it sure as hell SMELLS like 'Herman Cain Part II'.

Funny, any woman who accused Clinton of looking at her funny was given instant credibility by you guys... but never mind.

In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, though, "What does it matter?" It was the Liberals in defense of Clinton who established the 'rule' that makes all of these accusations against Cruz moot. It was the Liberals who declared a man's sexual history / activity does not matter, is no one's business but his own, and his sexual indiscretions do not reflect on his / one's ability to run the nation as President.

Oh wait, I forgot -- that only applies to DEMOCRATs.

Democrats aren't the ones lecturing the rest of us how to conduct our sex lives and trying to limit access to family planning. That's Republicans. That's why you guys get a higher level of scrutiny that a lot of you just plain old can't pass
You're insane. The insurance companies thought they landed the golden goat. Everybody is going to get coverage!!!! Right. It's the government that bought the insurance companies--not that the insurance companies forced the government to do anything. But even the Democrats know that single-payer would be a bigger disaster than this.

The insurance companies were in favor of reform because what we were doing wasnt' working. Because when those poor people without coverage were showing up at emergency rooms, the costs were being passed off to their customers who could pay.

what they didn't want was single payer, because they wouldn't make any money off of that. Forget that every other country - you know, those European nations you like to pretend don't exist - have single payer, and pay less than we do, live longer, have lower infant mortality rates, etc.

Yes Joe, when you start at a new company, you always start on the bottom of the ladder. Most employers don't F over their current employees because they like you better. It's also out of respect for the employees that have been with the company some time. If you start a company that puts you ahead of other employees that do the same job you do, watch out, because it's only a matter of time before they do the same thing to you.

What I've found is that companies will always find ways to fuck you over if you don't have a union to protect you. That's what I figured out in 2008, which is why I'm never voting Republican again. But if you have the talents and the skills, you will get a better paycheck than the person who sweeps the floors.

Again, conservationism. It's like battered wife syndrome.

Yeah, the Democrats are not interested in more government dependents and they are concerned that everybody has health insurance:

Strikes me that the insurance companies could serve those markets, if they wanted to. They don't.

If you need a union to make sure you don't get screwed over, chances are the problem lies with you and not your company.

Government can't get too involved in the medical market because if they ran the system, that would be a huge kick in the ass of their buddies--the trial lawyers. You can't sue the government, and trial lawyers are one of the top contributors to Democrat campaigns come election time.

First you said it was the Republicans that stopped single-payer, now you are blaming the insurance companies. Did it ever occur to you that it's probably neither and it's the Democrats that are just pulling your leg?
If you need a union to make sure you don't get screwed over, chances are the problem lies with you and not your company.

Guy, you are the one who can't get hired by a company that offers decent insurance.

Government can't get too involved in the medical market because if they ran the system, that would be a huge kick in the ass of their buddies--the trial lawyers. You can't sue the government, and trial lawyers are one of the top contributors to Democrat campaigns come election time.

Most medical malpractice is against the incompetence of individual doctors. also, medical malpractice is less than 1% of all medical costs. So I know you got this fantasy about stripping patients of their rights to sue those who maim them, the real problem is the greed of the insurance companies and medical industry.

First you said it was the Republicans that stopped single-payer, now you are blaming the insurance companies. Did it ever occur to you that it's probably neither and it's the Democrats that are just pulling your leg?

No, it doesn't occur to me.

What doesn't occur to you is the GOP has always been the tool of big corporations. ALWAYS.

They will ALWAYS take the side of big corporations over you little people clinging to your guns and your bibles. Case in point. All these states trying to pass anti-gay laws are now being told NO by the big corporations. And the GOP Says, "What is thy bidding, my masters!"

But they can always use racism and homophobia and guns and bibles to get stupid people like you to vote against your own economic interest. So you sit there in fucking Cleveland working for some shitty company that won't offer you even basic health insurance, and you blame... the government.
They didn't claim they had affairs with Cain. They claimed Cain sexually harassed them. And i knew it was all over for that Uncle Tom when his wife wouldn't appear with him on the obligatory "I didn't do it" tour.
And after Cain dropped out the girls disappeared faster than cockroaches in the kitchen in the middle of the night when the light comes on....None of it was true. 'Mission accomplished'. Cain and his wife both said they had had enough of the liberal politics of personal assassination - he said his family meant too much to drag them through any more of that crap. That's the sad thing - there are a lot better people out there, more capable, than who is running in this election, but they don't want to put up with the slime.

Funny, any woman who accused Clinton of looking at her funny was given instant credibility by you guys... but never mind.

Clinton's deviant predatory sexual exploits are pretty well documented, though he and Hillary have denied them...and she spent much of her political career demonizing, bullying, attacking, and trying to silence her husband's victims. No, what is TRULY FUNNY is the woman who DID THIS is suddenly declaring that any woman who claims she has been sexually harassed or rape SHOULD BE BELIEVED. :p
But then they won't be provided because no legitimate news source will run on nonsense. And if they aren't sharing this false story Donald can't win wisconsin
The media is in Cruz's pocket now that he's the establishment darling. If he had any decency he'd come clean about these allegations.

He did. He outright denied them. So have the women allegedly involved.

So not surprisingly Trump's surrogates have been caught in their lies
Only 2 of his five mistresses have denied it. Which of course they would. They want to save their asses.

Cruz is scum. There's a reason his wife was found crazed and suicidal on the side of a highway.

This story's not over. I think it's just getting started.
Hey, is that a leftist jumping on the bandwagon of gossip and unproven allegations? Yep, I think it is!
no, the part about Heidi in 2005 is true, I just googled it...and it did happen....she was suffering from depression...
^ that
And after Cain dropped out the girls disappeared faster than cockroaches in the kitchen in the middle of the night when the light comes on....None of it was true. 'Mission accomplished'. Cain and his wife both said they had had enough of the liberal politics of personal assassination - he said his family meant too much to drag them through any more of that crap. That's the sad thing - there are a lot better people out there, more capable, than who is running in this election, but they don't want to put up with the slime.

Actually, the cases dragged on for a while, but Sexual Harrassment cases are very hard to prove in court. - just ask Paula Jones. And Herman Cain wasn't a serious candidate. He was another sad ass Uncle Tom hoping the White people would accept him.

Clinton's deviant predatory sexual exploits are pretty well documented, though he and Hillary have denied them...and she spent much of her political career demonizing, bullying, attacking, and trying to silence her husband's victims. No, what is TRULY FUNNY is the woman who DID THIS is suddenly declaring that any woman who claims she has been sexually harassed or rape SHOULD BE BELIEVED.

Well documented? YOu mean like Kathleen Willey, who even the Special Prosecutor investigating Clinton called a liar? Or Juanita Brodderick, who claimed Clinton raped her after she swore in court he hadn't? Obviously, you don't understand what "Well documented" means.

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